.TH ID 1 .SH NAME id \- print the uid and gid .SH SYNOPSIS \fBid\fR .RB [ \-ugnr ] .br .de FL .TP \\fB\\$1\\fR \\$2 .. .de EX .TP 20 \\fB\\$1\\fR # \\$2 .. .SH EXAMPLES .EX "id" "Print the uid and gid" .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fIId\fR prints the current uid and gid, both numerically and symbolically. If the effective uid and gid are different from the real ones, all of them are printed. .PP If the \fB\-u\fP or \fB\-g\fP option is specified, then \fBid\fP will print the effective uid or guid number, respectively, on a single line. Combined with either of those options, the \fB\-n\fP option prints the name instead of the number, and the \fB\-r\fP option prints the real instead of the effective uid or gid. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR getuid (2), .BR getgid (2), .BR getgroups (2).