.TH MOUNT 2 .SH NAME mount, umount \- mount or umount a file system .SH SYNOPSIS .ft B .nf #include int mount(char *\fIspecial\fP, char *\fIname\fP, int \fImountflags\fP, int \fIsrvflags\fP, char *\fItype\fP, char *\fIargs\fP) int umount(char *\fIname\fP, int \fIsrvflags) .fi .ft P .SH DESCRIPTION .B Mount() tells the system that the file system .I special is to be mounted on the file .IR name , effectively overlaying .I name with the file tree on .IR special . .I Name may of any type, except that if the root of .I special is a directory, then .I name must also be a directory. .I Special must be a block special file, or a NULL pointer. If a NULL pointer is passed, the file system is mounted without a block device. .I Mountflags may be a bitwise combination of the following flags: .TP 2 .B MNT_RDONLY Mount file system read-only, rather than read-write. .PP .I Srvflags may be a bitwise combination of the following flags: .TP 2 .B MS_REUSE Reuse the file system server image if possible. .TP .B MS_EXISTING Do not start the file system server, but use existing one. The label of the running file server is specified in .I Type. .PP .I Type is the type of the file system (e.g. "mfs"), used to pick a file system server. If this parameter is NULL, the default type is used. .I Args is a string with arguments passed to the file system server. Their interpretation is up to the server. This parameter may be NULL as well. .PP .B Umount() removes the connection between a device and a mount point, .I name may refer to either of them. If more than one device is mounted on the same mount point then unmounting at the mount point removes the last mounted device, unmounting a device removes precisely that device. The unmount will only succeed if none of the files on the device are in use. .I Srvflags may be a bitwise combination of the following flags: .TP 2 .B MS_EXISTING Umount the file system but do not terminate the the file system server. .PP .TO These calls may only be executed by the super-user. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR mount (1), .BR umount (1). .SH AUTHOR Kees J. Bot (kjb@cs.vu.nl)