2005-04-21 14:53:53 +00:00

762 lines
21 KiB
Executable file

! This file, mpx88.s, is included by mpx.s when Minix is compiled for
! 16-bit Intel CPUs. The alternative mpx386.s is compiled for 32-bit CPUs.
! This file contains the assembler startup code for Minix and the 16-bit
! interrupt handlers. It cooperates with cstart.c to set up a good
! environment for main().
! This file is part of the lowest layer of the MINIX kernel. The other part
! is "proc.c". The lowest layer does process switching and message handling.
! Every transition to the kernel goes through this file. Transitions are
! caused by sending/receiving messages and by most interrupts. (RS232
! interrupts may be handled in the file "rs2.s" and then they rarely enter
! the kernel.)
! Transitions to the kernel may be nested. The initial entry may be with a
! system call, exception or hardware interrupt; reentries may only be made
! by hardware interrupts. The count of reentries is kept in "k_reenter".
! It is important for deciding whether to switch to the kernel stack and
! for protecting the message passing code in "proc.c".
! For the message passing trap, most of the machine state is saved in the
! proc table. (Some of the registers need not be saved.) Then the stack is
! switched to "k_stack", and interrupts are reenabled. Finally, the system
! call handler (in C) is called. When it returns, interrupts are disabled
! again and the code falls into the restart routine, to finish off held-up
! interrupts and run the process or task whose pointer is in "proc_ptr".
! Hardware interrupt handlers do the same, except (1) The entire state must
! be saved. (2) There are too many handlers to do this inline, so the save
! routine is called. A few cycles are saved by pushing the address of the
! appropiate restart routine for a return later. (3) A stack switch is
! avoided when the stack is already switched. (4) The (master) 8259 interrupt
! controller is reenabled centrally in save(). (5) Each interrupt handler
! masks its interrupt line using the 8259 before enabling (other unmasked)
! interrupts, and unmasks it after servicing the interrupt. This limits the
! nest level to the number of lines and protects the handler from itself.
! For communication with the boot monitor at startup time some constant
! data are compiled into the beginning of the text segment. This facilitates
! reading the data at the start of the boot process, since only the first
! sector of the file needs to be read.
! Some data storage is also allocated at the end of this file. This data
! will be at the start of the data segment of the kernel and will be read
! and modified by the boot monitor before the kernel starts.
#include <minix/config.h>
#include <minix/const.h>
#include <minix/com.h>
#include "const.h"
#include "sconst.h"
#include "protect.h"
! The external entry points into this file are:
! Note: in assembly language the .define statement applied to a function name
! is loosely equivalent to a prototype in C code -- it makes it possible to
! link to an entity declared in the assembly code but does not create
! the entity.
.define _int00 ! handlers for traps and exceptions
.define _int01
.define _int02
.define _int03
.define _int04
.define _int05
.define _int06
.define _int07
.define _hwint00 ! handlers for hardware interrupts
.define _hwint01
.define _hwint02
.define _hwint03
.define _hwint04
.define _hwint05
.define _hwint06
.define _hwint07
.define _hwint08
.define _hwint09
.define _hwint10
.define _hwint11
.define _hwint12
.define _hwint13
.define _hwint14
.define _hwint15
.define _restart ! start running a task or process
.define save ! save the machine state in the proc table
.define _s_call ! process or task wants to send or receive a message
! Exported variables.
.define kernel_ds
.define begbss
.define begdata
!* MINIX *
MINIX: ! this is the entry point for the MINIX kernel
jmp over_kernel_ds ! skip over the next few bytes
.data2 CLICK_SHIFT ! for the monitor: memory granularity
.data2 0x01B4 ! boot monitor flags: (later kernel DS)
! call in 8086 mode, make bss, make stack,
! load low, don`t patch, will return,
! (has own INT calls), memory vector,
! new boot code return
! Set up a C stack frame on the monitor stack. (The monitor sets cs and ds
! right. The ss register still references the monitor data segment.)
push bp
mov bp, sp
push si
push di
cmp 4(bp), #0 ! monitor code segment is
jz noret ! nonzero if return possible
inc _mon_return
noret: mov _mon_ss, ss ! save stack location for later return
mov _mon_sp, sp
! Locate boot parameters, set up kernel segment registers and stack.
