/* dhcpd 1.15 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol daemon. * Author: Kees J. Bot * 11 Jun 1999 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "arp.h" #define EXTERN #include "dhcpd.h" char *configfile= PATH_DHCPCONF; char *poolfile= PATH_DHCPPOOL; static char *cachefile= PATH_DHCPCACHE; static int qflag; /* True if printing cached DHCP data. */ static int aflag, rflag; /* True if adding or deleting pool addresses. */ #define BCAST_IP HTONL(0xFFFFFFFFUL) /* We try to play with up to this many networks. */ #define N_NETS 32 static unsigned n_nets; /* Actual number of networks. */ void report(const char *label) { static FILE *logfp; if(!logfp) logfp = fopen("/usr/log/dhcp.log", "w"); if(logfp) fprintf(logfp, "%s: %s: %s\n", program, label, strerror(errno)); } void fatal(const char *label) { report(label); exit(1); } void *allocate(size_t size) { void *mem; if ((mem= malloc(size)) == nil) fatal("Can't allocate memory"); return mem; } /* Choose a DHCP xid based on the start time and network number. Not really * random, but we don't have anything more random than the clock anyway. */ #define XID(np) htonl(((u32_t) (np)->start << 8) | (np)->n) static network_t *network[N_NETS]; int ifname2if(const char *name) { /* Translate an interface name to a number, -1 if bad. */ char *end; unsigned long n; if (*name++ != 'i' || *name++ != 'p') return -1; n= strtoul(name, &end, 10); if (end == name || *end != 0) return -1; if (n >= N_NETS) return -1; return n; } network_t *if2net(int n) { /* Translate an interface number to a network struct. */ int i; for (i= 0; i < n_nets; i++) { if (network[i]->n == n) return network[i]; } return nil; } static ipaddr_t defaultmask(ipaddr_t ip) { /* Compute netmask by the oldfashioned Class rules. */ if (B(&ip)[0] < 0x80) return HTONL(0xFF000000UL); /* Class A. */ if (B(&ip)[0] < 0xC0) return HTONL(0xFFFF0000UL); /* Class B. */ if (B(&ip)[0] < 0xE0) return HTONL(0xFFFFFF00UL); /* Class C. */ return HTONL(0xFFFFFFFFUL); /* Multicast? Shouldn't happen... */ } #define POOL_MAGIC HTONL(0x81F85D00UL) typedef struct pool { /* Dynamic pool entry. */ u32_t magic; /* Pool file magic number. */ ipaddr_t ip; /* IP address. */ u32_t expire; /* When does/did the lease expire? */ u8_t len; /* Client ID length. */ u8_t unused[19]; /* Space for extensions. */ u8_t clid[CLID_MAX]; /* Client ID of current/last user. */ } pool_t; static int openpool(int mode) { /* Open the dynamic pool and lock it, return fd on success or -1. */ int fd; struct flock lck; if ((fd= open(poolfile, mode, 0644)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) fatal(poolfile); return -1; } if (mode != O_RDONLY) { lck.l_type= F_WRLCK; lck.l_whence= SEEK_SET; lck.l_start= 0; lck.l_len= 0; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &lck) < 0) fatal(poolfile); } return fd; } static int readpool(int fd, pool_t *entry) { /* Read one pool table entry, return true unless EOF. */ ssize_t r; if ((r= read(fd, entry, sizeof(*entry))) < 0) fatal(poolfile); if (r == 0) return 0; if (r != sizeof(*entry) || entry->magic != POOL_MAGIC) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Pool table is corrupt\n", program, poolfile); close(fd); return 0; } return 1; } #if !__minix_vmd /* No fsync() for Minix. */ #define fsync(fd) sync() #endif static void writepool(int fd, pool_t *entry) { /* (Over)write a pool table entry. */ if (write(fd, entry, sizeof(*entry)) < 0 || (entry->expire > now && fsync(fd) < 0) ) { fatal(poolfile); } } static ipaddr_t findpool(u8_t *client, size_t len, ipaddr_t ifip) { /* Look for a client ID in the dynamic address pool within the same network * as 'ifip'. Select an unused one for a new client if necessary. Return * 0 if nothing is available, otherwise the IP address we can offer. */ int fd, found; pool_t entry, oldest; dhcp_t dhcp; u8_t *pmask; ipaddr_t mask; /* Any information available on the network the client is at? */ if (!makedhcp(&dhcp, nil, 0, nil, 0, ifip, ifip, nil)) return 0; if ((fd= openpool(O_RDWR)) < 0) return 0; (void) gettag(&dhcp, DHCP_TAG_NETMASK, &pmask, nil); memcpy(&mask, pmask, sizeof(mask)); oldest.expire= NEVER; while ((found= readpool(fd, &entry))) { /* Deleted entry? */ if (entry.ip == 0) continue; /* Correct network? */ if (((entry.ip ^ ifip) & mask) != 0) continue; /* Client present? */ if (entry.len == len && memcmp(entry.clid, client, len) == 0) break; /* Oldest candidate for a new lease? */ entry.expire= ntohl(entry.expire); if (entry.expire < oldest.expire) oldest= entry; } close(fd); if (found) return entry.ip; if (oldest.expire <= now) return oldest.ip; return 0; } static int commitpool(ipaddr_t ip, u8_t *client, size_t len, time_t expire) { /* Commit a new binding to stable storage, return true on success. */ int fd; pool_t entry; if ((fd= openpool(O_RDWR)) < 0) return 0; do { if (!readpool(fd, &entry)) { close(fd); return 0; } } while (entry.ip != ip); entry.expire= htonl(expire); entry.len= len; memcpy(entry.clid, client, len); if (lseek(fd, -(off_t)sizeof(entry), SEEK_CUR) == -1) fatal(poolfile); writepool(fd, &entry); close(fd); return 1; } static void updatepool(int add, const char *name) { /* Add a new IP address to the dynamic pool. */ ipaddr_t ip; int fd, i; pool_t entry; struct hostent *he; off_t off, off0; if ((he= gethostbyname(name)) == nil || he->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: Unknown host\n", program, name); exit(1); } for (i= 0; he->h_addr_list[i] != nil; i++) {} if (i != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s has %d addresses\n", program, name, i); exit(1); } memcpy(&ip, he->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(ip)); if ((fd= openpool(O_RDWR|O_CREAT)) < 0) fatal(poolfile); off= 0; off0= -1; while (readpool(fd, &entry)) { if (add) { if (entry.ip == ip) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s is already present\n", program, poolfile, name); exit(1); } if (entry.ip == 0 && off0 == -1) off0= off; } else { if (entry.ip == ip) { memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.magic= POOL_MAGIC; entry.ip= 0; if (lseek(fd, off, SEEK_SET) == -1) fatal(poolfile); writepool(fd, &entry); } } off+= sizeof(entry); } if (add) { if (off0 != -1 && lseek(fd, off0, SEEK_SET) == -1) fatal(poolfile); memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.magic= POOL_MAGIC; entry.ip= ip; writepool(fd, &entry); } close(fd); } static void cachedhcp(int n, dhcp_t *dp) { /* Store a DHCP packet in a cache where those who care can find it. */ static int inited; FILE *fp; int fd; int mode; if (test > 0) return; if (!inited) { /* First time, clear store and also save my pid. */ if ((fp= fopen(PATH_DHCPPID, "w")) != nil) { if (fprintf(fp, "%d\n", getpid()) == EOF || fclose(fp) == EOF) { fatal(PATH_DHCPPID); } } inited= 1; mode= O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; } else { mode= O_WRONLY; } dp->xid= htonl(now); /* To tell how old this data is. */ if ((fd= open(cachefile, mode, 0666)) < 0 || lseek(fd, (off_t) n * sizeof(*dp), SEEK_SET) == -1 || write(fd, dp, sizeof(*dp)) < 0 || close(fd) < 0 ) { if (errno != ENOENT) fatal(cachefile); } } static void printdata(void) { /* Show the contents of the cache and the dynamic pool. */ int fd; dhcp_t d; ssize_t r; int i; pool_t entry; unsigned long expire; char delta[3*sizeof(u32_t)]; initdhcpconf(); if ((fd= open(cachefile, O_RDONLY)) < 0) fatal(cachefile); i= 0; while ((r= read(fd, &d, sizeof(d))) == sizeof(d)) { if (d.yiaddr != 0) { printf("DHCP data for network %d:\n", i); printdhcp(&d); } i++; } if (r < 0) fatal(cachefile); close(fd); if ((fd= openpool(O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { printf("Dynamic address pool since %ld:\n", (long) now); while (readpool(fd, &entry)) { if (entry.ip == 0) continue; expire= ntohl(entry.expire); if (expire == 0) { strcpy(delta, "unused"); } else if (expire == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) { strcpy(delta, "infinite"); } else if (expire < now) { sprintf(delta, "-%lu", now - expire); } else { sprintf(delta, "+%lu", expire - now); } printf("\t%-15s %8s ", inet_ntoa(entry.ip), delta); for (i= 0; i < entry.len; i++) { printf("%02X", entry.clid[i]); } fputc('\n', stdout); } close(fd); } } static udpport_t portbyname(const char *name) { struct servent *se; if ((se= getservbyname(name, "udp")) == nil) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown port \"%s\"\n", program, name); exit(1); } return se->s_port; } static int sendpacket(network_t *np, void *data, size_t len) { /* Send out a packet using a filedescriptor that is probably in async mode, * so first dup() a sync version, then write. Return true on success. */ int