/* This tests the behavior of Minix when the current working dir (cwd) doesn't * actually exist and we either: * - create a new file * - make a new directory * - make a special file (mknod) * - create a hard link * - create a symbolic link, or * - rename a file * In each case, `a component of the path does not name an existing file', and * the operation should fail with ENOENT. These tests should actually be * distributed over the other tests that actually test the specific system * calls. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int subtest = -1; #define MAX_ERROR 999 /* Effectively no limit. This is necessary as this * test tries to undo errors and should therefore not * preemptively exit, as that would leave the FS * in a corrupted state. */ #include "common.c" #define TEST_PATH "a/b/c" #define INTEGR_MSG "You might want to check fs integrity\n" _PROTOTYPE( void do_test, (void) ); void do_test(void) { int r, fd; int s[2]; char buf[1], testroot[PATH_MAX+1], renamebuf[PATH_MAX+1]; subtest = 1; if (socketpair(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, s) == -1) e(1); if (system("mkdir -p " TEST_PATH) == -1) e(2); if (realpath(".", testroot) == NULL) e(3); r = fork(); if (r == -1) e(4); else if (r == 0) { /* Child */ /* Change child's cwd to TEST_PATH */ if (chdir(TEST_PATH) == -1) e(5); /* Signal parent we're ready for the test */ buf[0] = 'a'; if (write(s[0], buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) e(6); /* Wait for parent to remove my cwd */ if (read(s[0], buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) e(7); /* Try to create a file */ if ((fd = open("testfile", O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) != -1) { e(8); /* Uh oh. We created a file?! Try to remove it. */ (void) close(fd); if (unlink("testfile") != 0) { /* This is not good. We created a file, but we can * never access it; we have a spurious inode. */ e(9); printf(INTEGR_MSG); exit(errct); } } if (errno != ENOENT) e(10); /* Try to create a dir */ errno = 0; if (mkdir("testdir", 0777) == 0) { e(11); /* Uh oh. This shouldn't have been possible. Try to undo. */ if (rmdir("testdir") != 0) { /* Not good. */ e(12); printf(INTEGR_MSG); exit(errct); } } if (errno != ENOENT) e(13); /* Try to create a special file */ errno = 0; if (mknod("testnode", 0777 | S_IFIFO, 0) == 0) { e(14); /* Impossible. Try to make it unhappen. */ if (unlink("testnode") != 0) { /* Not good. */ e(15); printf(INTEGR_MSG); exit(errct); } } if (errno != ENOENT) e(16); /* Try to rename a file */ errno = 0; /* First create a file in the test dir */ snprintf(renamebuf, PATH_MAX, "%s/oldname", testroot); if ((fd = open(renamebuf, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == -1) e(17); if (close(fd) != 0) e(18); /* Now try to rename that file to an entry in the current, non-existing * working directory. */ if (rename(renamebuf, "testrename") == 0) { e(19); /* This shouldn't have been possible. Revert the name change. */ if (rename("testrename", renamebuf) != 0) { /* Failed */ e(20); printf(INTEGR_MSG); exit(errct); } } /* Try to create a hard link to that file */ errno = 0; if (link(renamebuf, "testhlink") == 0) { e(21); /* Try to undo the hard link to prevent fs corruption. */ if (unlink("testhlink") != 0) { /* Failed. */ e(22); printf(INTEGR_MSG); exit(errct); } } if (errno != ENOENT) e(23); /* Try to create a symlink */ errno = 0; if (symlink(testroot, "testslink") == 0) { e(24); /* Try to remove the symlink to prevent fs corruption. */ if (unlink("testslink") != 0) { /* Failed. */ e(25); printf(INTEGR_MSG); exit(errct); } } if (errno != ENOENT) e(26); exit(errct); } else { /* Parent */ int status; /* Wait for the child to enter the TEST_PATH dir */ if (read(s[1], buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) e(27); /* Delete TEST_PATH */ if (rmdir(TEST_PATH) != 0) e(28); /* Tell child we removed its cwd */ buf[0] = 'b'; if (write(s[1], buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) e(29); wait(&status); errct += WEXITSTATUS(status); /* Count errors */ } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { start(58); do_test(); quit(); }