Lionel Sambuc 84d9c625bf Synchronize on NetBSD-CVS (2013/12/1 12:00:00 UTC)
- Fix for possible unset uid/gid in toproto
 - Fix for default mtree style
 - Update libelf
 - Importing libexecinfo
 - Resynchronize GCC, mpc, gmp, mpfr
 - Replace params with show-params.
     This has been done as the make target has been renamed in the same
     way, while a new target named params has been added. This new
     target generates a file containing all the parameters, instead of
     printing it on the console.
 - Update test48 with new etc/services (Fix by Ben Gras <
     get getservbyport() out of the inner loop

Change-Id: Ie6ad5226fa2621ff9f0dee8782ea48f9443d2091
2014-07-28 17:05:06 +02:00

530 lines
7.3 KiB

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2013/11/28 12:36:55 mrg Exp $
.include <>
# We don't install mpfr, just provide it for GCC.
.if ${LIBISPRIVATE} != "yes"
INCS= mpf2mpfr.h mpfr.h
INCSDIR= /usr/include
# XXX get_d.c triggers lint div zero errors (which is valid?)
LIB= mpfr
LIBDPLIBS+= gmp ${.CURDIR}/../../../gmp/lib/libgmp
abort_prec_max.c \
acos.c \
acosh.c \
add.c \
add1.c \
add1sp.c \
add_d.c \
add_ui.c \
agm.c \
ai.c \
asin.c \
asinh.c \
atan.c \
atan2.c \
atanh.c \
bernoulli.c \
buildopt.c \
cache.c \
cbrt.c \
check.c \
clear.c \
clears.c \
cmp.c \
cmp2.c \
cmp_abs.c \
cmp_d.c \
cmp_ld.c \
cmp_si.c \
cmp_ui.c \
comparisons.c \
const_catalan.c \
const_euler.c \
const_log2.c \
const_pi.c \
constant.c \
copysign.c \
cos.c \
cosh.c \
cot.c \
coth.c \
csc.c \
csch.c \
d_div.c \
d_sub.c \
digamma.c \
dim.c \
div.c \
div_2exp.c \
div_2si.c \
div_2ui.c \
div_d.c \
div_ui.c \
dump.c \
eint.c \
eq.c \
erf.c \
erfc.c \
exp.c \
exp10.c \
exp2.c \
exp3.c \
exp_2.c \
expm1.c \
factorial.c \
fits_intmax.c \
fits_sint.c \
fits_slong.c \
fits_sshort.c \
fits_uint.c \
fits_uintmax.c \
fits_ulong.c \
fits_ushort.c \
fma.c \
fms.c \
frac.c \
free_cache.c \
frexp.c \
gamma.c \
gammaonethird.c \
get_d.c \
get_d64.c \
get_exp.c \
get_f.c \
get_flt.c \
get_ld.c \
get_patches.c \
get_si.c \
get_sj.c \
get_str.c \
get_ui.c \
get_uj.c \
get_z.c \
get_z_exp.c \
gmp_op.c \
grandom.c \
hypot.c \
init.c \
init2.c \
inits.c \
inits2.c \
inp_str.c \
int_ceil_log2.c \
isinf.c \
isinteger.c \
isnan.c \
isnum.c \
isqrt.c \
isregular.c \
iszero.c \
jn.c \
li2.c \
lngamma.c \
log.c \
log10.c \
log1p.c \
log2.c \
logging.c \
min_prec.c \
minmax.c \
modf.c \
mp_clz_tab.c \
mpfr-gmp.c \
mpn_exp.c \
mul.c \
mul_2exp.c \
mul_2si.c \
mul_2ui.c \
mul_d.c \
mul_ui.c \
mulders.c \
neg.c \
next.c \
out_str.c \
pow.c \
pow_si.c \
pow_ui.c \
pow_z.c \
powerof2.c \
print_raw.c \
print_rnd_mode.c \
printf.c \
rec_sqrt.c \
reldiff.c \
rem1.c \
rint.c \
root.c \
round_near_x.c \
round_p.c \
round_prec.c \
scale2.c \
sec.c \
sech.c \
set.c \
set_d.c \
set_d64.c \
set_dfl_prec.c \
set_exp.c \
set_f.c \
set_flt.c \
set_inf.c \
set_ld.c \
set_nan.c \
set_prc_raw.c \
set_prec.c \
set_q.c \
set_rnd.c \
set_si.c \
set_si_2exp.c \
set_sj.c \
set_str.c \
set_str_raw.c \
set_ui.c \
set_ui_2exp.c \
set_uj.c \
set_z.c \
set_z_exp.c \
set_zero.c \
setmax.c \
setmin.c \
setsign.c \
sgn.c \
si_op.c \
signbit.c \
sin.c \
sin_cos.c \
sinh.c \
sinh_cosh.c \
sqr.c \
sqrt.c \
sqrt_ui.c \
stack_interface.c \
strtofr.c \
sub.c \
sub1.c \
sub1sp.c \
sub_d.c \
sub_ui.c \
subnormal.c \
sum.c \
swap.c \
tan.c \
tanh.c \
uceil_log2.c \
ufloor_log2.c \
ui_div.c \
ui_pow.c \
ui_pow_ui.c \
ui_sub.c \
urandom.c \
urandomb.c \
vasprintf.c \
version.c \
volatile.c \
yn.c \
zeta.c \
SRCS+= \
exceptions.c \
extract.c \
uceil_exp2.c \
uceil_log2.c \
ufloor_log2.c \
