/* dos{dir|read|write} - {list|read|write} MS-DOS disks Author: M. Huisjes */ /* Dosdir - list MS-DOS directories. doswrite - write stdin to DOS-file * dosread - read DOS-file to stdout * * Author: Michiel Huisjes. * * Usage: dos... [-lra] drive [file/dir] * l: Give long listing. * r: List recursively. * a: Set ASCII bit. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE 4096 #define MAX_ROOT_ENTRIES 512 #define FAT_START 512L /* After bootsector */ #define ROOTADDR (FAT_START + 2L * fat_size) #define clus_add(cl_no) ((long) (((long) cl_no - 2L) \ * (long) cluster_size \ + data_start \ )) struct dir_entry { unsigned char d_name[8]; unsigned char d_ext[3]; unsigned char d_attribute; unsigned char d_reserved[10]; unsigned short d_time; unsigned short d_date; unsigned short d_cluster; unsigned long d_size; }; typedef struct dir_entry DIRECTORY; #define NOT_USED 0x00 #define ERASED 0xE5 #define DIR 0x2E #define DIR_SIZE (sizeof (struct dir_entry)) #define SUB_DIR 0x10 #define LAST_CLUSTER12 0xFFF #define LAST_CLUSTER 0xFFFF #define FREE 0x000 #define BAD 0xFF0 #define BAD16 0xFFF0 typedef int BOOL; #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define DOS_TIME 315532800L /* 1970 - 1980 */ #define READ 0 #define WRITE 1 #define FIND 3 #define LABEL 4 #define ENTRY 5 #define find_entry(d, e, p) directory(d, e, FIND, p) #define list_dir(d, e, f) (void) directory(d, e, f, NULL) #define label() directory(root, root_entries, LABEL, NULL) #define new_entry(d, e) directory(d, e, ENTRY, NULL) #define is_dir(d) ((d)->d_attribute & SUB_DIR) #define STD_OUT 1 char *cmnd; static int disk; /* File descriptor for disk I/O */ static DIRECTORY root[MAX_ROOT_ENTRIES]; static DIRECTORY save_entry; static char drive[] = "/dev/dosX"; #define DRIVE_NR (sizeof (drive) - 2) static char null[MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE], *device = drive, path[128]; static long data_start; static long mark; /* offset of directory entry to be written */ static unsigned short total_clusters, cluster_size, root_entries, sub_entries; static unsigned long fat_size; static BOOL Rflag, Lflag, Aflag, dos_read, dos_write, dos_dir, fat_16 = 0; static BOOL big_endian; /* maximum size of a cooked 12bit FAT. Also Size of 16bit FAT cache * if not enough memory for whole FAT */ #define COOKED_SIZE 8192 /* raw FAT. Only used for 12bit FAT to make conversion easier */ static unsigned char *raw_fat; /* Cooked FAT. May be only part of the FAT for 16 bit FATs */ static unsigned short *cooked_fat; /* lowest and highest entry in fat cache */ static unsigned short fat_low = USHRT_MAX, fat_high = 0; static BOOL fat_dirty = FALSE; static unsigned int cache_size; /* Prototypes. */ void usage(char *prog_name); unsigned c2u2(unsigned char *ucarray); unsigned long c4u4(unsigned char *ucarray); void determine(void); int main(int argc, char *argv []); DIRECTORY *directory(DIRECTORY *dir, int entries, BOOL function, char *pathname); void extract(DIRECTORY *entry); void make_file(DIRECTORY *dir_ptr, int entries, char *name); void fill_date(DIRECTORY *entry); char *make_name(DIRECTORY *dir_ptr, int dir_fl); int fill(char *buffer, size_t size); void xmodes(int mode); void show(DIRECTORY *dir_ptr, char *name); void free_blocks(void); DIRECTORY *read_cluster(unsigned int cluster); unsigned short free_cluster(BOOL leave_fl); void link_fat(unsigned int cl_1, unsigned int cl_2); unsigned short next_cluster(unsigned int cl_no); char *slash(char *str); void add_path(char *file, BOOL slash_fl); void disk_io(BOOL op, unsigned long seek, void *address, unsigned bytes); void flush_fat(void); void read_fat(unsigned int cl_no); BOOL free_range(unsigned short *first, unsigned short *last); long lmin(long a, long b); void usage(prog_name) register char *prog_name; { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s [%s\n", prog_name, (dos_dir ? "-lr] drive [dir]" : "-a] drive file")); exit(1); } unsigned c2u2(ucarray) unsigned char *ucarray; { return ucarray[0] + (ucarray[1] << 8); /* parens vital */ } unsigned long c4u4(ucarray) unsigned char *ucarray; { return ucarray[0] + ((unsigned long) ucarray[1] << 8) + ((unsigned long) ucarray[2] << 16) + ((unsigned long) ucarray[3] << 24); } void determine() { struct dosboot { unsigned char cjump[2]; /* unsigneds avoid bugs */ unsigned char nop; unsigned char name[8]; unsigned char cbytepers[2]; /* don't use shorts, etc */ unsigned char secpclus; /* to avoid struct member */ unsigned char creservsec[2]; /* alignment and byte */ unsigned char fats; /* order bugs */ unsigned char cdirents[2]; unsigned char ctotsec[2]; unsigned char media; unsigned char csecpfat[2]; unsigned char csecptrack[2]; unsigned char cheads[2]; unsigned char chiddensec[2]; unsigned char dos4hidd2[2]; unsigned char dos4totsec[4]; /* Char fill[476]; */ } boot; unsigned short boot_magic; /* last of boot block */ unsigned bytepers, reservsec, dirents; unsigned secpfat, secptrack, heads, hiddensec; unsigned long totsec; unsigned char fat_info, fat_check; unsigned short endiantest = 1; int errcount = 0; big_endian = !(*(unsigned char *)&endiantest); /* Read Bios-Parameterblock */ disk_io(READ, 0L, &boot, sizeof boot); disk_io(READ, 0x1FEL, &boot_magic, sizeof boot_magic); /* Convert some arrays */ bytepers = c2u2(boot.cbytepers); reservsec = c2u2(boot.creservsec); dirents = c2u2(boot.cdirents); totsec = c2u2(boot.ctotsec); if (totsec == 0) totsec = c4u4(boot.dos4totsec); secpfat = c2u2(boot.csecpfat); secptrack = c2u2(boot.csecptrack); heads = c2u2(boot.cheads); /* The `hidden sectors' are the sectors before the partition. * The calculation here is probably wrong (I think the dos4hidd2 * bytes are the msbs), but that doesn't matter, since the * value isn't used anyway */ hiddensec = c2u2(boot.chiddensec); if (hiddensec == 0) hiddensec = c2u2 (boot.dos4hidd2); /* Safety checking */ if (boot_magic != 0xAA55) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: magic != 0xAA55\n", cmnd); ++errcount; } /* Check sectors per track instead of inadequate media byte */ if (secptrack < 15 && /* assume > 15 hard disk & wini OK */ #ifdef SECT10 /* BIOS modified for 10 sec/track */ secptrack != 10 && #endif #ifdef SECT8 /* BIOS modified for 8 sec/track */ secptrack != 8 && #endif secptrack != 9) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: %d sectors per track not supported\n", cmnd, secptrack); ++errcount; } if (bytepers == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: bytes per sector == 0\n", cmnd); ++errcount; } if (boot.secpclus == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: sectors per cluster == 0\n", cmnd); ++errcount; } if (boot.fats != 2 && dos_write) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: fats != 2\n", cmnd); ++errcount; } if (reservsec != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: reserved != 1\n", cmnd); ++errcount; } if (errcount != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can't handle disk\n", cmnd); exit(2); } /* Calculate everything. */ if (boot.secpclus == 0) boot.secpclus = 1; total_clusters = (totsec - boot.fats * secpfat - reservsec - dirents * 32L / bytepers ) / boot.secpclus + 2; /* first 2 entries in FAT aren't used */ cluster_size = bytepers * boot.secpclus; fat_size = (unsigned long) secpfat * (unsigned long) bytepers; data_start = (long) bytepers + (long) boot.fats * fat_size + (long) dirents *32L; root_entries = dirents; sub_entries = boot.secpclus * bytepers / 32; if (total_clusters > 4096) fat_16 = 1; /* Further safety checking */ if (cluster_size > MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cluster size too big\n", cmnd); ++errcount; } disk_io(READ, FAT_START, &fat_info, 1); disk_io(READ, FAT_START + fat_size, &fat_check, 1); if (fat_check != fat_info) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Disk type in FAT copy differs from disk type in FAT original.