# $Id: cond1,v 1.4 2008/10/29 15:37:08 sjg Exp $ # hard code these! TEST_UNAME_S= NetBSD TEST_UNAME_M= sparc TEST_MACHINE= i386 .if ${TEST_UNAME_S} Ok=var, .endif .if ("${TEST_UNAME_S}") Ok+=(\"var\"), .endif .if (${TEST_UNAME_M} != ${TEST_MACHINE}) Ok+=(var != var), .endif .if ${TEST_UNAME_M} != ${TEST_MACHINE} Ok+= var != var, .endif .if !((${TEST_UNAME_M} != ${TEST_MACHINE}) && defined(X)) Ok+= !((var != var) && defined(name)), .endif # from bsd.obj.mk MKOBJ?=no .if ${MKOBJ} == "no" o= no Ok+= var == "quoted", .else .if defined(notMAKEOBJDIRPREFIX) || defined(norMAKEOBJDIR) .if defined(notMAKEOBJDIRPREFIX) o=${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}${__curdir} .else o= ${MAKEOBJDIR} .endif .endif o= o .endif # repeat the above to check we get the same result .if ${MKOBJ} == "no" o2= no .else .if defined(notMAKEOBJDIRPREFIX) || defined(norMAKEOBJDIR) .if defined(notMAKEOBJDIRPREFIX) o2=${MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX}${__curdir} .else o2= ${MAKEOBJDIR} .endif .endif o2= o .endif PRIMES=2 3 5 7 11 NUMBERS=1 2 3 4 5 n=2 .if ${PRIMES:M$n} == "" X=not .else X= .endif .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == no-such A=one .else .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == not-this .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == something-else A=unlikely .else A=no .endif .endif A=other # We expect an extra else warning - we're not skipping here .else A=this should be an error .endif .if $X != "" .if $X == not B=one .else B=other # We expect an extra else warning - we are skipping here .else B=this should be an error .endif .else B=unknown .endif .if "quoted" == quoted C=clever .else C=dim .endif all: @echo "$n is $X prime" @echo "A='$A' B='$B' C='$C' o='$o,${o2}'" @echo "Passed:${.newline} ${Ok:S/,/${.newline}/}" @echo "${NUMBERS:@n@$n is ${("${PRIMES:M$n}" == ""):?not:} prime${.newline}@}" @echo "${"${DoNotQuoteHere:U0}" > 0:?OK:No}" @echo "${${NoSuchNumber:U42} > 0:?OK:No}"