/* ELLE - Copyright 1982, 1985, 1987 by Ken Harrenstien, SRI International * This software is quasi-public; it may be used freely with * like software, but may NOT be sold or made part of licensed * products without permission of the author. */ /* EEDIAG - Error diagnostics and testing routines */ #include "elle.h" #if FX_DEBUG /* EFUN: "Debug Mode" */ /* With no arg, toggles self-checking on and off. * With arg of 4 (^U), enters special debug/diagnostics mode. */ f_debug(ch) int ch; { extern int (*vfy_vec)(); /* In E_MAIN.C */ char *vfy_data(); if(ch < 0) /* Internal call? */ { dbg_diag(); return; } if(exp == 4) { askerr(); return; } if(vfy_vec) vfy_vec = 0; /* Toggle current value */ else vfy_vec = (int (*)())vfy_data; say(vfy_vec ? "Self-checking on" : "Self-checking off"); } char * vfy_data(flag) /* Flag = 0 for quiet check */ int flag; { register char *res, *mess; if(res = sbe_mvfy()) mess = "Mem mgt"; else if(res = sbe_sbvfy(cur_buf)) mess = "SBBUF"; else if(res = sbe_svfy()) mess = "SD list"; else return(0); /* Success */ if(flag) { int ostate = clean_exit(); printf("\n%s error: %s !!!\n",mess,res); askerr(); if(ostate > 0) set_tty(); } return(res); /* Error seen */ } extern char *asklin(); extern int sbx_nfl,sbm_nfl; char diaghelp[] = "\ Q - Quit diag mode\n\ ! - Goto subshell\n\ V - Verify Mem & SD lists\n\ MF - Mem Freelist\n\ M - Mem list\n\ B - Current buffer SB\n\ DF - SD Freelist\n\ D - SDs in use\n\ DL - SD Logical lists\n\ DP - SD Physical lists\n\ C n - Compact; 0-7=sbx_comp(n), 8=SM freelist, 9=SD freelist.\n\ W - Window printout\n\ X n - Xercise randomly (GC every n)\n\ Z n - like X but with notes\n"; dbg_diag() { register char *cp; register int c; char linbuf[100]; char *sbe_mfl(); char *sbe_sfl(); char *sbe_sbs(); char *sbe_sdlist(); for(;;) { printf("D>"); asklin(cp = linbuf); /* Read a line of input */ switch(upcase(*cp++)) { case '?': writez(1,diaghelp); /* Too long for printf */ continue; case '!': f_pshinf(); /* Invoke inferior subshell */ clean_exit(); /* Restore normal modes */ continue; case 'Q': /* Quit */ return; case 'B': /* Print current SBBUF */ sbe_sbs(cur_buf,1); continue; case 'C': /* C n - Compact */ c = atoi(&linbuf[1]); if(c == 8) sbm_ngc(); /* GC the SM nodes */ #if 0 /* This doesn't work, dangerous to invoke. */ else if(c == 9) sbm_xngc(&sbx_nfl,sizeof(struct sdblk), SM_DNODS); #endif else sbx_comp(512,c); continue; case 'D': /* Print all SD blocks in mem order */ switch(upcase(*cp)) { case 0: /* D - all SDs in mem order */ sbe_sds(); continue; case 'F': /* DF - SD freelist */ sbe_sfl(1); continue; case 'L': /* DL - SD logical list */ sbe_sdlist(1,0); continue; case 'P': /* DP - SD physical list */ sbe_sdlist(1,1); continue; } break; /* failure */ case 'M': switch(upcase(*cp)) { case 0: /* M - all mem alloc info */ sbe_mem(); continue; case 'F': /* MF - mem freelist */ sbe_mfl(1); continue; } break; /* failure */ case 'V': /* Verify */ if(cp = vfy_data(0)) printf(" Failed: %s\n",cp); else printf(" OK\n"); continue; case 'W': /* Print out current window */ db_prwind(cur_win); continue; case 'X': /* Xercise */ c = atoi(&linbuf[1]); vfy_exer(0, c ? c : 100); continue; case 'Z': /* Zercise */ c = atoi(&linbuf[1]); vfy_exer(1, c ? c : 100); continue; } /* End of switch */ printf("?? Type ? for help\n"); } /* Loop forever */ } /* VFY_EXER - a "random" editor exerciser. It creates a buffer, * fills it with some patterned stuff, and then edits it * pseudo-randomly in ways which retain the basic pattern. * Frequent GC's and self-checks are done, and execution * halted either when an error is seen or when typein is detected. */ char *xer_strs [] = { "throne", "too", "sky", "fore", "fingers", "sex", "stone", "010", "nazgul", "base" }; vfy_exer(pf, gcfrq) int pf; /* Nonzero to print notes as we go */ int gcfrq; /* Frequency of GC invocation (# passes per GC) */ { register int i, k, c; long npass; char *res, linbuf[100]; chroff lbeg, lend; struct buffer *bfp, *make_buf(); /* Clean out kill buffer first */ for(i = 0; i < KILL_LEN; ++i) kill_push((SBSTR *)0); bfp = make_buf("**EXORCISE**"); chg_buf(bfp); i = 2000; e_gobol(); do { ed_sins("Line "); ed_sins(xer_strs[i%10]); e_putc(LF); } while(--i); if(pf) printf("Bufflen: %ld\n", e_blen()); /* Buffer now has stuff in it, start hacking. */ npass = 0; srand(1); /* Start random seed */ for(;;) { if(tinwait() && (*asklin(linbuf))) { printf("Typein stop.\n"); break; } ++npass; printf(" Pass %ld",npass); if(npass%gcfrq == 0) /* Time to do a GC? */ { i = rand(); /* Level between 0-4 */ i = (i < 0 ? -i : i) % 5; printf(" - GC lev %d\n", i); sbx_comp(512,i); goto xerchk; } k = (i = rand())%1024; if (i&020000) k = -k; e_igoff(k); /* Move randomly */ e_gobol(); /* Get stuff to flush */ lbeg = e_dot(); k = (i = rand())%64; if(i&010000) k = -k; e_igoff(k); lend = e_nldot(); if(pf) printf(" Kill %ld/ %d;", lbeg, k); ed_kill(lbeg, lend); if(res = vfy_data(0)) { printf("XERR after kill: %s\n",res); break; } k = (i = rand())%2048; if(i&04000) k = -k; e_igoff(k); e_gobol(); e_setcur(); if(pf) printf(" Yank %ld;", e_dot()); f_unkill(); /* Yank back */ if(res = vfy_data(0)) { printf("XERR after yank: %s\n",res); break; } last_cmd = YANKCMD; for(i = rand()%4; i >= 0; --i) { if(pf) printf(" Pop;"); f_unkpop(); /* Do meta-Y */ if(res = vfy_data(0)) { printf("XERR after pop: %s\n",res); goto out; } } if(rand()&07) /* Slowly add stuff */ { if(pf) printf(" Add"); ed_sins("Line "); ed_sins(xer_strs[rand()%10]); e_putc(LF); if(res = vfy_data(0)) { printf("XERR after ins: %s\n",res); break; } } printf("\n"); /* Okay, done with this pass edits, run through the * file to ensure pattern is still there */ xerchk: e_gobob(); while((c = e_getc()) != EOF) if(c == LF && (c = e_getc()) != EOF) { if( c != 'L' || e_getc() != 'i' || e_getc() != 'n' || e_getc() != 'e' || e_getc() != ' ') { printf("XERR in pattern!\n"); goto out; } } } /* User typein or error, stop. */ out: e_setcur(); redp(RD_SCREEN); printf("Loop count = %ld\n",npass); } /* DB_PRWIND(win) - Print out stuff about given window */ db_prwind(w) register struct window *w; { register struct scr_line *s; register int i; char tstr[MAXLINE+MAXCHAR]; char *db_scflgs(); printf("cur_dot/ %ld cur_buf/ %o cur_win/ %o\n", cur_dot, cur_buf, cur_win); printf("Window %o:\n", w); printf(" next/ %o\n", w->w_next); printf(" buf / %o\n", w->w_buf); printf(" redp/ %o\n", w->w_redp); printf(" topldot/ %ld\n", w->w_topldot); printf(" dot / %ld\n", w->w_dot); printf(" bmod/ %ld\n", w->w_bmod); printf(" emod/ %ld\n", w->w_emod); printf(" oldz/ %ld\n", w->w_oldz); printf(" pos / %d\n", w->w_pos); printf(" ht / %d\n", w->w_ht); printf("\ # Flags Boff Len ! Cols Line\n"); for(i = w->w_pos; i < w->w_pos + w->w_ht; ++i) { s = scr[i]; printf("%2d %-5.5s %6ld %3d %1d %4d ", i, db_scflgs(s->sl_flg), s->sl_boff, s->sl_len, s->sl_cont, s->sl_col); strncpy(tstr, s->sl_line, MAXLINE); tstr[s->sl_col] = 0; printf("%-40.40s\n", tstr); if(s->sl_flg&SL_MOD) { printf("%26d ", s->sl_ncol); strncpy(tstr, s->sl_nlin, MAXLINE); tstr[s->sl_ncol] = 0; printf("%-40.40s\n", tstr); } } } char * db_scflgs(flags) int flags; { static char retstr[10]; register char *cp; cp = retstr; if(flags&SL_MOD) *cp++ = 'M'; if(flags&SL_EOL) *cp++ = 'E'; *cp = 0; return(retstr); } #endif /*FX_DEBUG*/