\n", cmnd); ++errcount; } if (errcount != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Can't handle disk\n", cmnd); exit(2); } } int main(argc, argv) int argc; register char *argv[]; { register char *arg_ptr = slash(argv[0]); DIRECTORY *entry; short idx = 1; char dev_nr = '0'; cmnd = arg_ptr; /* needed for error messages */ if (!strcmp(arg_ptr, "dosdir")) dos_dir = TRUE; else if (!strcmp(arg_ptr, "dosread")) dos_read = TRUE; else if (!strcmp(arg_ptr, "doswrite")) dos_write = TRUE; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Program should be named dosread, doswrite or dosdir.\n", cmnd); exit(1); } if (argc == 1) usage(argv[0]); if (argv[1][0] == '-') { for (arg_ptr = &argv[1][1]; *arg_ptr; arg_ptr++) { if (*arg_ptr == 'l' && dos_dir) { Lflag = TRUE; } else if (*arg_ptr == 'r' && dos_dir) { Rflag = TRUE; } else if (*arg_ptr == 'a' && !dos_dir) { assert ('\n' == 10); assert ('\r' == 13); Aflag = TRUE; } else { usage(argv[0]); } } idx++; } if (idx == argc) usage(argv[0]); if (strlen(argv[idx]) > 1) { device = argv[idx++]; /* If the device does not contain a / we assume that it * is the name of a device in /dev. Instead of prepending * /dev/ we try to chdir there. */ if (strchr(device, '/') == NULL && chdir("/dev") < 0) { perror("/dev"); exit(1); } } else { if ((dev_nr = toupper (*argv[idx++])) < 'A' || dev_nr > 'Z') usage(argv[0]); device[DRIVE_NR] = dev_nr; } if ((disk = open(device, dos_write ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot open %s: %s\n", cmnd, device, strerror (errno)); exit(1); } determine(); disk_io(READ, ROOTADDR, root, DIR_SIZE * root_entries); if (dos_dir && Lflag) { entry = label(); printf ("Volume in drive %c ", dev_nr); if (entry == NULL) printf("has no label.\n\n"); else printf ("is %.11s\n\n", entry->d_name); } if (argv[idx] == NULL) { if (!dos_dir) usage(argv[0]); if (Lflag) printf ("Root directory:\n"); list_dir(root, root_entries, FALSE); if (Lflag) free_blocks(); fflush (stdout); exit(0); } for (arg_ptr = argv[idx]; *arg_ptr; arg_ptr++) if (*arg_ptr == '\\') *arg_ptr = '/'; else *arg_ptr = toupper (*arg_ptr); if (*--arg_ptr == '/') *arg_ptr = '\0'; /* skip trailing '/' */ add_path(argv[idx], FALSE); add_path("/", FALSE); if (dos_dir && Lflag) printf ( "Directory %s:\n", path); entry = find_entry(root, root_entries, argv[idx]); if (dos_dir) { list_dir(entry, sub_entries, FALSE); if (Lflag) free_blocks(); } else if (dos_read) extract(entry); else { if (entry != NULL) { fflush (stdout); if (is_dir(entry)) fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s is a directory.\n", cmnd, path); else fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s already exists.\n", cmnd, argv[idx]); exit(1); } add_path(NULL, TRUE); if (*path) make_file(find_entry(root, root_entries, path), sub_entries, slash(argv[idx])); else make_file(root, root_entries, argv[idx]); } (void) close(disk); fflush (stdout); exit(0); return(0); } /* General directory search routine. * * dir: * Points to one or more directory entries * entries: * number of entries * if entries == root_entries, dir points to the entire * root directory. Otherwise it points to a single directory * entry describing the directory to be searched. * * function: * FIND ... find pathname relative to directory dir. * LABEL ... find first label entry in dir. * ENTRY ... create a new empty entry. * FALSE ... list directory * * pathname: * name of the file to be found or directory to be listed. * must be in upper case, pathname components must be * separated by slashes, but can