mov bx, 6(bp) ! boot parameters offset
mov dx, 8(bp) ! boot parameters length
mov ax, 10(bp) ! address of a.out headers
mov _aout+0, ax
mov ax, 12(bp)
mov _aout+2, ax
mov ax, ds ! kernel data
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, #k_stktop ! set sp to point to the top of kernel stack
! Real mode needs to get kernel DS from the code segment. Protected mode
! needs CS in the jump back to real mode.
cseg mov kernel_cs, cs
cseg mov kernel_ds, ds
! Call C startup code to set up a proper environment to run main().
push dx
push bx
push _mon_ss
push ds
push cs
call _cstart ! cstart(cs, ds, mds, parmoff, parmlen)
add sp, #5*2
cmp _protected_mode, #0
jz nosw ! ok to switch to protected mode?
call klib_init_prot ! initialize klib functions for protected mode
call real2prot ! switch to protected mode
push #0 ! set flags to known good state
popf ! especially, clear nested task and int enable
jmp _main ! main()
!* interrupt handlers *
!* hwint00 - 07 *
! Note that the first few lines are a macro
#define hwint_master(irq) \
call save /* save interrupted process state */;\
mov si, *[2*irq] /* load array index offset */;\
mov di, *[1<<irq] /* irq mask bit */;\
jmp hwint_master /* continue with common code */
or ax, di ! al |= (1 << irq)
outb INT_CTLMASK ! disable the irq
movb al, *ENABLE
outb INT_CTL ! reenable master 8259
mov cx, _irq_hooks(si) ! irq_hooks[irq]
push cx
sti ! enable interrupts
call _intr_handle ! intr_handle(irq_hooks[irq])
cli ! disable interrupts
pop cx
cmp _irq_actids(si), *0 ! interrupt still active?
jnz 0f
not di
and ax, di ! al &= ~(1 << irq)
outb INT_CTLMASK ! enable the irq
0: ret ! restart (another) process
! Each of these entry points is an expansion of the hwint_master macro
_hwint00: ! Interrupt routine for irq 0 (the clock).
_hwint01: ! Interrupt routine for irq 1 (keyboard)
_hwint02: ! Interrupt routine for irq 2 (cascade!)
_hwint03: ! Interrupt routine for irq 3 (second serial)
_hwint04: ! Interrupt routine for irq 4 (first serial)
_hwint05: ! Interrupt routine for irq 5 (XT winchester)
_hwint06: ! Interrupt routine for irq 6 (floppy)
_hwint07: ! Interrupt routine for irq 7 (printer)
!* hwint08 - 15 *
! Note that the first few lines are a macro
#define hwint_slave(irq) \
call save /* save interrupted process state */;\
mov si, *[2*irq] /* load array index offset */;\
mov di, *[1<<[irq-8]] /* irq mask bit */;\
jmp hwint_slave /* continue with common code */
or ax, di ! al |= (1 << (irq-8))
outb INT2_CTLMASK ! disable the irq
movb al, *ENABLE
outb INT_CTL ! reenable master 8259
mov cx, _irq_hooks(si) ! irq_hooks[irq]
outb INT2_CTL ! reenable slave 8259
push cx
sti ! enable interrupts
call _intr_handle ! intr_handle(irq_hooks[irq])
cli ! disable interrupts
pop cx
cmp _irq_actids(si), *0 ! interrupt still active?
jnz 0f
not di
and ax, di ! al &= ~(1 << (irq-8))
outb INT2_CTLMASK ! enable the irq
0: ret ! restart (another) process
! Each of these entry points is an expansion of the hwint_slave macro
_hwint08: ! Interrupt routine for irq 8 (realtime clock)
_hwint09: ! Interrupt routine for irq 9 (irq 2 redirected)
_hwint10: ! Interrupt routine for irq 10
_hwint11: ! Interrupt routine for irq 11
_hwint12: ! Interrupt routine for irq 12
_hwint13: ! Interrupt routine for irq 13 (FPU exception)
_hwint14: ! Interrupt routine for irq 14 (AT winchester)
_hwint15: ! Interrupt routine for irq 15
!* save *
save: ! save the machine state in the proc table.
! In protected mode a jump to p_save is patched over the following
! code during initialization.
cld ! set direction flag to a known value
push ds
push si
cseg mov ds,kernel_ds
incb _k_reenter ! from -1 if not reentering
jnz push_current_stack ! stack is already kernel stack
mov si,_proc_ptr
mov AXREG(si),ax
mov BXREG(si),bx
mov CXREG(si),cx
mov DXREG(si),dx
pop SIREG(si)
mov DIREG(si),di
mov BPREG(si),bp
mov ESREG(si),es
pop DSREG(si)
pop bx ! return adr
pop PCREG(si)
pop CSREG(si)
pop PSWREG(si)
mov SPREG(si),sp
mov SSREG(si),ss
mov dx,ds
mov ss,dx
mov sp,#k_stktop
mov ax,#_restart ! build return address for interrupt handler
push ax
mov es,dx
jmp (bx)
push es
push bp
push di
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
mov bp,sp
mov bx,18(bp) ! get the return adr; it becomes junk on stack
mov ax,#restart1
push ax
mov dx,ss
mov ds,dx
jmp stack_switched
!* s_call *
! This is real mode version. Alternate (_p_s_call) will be used in
! protected mode
_s_call: ! System calls are vectored here.
! Do save routine inline for speed,
! but do not save ax, bx, cx, dx,
! since C does not require preservation,
! and ax returns the result code anyway.
! Regs bp, si, di get saved by sys_call as
! well, but it is impractical not to preserve
! them here, in case context gets switched.
! Some special-case code in pick_proc()
! could avoid this.
cld ! set direction flag to a known value
push ds
push si
cseg mov ds,kernel_ds
incb _k_reenter
mov si,_proc_ptr
pop SIREG(si)
mov DIREG(si),di
mov BPREG(si),bp
mov ESREG(si),es
pop DSREG(si)
pop PCREG(si)
pop CSREG(si)
pop PSWREG(si)
mov SPREG(si),sp
mov SSREG(si),ss
mov dx,ds
mov es,dx
mov ss,dx ! interrupt handlers may not make system calls
mov sp,#k_stktop ! so stack is not already switched
! end of inline save
! now set up parameters for C routine sys_call
push bx ! pointer to user message
push ax ! src/dest
sti ! allow SWITCHER to be interrupted
call _sys_call ! sys_call(function, src_dest, m_ptr)
! caller is now explicitly in proc_ptr
mov AXREG(si),ax ! sys_call MUST PRESERVE si
! Fall into code to restart proc/task running.
!* restart *
! Flush any held-up interrupts.
! This reenables interrupts, so the current interrupt handler may reenter.
! This does not matter, because the current handler is about to exit and no
! other handlers can reenter since flushing is only done when k_reenter == 0.
! In protected mode a jump to p_restart is patched over the following
! code during initialization.
cmp _held_head,#0 ! do fast test to usually avoid function call
jz over_call_unhold
call _unhold ! this is rare so overhead is acceptable
mov si,_proc_ptr
decb _k_reenter
mov ax,AXREG(si) ! start restoring registers from proc table
! could make AXREG == 0 to use lodw here
mov bx,BXREG(si)
mov cx,CXREG(si)
mov dx,DXREG(si)
mov di,DIREG(si)
mov bp,BPREG(si)
mov es,ESREG(si)
mov ss,SSREG(si)
mov sp,SPREG(si)
push PSWREG(si) ! fake interrupt stack frame
push CSREG(si)
push PCREG(si)
! could put si:ds together to use
! lds si,SIREG(si)
push DSREG(si)
mov si,SIREG(si)
pop ds
decb _k_reenter
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop di
pop bp
pop es
pop si
pop ds
add sp,#2 ! skip return adr
!* int00-07 *
! These are entry points for exceptions (processor generated interrupts,
! usually caused by error conditions such as an attempt to divide by zero)
_int00: ! interrupt through vector 0
push ax
movb al,#0
jmp exception
_int01: ! interrupt through vector 1, etc
push ax
movb al,#1
jmp exception
push ax
movb al,#2
jmp exception
push ax
movb al,#3
jmp exception
push ax
movb al,#4
jmp exception
push ax
movb al,#5
jmp exception
push ax
movb al,#6
jmp exception
push ax
movb al,#7
!jmp exception
cseg movb ex_number,al ! it is cumbersome to get this into dseg
pop ax
call save
cseg push ex_number ! high byte is constant 0
call _exception ! do whatever is necessary (sti only if safe)
add sp,#2
!* level0_call *
call save
jmp @_level0_func
!* data *
! NB some variables are stored in code segment.
ex_number: ! exception number
.space 2
!* variants for 286 protected mode *
! Most routines are different in 286 protected mode.