fd; ssize_t r; if ((fd= dup(np->fdp->fd)) < 0) fatal("Can't dup()"); if ((r= write(fd, data, len)) < 0) { report(np->fdp->device); sleep(10); } close(fd); return r >= 0; } static size_t servdhcp(network_t *np, buf_t *bp, size_t dlen) { buf_t *abp= nil; ipaddr_t cip, ifip; u8_t defclid[1+sizeof(bp->dhcp->chaddr)]; u8_t *pdata, *client, *class, *server, *reqip, *lease; u32_t expire; size_t len, cilen, calen; int type, dyn; u8_t atype; static char NAKMESS[] = "IP address requested isn't yours"; if (test > 0) return 0; /* The IP address of the interface close to the client. */ ifip= bp->dhcp->giaddr != 0 ? bp->dhcp->giaddr : np->ip; /* All kinds of DHCP tags. */ if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_TYPE, &pdata, nil)) { type= *pdata; } else { type= -1; /* BOOTP? */ } if (!gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_CLIENTID, &client, &cilen)) { defclid[0]= bp->dhcp->htype; memcpy(defclid+1, bp->dhcp->chaddr, bp->dhcp->hlen); client= defclid; cilen= 1+bp->dhcp->hlen; } if (!gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_CLASSID, &class, &calen)) { calen= 0; } if (!gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_SERVERID, &server, nil)) { server= B(&np->ip); } if (!gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_REQIP, &reqip, nil)) { reqip= nil; } /* I'm a server? Then see if I know this client. */ if ((np->flags & NF_SERVING) && bp->dhcp->op == DHCP_BOOTREQUEST && between(1, bp->dhcp->hlen, sizeof(bp->dhcp->chaddr)) && (server == nil || memcmp(server, &np->ip, sizeof(np->ip)) == 0) ) { get_buf(&abp); /* Is the client in my tables? */ (void) makedhcp(abp->dhcp, class, calen, client, cilen, 0, ifip, nil); cip= abp->dhcp->yiaddr; dyn= 0; /* If not, do we have a dynamic address? */ if (cip == 0 && (cip= findpool(client, cilen, ifip)) != 0) dyn= 1; if (type == DHCP_INFORM) { /* The client already has an address, it just wants information. * We only answer if we could answer a normal request (cip != 0), * unless configured to answer anyone. */ if (cip != 0 || (np->flags & NF_INFORM)) cip= bp->dhcp->ciaddr; } if (cip == 0 || !makedhcp(abp->dhcp, class, calen, client, cilen, cip, ifip, nil)) { put_buf(&abp); } if (abp != nil) { if (gettag(abp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_LEASE, &lease, nil)) { memcpy(&expire, lease, sizeof(expire)); expire= now + ntohl(expire); if (expire < now) expire= 0xFFFFFFFFUL; } else { if (dyn) { /* A dynamic address must have a lease. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: No lease set for address %s\n", program, inet_ntoa(cip)); exit(1); } lease= nil; expire= 0xFFFFFFFFUL; } /* What does our client want, and what do we say? */ switch (type) { case DHCP_DISCOVER: atype= DHCP_OFFER; /* Assign this address for a short moment. */ if (dyn && !commitpool(cip, client, cilen, now + DELTA_FAST)) { put_buf(&abp); } break; case -1:/* BOOTP */ case DHCP_REQUEST: case DHCP_INFORM: atype= DHCP_ACK; /* The address wanted must be the address we offer. */ if ((reqip != nil && memcmp(reqip, &cip, sizeof(cip)) != 0) || (bp->dhcp->ciaddr != 0 && bp->dhcp->ciaddr != cip) ) { atype= DHCP_NAK; } else if (dyn && type == DHCP_REQUEST) { /* Assign this address for the duration of the lease. */ if (!commitpool(cip, client, cilen, expire)) put_buf(&abp); } break; case DHCP_DECLINE: /* Our client doesn't want the offered address! */ if (dyn && reqip != nil && memcmp(reqip, &cip, sizeof(cip)) == 0 ) { int i; fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program); for (i= 0; i < cilen; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%02X", client[i]); } fprintf(stderr, " declines %s", inet_ntoa(cip)); if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_MESSAGE, &pdata, &len)) { fprintf(stderr, " saying: \"%.*s\"", (int)len, pdata); } fputc('\n', stderr); /* Disable address for the duration of the lease. */ (void) commitpool(cip, nil, 0, expire); } put_buf(&abp); break; case DHCP_RELEASE: /* Our client is nice enough to return its address. */ if (dyn) (void) commitpool(cip, client, cilen, now); put_buf(&abp); break; default: /* Anything else is ignored. */ put_buf(&abp); } } if (abp != nil) { /* Finish the return packet. */ abp->dhcp->htype= bp->dhcp->htype; abp->dhcp->hlen= bp->dhcp->hlen; abp->dhcp->hops= 0; abp->dhcp->xid= bp->dhcp->xid; abp->dhcp->secs= 0; abp->dhcp->flags= bp->dhcp->flags; abp->dhcp->ciaddr= 0; abp->dhcp->yiaddr= atype == DHCP_NAK ? 