/* Author: Ben Gras 17 march 2006 */ #define _MINIX 1 #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../kernel/arch/i386/include/archtypes.h" #include "../../servers/pm/mproc.h" #include "../../kernel/const.h" #include "../../kernel/proc.h" u32_t system_hz; #define TC_BUFFER 1024 /* Size of termcap(3) buffer */ #define TC_STRINGS 200 /* Enough room for cm,cl,so,se */ char *Tclr_all; int blockedverbose = 0; #if 0 int print_memory(struct pm_mem_info *pmi) { int h; int largest_bytes = 0, total_bytes = 0; for(h = 0; h < _NR_HOLES; h++) { if(pmi->pmi_holes[h].h_base && pmi->pmi_holes[h].h_len) { int bytes; bytes = pmi->pmi_holes[h].h_len << CLICK_SHIFT; if(bytes > largest_bytes) largest_bytes = bytes; total_bytes += bytes; } } printf("Mem: %dK Free, %dK Contiguous Free\n", total_bytes/1024, largest_bytes/1024); return 1; } #endif int print_load(double *loads, int nloads) { int i; printf("load averages: "); for(i = 0; i < nloads; i++) printf("%s %.2f", (i > 0) ? "," : "", loads[i]); printf("\n"); return 1; } #define PROCS (NR_PROCS+NR_TASKS) int print_proc_summary(struct proc *proc) { int p, alive, running, sleeping; alive = running = sleeping = 0; for(p = 0; p < PROCS; p++) { if(p - NR_TASKS == IDLE) continue; if(isemptyp(&proc[p])) continue; alive++; if(!proc_is_runnable(&proc[p])) sleeping++; else running++; } printf("%d processes: %d running, %d sleeping\n", alive, running, sleeping); return 1; } static struct tp { struct proc *p; u64_t ticks; }; int cmp_ticks(const void *v1, const void *v2) { int c; struct tp *p1 = (struct tp *) v1, *p2 = (struct tp *) v2; int p1blocked, p2blocked; p1blocked = !!p1->p->p_rts_flags; p2blocked = !!p2->p->p_rts_flags; /* Primarily order by used number of cpu cycles. * * Exception: if in blockedverbose mode, a blocked * process is always printed after an unblocked * process, and used cpu cycles don't matter. * * In both cases, process slot number is a tie breaker. */ if(blockedverbose && (p1blocked || p2blocked)) { if(!p1blocked && p2blocked) return -1; if( p2blocked && !p1blocked) return 1; } else if((c=cmp64(p1->ticks, p2->ticks)) != 0) return -c; /* Process slot number is a tie breaker. */ if(p1->p->p_nr < p2->p->p_nr) return -1; if(p1->p->p_nr > p2->p->p_nr) return 1; fprintf(stderr, "unreachable.\n"); abort(); } struct tp *lookup(endpoint_t who, struct tp *tptab, int np) { int t; for(t = 0; t < np; t++) if(who == tptab[t].p->p_endpoint) return &tptab[t]; fprintf(stderr, "lookup: tp %d (0x%x) not found.\n", who, who); abort(); return NULL; } /* * since we don't have true div64(u64_t, u64_t) we scale the 64 bit counters to * 32. Since the samplig happens every ~1s and the counters count CPU cycles * during this period, unless we have extremely fast CPU, shifting the counters * by 12 make them 32bit counters which we can use for normal integer * arithmetics */ #define SCALE (1 << 12) void print_proc(struct tp *tp, struct mproc *mpr, u32_t tcyc) { int euid = 0; static struct passwd *who = NULL; static int last_who = -1; char *name = ""; unsigned long pcyc; int ticks; struct proc *pr = tp->p; printf("%5d ", mpr->mp_pid); euid = mpr->mp_effuid; name = mpr->mp_name; if(last_who != euid || !who) { who = getpwuid(euid); last_who = euid; } if(who && who->pw_name) printf("%-8s ", who->pw_name); else if(pr->p_nr >= 0) printf("%8d ", mpr->mp_effuid); else printf(" "); printf(" %2d ", pr->p_priority); if(pr->p_nr >= 0) { printf(" %3d ", mpr->mp_nice); } else printf(" "); printf("%5dK", ((pr->p_memmap[T].mem_len + pr->p_memmap[D].mem_len) << CLICK_SHIFT)/1024); printf("%6s", pr->p_rts_flags ? "" : "RUN"); ticks = pr->p_user_time; printf(" %3d:%02d ", (ticks/system_hz/60), (ticks/system_hz)%60); pcyc = div64u(tp->ticks, SCALE); printf("%6.2f%% %s", 100.0*pcyc/tcyc, name); } void print_procs(int maxlines, struct proc *proc1, struct proc *proc2, struct mproc *mproc) { int p, nprocs, tot=0; u64_t idleticks = cvu64(0); u64_t kernelticks = cvu64(0); u64_t systemticks = cvu64(0); u64_t userticks = cvu64(0); u64_t total_ticks = cvu64(0); unsigned long tcyc; unsigned long tmp; int blockedseen = 0; struct tp tick_procs[PROCS]; for(p = nprocs = 0; p < PROCS; p++) { if(isemptyp(&proc2[p])) continue; tick_procs[nprocs].p = proc2 + p; if(proc1[p].p_endpoint == proc2[p].p_endpoint) { tick_procs[nprocs].ticks = sub64(proc2[p].p_cycles, proc1[p].p_cycles); } else { tick_procs[nprocs].ticks = proc2[p].p_cycles; } total_ticks = add64(total_ticks, tick_procs[nprocs].ticks); if(p-NR_TASKS == IDLE) { idleticks = tick_procs[nprocs].ticks; continue; } if(p-NR_TASKS == KERNEL) { kernelticks = tick_procs[nprocs].ticks; continue; } if(mproc[proc2[p].p_nr].mp_procgrp == 0) systemticks = add64(systemticks, tick_procs[nprocs].ticks); else if (p > NR_TASKS) userticks = add64(userticks, tick_procs[nprocs].ticks); nprocs++; } if (!cmp64u(total_ticks, 0)) return; qsort(tick_procs, nprocs, sizeof(tick_procs[0]), cmp_ticks); tcyc = div64u(total_ticks, SCALE); tmp = div64u(userticks, SCALE); printf("CPU states: %6.2f%% user, ", 100.0*(tmp)/tcyc); tmp = div64u(systemticks, SCALE); printf("%6.2f%% system, ", 100.0*tmp/tcyc); tmp = div64u(kernelticks, SCALE); printf("%6.2f%% kernel, ", 100.0*tmp/tcyc); tmp = div64u(idleticks, SCALE); printf("%6.2f%% idle", 100.0*tmp/tcyc); #define NEWLINE do { printf("\n"); if(--maxlines <= 0) { return; } } while(0) NEWLINE; NEWLINE; printf(" PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE STATE TIME CPU COMMAND"); NEWLINE; for(p = 0; p < nprocs; p++) { struct proc *pr; int pnr; int level = 0; pnr = tick_procs[p].p->p_nr; if(pnr < 0) { /* skip old kernel tasks as they don't run anymore */ continue; } pr = tick_procs[p].p; /* If we're in blocked verbose mode, indicate start of * blocked processes. */ if(blockedverbose && pr->p_rts_flags && !blockedseen) { NEWLINE; printf("Blocked processes:"); NEWLINE; blockedseen = 1; } print_proc(&tick_procs[p], &mproc[pnr], tcyc); NEWLINE; if(!blockedverbose) continue; /* Traverse dependency chain if blocked. */ while(pr->p_rts_flags) { endpoint_t dep = NONE; struct tp *tpdep; level += 5; if((dep = P_BLOCKEDON(pr)) == NONE) { printf("not blocked on a process"); NEWLINE; break; } if(dep == ANY) break; tpdep = lookup(dep, tick_procs, nprocs); pr = tpdep->p; printf("%*s> ", level, ""); print_proc(tpdep, &mproc[pr->p_nr], tcyc); NEWLINE; } } } void showtop(int r) { #define NLOADS 3 double loads[NLOADS]; int nloads, i, p, lines = 0; static struct proc prev_proc[PROCS], proc[PROCS]; static int preheated = 0; struct winsize winsize; /* static struct pm_mem_info pmi; */ static struct mproc mproc[NR_PROCS]; int mem = 0; if(ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize) != 0) { perror("TIOCGWINSZ"); fprintf(stderr, "TIOCGWINSZ failed\n"); exit(1); } #if 0 if(getsysinfo(PM_PROC_NR, SI_MEM_ALLOC, &pmi) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getsysinfo() for SI_MEM_ALLOC failed.\n"); mem = 0; exit(1);; } else mem = 1; #endif retry: if(getsysinfo(PM_PROC_NR, SI_KPROC_TAB, proc) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getsysinfo() for SI_KPROC_TAB failed.\n"); exit(1); } if (!preheated) { preheated = 1; memcpy(prev_proc, proc, sizeof(prev_proc)); goto retry;; } if(getsysinfo(PM_PROC_NR, SI_PROC_TAB, mproc) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getsysinfo() for SI_PROC_TAB failed.\n"); exit(1); } if((nloads = getloadavg(loads, NLOADS)) != NLOADS) { fprintf(stderr, "getloadavg() failed - %d loads\n", nloads); exit(1); } printf("%s", Tclr_all); lines += print_load(loads, NLOADS); lines += print_proc_summary(proc); #if 0 if(mem) { lines += print_memory(&pmi); } #endif if(winsize.ws_row > 0) r = winsize.ws_row; print_procs(r - lines - 2, prev_proc, proc, mproc); memcpy(prev_proc, proc, sizeof(prev_proc)); } void init(int *rows) { char *term; static char buffer[TC_BUFFER], strings[TC_STRINGS]; char *s = strings, *v; *rows = 0; if(!(term = getenv("TERM"))) { fprintf(stderr, "No TERM set\n"); exit(1); } if ( tgetent( buffer, term ) != 1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "tgetent failed for term %s\n", term); exit(1); } if ( (Tclr_all = tgetstr( "cl", &s )) == NULL ) Tclr_all = "\f"; if((v = tgetstr ("li", &s)) != NULL) sscanf(v, "%d", rows); if(*rows < 1) *rows = 24; if(!initscr()) { fprintf(stderr, "initscr() failed\n"); exit(1); } cbreak(); nl(); } void sigwinch(int sig) { } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int r, c, s = 0, orig; getsysinfo_up(PM_PROC_NR, SIU_SYSTEMHZ, sizeof(system_hz), &system_hz); init(&r); while((c=getopt(argc, argv, "s:B")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 's': s = atoi(optarg); break; case 'B': blockedverbose = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-s] [-B]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } } if(s < 1) s = 2; /* Catch window size changes so display is updated properly * right away. */ signal(SIGWINCH, sigwinch); while(1) { fd_set fds; int ns; struct timeval tv; showtop(r); tv.tv_sec = s; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); if((ns=select(STDIN_FILENO+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)) < 0 && errno != EINTR) { perror("select"); sleep(1); } if(ns > 0 && FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds)) { char c; if(read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1) == 1) { switch(c) { case 'q': return 0; break; } } } } return 0; }