/* partition 1.13 - Make a partition table Author: Kees J. Bot * 27 Apr 1992 */ #define nil ((void*)0) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __minix #include #include #include #include #include #else #include "partition.h" #define NR_PARTITIONS 4 #endif #define SECTOR_SIZE 512 #define arraysize(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0])) #define arraylimit(a) ((a) + arraysize(a)) char *arg0; void report(const char *label) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", arg0, label, strerror(errno)); } void fatal(const char *label) { report(label); exit(1); } int aflag; /* Add a new partition to the current table. */ int mflag; /* Minix rules, no need for alignment. */ int rflag; /* Report current partitions. */ int fflag; /* Force making a table even if too small. */ int nflag; /* Play-act, don't really do it. */ int cylinders, heads, sectors; /* Device's geometry */ int pad; /* Partitions must be padded. */ /* Descriptions of the device to divide and the partitions to make, including * gaps between partitions. */ char *device; struct part_entry primary, table[2 * NR_PARTITIONS + 1]; int npart; /* Extra flags at construction time. */ #define EXPAND_FLAG 0x01 /* Add the remaining sectors to this one */ #define EXIST_FLAG 0x02 /* Use existing partition */ void find_exist(struct part_entry *exist, int sysind, int nr) { int f; uint16_t signature; struct part_entry oldtable[NR_PARTITIONS]; int n, i; uint32_t minlow, curlow; struct part_entry *cur; char *nr_s[] = { "", "second ", "third ", "fourth" }; if ((f= open(device, O_RDONLY)) < 0 || lseek(f, (off_t) PART_TABLE_OFF, SEEK_SET) == -1 || read(f, oldtable, sizeof(oldtable)) < 0 || read(f, &signature, sizeof(signature)) < 0 || close(f) < 0 ) fatal(device); minlow= 0; n= 0; for (;;) { curlow= -1; cur= nil; for (i= 0; i < NR_PARTITIONS; i++) { if (signature == 0xAA55 && oldtable[i].sysind != NO_PART && oldtable[i].lowsec >= minlow && oldtable[i].lowsec < curlow ) { cur= &oldtable[i]; curlow= oldtable[i].lowsec; } } if (n == nr) break; n++; minlow= curlow+1; } if (cur == nil || cur->sysind != sysind) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't find a %sexisting partition of type 0x%02X\n", arg0, nr_s[nr], sysind); exit(1); } *exist = *cur; } void write_table(void) { int f; uint16_t signature= 0xAA55; struct part_entry newtable[NR_PARTITIONS]; int i; if (nflag) { printf("(Table not written)\n"); return; } for (i= 0; i < NR_PARTITIONS; i++) newtable[i]= table[1 + 2*i]; /* we have a abstract struct but it must conform to a certain * reality that will never change (in-MBR sizes and offsets). * each partition entry is 16 bytes and there are 4 of them. * this also determines the signature offset. */ assert(sizeof(struct part_entry) == 16); assert(sizeof(newtable) == 64); if ((f= open(device, O_WRONLY)) < 0 || lseek(f, (off_t) PART_TABLE_OFF, SEEK_SET) == -1 || write(f, newtable, sizeof(newtable)) < 0 || write(f, &signature, sizeof(signature)) < 0 || close(f) < 0 ) fatal(device); } void sec2dos(unsigned long sec, unsigned char *dos) /* Translate a sector number into the three bytes DOS uses. */ { unsigned secspcyl= heads * sectors; unsigned cyl; cyl= sec / secspcyl; dos[2]= cyl; dos[1]= ((sec % sectors) + 1) | ((cyl >> 2) & 0xC0); dos[0]= (sec % secspcyl) / sectors; } void show_chs(unsigned long pos) { int cyl, head, sec; if (pos == -1) { cyl= head= 0; sec= -1; } else { cyl= pos / (heads * sectors); head= (pos / sectors) - (cyl * heads); sec= pos % sectors; } printf(" %4d/%03d/%02d", cyl, head, sec); } void show_part(struct part_entry *p) { static int banner= 0; int n; n= p - table; if ((n % 2) == 0) return; if (!banner) { printf( "Part First Last Base Size Kb\n"); banner= 1; } printf("%3d ", (n-1) / 2); show_chs(p->lowsec); show_chs(p->lowsec + p->size - 1); printf(" %8lu %8lu %7lu\n", p->lowsec, p->size, p->size / 2); } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: partition [-mfn] device [type:]length[+*] ...\n"); exit(1); } #define between(a, c, z) ((unsigned) ((c) - (a)) <= ((z) - (a))) void parse(char *descr) { int seen= 0, sysind, flags, c; unsigned long lowsec, size; lowsec= 0; if (strchr(descr, ':') == nil) { /* A hole. */ if ((npart % 2) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Two holes can't be adjacent.