/* part 1.57 - Partition table editor Author: Kees J. Bot * 13 Mar 1992 * Needs about 22k heap+stack. * * Forked july 2005 into autopart (Ben Gras), a mode which gives the user * an easier time. * */ #define nil 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Declare prototype. */ void printstep(int step, char *message); /* True if a partition is an extended partition. */ #define ext_part(s) ((s) == 0x05 || (s) == 0x0F) /* Minix master bootstrap code. */ char MASTERBOOT[] = "/usr/mdec/mbr"; /* Template: ----first---- --geom/last-- ------sectors----- Device Cyl Head Sec Cyl Head Sec Base Size Kb /dev/c0d0 977 5 17 /dev/c0d0:2 0 0 2 976 4 16 2 83043 41521 Num Sort Type 0* p0 81 MINIX 0 0 3 33 4 9 3 2880 1440 1 p1 81 MINIX 33 4 10 178 2 2 2883 12284 6142 2 p2 81 MINIX 178 2 3 976 4 16 15167 67878 33939 3 p3 00 None 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 */ #define MAXSIZE 999999999L #define SECTOR_SIZE 512 #define DEV_FD0 0x200 /* Device number of /dev/fd0 */ #define DEV_C0D0 0x300 /* Device number of /dev/c0d0 */ int min_region_mb = 500; #define MIN_REGION_SECTORS (1024*1024*min_region_mb/SECTOR_SIZE) #define arraysize(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define arraylimit(a) ((a) + arraysize(a)) #define SORNOT(n) ((n) == 1 ? "" : "s") /* screen colours */ #define COL_RED 1 #define COL_GREEN 2 #define COL_ORANGE 3 #define COL_BLUE 4 #define COL_MAGENTA 5 #define COL_CYAN 6 #define SURE_SERIOUS 1 #define SURE_BACK 2 void col(int col) { if(!col) printf("\033[0m"); else printf("\033[3%dm", col % 10); } void type2col(int type) { switch(type) { /* minix */ case 0x80: case MINIX_PART: col(COL_GREEN); break; /* dos/windows */ case 0x0B: case 0x0C: case 0x0E: case 0x0F: case 0x42: case 0x07: col(COL_CYAN); break; /* linux */ case 0x82: case 0x83: col(COL_ORANGE); break; } } int open_ct_ok(int fd) { int c = -1; if(ioctl(fd, DIOCOPENCT, &c) < 0) { printf("Warning: couldn't verify opencount, continuing\n"); return 1; } if(c == 1) return 1; if(c < 1) { printf("Error: open count %d\n", c); } return 0; } void report(const char *label) { fprintf(stderr, "part: %s: %s\n", label, strerror(errno)); } void fatal(const char *label) { report(label); exit(1); } struct termios termios; void restore_ttyflags(void) /* Reset the tty flags to how we got 'em. */ { if (tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &termios) < 0) fatal(""); } void tty_raw(void) /* Set the terminal to raw mode, no signals, no echoing. */ { struct termios rawterm; rawterm= termios; rawterm.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ISIG|ECHO); rawterm.c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL); if (tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &rawterm) < 0) fatal(""); } #define ctrl(c) ((c) == '?' ? '\177' : ((c) & '\37')) char t_cd[16], t_cm[32], t_so[16], t_se[16], t_md[16], t_me[16]; #define STATUSROW 10 int putchr(int c) { return putchar(c); } void putstr(char *s) { int c; while ((c= *s++) != 0) putchr(c); } void set_cursor(int row, int col) { tputs(tgoto(t_cm, col, row), 1, putchr); } int statusrow= STATUSROW; int stat_ktl= 1; int need_help= 1; void stat_start(int serious) /* Prepare for printing on a fresh status line, possibly highlighted. */ { set_cursor(statusrow++, 0); tputs(t_cd, 1, putchr); if (serious) tputs(t_so, 1, putchr); } void stat_end(int ktl) /* Closing bracket for stat_start. Sets "keystrokes to live" of message. */ { tputs(t_se, 1, putchr); stat_ktl= ktl; need_help= 1; } void stat_reset(void) /* Reset the statusline pointer and clear old messages if expired. */ { if (stat_ktl > 0 && --stat_ktl == 0) { statusrow= STATUSROW; need_help= 1; } if (need_help && statusrow < (24-2)) { if (statusrow > STATUSROW) stat_start(0); stat_start(0); putstr( "Type '+' or '-' to change, 'r' to read, '?' for more help, '!' for advice"); } statusrow= STATUSROW; need_help= 0; } void clear_screen(void) { set_cursor(0, 0); tputs(t_cd, 1, putchr); stat_ktl= 1; stat_reset(); } void reset_tty(void) /* Reset the tty to cooked mode. */ { restore_ttyflags(); set_cursor(statusrow, 0); tputs(t_cd, 1, putchr); } void *alloc(size_t n) { void *m; if ((m= malloc(n)) == nil) { reset_tty(); fatal(""); } return m; } typedef enum parttype { DUNNO, SUBPART, PRIMARY, FLOPPY } parttype_t; typedef struct device { struct device *next, *prev; /* Circular dequeue. */ dev_t rdev; /* Device number (sorting only). */ char *name; /* E.g. /dev/c0d0 */ char *subname; /* E.g. /dev/c0d0:2 */ parttype_t parttype; int biosdrive; } device_t; typedef struct region { /* A region is either an existing top-level partition * entry (used_part is non-NULL) or free space (free_* * contains data). */ struct part_entry used_part; int is_used_part; int tableno; int free_sec_start, free_sec_last; } region_t; /* A disk has between 1 and 2*partitions+1 regions; * the last case is free space before and after every partition. */ #define NR_REGIONS (2*NR_PARTITIONS+1) region_t regions[NR_REGIONS]; int nr_partitions = 0, nr_regions = 0, free_regions, used_regions; int nordonly = 0; device_t *firstdev= nil, *curdev; #define MAX_DEVICES 100 static struct { device_t *dev; int nr_partitions, free_regions, used_regions, sectors, nr_regions; int biosdrive; region_t regions[NR_REGIONS]; } devices[MAX_DEVICES]; void newdevice(char *name, int scanning, int disk_only) /* Add a device to the device list. If scanning is set then we are reading * /dev, so insert the device in device number order and make /dev/c0d0 current. */ { device_t *new, *nextdev, *prevdev; struct stat st; st.st_rdev= 0; if (scanning) { if (stat(name, &st) < 0 || !S_ISBLK(st.st_mode)) return; switch (major(st.st_rdev)) { case 3: /* Disk controller */ if (minor(st.st_rdev) >= 0x80 || minor(st.st_rdev) % 5 != 0) return; break; default: return; } /* Interesting device found. */ } else { if(stat(name, &st) < 0) { perror(name); return; } } new= alloc(sizeof(*new)); new->rdev= st.st_rdev; new->name= alloc((strlen(name) + 1) * sizeof(new->name[0])); strcpy(new->name, name); new->subname= new->name; new->parttype= DUNNO; if (major(st.st_rdev) == major(DEV_FD0) && minor(st.st_rdev) < 112) { new->parttype= FLOPPY; } else if (st.st_rdev >= DEV_C0D0 && minor(st.st_rdev) < 128 && minor(st.st_rdev) % 5 == 0) { new->parttype= PRIMARY; } if (firstdev == nil) { firstdev= new; new->next= new->prev= new; curdev= firstdev; return; } nextdev= firstdev; while (new->rdev >= nextdev->rdev && (nextdev= nextdev->next) != firstdev) {} prevdev= nextdev->prev; new->next= nextdev; nextdev->prev= new; new->prev= prevdev; prevdev->next= new; if (new->rdev < firstdev->rdev) firstdev= new; if (new->rdev == DEV_C0D0) curdev= new; if (curdev->rdev != DEV_C0D0) curdev= firstdev; } void getdevices(void) /* Get all block devices from /dev that look interesting. */ { DIR *d; struct dirent *e; char name[5 + NAME_MAX + 1]; if ((d= opendir("/dev")) == nil) fatal("/dev"); while ((e= readdir(d)) != nil) { strcpy(name, "/dev/"); strcpy(name + 5, e->d_name); newdevice(name, 1, 1); } (void) closedir(d); } int dirty= 0; unsigned char bootblock[SECTOR_SIZE]; struct part_entry table[1 + NR_PARTITIONS]; int existing[1 + NR_PARTITIONS]; unsigned long offset= 0, extbase= 0, extsize; int submerged= 0; int sort_index[1 + NR_PARTITIONS], sort_order[1 + NR_PARTITIONS]; unsigned cylinders= 1, heads= 1, sectors= 1, secpcyl= 1; unsigned alt_cyls= 1, alt_heads= 1, alt_secs= 1; int precise= 0; int device= -1; unsigned long sortbase(struct part_entry *pe) { return pe->sysind == NO_PART ? -1 : pe->lowsec; } void sort(void) /* Let the sort_index array show the order partitions are sorted in. */ { int i, j; for (i= 1; i <= NR_PARTITIONS; i++) sort_order[i]= i; for (i= 1; i <= NR_PARTITIONS; i++) { for (j= 1; j <= NR_PARTITIONS-1; j++) { int sj= sort_order[j], sj1= sort_order[j+1]; if (sortbase(&table[sj]) > sortbase(&table[sj1])) { sort_order[j]= sj1; sort_order[j+1]= sj; } } } for (i= 1; i <= NR_PARTITIONS; i++) sort_index[sort_order[i]]= i; } void dos2chs(unsigned char *dos, unsigned *chs) /* Extract cylinder, head and sector from the three bytes DOS uses to address * a sector. Note that bits 8 & 9 of the cylinder number come from bit 6 & 7 * of the sector byte. The sector number is rebased to count from 0. */ { chs[0]= ((dos[1] & 0xC0) << 2) | dos[2]; chs[1]= dos[0]; chs[2]= (dos[1] & 0x3F) - 1; } void abs2dos(unsigned char *dos, unsigned long pos) /* Translate a sector offset to three DOS bytes. */ { unsigned h, c, s; c= pos / secpcyl; h= (pos % secpcyl) / sectors; s= pos % sectors + 1; dos[0]= h; dos[1]= s | ((c >> 2) & 0xC0); dos[2]= c & 0xFF; } void recompute0(void) /* Recompute the partition size for the device after a geometry change. */ { if (device < 0) { cylinders= heads= sectors= 1; memset(table, 0, sizeof(table)); } else if (!precise && offset == 0) { table[0].lowsec= 0; table[0].size= (unsigned long) cylinders * heads * sectors; } table[0].sysind= device < 0 ? NO_PART : MINIX_PART; secpcyl= heads * sectors; } void guess_geometry(void) /* With a bit of work one can deduce the disk geometry from the partition * table. This may be necessary if the driver gets it wrong. (If partition * tables didn't have C/H/S numbers we would not care at all...) */ { int i, n; struct part_entry *pe; unsigned chs[3]; unsigned long sec; unsigned h, s; unsigned char HS[256][8]; /* Bit map off all possible H/S */ alt_cyls= alt_heads= alt_secs= 0; /* Initially all possible H/S combinations are possible. HS[h][0] * bit 0 is used to rule out a head value. */ for (h= 1; h <= 255; h++) { for (s= 0; s < 8; s++) HS[h][s]= 0xFF; } for (i= 0; i < 2*NR_PARTITIONS; i++) { pe= &(table+1)[i >> 1]; if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) continue; /* Get the end or start sector numbers (in that order). */ if ((i & 1) == 0) { dos2chs(&pe->last_head, chs); sec= pe->lowsec + pe->size - 1; } else { dos2chs(&pe->start_head, chs); sec= pe->lowsec; } if (chs[0] >= alt_cyls) alt_cyls= chs[0]+1; /* Which H/S combinations can be ruled out? */ for (h= 1; h <= 255; h++) { if (HS[h][0] == 0) continue; n = 0; for (s= 1; s <= 63; s++) { if ((chs[0] * h + chs[1]) * s + chs[2] != sec) { HS[h][s/8] &= ~(1 << (s%8)); } if (HS[h][s/8] & (1 << (s%8))) n++; } if (n == 0) HS[h][0]= 0; } } /* See if only one remains. */ i= 0; for (h= 1; h <= 255; h++) { if (HS[h][0] == 0) continue; for (s= 1; s <= 63; s++) { if (HS[h][s/8] & (1 << (s%8))) { i++; alt_heads= h; alt_secs= s; } } } /* Forget it if more than one choice... */ if (i > 1) alt_cyls= alt_heads= alt_secs= 0; } void geometry(void) /* Find out the geometry of the device by querying the driver, or by looking * at the partition table. These numbers are crosschecked to make sure that * the geometry is correct. Master bootstraps other than the Minix one use * the CHS numbers in the partition table to load the bootstrap of the active * partition. */ { struct stat dst; int err= 0; struct part_geom geometry; if (submerged) { /* Geometry already known. */ sort(); return; } precise= 0; cylinders= 0; recompute0(); if (device < 0) return; /* Try to guess the geometry from the partition table. */ guess_geometry(); /* Try to get the geometry from the driver. */ (void) fstat(device, &dst); if (S_ISBLK(dst.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(dst.st_mode)) { /* Try to get the drive's geometry from the driver. */ if (ioctl(device, DIOCGETP, &geometry) < 0) err= errno; else { table[0].lowsec= (unsigned long)(geometry.base / SECTOR_SIZE); table[0].size = (unsigned long)(geometry.size / SECTOR_SIZE); cylinders= geometry.cylinders; heads= geometry.heads; sectors= geometry.sectors; precise= 1; } } else { err= ENODEV; } if (err != 0) { /* Getting the geometry from the driver failed, so use the * alternate geometry. */ if (alt_heads == 0) { alt_cyls= table[0].size / (64 * 32); alt_heads= 64; alt_secs= 32; } cylinders= alt_cyls; heads= alt_heads; sectors= alt_secs; stat_start(1); printf("Failure to get the geometry of %s: %s", curdev->name, errno == ENOTTY ? "No driver support" : strerror(err)); stat_end(5); stat_start(0); printf("The geometry has been guessed as %ux%ux%u", cylinders, heads, sectors); stat_end(5); } else { if (alt_heads == 0) { alt_cyls= cylinders; alt_heads= heads; alt_secs= sectors; } if (heads != alt_heads || sectors != alt_secs) { printf( "The geometry obtained from the driver\n" "does not match the geometry implied by the partition\n" "table. Please use expert mode instead.