/* * a small awk clone * * (C) 1989 Saeko Hirabauashi & Kouichi Hirabayashi * * Absolutely no warranty. Use this software with your own risk. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software for any * purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright and disclaimer notice. * * This program was written to fit into 64K+64K memory of the Minix 1.2. */ #include #include #include "awk.h" #include "regexp.h" #define PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define HASHSIZE 50 #define MAXFIELD 100 double atof(); char *getsval(), *jStrchar(); extern CELL *execute(), *_Arg(); extern char record[]; extern CELL *field[]; extern CELL truecell, falsecell; extern prmflg; SYMBOL *hashtab[HASHSIZE]; SYMBOL *funtab[HASHSIZE]; SYMBOL *argtab[HASHSIZE]; SYMBOL *envtab[HASHSIZE]; char *strsave(), *emalloc(), *strchr(); CELL *lookup(), *install(), *_install(), *mkcell(), *mktmp(), *getvar(); char **FS, **RS, **OFS, **ORS, **OFMT, **FILENAME; char **SUBSEP; double *NR, *NF; double *FNR, *ARGC, *RSTART, *RLENGTH; init() { FS = &install("FS", VAR|STR, " ", 0.0, hashtab)->c_sval; RS = &install("RS", VAR|STR, "\n", 0.0, hashtab)->c_sval; OFS = &install("OFS", VAR|STR , " ", 0.0, hashtab)->c_sval; ORS = &install("ORS", VAR|STR, "\n", 0.0, hashtab)->c_sval; OFMT = &install("OFMT", VAR|STR, "%.6g", 0.0, hashtab)->c_sval; NR = &install("NR", VAR|NUM, (char *)NULL, 0.0, hashtab)->c_fval; NF = &install("NF", VAR|NUM, (char *)NULL, 0.0, hashtab)->c_fval; FILENAME = &install("FILENAME", VAR|STR, (char *)NULL, 0.0, hashtab)->c_sval; install("PI", VAR|NUM, (char *)NULL, PI, hashtab); field[0] = mkcell(REC|STR, (char *)NULL, 0.0); /* $0 */ field[0]->c_sval = record; SUBSEP = &install("SUBSEP", VAR|STR, "\034", 0.0, hashtab)->c_sval; FNR = &install("FNR", VAR|NUM, (char *)NULL, 0.0, hashtab)->c_fval; RSTART = &install("RSTART", VAR|NUM, (char *)NULL, 0.0, hashtab)->c_fval; RLENGTH = &install("RLENGTH", VAR|NUM, (char *)NULL, 0.0, hashtab)->c_fval; } setvar(s) char *s; { CELL *u; char *t; for (t = s; *t && *t != '='; t++) ; *t++ = '\0'; if ((u = lookup(s, hashtab)) == (CELL *)NULL) { if (isnum(t)) install(s, VAR|NUM|STR, t, atof(t), hashtab); else install(s, VAR|STR, t, 0.0, hashtab); } else { if (isnum(t)) setfval(u, atof(t)); else setsval(u, t); } } initarg(arg0, argc, argv, envp) char *arg0, **argv, **envp; { CELL *u; register int i; register char str[4], *p; ARGC = &install("ARGC", VAR|NUM, (char *)NULL, (double)argc+1, hashtab)->c_fval; u = install("ARGV", ARR, (char *)NULL, 0.0, hashtab); u->c_sval = (char *) argtab; install("0", VAR|STR, arg0, 0.0, argtab); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { sprintf(str, "%d", i+1); if (isnum(argv[i])) install(str, VAR|STR|NUM, argv[i], atof(argv[i]), argtab); else install(str, VAR|STR, argv[i], 0.0, argtab); } u = install("ENVIRON", ARR, (char *)NULL, 0.0, hashtab); u->c_sval = (char *) envtab; for (i = 0; envp[i] && *envp[i]; i++) { if ((p = strchr(envp[i], '=')) != NULL) { *p = 0; if (isnum(p+1)) install(envp[i], VAR|STR|NUM, p+1, atof(p+1), envtab); else install(envp[i], VAR|STR, p+1, 0.0, envtab); *p = '='; } } } static hash(s) unsigned char *s; { register unsigned int h; for (h = 0; *s; ) h += *s++; return h % HASHSIZE; } CELL * lookup(s, h) char *s; SYMBOL *h[]; { register SYMBOL *p; for (p = h[hash(s)]; p; p = p->s_next) if (strcmp(s, p->s_name) == 0) return p->s_val; return (CELL *)NULL; } static CELL * install(name, type, sval, fval, h) char *name, *sval; double fval; SYMBOL *h[]; { CELL *u; if ((u = lookup(name, h)) == (CELL *)NULL) u = _install(name, type, sval, fval, h); else error("%s is doubly defined", name); return u; } static CELL * _install(name, type, sval, fval, h) char *name, *sval; double fval; SYMBOL *h[];{ register SYMBOL *p; CELL *u; int hval; p = (SYMBOL *) emalloc(sizeof(*p)); u = (CELL *) emalloc(sizeof(*u)); p->s_name = strsave(name); p->s_val = u; hval = hash(name); p->s_next = h[hval]; h[hval] = p; u->c_type = type; u->c_sval = strsave(sval); #if 0 if (!(type & NUM) && isnum(sval)) { u->c_fval = atof(sval); u->c_type |= NUM; } else #endif u->c_fval = fval; return u; } CELL * getvar(s, h, typ) char *s; SYMBOL *h[]; { CELL *u; SYMBOL *p; char *t; int i, hval; if ((u = lookup(s, h)) == (CELL *)NULL) { if (prmflg) { u = _install(s, UDF, "", 0.0, h); goto rtn; } else if (typ & ARR) { t = emalloc(sizeof(SYMBOL *) * HASHSIZE); for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) ((SYMBOL **) t)[i] = (SYMBOL *)NULL; u = (CELL *) emalloc(sizeof(*u)); u->c_type = typ; u->c_sval = t; u->c_fval = 0.0; p = (SYMBOL *) emalloc(sizeof(*p)); p->s_name = strsave(s); p->s_val = u; hval = hash(s); p->s_next = h[hval]; h[hval] = p; } else u = _install(s, typ, "", 0.0, h); } else if (!prmflg && (u->c_type == UDF) && (typ != UDF)) { /* fix up local_var/forward_function */ if (typ == ARR) { /* printf("getvar_correct_to_array\n"); */ u->c_type = typ; sfree(u->c_sval); u->c_sval = emalloc(sizeof(SYMBOL *) * HASHSIZE); for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) ((SYMBOL **) u->c_sval)[i] = (SYMBOL *)NULL; u->c_fval = 0.0; } else if (typ != UDF) { u->c_type = typ; } } rtn: return u; } fixarray(u) CELL *u; { int i; if (u->c_type == UDF) { /* fix up local var */ /* printf("fixarray\n"); */ u->c_type = ARR; sfree(u->c_sval); u->c_sval = emalloc(sizeof(SYMBOL *) * HASHSIZE); for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) ((SYMBOL **) u->c_sval)[i] = (SYMBOL *)NULL; u->c_fval = 0.0; } } a_free(u) CELL *u; { /* free local array */ SYMBOL **h, *q, *r; CELL *v; int i; if (!(u->c_type & ARR)) error("try to free non array variable", (char *)0); h = (SYMBOL **) u->c_sval; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) for (q = h[i]; q; q = r) { r = q->s_next; sfree(q->s_name); v = q->s_val; /* CELL */ c_free(v); sfree(q); /* SYMBOL */ } sfree(u->c_sval); /* symbol table */ c_free(u); } CELL * Array(p) NODE *p; { CELL *u; char str[BUFSIZ]; int i, n; CELL *v; u = (CELL *) p->n_arg[0]; if (u->c_type == POS) { i = (int)u->c_fval; /* printf("**ARG_ARRAY(%d)*\n", i); */ u = _Arg(i); if (u->c_type == UDF) { /* fix up local array */ /* printf("local_var_to_array\n"); */ fixarray(u); } } else if (!(u->c_type & ARR)) error("non array refference"); arrayelm(p, str); u = getvar(str, u->c_sval, VAR|NUM|STR); /* "rtsort in AWK book */ return u; } static arrayelm(p, s) NODE *p; char *s; { CELL *u; int i, n; char *t; /* char *tt = s; */ n = (int) p->n_arg[1] + 2; for (i = 2; i < n; i++) { if (i > 2) *s++ = **SUBSEP; u = execute(p->n_arg[i]); for (t = getsval(u); *t; ) *s++ = *t++; c_free(u); } *s = '\0'; /* printf("array_elm(%s)\n", tt); */ } CELL * Element(p) NODE *p; { char str[BUFSIZ]; arrayelm(p, str); return mktmp(STR, str, 0.0); } CELL * Delete(p) NODE *p; { CELL *u; char str[BUFSIZ]; int i; SYMBOL *q, *r, **h; u = (CELL *) p->n_arg[0]; if (!(u->c_type & ARR)) error("can't delete non array variable"); arrayelm(p, str); h = (SYMBOL **) u->c_sval; for (r = (SYMBOL *)NULL, i = hash(str), q = h[i]; q; r = q, q = q->s_next) if (strcmp(str, q->s_name) == 0) break; if (q) { sfree(q->s_val->c_sval); sfree(q->s_name); if (r) r->s_next = q->s_next; if (q == h[i]) h[i] = (SYMBOL *)NULL; } return &truecell; } CELL * In(p) NODE *p; { SYMBOL **h, *q; CELL *u, *v; char *s; int i; u = (CELL *) p->n_arg[1]; /* array */ if (!(u->c_type & ARR)) error("%s is not an array", u->c_sval); h = (SYMBOL **) u->c_sval; if (u->c_sval != (char *)NULL) { v = execute(p->n_arg[0]); /* var */ s = getsval(v); for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) for (q = h[i]; q; q = q->s_next) { if (strcmp(s, q->s_name) == 0) { c_free(v); return &truecell; } } c_free(v); } return &falsecell; } CELL * Split(p) NODE *p; { CELL *u, *v, *w; char *s, *t, *h, *name, *sep; int i, n, skip; char elm[8], str[BUFSIZ]; static char *s_str; static regexp *s_pat; regexp *mkpat(); extern int r_start, r_length; n = (int) p->n_arg[1]; if (n > 1) { u = execute(p->n_arg[2]); s = getsval(u); /* str */ v = execute(p->n_arg[3]); /* array */ if (!(v->c_type & ARR)) { /* printf("Split fix_to_array(%d)\n", v->c_type); */ if (v->c_type == UDF) /* fix up local array */ fixarray(v); else error("split to non array variable", (char *)0); } h = v->c_sval; c_free(v); if (n > 2) { v = execute(p->n_arg[4]); sep = getsval(v); } else { v = (CELL *)NULL; sep = *FS; } if (strlen(sep) > 1) { /* reg_exp */ if (strcmp(sep, s_str) != 0) { sfree(s_str); sfree(s_pat); s_str = strsave(sep); s_pat = mkpat(s_str); } for (i = 0, t = str; *s; ) { if (match(s_pat, s)) { for (n = r_start; --n > 0; ) *t++ = *s++; } else { while(*s) *t++ = *s++; } *t = '\0'; t = str; sprintf(elm, "%d", ++i); w = getvar(elm, h, VAR); if (isnum(str)) setfval(w, atof(str)); else setsval(w, str); if (*s) s += r_length; } } else { skip = *sep == ' '; for (i = 0; t = str, *s; ) { if (skip) while (jStrchr(" \t\n", *s)) s++; if (!(*s)) break; while (*s && !jStrchr(sep, *s)) { if (isKanji(*s)) *t++ = *s++; *t++ = *s++; } *t = '\0'; sprintf(elm, "%d", ++i); w = getvar(elm, h, VAR); if (isnum(str)) setfval(w, atof(str)); else setsval(w, str); if (*s && !skip) s++; } } c_free(v); /* sep */ c_free(u); /* str may be CATed */ } else i = 0; return mktmp(NUM, (char *)NULL, (double) i); } CELL * Forin(p) NODE *p; { CELL *u, *v; SYMBOL **h, *q; char *name; int i; u = execute(p->n_arg[1]); if (!(u->c_type & ARR)) synerr( "non array variable is specified in 'for (. in var)'", (char *)0); h = (SYMBOL **) u->c_sval; c_free(u); u = execute(p->n_arg[0]); if (u->c_type == UDF) { /* printf("Forin_fix_to_VAR|NUM\n"); */ u->c_type = VAR|NUM; } if (!(u->c_type & VAR)) error("'for (VAR in .)' is not variable (%d)", name, u->c_type); for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) { for (q = h[i]; q; q = q->s_next) { setsval(u, q->s_name); v = execute(p->n_arg[2]); c_free(v); } } c_free(u); return &truecell; } char * strsave(s) char *s; { register int n; char *emalloc(), *strcpy(); if (s == (char *)NULL) return (char *)NULL; n = strlen(s) + 1; return strcpy(emalloc(n), s); } sfree(p) char *p; { if (p != (char *)NULL) Free(p); } isnum(s) char *s; { char *strchr(); if (s == NULL || *s == '\0' || !strcmp(s, ".")) return 0; if (*s && strchr("+-", *s) != (char *)NULL) s++; if (*s == '\0') return 0; while (isdigit(*s)) s++; if (*s == '.') { s++; while (isdigit(*s)) s++; } if (*s && strchr("eE", *s) != (char *)NULL) { s++; if (*s == '\0') return 0; if (*s && strchr("+-", *s) != (char *)NULL) s++; while (isdigit(*s)) s++; } return *s == '\0'; } setfval(u, f) CELL *u; double f; { if (u->c_type == UDF) { /* fix up local var */ /* printf("setfval_fix_to_VAR\n"); */ u->c_type |= VAR; } if (u->c_type & (VAR|FLD|REC|TMP)) { u->c_type &= ~STR; u->c_type |= NUM; sfree(u->c_sval); u->c_sval = (char *)NULL; u->c_fval = f; if (u->c_type & FLD) mkrec(u); } else fprintf(stderr, "assign to nonvariable (%d)\n", u->c_type); } setsval(u, s) CELL *u; char *s; { double atof(); if (u->c_type == UDF) { /* fix up local var */ /* printf("setsval_fix_to_VAR\n"); */ u->c_type |= VAR; } if (u->c_type & (VAR|FLD|REC|TMP)) { u->c_type &= ~NUM; u->c_type |= STR; sfree(u->c_sval); u->c_sval = strsave(s); #if 0 /* "table2" in AWK book */ if (isnum(u->c_sval)) { u->c_fval = atof(u->c_sval); u->c_type |= NUM; } else #endif u->c_fval = 0.0; if (u->c_type & FLD) mkrec(u); } else fprintf(stderr, "assign to constant (%d)\n", u->c_type); } double getfval(u) CELL *u; { double x, atof(); if (u->c_type == UDF) { /* local var */ u->c_type |= VAR|STR|NUM; u->c_sval = strsave(""); x = u->c_fval = 0.0; } else if (u->c_type & NUM) x = u->c_fval; #if 1 else { x = atof(u->c_sval); #else else { if (isnum(u->c_sval)) x = atof(u->c_sval); else x = 0.0; #endif } return x; } char * getsval(u) CELL *u; { char *s, str[80]; if (u->c_type & STR) s = u->c_sval; else if (u->c_type & NUM) { /* if (u->c_fval >= -2147483648.0 && u->c_fval <= 2147483647.0)*/ if ((long)u->c_fval == u->c_fval) s = "%.16g"; else s = *OFMT; sprintf(str, s, u->c_fval); sfree(u->c_sval); s = u->c_sval = strsave(str); } #if 1 else if (u->c_type == UDF) { /* local var */ /* printf("getsval_fix_to_VAR|STR\n"); */ u->c_type |= VAR|STR|NUM; s = u->c_sval = strsave(""); u->c_fval = 0.0; } #endif else fprintf(stderr, "abnormal value (STR|NUM == 0)(%d)\n", u->c_type); return s; } char * emalloc(n) unsigned n; { char *p; #if 0 char far *_fmalloc(); #else char *malloc(); #endif #if 0 if ((p = _fmalloc(n)) == (char *)NULL) #else if ((p = malloc(n)) == (char *)NULL) #endif error("memory over"); return p; } Free(s) char *s; { #if DOS void _ffree(); _ffree(s); #else free(s); #endif }