/* tokenize.c - split input into tokens Author: Kees J. Bot * 13 Dec 1993 */ #define nil 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include "asmconv.h" #include "token.h" static FILE *tf; static char *tfile; static char *orig_tfile; static int tcomment; static int tc; static long tline; static token_t *tq; static int nl, prevnl; static int old_n= 0; /* To speed up n, n+1, n+2, ... accesses. */ static token_t **old_ptq= &tq; static void tok_reset(void) { nl = prevnl = 0; tline = 0; if (tf) fclose(tf); /* ignore error */ tf = NULL; old_n = 0; old_ptq = &tq; tq = NULL; } static void readtc(void) /* Read one character from the input file and put it in the global 'tc'. */ { if (nl) tline++; if ((tc= getc(tf)) == EOF && ferror(tf)) fatal(orig_tfile); prevnl = nl; nl= (tc == '\n'); } static void unreadtc(int tc) { if (tc == '\n') tline--; nl = prevnl; ungetc(tc, tf); } void set_file(char *file, long line) /* Set file name and line number, changed by a preprocessor trick. */ { deallocate(tfile); tfile= allocate(nil, (strlen(file) + 1) * sizeof(tfile[0])); strcpy(tfile, file); tline= line; } void get_file(char **file, long *line) /* Get file name and line number. */ { *file= tfile; *line= tline; } void parse_err(int err, token_t *t, const char *fmt, ...) /* Report a parsing error. */ { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "* error : \"%s\", line %ld: ", tfile, t == nil ? tline : t->line); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (err) set_error(); } void parse_warn(int err, token_t *t, const char *fmt, ...) /* Report a parsing error. */ { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "warning : \"%s\", line %ld: ", tfile, t == nil ? tline : t->line); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void tok_init(char *file, int comment) /* Open the file to tokenize and initialize the tokenizer. */ { tok_reset(); if (file == nil) { file= "stdin"; tf= stdin; } else { if ((tf= fopen(file, "r")) == nil) fatal(file); } orig_tfile= file; set_file(file, 1); readtc(); tcomment= comment; } static int isspace(int c) { return between('\0', c, ' ') && c != '\n'; } #define iscomment(c) ((c) == tcomment) static int isidentchar(int c) { return between('a', c, 'z') || between('A', c, 'Z') || between('0', c, '9') || c == '.' || c == '_' ; } static token_t *new_token(void) { token_t *new; new= allocate(nil, sizeof(*new)); new->next= nil; new->line= tline; new->name= nil; new->symbol= -1; return new; } static token_t *get_word(void) /* Read one word, an identifier, a number, a label, or a mnemonic. */ { token_t *w; char *name; size_t i, len; i= 0; len= 16; name= allocate(nil, len * sizeof(name[0])); while (isidentchar(tc)) { name[i++]= tc; readtc(); if (i == len) name= allocate(name, (len*= 2) * sizeof(name[0])); } name[i]= 0; name= allocate(name, (i+1) * sizeof(name[0])); w= new_token(); w->type= T_WORD; w->name= name; w->len= i; return w; } static token_t *get_string(void) /* Read a single or double quotes delimited string. */ { token_t *s; int quote; char *str; size_t i, len; int n, j; int seen; quote= tc; readtc(); i= 0; len= 16; str= allocate(nil, len * sizeof(str[0])); while (tc != quote && tc != '\n' && tc != EOF) { seen= -1; if (tc == '\\') { readtc(); if (tc == '\n' || tc == EOF) break; switch (tc) { case 'a': tc= '\a'; break; case 'b': tc= '\b'; break; case 'f': tc= '\f'; break; case 