0 : cip; if (atype == DHCP_NAK) abp->dhcp->siaddr= 0; abp->dhcp->giaddr= bp->dhcp->giaddr; memcpy(abp->dhcp->chaddr,bp->dhcp->chaddr,sizeof(bp->dhcp->chaddr)); settag(abp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_SERVERID, &np->ip, sizeof(np->ip)); if (lease == nil) { /* No lease specified? Then give an infinite lease. */ settag(abp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_LEASE, &expire, sizeof(expire)); } if (type == DHCP_INFORM) { /* Oops, this one has a fixed address, so no lease business. */ abp->dhcp->yiaddr= 0; settag(abp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_LEASE, nil, 0); settag(abp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_RENEWAL, nil, 0); settag(abp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_REBINDING, nil, 0); } if (atype == DHCP_NAK) { /* A NAK doesn't need much. */ memset(abp->dhcp->sname, 0, sizeof(abp->dhcp->sname)); memset(abp->dhcp->file, 0, sizeof(abp->dhcp->file)); memset(abp->dhcp->options, 255, sizeof(abp->dhcp->options)); settag(abp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_MESSAGE, NAKMESS, sizeof(NAKMESS)); } settag(abp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_TYPE, &atype, sizeof(atype)); /* Figure out where to send this to. */ abp->udpio->uih_src_addr= np->ip; abp->udpio->uih_src_port= port_server; if (bp->dhcp->giaddr != 0) { abp->udpio->uih_dst_addr= bp->dhcp->giaddr; abp->udpio->uih_dst_port= port_server; } else if (bp->dhcp->flags & DHCP_FLAGS_BCAST) { abp->udpio->uih_dst_addr= BCAST_IP; abp->udpio->uih_dst_port= port_client; } else if (bp->udpio->uih_src_addr != 0 && bp->udpio->uih_dst_addr == np->ip ) { abp->udpio->uih_dst_addr= bp->udpio->uih_src_addr; abp->udpio->uih_dst_port= port_client; } else { abp->udpio->uih_dst_addr= BCAST_IP; abp->udpio->uih_dst_port= port_client; } abp->udpio->uih_ip_opt_len= 0; abp->udpio->uih_data_len= sizeof(dhcp_t); /* Copy the packet to the input buffer, and return the new size. */ memcpy(bp->buf, abp->buf, sizeof(bp->buf)); put_buf(&abp); return sizeof(udp_io_hdr_t) + sizeof(dhcp_t); } } /* I'm a relay? If it is a not already a relayed request then relay. */ if ((np->flags & NF_RELAYING) && bp->dhcp->op == DHCP_BOOTREQUEST && bp->dhcp->giaddr == 0 ) { bp->dhcp->giaddr= np->ip; bp->udpio->uih_src_addr= np->ip; bp->udpio->uih_src_port= port_server; bp->udpio->uih_dst_addr= np->server; bp->udpio->uih_dst_port= port_server; return dlen; } /* I'm a relay? If the server sends a reply to me then relay back. */ if ((np->flags & NF_RELAYING) && bp->dhcp->op == DHCP_BOOTREPLY && bp->dhcp->giaddr == np->ip ) { bp->dhcp->giaddr= 0; bp->udpio->uih_src_addr= np->ip; bp->udpio->uih_src_port= port_server; bp->udpio->uih_dst_addr= BCAST_IP; bp->udpio->uih_dst_port= port_client; return dlen; } /* Don't know what to do otherwise, so doing nothing seems wise. */ return 0; } static void onsig(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGUSR1: debug++; break; case SIGUSR2: debug= 0; break; } } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-qar] [-t[L]] [-d[L]] [-f config] [-c cache] [-p pool] [host ...]\n", program); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; network_t *np; struct sigaction sa; ssize_t r= -1; buf_t *bp= nil; static struct timeval eventtv; program= argv[0]; start= now= time(nil); debug= 0; i= 1; while (i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-') { char *opt= argv[i++]+1; if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == 0) break; /* -- */ while (*opt != 0) switch (*opt++) { case 'f': if (*opt == 0) { if (i == argc) usage(); opt= argv[i++]; } configfile= opt; opt= ""; break; case 'c': if (*opt == 0) { if (i == argc) usage(); opt= argv[i++]; } cachefile= opt; opt= ""; break; case 'p': if (*opt == 0) { if (i == argc) usage(); opt= argv[i++]; } poolfile= opt; opt= ""; break; case 't': test= 1; if (between('0', *opt, '9')) test= strtoul(opt, &opt, 10); break; case 'd': debug= 1; if (between('0', *opt, '9')) debug= strtoul(opt, &opt, 10); break; case 'q': qflag= 1; break; case 'a': aflag= 1; break; case 'r': rflag= 1; break; default: usage(); } } if (aflag + rflag + qflag > 1) usage(); if (aflag || rflag) { /* Add or remove addresses from the dynamic pool. */ while (i < argc) updatepool(aflag, argv[i++]); exit(0); } if (i != argc) usage(); if (qflag) { /* Only show the contents of the cache and dynamic pool to the user. */ printdata(); exit(0); } /* BOOTP ports. */ port_server= portbyname("bootps"); port_client= portbyname("bootpc"); sa.sa_handler= onsig; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags= 0; sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, nil); sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, nil); /* Initial configuration. */ for (i= 0; i < N_NETS; i++) { int fd; ipaddr_t ip, mask; /* Is there something there? */ if ((fd= open(ipdev(i), O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT && errno != ENODEV && errno != ENXIO) { fatal(ipdev(i)); } continue; } close(fd); network[n_nets++]= np= newnetwork(); np->n= i; /* Ethernet? */ if (opendev(np, FT_ETHERNET, 1)) { np->type= B(&np->eth)[0] != 'Z' ? NT_ETHERNET : NT_SINK; if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Ethernet address is %s%s\n", np->fdp->device, ether_ntoa(&np->eth), np->type == NT_SINK ? " (sink)" : ""); } closedev(np, FT_ETHERNET); } /* Only true Ethernets worry about DHCP. */ if (np->type != NT_ETHERNET) np->renew= np->rebind= np->lease= NEVER; } /* Try to find my interfaces in the DHCP table. */ for (i= 0; i < n_nets; i++) { ipaddr_t cip; u8_t clid[1+DHCP_HLEN_ETH]; size_t cilen; np= network[i]; if (np->flags & NF_BOUND) continue; if (np->type == NT_IP) { cilen= 0; } else { ether2clid(clid, &np->eth); cilen= 1+DHCP_HLEN_ETH; } /* Try to find an Ethernet address, or the IP address of an already * configured network. If we have data we get an IP address back. */ get_buf(&bp); (void) makedhcp(bp->dhcp, (u8_t *) "Minix", 5, clid, cilen, np->ip, 0, np); cip= bp->dhcp->yiaddr; /* Gather information on the interface. */ if (cip != 0 && makedhcp(bp->dhcp, (u8_t *) "Minix", 5, clid, cilen, cip, cip, np) && test < 2 ) { u8_t *pdata; u16_t mtu; cachedhcp(np->n, bp->dhcp); np->ip= cip; (void) gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_NETMASK, &pdata, nil); memcpy(&np->mask, pdata, sizeof(np->mask)); if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_GATEWAY, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&np->gateway, pdata, sizeof(np->gateway)); } else { np->gateway= 0; } if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_IPMTU, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&mtu, pdata, sizeof(mtu)); mtu= ntohs(mtu); } else { mtu= 0; } set_ipconf(ipdev(np->n), np->ip, np->mask, mtu); if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: IP address is %s\n", ipdev(np->n), cidr_ntoa(np->ip, np->mask)); } np->flags |= NF_BOUND; np->renew= np->rebind= np->lease= NEVER; np->sol_ct= N_SOLICITS; np->solicit= 0; /* Other (previous) interfaces may have been defined. */ i= 0; } put_buf(&bp); } for (;;) { now= time(nil); event= NEVER; /* Is it time to request/renew a lease? */ for (i= 0; i < n_nets; i++) { np= network[i]; if (np->renew <= now) { u8_t type; static u8_t taglist[] = { DHCP_TAG_NETMASK, DHCP_TAG_GATEWAY, DHCP_TAG_DNS, DHCP_TAG_HOSTNAME }; u8_t ethclid[1+DHCP_HLEN_ETH]; /* We may have lost our binding or even our lease. */ if (np->rebind <= now) np->server= BCAST_IP; if (np->lease <= now) { if (np->flags & NF_BOUND) closedev(np, FT_ALL); if ((np->flags & (NF_BOUND | NF_POSSESSIVE)) == NF_BOUND) { set_ipconf(ipdev(np->n), np->ip= 0, np->mask= 0, 0); if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Interface disabled (lease expired)\n", ipdev(np->n)); } } np->flags &= ~NF_BOUND; } /* See if we can open the network we need to send on. */ if (!(np->flags & NF_BOUND)) { if (!opendev(np, FT_ETHERNET, 1)) continue; } else { if (!opendev(np, FT_BOOTPC, 1)) continue; } if (!(np->flags & NF_NEGOTIATING)) { /* We need to start querying a DHCP server. */ np->start= now; np->delta= DELTA_FIRST; np->flags |= NF_NEGOTIATING; } /* Fill in a DHCP query packet. */ get_buf(&bp); dhcp_init(bp->dhcp); bp->dhcp->op= DHCP_BOOTREQUEST; bp->dhcp->htype= DHCP_HTYPE_ETH; bp->dhcp->hlen= DHCP_HLEN_ETH; bp->dhcp->xid= XID(np); bp->dhcp->secs= htons(now - np->start > 0xFFFF ? 