# $NetBSD: Makefile.bootimage,v 1.6 2012/04/22 07:23:42 tsutsui Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Izumi Tsutsui. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Makefile to create a bootable FS image for USB flash or emulators # # # Required variables: # RELEASEDIR # Should be defined in nbmake-${MACHINE} # IMGBASE # Basename of the image # # Optional variables: # BOOTDISK # device name of target bootable disk specified in /etc/fstab # (default: sd0) # USE_MBR # set yes if target disk image requires MBR partition # (default: no) # MBR_BOOTCODE # optional MBR bootcode which should be installed by fdisk(8) # (default: empty) # - specified MBR_BOOTCODE must exist in ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec # - if MBR_BOOTCODE is not specified, # MBR_DEFAULT_BOOTCODE (default: mbr) will be used # if the target ${MACHINE} has the one in /usr/mdec # USE_SUNLABEL # set yes if target disk image requires Sun's label # (default: no) # INSTALLBOOT_AFTER_DISKLABEL (untested) # set yes if the target ${MACHINE} requires disklabel # to run installboot(8), like hp300 # (default: empty) # IMAGEMB # target image size in MB # (default: 2048) # SWAPMB # swap size in target image in MB # (default: 128) # KERN_SET # kernel set name which should be extracted into image # (default: kern-GENERIC) # SETS # binary sets that should be extracted into image # (default: modules base etc comp games man misc tests text # xbase xcomp xetc xfont xserver) # SETS_DIR # directory path where binary sets are stored # (default: ${RELEASEDIR}/${RELEASEMACHINEDIR}/binary/sets) # IMGFILE_EXTRA # list of additional files to be copied into images, # containing one or more tuples of the form: # FILE TARGETPATH # for installation image etc. # (default: empty) # IMGDIR_EXTRA # list of additional directories to be copied into images, # containing one or more tuples of the form: # DIR TARGETPATH # for installation image etc. # (default: empty) # XXX: currently permissions in IMGDIR_EXTRA are not handled # IMGDIR_EXCLUDE # pax(1) options to exclude files which should not copied # into TARGETPATH in IMGDIR_EXTRA # (default: empty) # FSTAB_IN # template file of /etc/fstab # (default: ${DISTRIBDIR}/common/bootimage/fstab.in) # SPEC_IN # default files of spec file for makefs(8) # (default: ${DISTRIBDIR}/common/bootimage/spec.in) # SPEC_EXTRA # additional files of spec file for makefs(8) # (default: empty) # IMGMAKEFSOPTIONS # options passed to makefs(8) to create root file system # (default: -o bsize=16384,fsize=2048,density=8192) # INSTALLBOOTOPTIONS # options passed to installboot(8), e.g., -o console=com0 # (default: empty) # PRIMARY_BOOT # primary boot loader that should be installed into # the target image via installboot(8) # (default: empty) # SECONDARY_BOOT # secondary bootloader that should be put into the target image # (default: empty) # SECONDARY_BOOT_ARG # extra arguments that should be passed to installboot(8) # to specify the secondary bootloader # (default: empty) # DISKPROTO_IN # template file of disklabel -R # (default: ${DISTRIBDIR}/common/bootimage/diskproto.in # or ${DISTRIBDIR}/common/bootimage/diskproto.mbr.in) # OMIT_SWAPIMG # no need to put swap partition into image (for USB stick) # (default: no) # .include # for HOST_SH .include # .include # for TARGET_ENDIANNESS .include "${NETBSDSRCDIR}/distrib/common/Makefile.distrib" .if empty(IMGBASE) .BEGIN: @echo "Error: IMGBASE is not set" @false .endif # should be defined elsewhere? CAT?