# List of binary operators used by test/expr. # # Copyright 1989 by Kenneth Almquist. All rights reserved. # This file is part of ash, which is distributed under the terms specified # by the Ash General Public License. See the file named LICENSE. OR1 -o 1 OR2 | 1 AND1 -a 2 AND2 & 2 STREQ = 4 OP_STRING STRNE != 4 OP_STRING NEWER -newer 4 OP_STRING OLDER -ot 4 OP_STRING EQ -eq 4 OP_INT NE -ne 4 OP_INT GT -gt 4 OP_INT LT -lt 4 OP_INT LE -le 4 OP_INT GE -ge 4 OP_INT PLUS + 5 OP_INT MINUS - 5 OP_INT TIMES * 6 OP_INT DIVIDE / 6 OP_INT REM % 6 OP_INT MATCHPAT : 7 OP_STRING