0xFFFF : now - np->start); memcpy(bp->dhcp->chaddr, &np->eth, sizeof(np->eth)); if (np->lease <= now) { /* First time, or my old server is unresponsive. */ type= DHCP_DISCOVER; } else { /* Request an offered address or renew an address. */ type= DHCP_REQUEST; if (np->flags & NF_BOUND) { /* A renewal, I claim my current address. */ bp->dhcp->ciaddr= np->ip; } else { /* Nicely ask for the address just offered. */ settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_REQIP, &np->ip, sizeof(np->ip)); settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_SERVERID, &np->server, sizeof(np->server)); } } settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_TYPE, &type, 1); /* My client ID. Simply use the default. */ ether2clid(ethclid, &np->eth); settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_CLIENTID, ethclid, sizeof(ethclid)); /* The Class ID may serve to recognize Minix hosts. */ settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_CLASSID, "Minix", 5); /* The few tags that Minix can make good use of. */ settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_REQPAR, taglist, sizeof(taglist)); /* Some weird sites use a hostname, not a client ID. */ if (np->hostname != nil) { settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_HOSTNAME, np->hostname, strlen(np->hostname)); } bp->udpio->uih_src_addr= np->ip; bp->udpio->uih_dst_addr= np->server; bp->udpio->uih_src_port= port_client; bp->udpio->uih_dst_port= port_server; bp->udpio->uih_ip_opt_len= 0; bp->udpio->uih_data_len= sizeof(dhcp_t); if (!(np->flags & NF_BOUND)) { /* Rebind over Ethernet. */ udp2ether(bp, np); if (sendpacket(np, bp->eth, sizeof(eth_hdr_t) + sizeof(ip_hdr_t) + sizeof(udp_hdr_t) + sizeof(dhcp_t))) { if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Broadcast DHCP %s\n", np->fdp->device, dhcptypename(type)); if (debug >= 2) printdhcp(bp->dhcp); } } } else { /* Renew over UDP. */ if (sendpacket(np, bp->udpio, sizeof(udp_io_hdr_t) + sizeof(dhcp_t))) { if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Sent DHCP %s to %s\n", np->fdp->device, dhcptypename(type), inet_ntoa(np->server)); if (debug >= 2) printdhcp(bp->dhcp); } } } put_buf(&bp); /* When to continue querying a DHCP server? */ if (np->flags & NF_BOUND) { /* Still bound, keep halving time till next event. */ time_t e, d; e= now < np->rebind ? np->rebind : np->lease; d= (e - now) / 2; if (d < DELTA_SLOW) d= DELTA_SLOW; np->renew= now + d; if (np->renew > e) np->renew= e; } else { /* Not bound, be desparate. */ np->renew= now + np->delta; if ((np->delta *= 2) > DELTA_FAST) np->delta= DELTA_FAST; } } if (np->renew < event) event= np->renew; } /* Read DHCP responses. */ for (i= 0; i < n_nets; i++) { np= network[i]; if (!(np->flags & NF_NEGOTIATING)) continue; if (!(np->flags & NF_BOUND)) { if (!opendev(np, FT_ETHERNET, 0)) continue; get_buf(&np->fdp->bp); r= asyn_read(&asyn, np->fdp->fd, np->fdp->bp->eth, BUF_ETH_SIZE); } else { if (!opendev(np, FT_BOOTPC, 0)) continue; get_buf(&np->fdp->bp); r= asyn_read(&asyn, np->fdp->fd, np->fdp->bp->udpio, BUF_UDP_SIZE); } if (r != -1) break; if (errno != ASYN_INPROGRESS && errno != EPACKSIZE) { report(np->fdp->device); sleep(10); } } /* Is there a response? */ if (i < n_nets) { give_buf(&bp, &np->fdp->bp); if (((!(np->flags & NF_BOUND) && r >= (sizeof(eth_hdr_t) + sizeof(ip_hdr_t) + sizeof(udp_hdr_t) + offsetof(dhcp_t, options)) && ether2udp(bp) && bp->udpio->uih_dst_port == port_client) || ((np->flags & NF_BOUND) && r >= sizeof(udp_io_hdr_t) + offsetof(dhcp_t, options))) && bp->dhcp->op == DHCP_BOOTREPLY && bp->dhcp->htype == DHCP_HTYPE_ETH && bp->dhcp->hlen == DHCP_HLEN_ETH && bp->dhcp->xid == XID(np) && memcmp(bp->dhcp->chaddr, &np->eth, sizeof(np->eth)) == 0 ) { /* Pfew! We got a DHCP reply! */ u8_t *pdata; size_t len; int type; ipaddr_t mask, gateway, relay, server; u16_t mtu; u32_t lease, renew, rebind, t; relay= bp->udpio->uih_src_addr; if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_SERVERID, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&server, pdata, sizeof(server)); } else { server= relay; } if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_TYPE, &pdata, nil)) { type= pdata[0]; } else { type= DHCP_ACK; /* BOOTP? */ } if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Got a DHCP %s from %s", np->fdp->device, dhcptypename(type), inet_ntoa(server)); printf(relay != server ? " through %s\n" : "\n", inet_ntoa(relay)); if (debug >= 2) printdhcp(bp->dhcp); } if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_NETMASK, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&mask, pdata, sizeof(mask)); } else { mask= defaultmask(bp->dhcp->ciaddr); } if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_IPMTU, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&mtu, pdata, sizeof(mtu)); mtu= ntohs(mtu); } else { mtu= 0; } if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_GATEWAY, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&gateway, pdata, sizeof(gateway)); } else { gateway= 0; } lease= NEVER; if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_LEASE, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&lease, pdata, sizeof(lease)); lease= ntohl(lease); } rebind= lease - lease / 8; if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_REBINDING, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&t, pdata, sizeof(t)); t= ntohl(t); if (t < rebind) rebind= t; } renew= lease / 2; if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_RENEWAL, &pdata, nil)) { memcpy(&t, pdata, sizeof(t)); t= ntohl(t); if (t < renew) renew= t; } if (type == DHCP_OFFER && np->rebind <= np->renew) { /* It's an offer for an address and we haven't taken one * yet. It's all the same to us, so take this one. */ np->ip= bp->dhcp->yiaddr; np->mask= mask; np->server= server; np->gateway= gateway; np->delta= DELTA_FIRST; np->renew= now; np->rebind= np->lease= now + DELTA_FAST; /* Send out an ARP request to see if the offered address * is in use already. */ make_arp(bp, np); if (sendpacket(np, bp->eth, sizeof(arp46_t))) { if (debug >= 2) { printf("Sent ARP for %s\n", inet_ntoa(np->ip)); } } np->flags &= ~NF_CONFLICT; } if (type == DHCP_ACK && !(np->flags & NF_CONFLICT)) { /* An acknowledgment. The address is all mine. */ cachedhcp(np->n, bp->dhcp); np->ip= bp->dhcp->yiaddr; np->mask= mask; np->server= server; set_ipconf(ipdev(np->n), np->ip, np->mask, mtu); if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Address set to %s\n", ipdev(np->n), cidr_ntoa(np->ip, np->mask)); } if (lease >= NEVER - now) { /* The lease is infinite! */ np->renew= np->rebind= np->lease= NEVER; } else { np->lease= now + lease; np->renew= now + renew; np->rebind= now + rebind; } if (test >= 3) { np->renew= now + 60; np->rebind= test >= 4 ? np->renew : np->renew + 60; np->lease= test >= 5 ? np->rebind : np->rebind + 60; } if (!(np->flags & NF_IRDP)) { np->sol_ct= (np->flags & NF_BOUND) ? 1 : N_SOLICITS; np->solicit= 0; } np->flags &= ~NF_NEGOTIATING; np->flags |= NF_BOUND; closedev(np, FT_ETHERNET); closedev(np, FT_BOOTPC); } if (type == DHCP_ACK && (np->flags & NF_CONFLICT)) { /* Alas there is a conflict. Decline to use the address. */ u8_t ethclid[1+DHCP_HLEN_ETH]; static char USED[]= "Address in use by 00:00:00:00:00:00"; type= DHCP_DECLINE; dhcp_init(bp->dhcp); bp->dhcp->op= DHCP_BOOTREQUEST; bp->dhcp->htype= DHCP_HTYPE_ETH; bp->dhcp->hlen= DHCP_HLEN_ETH; bp->dhcp->xid= XID(np); bp->dhcp->secs= 0; memcpy(bp->dhcp->chaddr, &np->eth, sizeof(np->eth)); settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_REQIP, &np->ip, sizeof(np->ip)); settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_TYPE, &type, 1); ether2clid(ethclid, &np->eth); settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_CLIENTID,ethclid,sizeof(ethclid)); strcpy(USED+18, ether_ntoa(&np->conflict)); settag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_MESSAGE, USED, strlen(USED)); bp->udpio->uih_src_port= port_client; bp->udpio->uih_dst_port= port_server; bp->udpio->uih_ip_opt_len= 0; bp->udpio->uih_data_len= sizeof(dhcp_t); udp2ether(bp, np); if (sendpacket(np, bp->eth, sizeof(eth_hdr_t) + sizeof(ip_hdr_t) + sizeof(udp_hdr_t) + sizeof(dhcp_t))) { if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Broadcast DHCP %s\n", np->fdp->device, dhcptypename(type)); if (debug >= 2) printdhcp(bp->dhcp); } } np->renew= np->rebind= np->lease= now + DELTA_FAST; np->delta= DELTA_FIRST; } if (type == DHCP_NAK) { /* Oops, a DHCP server doesn't like me, start over! */ np->renew= np->rebind= np->lease= now + DELTA_FAST; np->delta= DELTA_FIRST; fprintf(stderr, "%s: Got a NAK from %s", program, inet_ntoa(server)); if (relay != server) { fprintf(stderr, " through %s", inet_ntoa(relay)); } if (gettag(bp->dhcp, DHCP_TAG_MESSAGE, &pdata, &len)) { fprintf(stderr, " saying: \"%.*s\"", (int)len, pdata); } fputc('\n', stderr); } } else if (!