/* asm86.c - 80X86 assembly intermediate Author: Kees J. Bot * 24 Dec 1993 */ #define nil 0 #include #include #include #include "asm86.h" #include "asmconv.h" #include "token.h" expression_t *new_expr(void) /* Make a new cell to build an expression. */ { expression_t *e; e= allocate(nil, sizeof(*e)); e->operator= -1; e->left= e->middle= e->right= nil; e->name= nil; e->magic= 31624; return e; } void del_expr(expression_t *e) /* Delete an expression tree. */ { if (e != nil) { assert(e->magic == 31624); e->magic= 0; deallocate(e->name); del_expr(e->left); del_expr(e->middle); del_expr(e->right); deallocate(e); } } asm86_t *new_asm86(void) /* Make a new cell to hold an 80X86 instruction. */ { asm86_t *a; a= allocate(nil, sizeof(*a)); a->opcode= -1; get_file(&a->file, &a->line); a->optype= NONE; a->oaz= 0; a->rep= ONCE; a->seg= DEFSEG; a->args= nil; a->magic= 37937; a->raw_string = NULL; return a; } void del_asm86(asm86_t *a) /* Delete an 80X86 instruction. */ { assert(a != nil); assert(a->magic == 37937); a->magic= 0; del_expr(a->args); deallocate(a->raw_string); a->raw_string = NULL; deallocate(a); } int isregister(const char *name) /* True if the string is a register name. Return its size. */ { static char *regs[] = { "al", "bl", "cl", "dl", "ah", "bh", "ch", "dh", "ax", "bx", "cx", "dx", "si", "di", "bp", "sp", "eax", "ebx", "ecx", "edx", "esi", "edi", "ebp", "esp", "cs", "ds", "es", "fs", "gs", "ss", "cr0", "cr1", "cr2", "cr3", "cr4", "dr0", "dr1", "dr2", "dr3", "dr6", "dr7", "st", }; int reg; for (reg= 0; reg < arraysize(regs); reg++) { if (strcmp(name, regs[reg]) == 0) return reg+1; } return 0; }