\n", arg0); exit(1); } sysind= NO_PART; seen|= 1; } else { /* A partition. */ if ((npart % 2) == 0) { /* Need a hole before this partition. */ if (npart == 0) { /* First hole contains the partition table. */ table[0].size= 1; } npart++; } sysind= 0; for (;;) { c= *descr++; if (between('0', c, '9')) c= (c - '0') + 0x0; else if (between('a', c, 'z')) c= (c - 'a') + 0xa; else if (between('A', c, 'Z')) c= (c - 'A') + 0xA; else break; sysind= 0x10 * sysind + c; seen|= 1; } if (c != ':') usage(); } flags= 0; if (strncmp(descr, "exist", 5) == 0 && (npart % 2) == 1) { struct part_entry exist; find_exist(&exist, sysind, (npart - 1) / 2); sysind= exist.sysind; lowsec= exist.lowsec; size= exist.size; flags |= EXIST_FLAG; descr += 5; c= *descr++; seen|= 2; } else { size= 0; while (between('0', (c= *descr++), '9')) { size= 10 * size + (c - '0'); seen|= 2; } } for (;;) { if (c == '*') flags|= ACTIVE_FLAG; else if (c == '+' && !(flags & EXIST_FLAG)) flags|= EXPAND_FLAG; else break; c= *descr++; } if (seen != 3 || c != 0) usage(); if (npart == arraysize(table)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many partitions, only %d possible.\n", arg0, NR_PARTITIONS); exit(1); } table[npart].bootind= flags; table[npart].sysind= sysind; table[npart].lowsec= lowsec; table[npart].size= size; npart++; } void geometry(void) /* Get the geometry of the drive the device lives on, and the base and size * of the device. */ { int fd; struct stat sb; if ((fd= open(device, O_RDONLY)) < 0) fatal(device); #ifdef __minix struct part_geom geometry; /* Get the geometry of the drive, and the device's base and size. */ if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGETP, &geometry) < 0) { /* Use the same fake geometry as part. */ if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0) fatal(device); geometry.base= ((u64_t)(0)); geometry.size= ((u64_t)(sb.st_size)); geometry.sectors= 32; geometry.heads= 64; geometry.cylinders= (sb.st_size-1)/SECTOR_SIZE/ (geometry.sectors*geometry.heads) + 1; } primary.lowsec= div64u(geometry.base, SECTOR_SIZE); primary.size= div64u(geometry.size, SECTOR_SIZE); cylinders= geometry.cylinders; heads= geometry.heads; sectors= geometry.sectors; #else if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0) fatal(device); primary.lowsec= 0; primary.size= sb.st_size / SECTOR_SIZE; heads= 64; sectors= 32; cylinders= (sb.st_size-1) / SECTOR_SIZE / (sectors*heads) + 1; #endif close(fd); /* Is this a primary partition table? If so then pad partitions. */ pad= (!mflag && primary.lowsec == 0); } void boundary(struct part_entry *pe, int exp) /* Expand or reduce a primary partition to a track or cylinder boundary to * avoid giving the fdisk's of simpler operating systems a fit. */ { unsigned n; n= !pad ? 1 : pe == &table[0] ? sectors : heads * sectors; if (exp) pe->size+= n - 1; pe->size= ((pe->lowsec + pe->size) / n * n) - pe->lowsec; } void distribute(void) /* Fit the partitions onto the device. Try to start and end them on a * cylinder boundary if so required. The first partition is to start on * track 1, not on cylinder 1. */ { struct part_entry *pe, *exp; long count; unsigned long base, oldbase; do { exp= nil; base= primary.lowsec; count= primary.size; for (pe= table; pe < arraylimit(table); pe++) { oldbase= base; if (pe->bootind & EXIST_FLAG) { if (base > pe->lowsec) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: fixed partition %ld is preceded by too big partitions/holes\n", arg0, ((pe - table) - 1) / 2); exit(1); } exp= nil; /* XXX - Extend before? */ } else { pe->lowsec= base; boundary(pe, 1); if (pe->bootind & EXPAND_FLAG) exp= pe; } base= pe->lowsec + pe->size; count-= base - oldbase; } if (count < 0) { if (fflag) break; fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s is %ld sectors too small\n", arg0, device, -count); exit(1); } if (exp != nil) { /* Add leftover space to the partition marked for * expanding. */ exp->size+= count; boundary(exp, 0); exp->bootind&= ~EXPAND_FLAG; } } while (exp != nil); for (pe= table; pe < arraylimit(table); pe++) { if (pe->sysind == NO_PART) { memset(pe, 0, sizeof(*pe)); } else { sec2dos(pe->lowsec, &pe->start_head); sec2dos(pe->lowsec + pe->size - 1, &pe->last_head); pe->bootind&= ACTIVE_FLAG; } show_part(pe); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; if ((arg0= strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == nil) arg0= argv[0]; else arg0++; i= 1; while (i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-') { char *opt= argv[i++] + 1; if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == 0) break; while (*opt != 0) switch (*opt++) { case 'a': aflag= 1; break; case 'm': mflag= 1; break; case 'r': rflag= 1; break; case 'f': fflag= 1; break; case 'n': nflag= 1; break; default: usage(); } } if (rflag) { if (aflag) usage(); if ((argc - i) != 1) usage(); fprintf(stderr, "%s: -r is not yet implemented\n", __func__); exit(1); } else { if ((argc - i) < 1) usage(); if (aflag) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -a is not yet implemented\n", __func__); device= argv[i++]; geometry(); while (i < argc) parse(argv[i++]); distribute(); write_table(); } exit(0); }