be longer than than * 8+3 characters (The rest is ignored). */ DIRECTORY *directory(dir, entries, function, pathname) DIRECTORY *dir; int entries; int function; register char *pathname; { register DIRECTORY *dir_ptr = dir; DIRECTORY *mem = NULL; unsigned short cl_no = dir->d_cluster; unsigned short type, last = 0; char file_name[14]; char *name; int i = 0; if (function == FIND) { while (*pathname != '/' && *pathname != '.' && *pathname && i < 8) { file_name[i++] = *pathname++; } if (*pathname == '.') { int j = 0; file_name[i++] = *pathname++; while (*pathname != '/' && *pathname != '.' && *pathname && j++ < 3) { file_name[i++] = *pathname++; } } while (*pathname != '/' && *pathname) pathname++; file_name[i] = '\0'; } do { if (entries != root_entries) { mem = dir_ptr = read_cluster(cl_no); last = cl_no; cl_no = next_cluster(cl_no); } for (i = 0; i < entries; i++, dir_ptr++) { type = dir_ptr->d_name[0] & 0x0FF; if (function == ENTRY) { if (type == NOT_USED || type == ERASED) { if (!mem) mark = ROOTADDR + (long) i *(long) DIR_SIZE; else mark = clus_add(last) + (long) i *(long) DIR_SIZE; return dir_ptr; } continue; } if (type == NOT_USED) break; if (dir_ptr->d_attribute & 0x08) { if (function == LABEL) return dir_ptr; continue; } if (type == DIR || type == ERASED || function == LABEL) continue; type = is_dir(dir_ptr); name = make_name(dir_ptr, (function == FIND) ? FALSE : type); if (function == FIND) { if (strcmp(file_name, name) != 0) continue; if (!type) { if (dos_dir || *pathname) { fflush (stdout); fprintf (stderr, "%s: Not a directory: %s\n", cmnd, file_name); exit(1); } } else if (*pathname == '\0' && dos_read) { fflush (stdout); fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s is a directory.\n", cmnd, path); exit(1); } if (*pathname) { dir_ptr = find_entry(dir_ptr, sub_entries, pathname + 1); } if (mem) { if (dir_ptr) { memcpy((char *)&save_entry, (char *)dir_ptr, DIR_SIZE); dir_ptr = &save_entry; } free( (void *) mem); } return dir_ptr; } else { if (function == FALSE) { show(dir_ptr, name); } else if (type) { /* Recursive */ printf ( "Directory %s%s:\n", path, name); add_path(name, FALSE); list_dir(dir_ptr, sub_entries, FALSE); add_path(NULL, FALSE); } } } if (mem) free( (void *) mem); } while (cl_no != LAST_CLUSTER && mem); switch (function) { case FIND: if (dos_write && *pathname == '\0') return NULL; fflush (stdout); fprintf (stderr, "%s: Cannot find `%s'.\n", cmnd, file_name); exit(1); case LABEL: return NULL; case ENTRY: if (!mem) { fflush (stdout); fprintf (stderr, "%s: No entries left in root directory.\n", cmnd); exit(1); } cl_no = free_cluster(TRUE); link_fat(last, cl_no); link_fat(cl_no, LAST_CLUSTER); disk_io(WRITE, clus_add(cl_no), null, cluster_size); return new_entry(dir, entries); case FALSE: if (Rflag) { printf ("\n"); list_dir(dir, entries, TRUE); } } return NULL; } void extract(entry) register DIRECTORY *entry; { register unsigned short cl_no = entry->d_cluster; char buffer[MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE]; int rest, i; if (entry->d_size == 0) /* Empty file */ return; do { disk_io(READ, clus_add(cl_no), buffer, cluster_size); rest = (entry->d_size > (long) cluster_size) ? cluster_size : (short) entry->d_size; if (Aflag) { for (i = 0; i < rest; i ++) { if (buffer [i] != '\r') putchar (buffer [i]); } if (ferror (stdout)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot write to stdout: %s\n", cmnd, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } } else { if (fwrite (buffer, 1, rest, stdout) != rest) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot write to stdout: %s\n", cmnd, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } } entry->d_size -= (long) rest; cl_no = next_cluster(cl_no); if (cl_no == BAD16) { fflush (stdout); fprintf (stderr, "%s: reserved cluster value %x encountered.