\n"); exit(1); } } /* Show the base and size of the device instead of the whole drive. * This makes sense for subpartitioning primary partitions. */ if (precise && ioctl(device, DIOCGETP, &geometry) >= 0) { table[0].lowsec= (unsigned long)(geometry.base / SECTOR_SIZE); table[0].size = (unsigned long)(geometry.size / SECTOR_SIZE); } else { precise= 0; } recompute0(); sort(); } typedef struct indicators { /* Partition type to partition name. */ unsigned char ind; char name[10]; } indicators_t; indicators_t ind_table[]= { { 0x00, "None" }, { 0x01, "FAT-12" }, { 0x02, "XENIX /" }, { 0x03, "XENIX usr" }, { 0x04, "FAT-16" }, { 0x05, "EXTENDED" }, { 0x06, "FAT-16" }, { 0x07, "HPFS/NTFS" }, { 0x08, "AIX" }, { 0x09, "COHERENT" }, { 0x0A, "OS/2" }, { 0x0B, "FAT-32" }, { 0x0C, "FAT?" }, { 0x0E, "FAT?" }, { 0x0F, "EXTENDED" }, { 0x10, "OPUS" }, { 0x40, "VENIX286" }, { 0x42, "W2000 Dyn" }, { 0x52, "MICROPORT" }, { 0x63, "386/IX" }, { 0x64, "NOVELL286" }, { 0x65, "NOVELL386" }, { 0x75, "PC/IX" }, { 0x80, "MINIX-OLD" }, { 0x81, "MINIX" }, { 0x82, "LINUXswap" }, { 0x83, "LINUX" }, { 0x93, "AMOEBA" }, { 0x94, "AMOEBAbad" }, { 0xA5, "386BSD" }, { 0xB7, "BSDI" }, { 0xB8, "BSDI swap" }, { 0xC7, "SYRINX" }, { 0xDB, "CPM" }, { 0xFF, "BADBLOCKS" }, }; char *typ2txt(int ind) /* Translate a numeric partition indicator for human eyes. */ { indicators_t *pind; for (pind= ind_table; pind < arraylimit(ind_table); pind++) { if (pind->ind == ind) return pind->name; } return "unknown system"; } int round_sysind(int ind, int delta) /* Find the next known partition type starting with ind in direction delta. */ { indicators_t *pind; ind= (ind + delta) & 0xFF; if (delta < 0) { for (pind= arraylimit(ind_table)-1; pind->ind > ind; pind--) {} } else { for (pind= ind_table; pind->ind < ind; pind++) {} } return pind->ind; } /* Objects on the screen, either simple pieces of the text or the cylinder * number of the start of partition three. */ typedef enum objtype { O_INFO, O_TEXT, O_DEV, O_SUB, O_TYPTXT, O_SORT, O_NUM, O_TYPHEX, O_CYL, O_HEAD, O_SEC, O_SCYL, O_SHEAD, O_SSEC, O_LCYL, O_LHEAD, O_LSEC, O_BASE, O_SIZE, O_KB } objtype_t; #define rjust(type) ((type) >= O_TYPHEX) #define computed(type) ((type) >= O_TYPTXT) typedef struct object { struct object *next; objtype_t type; /* Text field, cylinder number, etc. */ char flags; /* Modifiable? */ char row; char col; char len; struct part_entry *entry; /* What does the object refer to? */ char *text; char value[20]; /* Value when printed. */ } object_t; #define OF_MOD 0x01 /* Object value is modifiable. */ #define OF_ODD 0x02 /* It has a somewhat odd value. */ #define OF_BAD 0x04 /* Its value is no good at all. */ /* Events: (Keypress events are the value of the key pressed.) */ #define E_ENTER (-1) /* Cursor moves onto object. */ #define E_LEAVE (-2) /* Cursor leaves object. */ #define E_WRITE (-3) /* Write, but not by typing 'w'. */ /* The O_SIZE objects have a dual identity. */ enum howend { SIZE, LAST } howend= SIZE; object_t *world= nil; object_t *curobj= nil; object_t *newobject(objtype_t type, int flags, int row, int col, int len) /* Make a new object given a type, flags, position and length on the screen. */ { object_t *new; object_t **aop= &world; new= alloc(sizeof(*new)); new->type= type; new->flags= flags; new->row= row; new->col= col; new->len= len; new->entry= nil; new->text= ""; new->value[0]= 0; new->next= *aop; *aop= new; return new; } unsigned long entry2base(struct part_entry *pe) /* Return the base sector of the partition if defined. */ { return pe->sysind == NO_PART ? 0 : pe->lowsec; } unsigned long entry2last(struct part_entry *pe) { return pe->sysind == NO_PART ? -1 : pe->lowsec + pe->size - 1; } unsigned long entry2size(struct part_entry *pe) { return pe->sysind == NO_PART ? 0 : pe->size; } int typing; /* Set if a digit has been typed to set a value. */ int magic; /* Changes when using the magic key. */ void event(int ev, object_t *op); void m_redraw(int ev, object_t *op) /* Redraw the screen. */ { object_t *op2; if (ev != ctrl('L')) return; clear_screen(); for (op2= world; op2 != nil; op2= op2->next) op2->value[0]= 0; } void m_toggle(int ev, object_t *op) /* Toggle between the driver and alternate geometry. */ { unsigned t; if (ev != 'X') return; if (alt_cyls == cylinders && alt_heads == heads && alt_secs == sectors) return; t= cylinders; cylinders= alt_cyls; alt_cyls= t; t= heads; heads= alt_heads; alt_heads= t; t= sectors; sectors= alt_secs; alt_secs= t; dirty= 1; recompute0(); } char size_last[]= "Size"; void m_orientation(int ev, object_t *op) { if (ev != ' ') return; switch (howend) { case SIZE: howend= LAST; strcpy(size_last, "Last"); break; case LAST: howend= SIZE; strcpy(size_last, "Size"); } } void m_move(int ev, object_t *op) /* Move to the nearest modifiably object in the intended direction. Objects * on the same row or column are really near. */ { object_t *near, *op2; unsigned dist, d2, dr, dc; if (ev != 'h' && ev != 'j' && ev != 'k' && ev != 'l' && ev != 'H') return; if (device < 0) { /* No device open? Then try to read first. */ event('r', op); if (device < 0) return; } near= op; dist= -1; for (op2= world; op2 != nil; op2= op2->next) { if (op2 == op || !(op2->flags & OF_MOD)) continue; dr= abs(op2->row - op->row); dc= abs(op2->col - op->col); d2= 25*dr*dr + dc*dc; if (op2->row != op->row && op2->col != op->col) d2+= 1000; switch (ev) { case 'h': /* Left */ if (op2->col >= op->col) d2= -1; break; case 'j': /* Down */ if (op2->row <= op->row) d2= -1; break; case 'k': /* Up */ if (op2->row >= op->row) d2= -1; break; case 'l': /* Right */ if (op2->col <= op->col) d2= -1; break; case 'H': /* Home */ if (op2->type == O_DEV) d2= 0; } if (d2 < dist) { near= op2; dist= d2; } } if (near != op) event(E_LEAVE, op); event(E_ENTER, near); } void m_updown(int ev, object_t *op) /* Move a partition table entry up or down. */ { int i, j; struct part_entry tmp; int tmpx; if (ev != ctrl('K') && ev != ctrl('J')) return; if (op->entry == nil) return; i= op->entry - table; if (ev == ctrl('K')) { if (i <= 1) return; j= i-1; } else { if (i >= NR_PARTITIONS) return; j= i+1; } tmp= table[i]; table[i]= table[j]; table[j]= tmp; tmpx= existing[i]; existing[i]= existing[j]; existing[j]= tmpx; sort(); dirty= 1; event(ev == ctrl('K') ? 'k' : 'j', op); } void m_enter(int ev, object_t *op) /* We've moved onto this object. */ { if (ev != E_ENTER && ev != ' ' && ev != '<' && ev != '>' && ev != 'X') return; curobj= op; typing= 0; magic= 0; } void m_leave(int ev, object_t *op) /* About to leave this object. */ { if (ev != E_LEAVE) return; } int within(unsigned *var, unsigned low, unsigned value, unsigned high) /* Only set *var to value if it looks reasonable. */ { if (low <= value && value <= high) { *var= value; return 1; } else return 0; } int lwithin(unsigned long *var, unsigned long low, unsigned long value, unsigned long high) { if (low <= value && value <= high) { *var= value; return 1; } else return 0; } int nextdevice(object_t *op, int delta) /* Select the next or previous device from the device list. */ { dev_t rdev; if (offset != 0) return 0; if (dirty) event(E_WRITE, op); if (dirty) return 0; if (device >= 0) { (void) close(device); device= -1; } recompute0(); rdev= curdev->rdev; if (delta < 0) { do curdev= curdev->prev; while (delta < -1 && major(curdev->rdev) == major(rdev) && curdev->rdev < rdev); } else { do curdev= curdev->next; while (delta > 1 && major(curdev->rdev) == major(rdev) && curdev->rdev > rdev); } return 1; } void check_ind(struct part_entry *pe) /* If there are no other partitions then make this new one active. */ { struct part_entry *pe2; int i = 0; for (pe2= table + 1; pe2 < table + 1 + NR_PARTITIONS; pe2++, i++) if (pe2->sysind != NO_PART && (pe2->bootind & ACTIVE_FLAG)) return; pe->bootind= ACTIVE_FLAG; dirty = 1; } int check_existing(struct part_entry *pe) /* Check and if not ask if an existing partition may be modified. */ { static int expert= 0; int c; if (expert || pe == nil || !existing[pe - table]) return 1; stat_start(1); putstr("Do you wish to modify existing partitions? (y/n) "); fflush(stdout); while ((c= getchar()) != 'y' && c != 'n') {} putchr(c); stat_end(3); return (expert= (c == 'y')); } void m_modify(int ev, object_t *op) /* Increment, decrement, set, or toggle the value of an object, using * arithmetic tricks the author doesn't understand either. */ { object_t *op2; struct part_entry *pe= op->entry; int mul, delta; unsigned level= 1; unsigned long surplus; int radix= op->type == O_TYPHEX ? 0x10 : 10; unsigned long t; if (device < 0 && op->type != O_DEV) return; switch (ev) { case '-': mul= radix; delta= -1; typing= 0; break; case '+': mul= radix; delta= 1; typing= 0; break; case '\b': if (!typing) return; mul= 1; delta= 0; break; case '\r': typing= 0; return; default: if ('0' <= ev && ev <= '9') delta= ev - '0'; else if (radix == 0x10 && 'a' <= ev && ev <= 'f') delta= ev - 'a' + 10; else if (radix == 0x10 && 'A' <= ev && ev <= 'F') delta= ev - 'A' + 10; else return; mul= typing ? radix*radix : 0; typing= 1; } magic= 0; if (!check_existing(pe)) return; switch (op->type) { case O_DEV: if (ev != '-' && ev != '+') return; if (!nextdevice(op, delta)) return; break; case O_CYL: if (!within(&cylinders, 1, cylinders * mul / radix + delta, 1024)) return; recompute0(); break; case O_HEAD: if (!within(&heads, 1, heads * mul / radix + delta, 255)) return; recompute0(); break; case O_SEC: if (!within(§ors, 1, sectors * mul / radix + delta, 63)) return; recompute0(); break; case O_NUM: if (ev != '-' && ev != '+') return; for (op2= world; op2 != nil; op2= op2->next) { if (op2->type == O_NUM && ev == '+') op2->entry->bootind= 0; } op->entry->bootind= ev == '+' ? ACTIVE_FLAG : 0; break; case O_TYPHEX: check_ind(pe); pe->sysind= pe->sysind * mul / radix + delta; break; case O_TYPTXT: if (ev != '-' && ev != '+') return; check_ind(pe); pe->sysind= round_sysind(pe->sysind, delta); break; case O_SCYL: level= heads; case O_SHEAD: level*= sectors; case O_SSEC: if (op->type != O_SCYL && ev != '-' && ev != '+') return; case O_BASE: if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) memset(pe, 0, sizeof(*pe)); t= pe->lowsec; surplus= t % level; if (!lwithin(&t, 0L, (t / level * mul / radix + delta) * level + surplus, MAXSIZE)) return; if (howend == LAST || op->type != O_BASE) pe->size-= t - pe->lowsec; pe->lowsec= t; check_ind(pe); if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) pe->sysind= MINIX_PART; break; case O_LCYL: level= heads; case O_LHEAD: level*= sectors; case O_LSEC: if (op->type != O_LCYL && ev != '-' && ev != '+') return; if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) memset(pe, 0, sizeof(*pe)); t= pe->lowsec + pe->size - 1 + level; surplus= t % level - mul / radix * level; if (!lwithin(&t, 0L, (t / level * mul / radix + delta) * level + surplus, MAXSIZE)) return; pe->size= t - pe->lowsec + 1; check_ind(pe); if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) pe->sysind= MINIX_PART; break; case O_KB: level= 2; if (mul == 0) pe->size= 0; /* new value, no surplus */ case O_SIZE: if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) { if (op->type == O_KB || howend == SIZE) { /* First let loose magic to set the base. */ event('m', op); magic= 0; pe->size= 0; event(ev, op); return; } memset(pe, 0, sizeof(*pe)); } t= (op->type == O_KB || howend == SIZE) ? pe->size : pe->lowsec + pe->size - 1; surplus= t % level; if (!lwithin(&t, 0L, (t / level * mul / radix + delta) * level + surplus, MAXSIZE)) return; pe->size= (op->type == O_KB || howend == SIZE) ? t : t - pe->lowsec + 1; check_ind(pe); if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) pe->sysind= MINIX_PART; break; default: return; } /* The order among the entries may have changed. */ sort(); dirty= 1; } unsigned long spell[3 + 4 * (1+NR_PARTITIONS)]; int nspells; objtype_t touching; void newspell(unsigned long charm) /* Add a new spell, descending order for the base, ascending for the size. */ { int i, j; if (charm - table[0].lowsec > table[0].size) return; for (i= 0; i < nspells; i++) { if (charm == spell[i]) return; /* duplicate */ if (touching == O_BASE) { if (charm == table[0].lowsec + table[0].size) return; if ((spell[0] - charm) < (spell[0] - spell[i])) break; } else { if (charm == table[0].lowsec) return; if ((charm - spell[0]) < (spell[i] - spell[0])) break; } } for (j= ++nspells; j > i; j--) spell[j]= spell[j-1]; spell[i]= charm; } void m_magic(int ev, object_t *op) /* Apply magic onto a base or size number. */ { struct part_entry *pe= op->entry, *pe2; int rough= (offset != 0 && extbase == 0); if (ev != 'm' || device < 0) return; typing= 0; if (!check_existing(pe)) return; if (magic == 0) { /* See what magic we can let loose on this value. */ nspells= 1; /* First spell, the current value. */ switch (op->type) { case O_SCYL: case O_SHEAD: /* Start of partition. */ case O_SSEC: case O_BASE: touching= O_BASE; spell[0]= pe->lowsec; break; case O_LCYL: case O_LHEAD: case O_LSEC: /* End of partition. */ case O_KB: case O_SIZE: touching= O_SIZE; spell[0]= pe->lowsec + pe->size; break; default: return; } if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) { memset(pe, 0, sizeof(*pe)); check_ind(pe); pe->sysind= MINIX_PART; spell[0]= 0; if (touching == O_SIZE) { /* First let loose magic on the base. */ object_t *op2; for (op2= world; op2 != nil; op2= op2->next) { if (op2->row == op->row && op2->type == O_BASE) { event('m', op2); } } magic= 0; event('m', op); return; } } /* Avoid the first sector on the device. */ if (spell[0] == table[0].lowsec) newspell(spell[0] + 1); /* Further interesting values are the the bases of other * partitions or their ends. */ for (pe2= table; pe2 < table + 1 + NR_PARTITIONS; pe2++) { if (pe2 == pe || pe2->sysind == NO_PART) continue; if (pe2->lowsec == table[0].lowsec) newspell(table[0].lowsec + 1); else newspell(pe2->lowsec); newspell(pe2->lowsec + pe2->size); if (touching == O_BASE && howend == SIZE) { newspell(pe2->lowsec - pe->size); newspell(pe2->lowsec + pe2->size - pe->size); } if (pe2->lowsec % sectors != 0) rough= 1; } /* Present values rounded up to the next cylinder unless * the table is already a mess. Use "start + 1 track" instead * of "start + 1 cylinder". Also add the end of the last * cylinder. */ if (!rough) { unsigned long n= spell[0]; if (n == table[0].lowsec) n++; n= (n + sectors - 1) / sectors * sectors; if (n != table[0].lowsec + sectors) n= (n + secpcyl - 1) / secpcyl * secpcyl; newspell(n); if (touching == O_SIZE) newspell(table[0].size / secpcyl * secpcyl); } } /* Magic has been applied, a spell needs to be chosen. */ if (++magic == nspells) magic= 0; if (touching == O_BASE) { if (howend == LAST) pe->size-= spell[magic] - pe->lowsec; pe->lowsec= spell[magic]; } else pe->size= spell[magic] - pe->lowsec; /* The order among the entries may have changed. */ sort(); dirty= 1; } typedef struct diving { struct diving *up; struct part_entry old0; char *oldsubname; parttype_t oldparttype; unsigned long oldoffset; unsigned long oldextbase; } diving_t; diving_t *diving= nil; void m_in(int ev, object_t *op) /* Go down into a primary or extended partition. */ { diving_t *newdiv; struct part_entry *pe= op->entry, ext; int n; if (ev != '>' || device < 0 || pe == nil || pe == &table[0] || (!(pe->sysind == MINIX_PART && offset == 0) && !ext_part(pe->sysind)) || pe->size == 0) return; ext= *pe; if (extbase != 0) ext.size= extbase + extsize - ext.lowsec; if (dirty) event(E_WRITE, op); if (dirty) return; if (device >= 0) { close(device); device= -1; } newdiv= alloc(sizeof(*newdiv)); newdiv->old0= table[0]; newdiv->oldsubname= curdev->subname; newdiv->oldparttype= curdev->parttype; newdiv->oldoffset= offset; newdiv->oldextbase= extbase; newdiv->up= diving; diving= newdiv; table[0]= ext; n= strlen(diving->oldsubname); curdev->subname= alloc((n + 3) * sizeof(curdev->subname[0])); strcpy(curdev->subname, diving->oldsubname); curdev->subname[n++]= ':'; curdev->subname[n++]= '0' + (pe - table - 1); curdev->subname[n]= 0; curdev->parttype= curdev->parttype == PRIMARY ? SUBPART : DUNNO; offset= ext.lowsec; if (ext_part(ext.sysind) && extbase == 0) { extbase= ext.lowsec; extsize= ext.size; curdev->parttype= DUNNO; } submerged= 1; event('r', op); } void m_out(int ev, object_t *op) /* Go up from an extended or subpartition table to its enclosing. */ { diving_t *olddiv; if (ev != '<' || diving == nil) return; if (dirty) event(E_WRITE, op); if (dirty) return; if (device >= 0) { close(device); device= -1; } olddiv= diving; diving= olddiv->up; table[0]= olddiv->old0; free(curdev->subname); curdev->subname= olddiv->oldsubname; curdev->parttype= olddiv->oldparttype; offset= olddiv->oldoffset; extbase= olddiv->oldextbase; free(olddiv); event('r', op); if (diving == nil) submerged= 0; /* We surfaced. */ } void installboot(unsigned char *bootblock, char *masterboot) /* Install code from a master bootstrap into a boot block. */ { FILE *mfp; unsigned char buf[SECTOR_SIZE]; int n; char *err; if ((mfp= fopen(masterboot, "r")) == nil) { err= strerror(errno); goto m_err; } n= fread(buf, sizeof(char), SECTOR_SIZE, mfp); if (ferror(mfp)) { err= strerror(errno); fclose(mfp); goto m_err; } else if (n < 256) { err= "Is probably not a boot sector, too small"; fclose(mfp); goto m_err; } else if (n < SECTOR_SIZE && n > PART_TABLE_OFF) { /* if only code, it cannot override partition table */ err= "Does not fit in a boot sector"; fclose(mfp); goto m_err; } else if (n == SECTOR_SIZE) { if (buf[510] != 0x55 || buf[511] != 0xaa) { err= "Is not a boot sector (bad magic)"; fclose(mfp); goto m_err; } n = PART_TABLE_OFF; } if (n > PART_TABLE_OFF) { err= "Does not fit in a boot sector"; fclose(mfp); goto m_err; } memcpy(bootblock, buf, n); fclose(mfp); /* Bootstrap installed. */ return; m_err: stat_start(1); printf("%s: %s", masterboot, err); stat_end(5); } ssize_t boot_readwrite(int rw) /* Read (0) or write (1) the boot sector. */ { int r = 0; if (lseek(device, offset * SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET) < 0) return -1; switch (rw) { case 0: r= read(device, bootblock, SECTOR_SIZE); break; case 1: r= write(device, bootblock, SECTOR_SIZE); break; } return r; } int cylinderalign(region_t *reg) { if(reg->is_used_part) { if(reg->used_part.lowsec != table[0].lowsec + sectors && (reg->used_part.lowsec % secpcyl)) { int extra; extra = secpcyl - (reg->used_part.lowsec % secpcyl); reg->used_part.lowsec += extra; reg->used_part.size -= extra; } if((reg->used_part.size+1) % secpcyl) { reg->used_part.size -= secpcyl - ((reg->used_part.size + 1) % secpcyl); } return reg->used_part.size > 0; } if(reg->free_sec_start != table[0].lowsec + sectors && (reg->free_sec_start % secpcyl)) { /* Start is unaligned. Round up. */ reg->free_sec_start += secpcyl - (reg->free_sec_start % secpcyl); } if((reg->free_sec_last+1) % secpcyl) { /* End is unaligned. Round down. */ reg->free_sec_last -= (reg->free_sec_last+1) % secpcyl; } /* Return nonzero if anything remains of the region after rounding. */ return reg->free_sec_last > reg->free_sec_start; } void regionize(void) { int free_sec, i, si; sort(); free_sec = table[0].lowsec + sectors; /* Create region data used in autopart mode. */ free_regions = used_regions = nr_regions = nr_partitions = 0; if(table[0].lowsec > table[sort_order[1]].lowsec && table[sort_order[1]].sysind != NO_PART) { printf("\nSanity check failed on %s - first partition starts before disk.\n" "Please use expert mode to correct it.\n", curdev->name); exit(1); } for(si = 1; si <= NR_PARTITIONS; si++) { i = sort_order[si]; if(i < 1 || i > NR_PARTITIONS) { printf("Sorry, something unexpected has happened (%d out of range).\n", i); exit(1); } if(table[i].sysind == NO_PART) break; /* Free space before this partition? */ if(table[i].lowsec > free_sec) { /* Free region before this partition. */ regions[nr_regions].free_sec_start = free_sec; regions[nr_regions].free_sec_last = table[i].lowsec-1; regions[nr_regions].is_used_part = 0; if(cylinderalign(®ions[nr_regions])) { nr_regions++; free_regions++; } } /* Sanity check. */ if(si > 1) { if(table[i].lowsec < table[sort_order[si-1]].lowsec || table[i].lowsec < table[sort_order[si-1]].lowsec + table[sort_order[si-1]].size) { printf("\nSanity check failed on %s - partitions overlap.\n" "Please use expert mode to correct it.\n", curdev->name); exit(1); } } if(table[i].size > table[0].size) { printf("\nSanity check failed on %s - partition is larger than disk.\n" "Please use expert mode to correct it.\n", curdev->name); exit(1); } if(table[i].size < 1) { printf("\nSanity check failed on %s - zero-sized partition.\n" "Please use expert mode to correct it.\n", curdev->name); exit(1); } /* Remember used region. */ memcpy(®ions[nr_regions].used_part, &table[i], sizeof(table[i])); free_sec = table[i].lowsec+table[i].size; regions[nr_regions].is_used_part = 1; regions[nr_regions].tableno = i; nr_partitions++; nr_regions++; used_regions++; } /* Special case: space after partitions. */ if(free_sec < table[0].lowsec + table[0].size-1) { regions[nr_regions].free_sec_start = free_sec; regions[nr_regions].free_sec_last = table[0].lowsec + table[0].size-1; regions[nr_regions].is_used_part = 0; if(cylinderalign(®ions[nr_regions])) { nr_regions++; free_regions++; } } } void m_read(int ev, int *biosdrive) /* Read the partition table from the current device. */ { int i, mode, n, v; struct part_entry *pe; u32_t system_hz; if (ev != 'r' || device >= 0) return; /* Open() may cause kernel messages: */ stat_start(0); fflush(stdout); if ((device= open(curdev->name, mode= O_RDWR, 0666)) < 0) { if (device >= 0) { close(device); device= -1; } return; } system_hz = (u32_t) sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); v = 2*system_hz; ioctl(device, DIOCTIMEOUT, &v); memset(bootblock, 0, sizeof(bootblock)); n= boot_readwrite(0); if (n <= 0) stat_start(1); if (n < 0) { close(device); device= -1; } else if (n < SECTOR_SIZE) { close(device); device= -1; return; } if (n <= 0) stat_end(5); if (n < SECTOR_SIZE) n= SECTOR_SIZE; if(biosdrive) (*biosdrive)++; if(!open_ct_ok(device)) { printf("\n%s: device in use! skipping it.", curdev->subname); fflush(stdout); close(device); device= -1; return; } memcpy(table+1, bootblock+PART_TABLE_OFF, NR_PARTITIONS * sizeof(table[1])); if (bootblock[510] != 0x55 || bootblock[511] != 0xAA) { /* Invalid boot block, install bootstrap, wipe partition table. */ memset(bootblock, 0, sizeof(bootblock)); installboot(bootblock, MASTERBOOT); memset(table+1, 0, NR_PARTITIONS * sizeof(table[1])); } /* Fix an extended partition table up to something mere mortals can * understand. Record already defined partitions. */ for (i= 1; i <= NR_PARTITIONS; i++) { pe= &table[i]; if (extbase != 0 && pe->sysind != NO_PART) pe->lowsec+= ext_part(pe->sysind) ? extbase : offset; existing[i]= pe->sysind != NO_PART; } geometry(); dirty= 0; /* Warn about grave dangers ahead. */ if (extbase != 0) { stat_start(1); printf("Warning: You are in an extended partition."); stat_end(5); } regionize(); } void m_write(int ev, object_t *op) /* Write the partition table back if modified. */ { struct part_entry new_table[NR_PARTITIONS], *pe; if (ev != 'w' && ev != E_WRITE) return; if (device < 0) { dirty= 0; return; } if (!dirty) { if (ev == 'w') { stat_start(1); printf("%s is not changed, or has already been written", curdev->subname); stat_end(2); } return; } if (extbase != 0) { /* Will this stop him? Probably not... */ stat_start(1); printf("You have changed an extended partition. Bad Idea."); stat_end(5); } memcpy(new_table, table+1, NR_PARTITIONS * sizeof(table[1])); for (pe= new_table; pe < new_table + NR_PARTITIONS; pe++) { if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) { memset(pe, 0, sizeof(*pe)); } else { abs2dos(&pe->start_head, pe->lowsec); abs2dos(&pe->last_head, pe->lowsec + pe->size - 1); /* Fear and loathing time: */ if (extbase != 0) pe->lowsec-= ext_part(pe->sysind) ? extbase : offset; } } memcpy(bootblock+PART_TABLE_OFF, new_table, sizeof(new_table)); bootblock[510]= 0x55; bootblock[511]= 0xAA; if (boot_readwrite(1) < 0) { stat_start(1); printf("%s: %s", curdev->name, strerror(errno)); stat_end(5); return; } dirty= 0; } void m_shell(int ev, object_t *op) /* Shell escape, to do calculations for instance. */ { int r, pid, status; void (*sigint)(int), (*sigquit)(int), (*sigterm)(int); if (ev != 's') return; reset_tty(); fflush(stdout); switch (pid= fork()) { case -1: stat_start(1); printf("can't fork: %s\n", strerror(errno)); stat_end(3); break; case 0: if (device >= 0) (void) close(device); execl("/bin/sh", "sh", (char *) nil); r= errno; stat_start(1); printf("/bin/sh: %s\n", strerror(errno)); stat_end(3); exit(127); } sigint= signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); sigquit= signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); sigterm= signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); while (pid >= 0 && (r= wait(&status)) >= 0 && r != pid) {} (void) signal(SIGINT, sigint); (void) signal(SIGQUIT, sigquit); (void) signal(SIGTERM, sigterm); tty_raw(); if (pid < 0) ; else if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 127) stat_start(0); /* Match the stat_start in the child. */ else event(ctrl('L'), op); } int quitting= 0; void m_quit(int ev, object_t *op) /* Write the partition table if modified and exit. */ { if (ev != 'q' && ev != 'x') return; quitting= 1; if (dirty) event(E_WRITE, op); if (dirty) quitting= 0; } void m_help(int ev, object_t *op) /* For people without a clue; let's hope they can find the '?' key. */ { static struct help { char *keys; char *what; } help[]= { { "? !", "This help / more advice!" }, { "+ - (= _ PgUp PgDn)","Select/increment/decrement/make active" }, { "0-9 (a-f)", "Enter value" }, { "hjkl (arrow keys)", "Move around" }, { "CTRL-K CTRL-J", "Move entry up/down" }, { "CTRL-L", "Redraw screen" }, { ">", "Start a subpartition table" }, { "<", "Back to the primary partition table" }, { "m", "Cycle through magic values" }, { "spacebar", "Show \"Size\" or \"Last\"" }, { "r w", "Read/write partition table" }, { "p s q x", "Raw dump / Shell escape / Quit / Exit" }, { "y n DEL", "Answer \"yes\", \"no\", \"cancel\"" }, }; static char *advice[] = { "* Choose a disk with '+' and '-', then hit 'r'.", "* To change any value: Move to it and use '+', '-' or type the desired value.", "* To make a new partition: Move over to the Size or Kb field of an unused", " partition and type the size. Hit the 'm' key to pad the partition out to", " a cylinder boundary. Hit 'm' again to pad it out to the end of the disk.", " You can hit 'm' more than once on a base or size field to see several", " interesting values go by. Note: Other Operating Systems can be picky about", " partitions that are not padded to cylinder boundaries. Look for highlighted", " head or sector numbers.", "* To reuse a partition: Change the type to MINIX.", "* To delete a partition: Type a zero in the hex Type field.", "* To make a partition active: Type '+' in the Num field.", "* To study the list of keys: Type '?'.", }; if (ev == '?') { struct help *hp; for (hp= help; hp < arraylimit(help); hp++) { stat_start(0); printf("%-25s - %s", hp->keys, hp->what); stat_end(0); } stat_start(0); putstr("Things like "); putstr(t_so); putstr("this"); putstr(t_se); putstr(" must be checked, but "); putstr(t_md); putstr("this"); putstr(t_me); putstr(" is not really a problem"); stat_end(0); } else if (ev == '!') { char **ap; for (ap= advice; ap < arraylimit(advice); ap++) { stat_start(0); putstr(*ap); stat_end(0); } } } void event(int ev, object_t *op) /* Simply call all modifiers for an event, each one knows when to act. */ { m_help(ev, op); m_redraw(ev, op); m_toggle(ev, op); m_orientation(ev, op); m_move(ev, op); m_updown(ev, op); m_enter(ev, op); m_leave(ev, op); m_modify(ev, op); m_magic(ev, op); m_in(ev, op); m_out(ev, op); m_read(ev, NULL); m_write(ev, op); m_shell(ev, op); m_quit(ev, op); } char * prettysizeprint(int kb) { int toosmall = 0; static char str[200]; char unit = 'k'; if(MIN_REGION_SECTORS > kb*2) toosmall = 1; if(kb >= 5*1024) { kb /= 1024; unit = 'M'; if(kb >= 5*1024) { kb /= 1024; unit = 'G'; } } sprintf(str, "%4d %cB%s", kb, unit, toosmall ? ", too small for MINIX 3" : ""); return str; } void printregions(region_t *theregions, int indent, int p_nr_partitions, int p_free_regions, int p_nr_regions, int numbers) { int r, nofree = 0; region_t *reg; reg = theregions; if((p_nr_partitions >= NR_PARTITIONS || !p_free_regions) && p_free_regions) nofree = 1; for(r = 0; r < p_nr_regions; r++, reg++) { unsigned long units; if(reg->is_used_part) { char *name; name = typ2txt(reg->used_part.sysind); printf("%*s", indent, ""); type2col(reg->used_part.sysind); if(numbers) printf("[%d] ", r); printf("In use by %-10s ", name); units = reg->used_part.size / 2; col(0); printf(" (%s)\n", prettysizeprint(units)); } else { printf("%*s", indent, ""); if(numbers) { if(!nofree) printf("[%d] ", r); else printf("[-] "); } printf("Free space "); units = ((reg->free_sec_last - reg->free_sec_start+1))/2; printf(" (%s)\n", prettysizeprint(units)); } } if(numbers && p_nr_partitions >= NR_PARTITIONS && p_free_regions) { printf( "\nNote: there is free space on this disk, but you can't select it,\n" "because there isn't a free slot in the partition table to use it.\n" "You can reclaim the free space by deleting an adjacent region.\n"); } return; } #define IS_YES 3 #define IS_NO 4 #define IS_OTHER 5 int is_sure(char *fmt, ...) { char yesno[10]; va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); printf(" Please enter 'yes' or 'no': "); fflush(stdout); if(!fgets(yesno, sizeof(yesno)-1, stdin)) exit(1); if (strcmp(yesno, "yes\n") == 0) return(IS_YES); if (strcmp(yesno, "no\n") == 0) return(IS_NO); return IS_OTHER; } void warn(char *message) { printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b ! %s\n",message); } int may_kill_region(void) { int confirmation; char line[100]; int r, i; if(used_regions < 1) return 1; printf("\n -- Delete in-use region? --\n\n"); printregions(regions, 3, nr_partitions, free_regions, nr_regions, 1); printf("\nEnter the region number to delete or ENTER to continue: "); fflush(NULL); fgets(line, sizeof(line)-2, stdin); if(!isdigit(line[0])) return 1; r=atoi(line); if(r < 0 || r >= nr_regions) { printf("This choice is out of range.\n"); return 0; } if(!regions[r].is_used_part) { printf("This region is not in use.\n"); return 0; } i = regions[r].tableno; printf("\nPlease confirm that you want to delete region %d, losing all data it", r); printf("\ncontains. You're disk is not actually updated right away, but still."); printf("\n\n"); do { confirmation = is_sure("Are you sure you want to continue?"); if (confirmation == IS_NO) return 0; } while (confirmation != IS_YES); table[i].sysind = NO_PART; dirty = 1; regionize(); /* User may go again. */ return 0; } region_t * select_region(void) { int rn, done = 0; static char line[100]; int nofree = 0; printstep(2, "Select a disk region"); if(nr_regions < 1) { printf("\nNo regions found - maybe the drive is too small.\n" "Please try expert mode.\n"); exit(1); } if(nr_partitions >= NR_PARTITIONS || !free_regions) { if(free_regions) { nofree = 1; } } printf("\nPlease select the region that you want to use for the MINIX 3 setup."); printf("\nIf you select an in-use region it will be overwritten by MINIX. The"); printf("\nfollowing region%s were found on the selected disk:\n\n", SORNOT(nr_regions)); printregions(regions, 3, nr_partitions, free_regions, nr_regions, 1); printf("\n"); do { printf("Enter the region number to use or type 'delete': "); if(nr_regions == 1) printf(" [0] "); fflush(NULL); if(!fgets(line, sizeof(line)-2, stdin)) exit(1); if (nr_regions == 1 && line[0] == '\n') { rn = 0; done = 1; } else { if(strcmp(line,"delete\n") == 0) { may_kill_region(); return NULL; } if(sscanf(line, "%d", &rn) != 1) { warn("invalid choice"); continue; } if(rn < 0 || rn >= nr_regions) { warn("out of range"); continue; } if(nofree && !regions[rn].is_used_part) { warn("not available"); continue; } done = 1; } } while(! done); return(®ions[rn]); } void printstep(int step, char *str) { int n; n = printf("\n --- Substep 3.%d: %s ---", step, str); while(n++ < 73) printf("-"); printf("\n"); } device_t * select_disk(void) { int done = 0; int i, choice, drives; static char line[500]; int biosdrive = 0; printstep(1, "Select a disk to install MINIX 3"); printf("\nProbing for disks. This may take a short while."); i = 0; curdev=firstdev; for(; i < MAX_DEVICES;) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); m_read('r', &biosdrive); if(device >= 0) { devices[i].dev = curdev; devices[i].free_regions = free_regions; devices[i].nr_regions = nr_regions; devices[i].nr_partitions = nr_partitions; devices[i].used_regions = used_regions; devices[i].sectors = table[0].size; curdev->biosdrive = biosdrive-1; memcpy(devices[i].regions, regions, sizeof(regions)); i++; } nextdevice(NULL, 1); if(curdev == firstdev) break; } drives = i; if(drives < 1) { printf("\nFound no drives - can't partition.\n"); exit(1); } printf(" Probing done.\n"); printf("The following disk%s %s found on your system:\n\n", SORNOT(drives), drives == 1 ? "was" : "were"); for(i = 0; i < drives; i++) { printf(" "); printf("Disk [%d]: ", i); printf("%s, ", devices[i].dev->name); printf("%s\n", prettysizeprint(devices[i].sectors/2)); printregions(devices[i].regions, 8, devices[i].nr_partitions, devices[i].free_regions, devices[i].nr_regions, 0); } printf("\n"); do { printf("Enter the disk number to use: "); if (drives == 1) printf("[0] "); fflush(NULL); if(!fgets(line, sizeof(line)-2, stdin)) exit(1); if (line[0] == '\n' && drives == 1) { choice = 0; done = 1; } else { if(sscanf(line, "%d", &choice) != 1) { warn("choose a disk"); continue; } if(choice < 0 || choice >= i) { warn("out of range"); continue; } done = 1; } } while(! done); return devices[choice].dev; } int scribble_region(region_t *reg, struct part_entry **pe, int *made_new) { int ex, changed = 0, i; struct part_entry *newpart; if(!reg->is_used_part) { ex = reg->free_sec_last - reg->free_sec_start + 1; if(made_new) *made_new = 1; } else if(made_new) *made_new = 0; if(!reg->is_used_part) { for(i = 1; i <= NR_PARTITIONS; i++) if(table[i].sysind == NO_PART) break; if(i > NR_PARTITIONS) { /* Bug, should've been caught earlier. */ printf("Couldn't find a free slot. Please try expert mode.\n"); exit(1); } newpart = &table[i]; newpart->lowsec = reg->free_sec_start; newpart->size = reg->free_sec_last - reg->free_sec_start + 1; changed = 1; newpart->sysind = MINIX_PART; } else { newpart = ®->used_part; } *pe = newpart; changed = 1; dirty = 1; return changed; } int sanitycheck_failed(char *dev, struct part_entry *pe) { struct part_geom part; int fd; unsigned long it_lowsec, it_secsize; if((fd = open(dev, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { perror(dev); return 1; } if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGETP, &part) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "DIOCGETP failed\n"); perror(dev); return 1; } if(!open_ct_ok(fd)) { printf("\nAutopart error: the disk is in use. This means that although a\n" "new table has been written, it won't be in use by the system\n" "until it's no longer in use (or a reboot is done). Just in case,\n" "I'm not going to continue. Please un-use the disk (or reboot) and try\n" "again.\n\n"); return 1; } close(fd); it_lowsec = (unsigned long)(part.base / SECTOR_SIZE); it_secsize = (unsigned long)(part.size / SECTOR_SIZE); if(it_lowsec != pe->lowsec || it_secsize != pe->size) { fprintf(stderr, "\nReturned and set numbers don't match up!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This can happen if the disk is still opened.\n"); return 1; } return 0; } int do_autopart(int resultfd) { int confirmation; region_t *r; struct part_entry *pe; struct part_entry orig_table[1 + NR_PARTITIONS]; int region, newp; nordonly = 1; do { curdev = select_disk(); } while(!curdev); if(device >= 0) { close(device); device = -1; } recompute0(); m_read('r', NULL); memcpy(orig_table, table, sizeof(table)); do { /* Show regions. */ r = select_region(); } while(!r); /* Back to step 2. */ /* Write things. */ if(scribble_region(r, &pe, &newp)) { char *name; int i, found = -1; char partbuf[100], devname[100]; struct part_entry *tpe = NULL; printstep(3, "Confirm your choices"); region = (int)(r-regions); /* disk = (int) (curdev-devices); */ printf("\nThis is the point of no return. You have selected to install MINIX 3\n"); printf("into region %d of disk %s. Please confirm that you want\n", region, curdev->name); printf("to use this selection to install MINIX 3.\n\n"); do { confirmation = is_sure("Are you sure you want to continue?"); if (confirmation == IS_NO) return 1; } while (confirmation != IS_YES); /* Retrieve partition number in sorted order that we * have scribbled in. */ sort(); for(i = 1; i <= NR_PARTITIONS; i++) { int si; si = sort_order[i]; if(si < 1 || si > NR_PARTITIONS) { fprintf(stderr, "Autopart internal error (out of range) (nothing written).\n"); exit(1); } if(table[si].lowsec == pe->lowsec) { if(found > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Autopart internal error (part found twice) (nothing written).\n"); exit(1); } check_ind(&table[si]); table[si].sysind = MINIX_PART; found = i; tpe = &table[si]; } } if(found < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Autopart internal error (part not found) (nothing written).\n"); exit(1); } m_write('w', NULL); if(dirty) { fprintf(stderr, "Autopart internal error (couldn't update disk).\n"); exit(1); } name=strrchr(curdev->name, '/'); if(!name) name = curdev->name; else name++; sprintf(partbuf, "%sp%d d%dp%d\n", name, found-1, curdev->biosdrive, found-1); sprintf(devname, "/dev/%sp%d", name, found-1); if(resultfd >= 0 && write(resultfd, partbuf, strlen(partbuf)) < strlen(partbuf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Autopart internal error (couldn't write result).\n"); exit(1); } if(device >= 0) { close(device); device = -1; } #if 0 m_dump(orig_table); printf("\n"); m_dump(table); #endif if(sanitycheck_failed(devname, tpe)) { fprintf(stderr, "Autopart internal error (disk sanity check failed).\n"); exit(1); } if(newp) { int fd; if((fd=open(devname, O_WRONLY)) < 0) { perror(devname); } else { /* Clear any subpartitioning. */ static unsigned char sub[2048]; sub[510] = 0x55; sub[511] = 0xAA; write(fd, sub, sizeof(sub)); close(fd); } } return 0; } return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; int i, key; int resultfd = -1; /* autopart uses getopt() */ while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "m:f:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'm': min_region_mb = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': /* Make sure old data file is gone. */ unlink(optarg); if((resultfd=open(optarg, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC)) < 0) { perror(optarg); return 1; } sync(); /* Make sure no old data file lingers. */ break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option\n"); return 1; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; for (i= 0; i < argc; i++) { newdevice(argv[i], 0, 0); } if (firstdev == nil) { getdevices(); key= ctrl('L'); } else { key= 'r'; } { int r; if (firstdev == nil) { fprintf(stderr, "autopart couldn't find any devices.\n"); return 1; } r = do_autopart(resultfd); if(resultfd >= 0) { close(resultfd); } return r; } exit(0); }