/* This file implements kernel debugging functionality that is not included * in the standard kernel. Available functionality includes timing of lock * functions and sanity checking of the scheduling queues. */ #include "kernel.h" #include "proc.h" #include "debug.h" #include #include #include #define MAX_LOOP (NR_PROCS + NR_TASKS) PUBLIC int runqueues_ok(void) { int q, l = 0; register struct proc *xp; for (xp = BEG_PROC_ADDR; xp < END_PROC_ADDR; ++xp) { xp->p_found = 0; if (l++ > MAX_LOOP) panic("check error"); } for (q=l=0; q < NR_SCHED_QUEUES; q++) { if (rdy_head[q] && !rdy_tail[q]) { printf("head but no tail in %d\n", q); return 0; } if (!rdy_head[q] && rdy_tail[q]) { printf("tail but no head in %d\n", q); return 0; } if (rdy_tail[q] && rdy_tail[q]->p_nextready) { printf("tail and tail->next not null in %d\n", q); return 0; } for(xp = rdy_head[q]; xp; xp = xp->p_nextready) { const vir_bytes vxp = (vir_bytes) xp; vir_bytes dxp; if(vxp < (vir_bytes) BEG_PROC_ADDR || vxp >= (vir_bytes) END_PROC_ADDR) { printf("xp out of range\n"); return 0; } dxp = vxp - (vir_bytes) BEG_PROC_ADDR; if(dxp % sizeof(struct proc)) { printf("xp not a real pointer"); return 0; } if(!proc_ptr_ok(xp)) { printf("xp bogus pointer"); return 0; } if (RTS_ISSET(xp, RTS_SLOT_FREE)) { printf("scheduling error: dead proc q %d %d\n", q, xp->p_endpoint); return 0; } if (!proc_is_runnable(xp)) { printf("scheduling error: unready on runq %d proc %d\n", q, xp->p_nr); return 0; } if (xp->p_priority != q) { printf("scheduling error: wrong priority q %d proc %d ep %d name %s\n", q, xp->p_nr, xp->p_endpoint, xp->p_name); return 0; } if (xp->p_found) { printf("scheduling error: double sched q %d proc %d\n", q, xp->p_nr); return 0; } xp->p_found = 1; if (!xp->p_nextready && rdy_tail[q] != xp) { printf("sched err: last element not tail q %d proc %d\n", q, xp->p_nr); return 0; } if (l++ > MAX_LOOP) { printf("loop in schedule queue?"); return 0; } } } l = 0; for (xp = BEG_PROC_ADDR; xp < END_PROC_ADDR; ++xp) { if(!proc_ptr_ok(xp)) { printf("xp bogus pointer in proc table\n"); return 0; } if (isemptyp(xp)) continue; if(proc_is_runnable(xp) && !xp->p_found) { printf("sched error: ready proc %d not on queue\n", xp->p_nr); return 0; if (l++ > MAX_LOOP) { printf("loop in debug.c?\n"); return 0; } } } /* All is ok. */ return 1; } PUBLIC char * rtsflagstr(const int flags) { static char str[100]; str[0] = '\0'; #define FLAG(n) if(flags & n) { strcat(str, #n " "); } FLAG(RTS_SLOT_FREE); FLAG(RTS_PROC_STOP); FLAG(RTS_SENDING); FLAG(RTS_RECEIVING); FLAG(RTS_SIGNALED); FLAG(RTS_SIG_PENDING); FLAG(RTS_P_STOP); FLAG(RTS_NO_PRIV); FLAG(RTS_NO_ENDPOINT); FLAG(RTS_VMINHIBIT); FLAG(RTS_PAGEFAULT); FLAG(RTS_VMREQUEST); FLAG(RTS_VMREQTARGET); FLAG(RTS_PREEMPTED); FLAG(RTS_NO_QUANTUM); return str; } PUBLIC char * miscflagstr(const int flags) { static char str[100]; str[0] = '\0'; FLAG(MF_REPLY_PEND); FLAG(MF_ASYNMSG); FLAG(MF_FULLVM); FLAG(MF_DELIVERMSG); FLAG(MF_KCALL_RESUME); return str; } PUBLIC char * schedulerstr(struct proc *scheduler) { if (scheduler != NULL) { return scheduler->p_name; } return "KERNEL"; } PUBLIC void print_proc(struct proc *pp) { struct proc *depproc = NULL; endpoint_t dep; printf("%d: %s %d prio %d time %d/%d cycles 0x%x%08x cr3 0x%lx rts %s misc %s sched %s", proc_nr(pp), pp->p_name, pp->p_endpoint, pp->p_priority, pp->p_user_time, pp->p_sys_time, pp->p_cycles.hi, pp->p_cycles.lo, pp->p_seg.p_cr3, rtsflagstr(pp->p_rts_flags), miscflagstr(pp->p_misc_flags), schedulerstr(pp->p_scheduler)); dep = P_BLOCKEDON(pp); if(dep != NONE) { printf(" blocked on: "); if(dep == ANY) { printf(" ANY\n"); } else { int procno; if(!isokendpt(dep, &procno)) { printf(" ??? %d\n", dep); } else { depproc = proc_addr(procno); if(isemptyp(depproc)) { printf(" empty slot %d???\n", procno); depproc = NULL; } else { printf(" %s\n", depproc->p_name); } } } } else { printf("\n"); } } PRIVATE void print_proc_depends(struct proc *pp, const int level) { struct proc *depproc = NULL; endpoint_t dep; #define COL { int i; for(i = 0; i < level; i++) printf("> "); } if(level >= NR_PROCS) { printf("loop??\n"); return; } COL print_proc(pp); COL proc_stacktrace(pp); dep = P_BLOCKEDON(pp); if(dep != NONE && dep != ANY) { int procno; if(isokendpt(dep, &procno)) { depproc = proc_addr(procno); if(isemptyp(depproc)) depproc = NULL; } if (depproc) print_proc_depends(depproc, level+1); } } PUBLIC void print_proc_recursive(struct proc *pp) { print_proc_depends(pp, 0); }