\n", cmnd, cl_no); exit (1); } } while (entry->d_size && cl_no != LAST_CLUSTER); if (cl_no != LAST_CLUSTER) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Too many clusters allocated for file.\n", cmnd); else if (entry->d_size != 0) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Premature EOF: %ld bytes left.\n", cmnd, entry->d_size); } /* Minimum of two long values */ long lmin (a, b) long a, b; { if (a < b) return a; else return b; } void make_file(dir_ptr, entries, name) DIRECTORY *dir_ptr; int entries; char *name; { register DIRECTORY *entry = new_entry(dir_ptr, entries); register char *ptr; char buffer[MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE]; unsigned short cl_no = 0; int i, r; long size = 0L; unsigned short first_cluster, last_cluster; long chunk; memset (&entry->d_name[0], ' ', 11); /* clear entry */ for (i = 0, ptr = name; i < 8 && *ptr != '.' && *ptr; i++) entry->d_name[i] = *ptr++; while (*ptr != '.' && *ptr) ptr++; if (*ptr == '.') ptr++; for (i = 0; i < 3 && *ptr != '.' && *ptr; i++) entry->d_ext[i] = *ptr++; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) entry->d_reserved[i] = '\0'; entry->d_attribute = '\0'; entry->d_cluster = 0; while (free_range (&first_cluster, &last_cluster)) { do { unsigned short nr_clus; chunk = lmin ((long) (last_cluster - first_cluster + 1) * cluster_size, (long) MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE); r = fill(buffer, chunk); if (r == 0) goto done; nr_clus = (r + cluster_size - 1) / cluster_size; disk_io(WRITE, clus_add(first_cluster), buffer, r); for (i = 0; i < nr_clus; i ++) { if (entry->d_cluster == 0) cl_no = entry->d_cluster = first_cluster; else { link_fat(cl_no, first_cluster); cl_no = first_cluster; } first_cluster ++; } size += r; } while (first_cluster <= last_cluster); } fprintf (stderr, "%s: disk full. File truncated\n", cmnd); done: if (entry->d_cluster != 0) link_fat(cl_no, LAST_CLUSTER); entry->d_size = size; fill_date(entry); disk_io(WRITE, mark, entry, DIR_SIZE); if (fat_dirty) flush_fat (); } #define SEC_MIN 60L #define SEC_HOUR (60L * SEC_MIN) #define SEC_DAY (24L * SEC_HOUR) #define SEC_YEAR (365L * SEC_DAY) #define SEC_LYEAR (366L * SEC_DAY) unsigned short mon_len[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; void fill_date(entry) DIRECTORY *entry; { register long cur_time = time((long *) 0) - DOS_TIME; unsigned short year = 0, month = 1, day, hour, minutes, seconds; int i; long tmp; if (cur_time < 0) /* Date not set on booting ... */ cur_time = 0; for (;;) { tmp = (year % 4 == 0) ? SEC_LYEAR : SEC_YEAR; if (cur_time < tmp) break; cur_time -= tmp; year++; } day = (unsigned short) (cur_time / SEC_DAY); cur_time -= (long) day *SEC_DAY; hour = (unsigned short) (cur_time / SEC_HOUR); cur_time -= (long) hour *SEC_HOUR; minutes = (unsigned short) (cur_time / SEC_MIN); cur_time -= (long) minutes *SEC_MIN; seconds = (unsigned short) cur_time; mon_len[1] = (year % 4 == 0) ? 29 : 28; i = 0; while (day >= mon_len[i]) { month++; day -= mon_len[i++]; } day++; entry->d_date = (year << 9) | (month << 5) | day; entry->d_time = (hour << 11) | (minutes << 5) | seconds; } char *make_name(dir_ptr, dir_fl) register DIRECTORY *dir_ptr; short dir_fl; { static char name_buf[14]; register char *ptr = name_buf; short i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) *ptr++ = dir_ptr->d_name[i]; while (*--ptr == ' '); assert (ptr >= name_buf); ptr++; if (dir_ptr->d_ext[0] != ' ') { *ptr++ = '.'; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) *ptr++ = dir_ptr->d_ext[i]; while (*--ptr == ' '); ptr++; } if (dir_fl) *ptr++ = '/'; *ptr = '\0'; return name_buf; } int fill(buffer, size) register char *buffer; size_t size; { static BOOL nl_mark = FALSE; char *last = &buffer[size]; char *begin = buffer; register int c; while (buffer < last) { if (nl_mark) { *buffer ++ = '\n'; nl_mark = FALSE; } else { c = getchar(); if (c == EOF) break; if (Aflag && c == '\n') { *buffer ++ = '\r'; nl_mark = TRUE; } else { *buffer++ = c; } } } return (buffer - begin); } #define HOUR 0xF800 /* Upper 5 bits */ #define MIN 0x07E0 /* Middle 6 bits */ #define YEAR 0xFE00 /* Upper 7 bits */ #define MONTH 0x01E0 /* Mid 4 bits */ #define DAY 0x01F /* Lowest 5 bits */ char *month[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; void xmodes(mode) int mode; { printf ( "\t%c%c%c%c%c", (mode & SUB_DIR) ? 'd' : '-', (mode & 02) ? 'h' : '-', (mode & 04) ? 's' : '-', (mode & 01) ? '-' : 'w', (mode & 0x20) ? 'a' : '-'); } void show(dir_ptr, name) DIRECTORY *dir_ptr; char *name; { register unsigned short e_date = dir_ptr->d_date; register unsigned short e_time = dir_ptr->d_time; unsigned short next; char bname[20]; short i = 0; while (*name && *name != '/') bname[i++] = *name++; bname[i] = '\0'; if (!Lflag) { printf ( "%s\n", bname); return; } xmodes( (int) dir_ptr->d_attribute); printf ( "\t%s%s", bname, strlen(bname) < 8 ? "\t\t" : "\t"); i = 1; if (is_dir(dir_ptr)) { next = dir_ptr->d_cluster; while ((next = next_cluster(next)) != LAST_CLUSTER) i++; printf ("%8ld", (long) i * (long) cluster_size); } else printf ("%8ld", dir_ptr->d_size); printf (" %02d:%02d %2d %s %d\n", ((e_time & HOUR) >> 11), ((e_time & MIN) >> 5), (e_date & DAY), month[((e_date & MONTH) >> 5) - 1], ((e_date & YEAR) >> 9) + 1980); } void free_blocks() { register unsigned short cl_no; long nr_free = 0; long nr_bad = 0; for (cl_no = 2; cl_no < total_clusters; cl_no++) { switch (next_cluster(cl_no)) { case FREE: nr_free++; break; case BAD16: nr_bad++; break; } } printf ("Free space: %ld bytes.\n", nr_free * (long) cluster_size); if (nr_bad != 0) printf ("Bad sectors: %ld bytes.\n", nr_bad * (long) cluster_size); } DIRECTORY *read_cluster(cluster) register unsigned int cluster; { register DIRECTORY *sub_dir; if ((sub_dir = malloc(cluster_size)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Cannot set break!\n", cmnd); exit(1); } disk_io(READ, clus_add(cluster), sub_dir, cluster_size); return sub_dir; } static unsigned short cl_index = 2; /* find a range of consecutive free clusters. Return TRUE if found * and return the first and last cluster in the |*first| and |*last|. * If no free clusters are left, return FALSE. * * Warning: Assumes that all of the range is used before the next call * to free_range or free_cluster. */ BOOL free_range (first, last) unsigned short *first, *last; { while (cl_index < total_clusters && next_cluster(cl_index) != FREE) cl_index++; if (cl_index >= total_clusters) return FALSE; *first = cl_index; while (cl_index < total_clusters && next_cluster(cl_index) == FREE) cl_index++; *last = cl_index - 1; return TRUE; } /* find a free cluster. * Return the number of the free cluster or a number > |total_clusters| * if none is found. * If |leave_fl| is TRUE, the the program will be terminated if * no free cluster can be found * * Warning: Assumes that the cluster is used before the next call * to free_range or free_cluster. */ unsigned short free_cluster(leave_fl) BOOL leave_fl; { while (cl_index < total_clusters && next_cluster(cl_index) != FREE) cl_index++; if (leave_fl && cl_index >= total_clusters) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Diskette full. File not added.