David van Moolenbroek 129adfeb53 Annotations and tweaks for live update
This change is necessary for instrumentation-aided state transfer.

Change-Id: I24be938009f02e302a15083f9a7a11824975e42b
2015-09-17 17:13:38 +00:00

49 lines
1 KiB

#ifndef _VM_GLO_H
#define _VM_GLO_H
#include <minix/sys_config.h>
#include <minix/type.h>
#include <minix/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "vm.h"
#include "vmproc.h"
#if _MAIN
#undef EXTERN
#define EXTERN
#define VMP_NR _NR_PROCS+1
EXTERN struct vmproc vmproc[VMP_NR];
long enable_filemap;
typedef kinfo_t ixfer_kinfo_t;
EXTERN ixfer_kinfo_t kernel_boot_info;
EXTERN int nocheck;
EXTERN int incheck;
EXTERN int sc_lastline;
EXTERN const char *sc_lastfile;
extern struct minix_kerninfo *_minix_kerninfo;
/* mem types */
EXTERN mem_type_t mem_type_anon, /* anonymous memory */
mem_type_directphys, /* direct physical mapping memory */
mem_type_anon_contig, /* physically contig anon memory */
mem_type_cache, /* disk cache */
mem_type_mappedfile, /* memory with file contents */
mem_type_shared; /* memory shared by multiple processes */
/* total number of memory pages */
EXTERN int total_pages;
EXTERN int num_vm_instances;
#endif /* !_VM_GLO_H */