'n': tc= '\n'; break; case 'r': tc= '\r'; break; case 't': tc= '\t'; break; case 'v': tc= '\v'; break; case 'x': n= 0; for (j= 0; j < 3; j++) { readtc(); if (between('0', tc, '9')) tc-= '0' + 0x0; else if (between('A', tc, 'A')) tc-= 'A' + 0xA; else if (between('a', tc, 'a')) tc-= 'a' + 0xa; else { seen= tc; break; } n= n*0x10 + tc; } tc= n; break; default: if (!between('0', tc, '9')) break; n= 0; for (j= 0; j < 3; j++) { if (between('0', tc, '9')) tc-= '0'; else { seen= tc; break; } n= n*010 + tc; readtc(); } tc= n; } } str[i++]= tc; if (i == len) str= allocate(str, (len*= 2) * sizeof(str[0])); if (seen < 0) readtc(); else tc= seen; } if (tc == quote) { readtc(); } else { parse_err(1, nil, "string contains newline\n"); } str[i]= 0; str= allocate(str, (i+1) * sizeof(str[0])); s= new_token(); s->type= T_STRING; s->name= str; s->len= i; return s; } #define MAX_TOKEN_STR_SIZE 4096 static char token_str[MAX_TOKEN_STR_SIZE]; static unsigned token_sz; token_t *get_token(int n) /* Return the n-th token on the input queue. */ { token_t *t, **ptq; assert(n >= 0); if (0 && n >= old_n) { /* Go forward from the previous point. */ n-= old_n; old_n+= n; ptq= old_ptq; } else { /* Restart from the head of the queue. */ old_n= n; ptq= &tq; } for (;;) { if ((t= *ptq) == nil) { /* consume white spaces */ while (isspace(tc)) readtc(); /* read long C comments */ if (tc == '/') { readtc(); if (tc != '*') { unreadtc(tc); tc = '/'; } else { token_sz = 2; t = new_token(); t->type = T_COMMENT; token_str[0] = '/'; token_str[1] = '*'; readtc(); for(;;) { while (tc != EOF && tc != '/') { token_str[token_sz++] = (char)tc; readtc(); } if (tc == '/') { if (token_str[token_sz - 1] == '*') { token_str[token_sz++] = (char)tc; readtc(); break; } token_str[token_sz++] = (char)tc; readtc(); } else if (tc == EOF) break; } token_str[token_sz] = 0; t->name= malloc(token_sz + 1); if (t->name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed\n"); exit(-1); } strcpy(t->name, token_str); t->len = token_sz; goto token_found; } } if (iscomment(tc) || tc == '#') { t = new_token(); if (iscomment(tc)) t->type = T_COMMENT; else t->type = T_C_PREPROCESSOR; token_sz = 0; for(;;) { while (tc != '\n' && tc != EOF) { token_str[token_sz++] = (char)tc; readtc(); } if (t->type == T_C_PREPROCESSOR && token_str[token_sz - 1] == '\\') { token_str[token_sz++] = '\n'; tline++; readtc(); } else break; } token_str[token_sz] = 0; t->name= malloc(token_sz + 1); if (t->name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed\n"); exit(-1); } strcpy(t->name, token_str); t->len = token_sz; goto token_found; } if (tc == EOF) { t= new_token(); t->type= T_EOF; } else if (isidentchar(tc)) { t= get_word(); } else if (tc == '\'' || tc == '"') { t= get_string(); } else { if (tc == '\n') tc= ';'; t= new_token(); t->type= T_CHAR; t->symbol= tc; readtc(); if (t->symbol == '<' && tc == '<') { t->symbol= S_LEFTSHIFT; readtc(); } else if (t->symbol == '>' && tc == '>') { t->symbol= S_RIGHTSHIFT; readtc(); } } token_found: *ptq= t; } if (n == 0) break; n--; ptq= &t->next; } old_ptq= ptq; return t; } void skip_token(int n) /* Remove n tokens from the input queue. One is not allowed to skip unread * tokens. */ { token_t *junk; assert(n >= 0); while (n > 0) { assert(tq != nil); junk= tq; tq= tq->next; deallocate(junk->name); deallocate(junk); n--; } /* Reset the old reference. */ old_n= 0; old_ptq= &tq; }