.ifdef BSD_PKG_MK # begin pkgsrc settings CC= gcc COMPILER_TYPE=gnu AR=gar NM=gnm PATH:= ${PATH}:/usr/gnu/bin .export PATH PKGSRC_COMPILER= gcc PKG_DBDIR= /usr/var/db/pkg LOCALBASE= /usr/pkg VARBASE= /usr/var PKG_TOOLS_BIN= /usr/sbin PKGMANDIR= man FETCH_USING?= fetch EXTRACT_USING?= bsdtar # This is where binary packages are stored. # PACKAGES?= /usr/tmp/packages # This is where packages will be extracted and compiled WRKOBJDIR?= /usr/tmp/work # This hack is required because, pkgsrc insists on having a working dlopen # even for packages that build and work okay when we don't have one (perl, # libtool, etc). This will cause packages that really require dlopen to fail # during the build/configure stage. But considering the number of packages # that work, this is okay IS_BUILTIN.dl?= yes CURSES_DEFAULT?= ncurses PKG_OPTIONS.groff=-x11 -groff-docs PKG_OPTIONS.scmgit=-python -scmgit-gui # no inet6 PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS?= -inet6 # allow all licenses for external packages SKIP_LICENSE_CHECK=yes # where will pkgsrc place startup scripts? PKG_RCD_SCRIPTS=YES RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR=/usr/pkg/etc/rc.d .endif # end pkgsrc settings