(np->flags & NF_BOUND) && np->rebind > now && r >= sizeof(arp46_t) && is_arp_me(bp, np) ) { /* Oh no, someone else is using the address offered to me! */ np->flags |= NF_CONFLICT; fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s offered by ", program, np->fdp->device, inet_ntoa(np->ip)); fprintf(stderr, "%s is already in use by %s\n", inet_ntoa(np->server), ether_ntoa(&np->conflict)); } put_buf(&bp); if (np->renew < event) event= np->renew; } /* Perform router solicitations. */ for (i= 0; i < n_nets; i++) { np= network[i]; if (!(np->flags & NF_BOUND)) continue; if (np->solicit <= now) { if (!opendev(np, FT_ICMP, 1)) continue; np->solicit= NEVER; get_buf(&bp); if (np->gateway != 0) { /* No IRDP response seen yet, advertise the router given * by DHCP to my own interface. */ icmp_advert(bp, np); if (sendpacket(np, bp->ip, sizeof(ip_hdr_t) + 16)) { if (debug >= 2) { printf("%s: Sent advert for %s to self\n", np->fdp->device, inet_ntoa(np->gateway)); } } np->solicit= now + DELTA_ADV/2; } if (np->sol_ct >= 0 && --np->sol_ct >= 0) { /* Send a router solicitation. */ icmp_solicit(bp); if (sendpacket(np, bp->ip, sizeof(*bp->ip) + 8)) { if (debug >= 2) { printf("%s: Broadcast router solicitation\n", np->fdp->device); } } np->solicit= now + DELTA_SOL; } else { /* No response, or not soliciting right now. */ closedev(np, FT_ICMP); } put_buf(&bp); } if (np->solicit < event) event= np->solicit; } /* Read router adverts. */ for (i= 0; i < n_nets; i++) { np= network[i]; if (!(np->flags & NF_BOUND)) continue; if (np->sol_ct < 0) continue; if (!opendev(np, FT_ICMP, 0)) continue; get_buf(&np->fdp->bp); r= asyn_read(&asyn, np->fdp->fd, np->fdp->bp->ip, BUF_IP_SIZE); if (r != -1) break; if (errno != ASYN_INPROGRESS && errno != EPACKSIZE) { report(np->fdp->device); sleep(10); } } /* Is there an advert? */ if (i < n_nets && r >= sizeof(ip_hdr_t) + 8) { ipaddr_t router; give_buf(&bp, &np->fdp->bp); if ((router= icmp_is_advert(bp)) != 0) { if (debug >= 2) { printf("%s: Router advert received from %s\n", np->fdp->device, inet_ntoa(router)); } np->solicit= NEVER; np->sol_ct= -1; np->flags |= NF_IRDP; closedev(np, FT_ICMP); } put_buf(&bp); } /* We start serving if all the interfaces so marked are configured. */ for (i= 0; i < n_nets; i++) { np= network[i]; if ((np->flags & NF_RELAYING) && (np->flags & NF_BOUND)) { if (((np->ip ^ np->server) & np->mask) == 0) { /* Don't relay to a server that is on this same net. */ np->flags &= ~NF_RELAYING; } } if (!(np->flags & (NF_SERVING|NF_RELAYING))) continue; if (!(np->flags & NF_BOUND)) { serving= 0; break; } serving= 1; } /* Read DHCP requests. */ for (i= 0; i < n_nets; i++) { np= network[i]; if (!(np->flags & NF_BOUND)) continue; if (!(np->flags & (NF_SERVING|NF_RELAYING)) || !serving) continue; if (!opendev(np, FT_BOOTPS, 0)) continue; get_buf(&np->fdp->bp); r= asyn_read(&asyn, np->fdp->fd, np->fdp->bp->udpio, BUF_UDP_SIZE); if (r != -1) break; if (errno != ASYN_INPROGRESS && errno != EPACKSIZE) { report(np->fdp->device); sleep(10); } } /* Is there a request? */ if (i < n_nets && r >= sizeof(udp_io_hdr_t) + offsetof(dhcp_t, options) ) { give_buf(&bp, &np->fdp->bp); if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Got DHCP packet from %s to ", np->fdp->device, inet_ntoa(bp->udpio->uih_src_addr)); printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(bp->udpio->uih_dst_addr)); if (debug >= 2) printdhcp(bp->dhcp); } /* Can we do something with this DHCP packet? */ if ((r= servdhcp(np, bp, r)) > 0) { /* Yes, we have something to send somewhere. */ if (sendpacket(np, bp->udpio, r)) { if (debug >= 1) { printf("%s: Sent DHCP packet to %s\n", np->fdp->device, inet_ntoa(bp->udpio->uih_dst_addr)); if (debug >= 2) printdhcp(bp->dhcp); } } } put_buf(&bp); } if (debug >= 1) { static char *lastbrk; extern char _end; if (sbrk(0) != lastbrk) { lastbrk= sbrk(0); printf("Memory use = %lu\n", (unsigned long) (lastbrk - &_end)); } fflush(stdout); } /* Bail out if not a server, and there is nothing else to do ever. */ if (!serving && event == NEVER) break; /* Wait for something to do. */ eventtv.tv_sec= event; if (asyn_wait(&asyn, 0, event == NEVER ? nil : &eventtv) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { report("asyn_wait()"); sleep(10); } } } if (debug >= 1) printf("Nothing more to do! Bailing out...\n"); return 0; }