\n", cmnd); exit(1); } return cl_index++; } /* read a portion of the fat containing |cl_no| into the cache */ void read_fat (cl_no) unsigned int cl_no; { if (!cooked_fat) { /* Read the fat for the first time. We have to allocate all the * buffers */ if (fat_16) { /* FAT consists of little endian shorts. Easy to convert */ if ((cooked_fat = malloc (fat_size)) == NULL) { /* Oops, FAT doesn't fit into memory, just read * a chunk */ if ((cooked_fat = malloc (COOKED_SIZE)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: not enough memory for FAT cache. Use chmem\n", cmnd); exit (1); } cache_size = COOKED_SIZE / 2; } else { cache_size = fat_size / 2; } } else { /* 12 bit FAT. Difficult encoding, but small. Keep * both raw FAT and cooked version in memory. */ if ((cooked_fat = malloc (total_clusters * sizeof (short))) == NULL || (raw_fat = malloc (fat_size)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: not enough memory for FAT cache. Use chmem\n", cmnd); exit (1); } cache_size = total_clusters; } } fat_low = cl_no / cache_size * cache_size; fat_high = fat_low + cache_size - 1; if (!fat_16) { unsigned short *cp; unsigned char *rp; unsigned short i; disk_io (READ, FAT_START, raw_fat, fat_size); for (rp = raw_fat, cp = cooked_fat, i = 0; i < cache_size; rp += 3, i += 2) { *cp = *rp + ((*(rp + 1) & 0x0f) << 8); if (*cp == BAD) *cp = BAD16; else if (*cp == LAST_CLUSTER12) *cp = LAST_CLUSTER; cp ++; *cp = ((*(rp + 1) & 0xf0) >> 4) + (*(rp + 2) << 4); if (*cp == BAD) *cp = BAD16; else if (*cp == LAST_CLUSTER12) *cp = LAST_CLUSTER; cp ++; } } else { assert (sizeof (short) == 2); assert (CHAR_BIT == 8); /* just in case */ disk_io (READ, FAT_START + fat_low * 2, (void *)cooked_fat, cache_size * 2); if (big_endian) { unsigned short *cp; unsigned char *rp; unsigned short i; for (i = 0, rp = (unsigned char *)cooked_fat /* sic */, cp = cooked_fat; i < cache_size; rp += 2, cp ++, i ++) { *cp = c2u2 (rp); } } } } /* flush the fat cache out to disk */ void flush_fat () { if (fat_16) { if (big_endian) { unsigned short *cp; unsigned char *rp; unsigned short i; for (i = 0, rp = (unsigned char *)cooked_fat /* sic */, cp = cooked_fat; i < cache_size; rp += 2, cp ++, i ++) { *rp = *cp; *(rp + 1) = *cp >> 8; } } disk_io (WRITE, FAT_START + fat_low * 2, (void *)cooked_fat, cache_size * 2); disk_io (WRITE, FAT_START + fat_size + fat_low * 2, (void *)cooked_fat, cache_size * 2); } else { unsigned short *cp; unsigned char *rp; unsigned short i; for (rp = raw_fat, cp = cooked_fat, i = 0; i < cache_size; rp += 3, cp += 2, i += 2) { *rp = *cp; *(rp + 1) = ((*cp & 0xf00) >> 8) | ((*(cp + 1) & 0x00f) << 4); *(rp + 2) = ((*(cp + 1) & 0xff0) >> 4); } disk_io (WRITE, FAT_START, raw_fat, fat_size); disk_io (WRITE, FAT_START + fat_size, raw_fat, fat_size); } } /* make cl_2 the successor of cl_1 */ void link_fat(cl_1, cl_2) unsigned int cl_1; unsigned int cl_2; { if (cl_1 < fat_low || cl_1 > fat_high) { if (fat_dirty) flush_fat (); read_fat (cl_1); } cooked_fat [cl_1 - fat_low] = cl_2; fat_dirty = TRUE; } unsigned short next_cluster(cl_no) register unsigned int cl_no; { if (cl_no < fat_low || cl_no > fat_high) { if (fat_dirty) flush_fat (); read_fat (cl_no); } return cooked_fat [cl_no - fat_low]; } char *slash(str) register char *str; { register char *result = str; while (*str) if (*str++ == '/') result = str; return result; } void add_path(file, slash_fl) char *file; BOOL slash_fl; { register char *ptr = path; while (*ptr) ptr++; if (file == NULL) { if (ptr != path) ptr--; if (ptr != path) do { ptr--; } while (*ptr != '/' && ptr != path); if (ptr != path && !slash_fl) *ptr++ = '/'; *ptr = '\0'; } else strcpy (ptr, file); } void disk_io(op, seek, address, bytes) register BOOL op; unsigned long seek; void *address; register unsigned bytes; { unsigned int r; if (lseek(disk, seek, SEEK_SET) < 0L) { fflush (stdout); fprintf (stderr, "%s: Bad lseek: %s\n", cmnd, strerror (errno)); exit(1); } if (op == READ) r = read(disk, (char *) address, bytes); else { r = write(disk, (char *) address, bytes); } if (r != bytes) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: read error: %s\n", cmnd, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } }