/* Tests for MINIX3 realpath(3) - by Erik van der Kouwe */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_ERROR 4 static int errct = 0; static const char *executable, *subtest; #define ERR (e(__LINE__)) static void e(int n) { printf("File %s, error line %d, errno %d: %s\n", subtest, n, errno, strerror(errno)); if (errct++ > MAX_ERROR) { printf("Too many errors; test aborted\n"); exit(1); } } static void quit(void) { if (errct == 0) { printf("ok\n"); exit(0); } else { printf("%d errors\n", errct); exit(1); } } static char *remove_last_path_component(char *path) { char *current, *last; assert(path); /* find last slash */ last = NULL; for (current = path; *current; current++) if (*current == '/') last = current; /* check path component */ if (last) { if (strcmp(last + 1, ".") == 0) ERR; if (strcmp(last + 1, "..") == 0) ERR; } /* if only root path slash, we are done */ if (last <= path) return NULL; /* chop off last path component */ *last = 0; return path; } static void check_realpath(const char *path, int expected_errno) { char buffer[PATH_MAX + 1], *resolved_path; struct stat statbuf[2]; assert(path); /* run realpath */ subtest = path; resolved_path = realpath(path, buffer); /* do we get errors when expected? */ if (expected_errno) { if (errno != expected_errno) ERR; if (resolved_path) ERR; subtest = NULL; return; } /* do we get success when expected? */ if (!resolved_path) { ERR; subtest = NULL; return; } errno = 0; /* do the paths point to the same file? */ if (stat(path, &statbuf[0]) < 0) { ERR; return; } if (stat(resolved_path, &statbuf[1]) < 0) { ERR; return; } if (statbuf[0].st_dev != statbuf[1].st_dev) ERR; if (statbuf[0].st_ino != statbuf[1].st_ino) ERR; /* is the path absolute? */ if (resolved_path[0] != '/') ERR; /* is each path element allowable? */ while (remove_last_path_component(resolved_path)) { /* not a symlink? */ if (lstat(resolved_path, &statbuf[1]) < 0) { ERR; return; } if ((statbuf[1].st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) ERR; } subtest = NULL; } static void check_realpath_step_by_step(const char *path, int expected_errno) { char buffer[PATH_MAX + 1]; const char *path_current; assert(path); assert(strlen(path) < sizeof(buffer)); /* check the absolute path */ check_realpath(path, expected_errno); /* try with different CWDs */ for (path_current = path; *path_current; path_current++) if (path_current[0] == '/' && path_current[1]) { /* set CWD */ memcpy(buffer, path, path_current - path + 1); buffer[path_current - path + 1] = 0; if (chdir(buffer) < 0) { ERR; continue; } /* perform test */ check_realpath(path_current + 1, expected_errno); } } static char *pathncat(char *buffer, size_t size, const char *path1, const char *path2) { size_t len1, len2, lenslash; assert(buffer); assert(path1); assert(path2); /* check whether it fits */ len1 = strlen(path1); len2 = strlen(path2); lenslash = (len1 > 0 && path1[len1 - 1] == '/') ? 0 : 1; if (len1 >= size || /* check individual components to avoid overflow */ len2 >= size || len1 + len2 + lenslash >= size) return NULL; /* perform the copy */ memcpy(buffer, path1, len1); if (lenslash) buffer[len1] = '/'; memcpy(buffer + len1 + lenslash, path2, len2 + 1); return buffer; } static void check_realpath_recurse(const char *path, int depth) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dirent; char pathsub[PATH_MAX + 1]; /* check with the path itself */ check_realpath_step_by_step(path, 0); /* don't go too deep */ if (depth < 1) return; /* loop through subdirectories (including . and ..) */ if (!(dir = opendir(path))) { if (errno != ENOTDIR) ERR; return; } while (dirent = readdir(dir)) { /* build path */ if (!pathncat(pathsub, sizeof(pathsub), path, dirent->d_name)) { ERR; continue; } /* check path */ check_realpath_recurse(pathsub, depth - 1); } if (closedir(dir) < 0) ERR; } #define PATH_DEPTH 4 #define PATH_BASE "/t43" #define L(x) PATH_BASE "/link_" #x ".tmp" static char basepath[PATH_MAX + 1]; static char *addbasepath(char *buffer, const char *path) { size_t basepathlen, pathlen; int slashlen; /* assumption: both start with slash and neither end with it */ assert(basepath[0] == '/'); assert(basepath[strlen(basepath) - 1] != '/'); assert(buffer); assert(path); assert(path[0] == '/'); /* check result length */ basepathlen = strlen(basepath); pathlen = strlen(path); if (basepathlen + pathlen > PATH_MAX) { printf("path too long\n"); exit(-1); } /* concatenate base path and path */ memcpy(buffer, basepath, basepathlen); memcpy(buffer + basepathlen, path, pathlen + 1); return buffer; } static void cleanup(const char *path) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dirent; char pathsub[PATH_MAX + 1]; struct stat statbuf; /* determine file type, avoid following links */ if (lstat(path, &statbuf) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) ERR; return; } /* only recursively process directories (NOT symlinks!) */ if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) { if (unlink(path) < 0) ERR; return; } /* loop through subdirectories (excluding . and ..) */ if (!(dir = opendir(path))) { ERR; return; } while (dirent = readdir(dir)) { /* ignore current and parent directories */ if (strcmp(dirent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dirent->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; /* build path */ if (!pathncat(pathsub, sizeof(pathsub), path, dirent->d_name)) { ERR; continue; } /* delete path */ cleanup(pathsub); } if (closedir(dir) < 0) ERR; /* remove the (now empty) directory itself */ if (rmdir(path) < 0) ERR; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buffer1[PATH_MAX + 1], buffer2[PATH_MAX + 1]; /* initialize */ printf("Test 43 "); fflush(stdout); executable = argv[0]; getcwd(basepath, sizeof(basepath)); cleanup(addbasepath(buffer1, PATH_BASE)); /* prepare some symlinks to make it more difficult */ if (mkdir(addbasepath(buffer1, PATH_BASE), S_IRWXU) < 0) ERR; if (symlink("/", addbasepath(buffer1, L(1))) < 0) ERR; if (symlink(basepath, addbasepath(buffer1, L(2))) < 0) ERR; /* perform some tests */ check_realpath_recurse(basepath, PATH_DEPTH); /* now try with recursive symlinks */ if (symlink(addbasepath(buffer1, L(3)), addbasepath(buffer2, L(3))) < 0) ERR; if (symlink(addbasepath(buffer1, L(5)), addbasepath(buffer2, L(4))) < 0) ERR; if (symlink(addbasepath(buffer1, L(4)), addbasepath(buffer2, L(5))) < 0) ERR; check_realpath_step_by_step(addbasepath(buffer1, L(3)), ELOOP); check_realpath_step_by_step(addbasepath(buffer1, L(4)), ELOOP); check_realpath_step_by_step(addbasepath(buffer1, L(5)), ELOOP); /* delete the symlinks */ cleanup(addbasepath(buffer1, PATH_BASE)); /* done */ quit(); return(-1); /* impossible */ }