! The only essential difference is that an interrupt in protected mode
! (usually) switches the stack, so there is less to do in software.
! These functions are reached along jumps patched in by klib_init_prot():
.define p_restart ! replaces _restart
.define p_save ! replaces save
! These exception and software-interrupt handlers are enabled by the new
! interrupt vector table set up in protect.c:
.define _divide_error ! _int00
.define _single_step_exception ! _int01
.define _nmi ! _int02
.define _breakpoint_exception ! _int03
.define _overflow ! _int04
.define _bounds_check ! _int05
.define _inval_opcode ! _int06
.define _copr_not_available ! _int07
.define _double_fault ! (286 trap)
.define _copr_seg_overrun ! (etc)
.define _inval_tss
.define _segment_not_present
.define _stack_exception
.define _general_protection
.define _p_s_call ! _s_call
.define _level0_call
! The hardware interrupt handlers need not be altered apart from putting
! them in the new table (save() handles the differences).
! Some of the intxx handlers (those for exceptions which do not push an
! error code) need not have been replaced, but the names here are better.
#include "protect.h"
/* Selected 286 tss offsets. */
#define TSS2_S_SP0 2
! imported variables
.extern _tss
.extern _level0_func
!* p_save *
! Save for 286 protected mode.
! This is much simpler than for 8086 mode, because the stack already points
! into process table, or has already been switched to the kernel stack.
cld ! set direction flag to a known value
pusha ! save "general" registers
push ds ! save ds
push es ! save es
mov dx,ss ! ss is kernel data segment
mov ds,dx ! load rest of kernel segments
mov es,dx
mov bp,sp ! prepare to return
incb _k_reenter ! from -1 if not reentering
jnz set_p1_restart ! stack is already kernel stack
mov sp,#k_stktop
push #p_restart ! build return address for interrupt handler
push #p1_restart
!* p_s_call *
cld ! set direction flag to a known value
sub sp,#6*2 ! skip RETADR, ax, cx, dx, bx, st
push bp ! stack already points into process table
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov dx,ss
mov ds,dx
mov es,dx
incb _k_reenter
mov si,sp ! assumes P_STACKBASE == 0
mov sp,#k_stktop
! end of inline save
sti ! allow SWITCHER to be interrupted
! now set up parameters for C routine sys_call
push bx ! pointer to user message
push ax ! src/dest
call _sys_call ! sys_call(function, src_dest, m_ptr)
! caller is now explicitly in proc_ptr
mov AXREG(si),ax ! sys_call MUST PRESERVE si
! Fall into code to restart proc/task running.
! Flush any held-up interrupts.
! This reenables interrupts, so the current interrupt handler may reenter.
! This does not matter, because the current handler is about to exit and no
! other handlers can reenter since flushing is only done when k_reenter == 0.
cmp _held_head,#0 ! do fast test to usually avoid function call
jz p_over_call_unhold
call _unhold ! this is rare so overhead is acceptable
mov si,_proc_ptr
lldt P_LDT_SEL(si) ! enable segment descriptors for task
lea ax,P_STACKTOP(si) ! arrange for next interrupt
mov _tss+TSS2_S_SP0,ax ! to save state in process table
mov sp,si ! assumes P_STACKBASE == 0
decb _k_reenter
pop es
pop ds
add sp,#2 ! skip return adr
iret ! continue process
!* exception handlers *
jmp p_exception
jmp p_exception
jmp p_exception
jmp p_exception
jmp p_exception
jmp p_exception
jmp p_exception
jmp p_exception
jmp errexception
jmp p_exception
jmp errexception
jmp errexception
jmp errexception
jmp errexception
!* p_exception *
! This is called for all exceptions which do not push an error code.
sseg pop ds_ex_number
call p_save
jmp p1_exception
!* errexception *
! This is called for all exceptions which push an error code.
sseg pop ds_ex_number
sseg pop trap_errno
call p_save
p1_exception: ! Common for all exceptions.
push ds_ex_number
call _exception
add sp,#2
!* data *
.data2 0x526F ! this must be the first data entry (magic #)
.space K_STACK_BYTES ! kernel stack
k_stktop: ! top of kernel stack
.comm ds_ex_number, 2
.comm trap_errno, 2