add.c \
add1.c \
add_ui.c \
agm.c \
clear.c \
cmp.c \
cmp_abs.c \
cmp_si.c \
cmp_ui.c \
comparisons.c \
div_2exp.c \
div_2si.c \
div_2ui.c \
div.c \
div_ui.c \
dump.c \
eq.c \
exp10.c \
exp2.c \
exp3.c \
exp.c \
frac.c \
get_d.c \
get_exp.c \
get_str.c \
init.c \
inp_str.c \
isinteger.c \
isinf.c \
isnan.c \
isnum.c \
const_log2.c \
log.c \
modf.c \
mul_2exp.c \
mul_2si.c \
mul_2ui.c \
mul.c \
mul_ui.c \
neg.c \
next.c \
out_str.c \
printf.c \
vasprintf.c \
const_pi.c \
pow.c \
pow_si.c \
pow_ui.c \
print_raw.c \
print_rnd_mode.c \
reldiff.c \
round_prec.c \
set.c \
setmax.c \
setmin.c \
set_d.c \
set_dfl_prec.c \
set_exp.c \
set_rnd.c \
set_f.c \
set_prc_raw.c \
set_prec.c \
set_q.c \
set_si.c \
set_str.c \
set_str_raw.c \
set_ui.c \
set_z.c \
sqrt.c \
sqrt_ui.c \
sub.c \
sub1.c \
sub_ui.c \
rint.c \
ui_div.c \
ui_sub.c \
urandom.c \
urandomb.c \
get_z_exp.c \
swap.c \
factorial.c \
cosh.c \
sinh.c \
tanh.c \
sinh_cosh.c \
acosh.c \
asinh.c \
atanh.c \
atan.c \
cmp2.c \
exp_2.c \
asin.c \
const_euler.c \
cos.c \
sin.c \
tan.c \
fma.c \
fms.c \
hypot.c \
log1p.c \
expm1.c \
log2.c \
log10.c \
ui_pow.c \
ui_pow_ui.c \
minmax.c \
dim.c \
signbit.c \
copysign.c \
setsign.c \
gmp_op.c \
init2.c \
acos.c \
sin_cos.c \
set_nan.c \
set_inf.c \
set_zero.c \
powerof2.c \
gamma.c \
set_ld.c \
get_ld.c \
cbrt.c \
volatile.c \
fits_sshort.c \
fits_sint.c \
fits_slong.c \
fits_ushort.c \
fits_uint.c \
fits_ulong.c \
fits_uintmax.c \
fits_intmax.c \
get_si.c \
get_ui.c \
zeta.c \
cmp_d.c \
erf.c \
inits.c \
inits2.c \
clears.c \
sgn.c \
check.c \
sub1sp.c \
version.c \
mpn_exp.c \
mpfr-gmp.c \
mp_clz_tab.c \
sum.c \
add1sp.c \
free_cache.c \
si_op.c \
cmp_ld.c \
set_ui_2exp.c \
set_si_2exp.c \
set_uj.c \
set_sj.c \
get_sj.c \
get_uj.c \
get_z.c \
iszero.c \
cache.c \
sqr.c \
int_ceil_log2.c \
isqrt.c \
strtofr.c \
pow_z.c \
logging.c \
mulders.c \
get_f.c \
round_p.c \
erfc.c \
atan2.c \
subnormal.c \
const_catalan.c \
root.c \
sec.c \
csc.c \
cot.c \
eint.c \
sech.c \
csch.c \
coth.c \
round_near_x.c \
constant.c \
abort_prec_max.c \
stack_interface.c \
lngamma.c \
zeta_ui.c \
set_d64.c \
get_d64.c \
jn.c \
yn.c \
rem1.c \
get_patches.c \
add_d.c \
sub_d.c \
d_sub.c \
mul_d.c \
div_d.c \
d_div.c \
li2.c \
rec_sqrt.c \
min_prec.c \
buildopt.c \
digamma.c \
bernoulli.c \
isregular.c \
set_flt.c \
get_flt.c \
scale2.c \
set_z_exp.c \
ai.c \
# Find <gmp.h>
CPPFLAGS+= -I${NETBSDSRCDIR}/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp/arch/${GMP_MACHINE_ARCH}
CPPFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../../dist/src
# XXX XXX check mips*
# XXX XXX do something more, more ports!!
# XXX missing: arm* sparc sh3* m68k/m68000 (powerpc64/ia64)
# IEEE FP support. No VAX here.
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "x86_64" || \
${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386"
${MACHINE_ARCH} == "mipsel"
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "mips64el"
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "sparc64" || \
${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc" || \
${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc64" || \
${MACHINE_ARCH} == "mips64eb"
.include <>
cp ${.ALLSRC} ${.TARGET}
${SRCS}: mparam.h
CLEANFILES+= mparam.h
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../dist/src
.if !empty(MACHINE_ARCH:M*arm*)
COPTS += -marm
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "vax"
COPTS.set_ld.c+= -Wno-error
# Don't warn about functions which cannot be stack smash protected as
# there are a lot of them.
COPTS += -Wno-stack-protector