= cat CHMOD?= chmod CP?= cp DD?= dd MKDIR?= mkdir -p RM?= rm # # common definitions for image # BOOTDISK?= sd0 USE_MBR?= no USE_SUNLABEL?= no INSTALLBOOT_AFTER_DISKLABEL?= no # # size parameters for image # IMAGEMB?= 2048 # 2048MB SWAPMB?= 128 # 128MB # XXX: SWAPMB could be zero and expr(1) returns exit status 1 in that case IMAGESECTORS!= expr ${IMAGEMB} \* 1024 \* 1024 / 512 SWAPSECTORS!= expr ${SWAPMB} \* 1024 \* 1024 / 512 || true .if ${USE_MBR} == "no" LABELSECTORS?= 0 .else #LABELSECTORS?= 63 # historical #LABELSECTORS?= 32 # 16KB aligned LABELSECTORS?= 2048 # 1MB aligned for modern flash devices .endif FSSECTORS!= expr ${IMAGESECTORS} - ${SWAPSECTORS} - ${LABELSECTORS} FSSIZE!= expr ${FSSECTORS} \* 512 # parameters for disklabel and MBR HEADS= 64 SECTORS= 32 CYLINDERS!= expr ${IMAGESECTORS} / \( ${HEADS} \* ${SECTORS} \) SECPERCYLINDERS!= expr ${HEADS} \* ${SECTORS} MBRHEADS= 255 MBRSECTORS= 63 MBRCYLINDERS!= expr ${IMAGESECTORS} / \( ${MBRHEADS} \* ${MBRSECTORS} \) MBRNETBSD= 169 BSDPARTSECTORS!= expr ${IMAGESECTORS} - ${LABELSECTORS} FSOFFSET= ${LABELSECTORS} SWAPOFFSET!= expr ${LABELSECTORS} + ${FSSECTORS} # parameters for sunlabel FSCYLINDERS!= expr ${FSSECTORS} / \( ${HEADS} \* ${SECTORS} \) SWAPCYLINDERS!= expr ${SWAPSECTORS} / \( ${HEADS} \* ${SECTORS} \) || true # # definitions to create root fs # SETS_DEFAULT= modules base etc comp games man misc tests text .if ${MKX11} != "no" SETS_DEFAULT+= xbase xcomp xetc xfont xserver .endif KERN_SET?= kern-GENERIC SETS?= ${SETS_DEFAULT} IMG_SETS= ${KERN_SET} ${SETS} SETS_DIR?= ${RELEASEDIR}/${RELEASEMACHINEDIR}/binary/sets FSTAB_IN?= ${DISTRIBDIR}/common/bootimage/fstab.in SPEC_IN?= ${DISTRIBDIR}/common/bootimage/spec.in IMGMAKEFSOPTIONS?= -o bsize=16384,fsize=2048,density=8192 WORKDIR?= work WORKSPEC?= work.spec WORKFSTAB?= work.fstab WORKRCCONF?= work.rc.conf WORKFS?= work.rootfs TARGETFS?= imgroot.fs CLEANFILES+= ${WORKSPEC} ${WORKFSTAB} ${WORKRCCONF} ${WORKFS} CLEANFILES+= ${TARGETFS} # # create root file system for the image # ${TARGETFS}: prepare_md_post @if [ ! -d ${RELEASEDIR}/${RELEASEMACHINEDIR} ]; then \ echo "Missing ${RELEASEDIR}/${RELEASEMACHINEDIR}, aborting"; \ false; \ fi; @${MKDIR} ${WORKDIR} .for set in ${IMG_SETS} @if [ ! -f ${SETS_DIR}/${set}.tgz ]; then \ echo "Missing ${SETS_DIR}/${set}.tgz, aborting"; \ false; \ fi @echo Extracting ${set}.tgz ... @(cd ${WORKDIR}; ${TOOL_PAX} -rnz -f ${SETS_DIR}/${set}.tgz .) .endfor .if defined(SECONDARY_BOOT) @echo Copying secondary boot... ${CP} -f ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/${SECONDARY_BOOT} ${WORKDIR} .endif @echo Preparing /etc/fstab ... ${TOOL_SED} "s/@@BOOTDISK@@/${BOOTDISK}/" < ${FSTAB_IN} > ${WORKFSTAB} ${CP} ${WORKFSTAB} ${WORKDIR}/etc/fstab @echo Setting rc_configured=YES in /etc/rc.conf ... ${TOOL_SED} "s/rc_configured=NO/rc_configured=YES/" \ < ${WORKDIR}/etc/rc.conf > ${WORKRCCONF} ${CP} ${WORKRCCONF} ${WORKDIR}/etc/rc.conf .if defined(IMGDIR_EXTRA) @echo Copying extra dirs... .for _SRCDIR _TARGET in ${IMGDIR_EXTRA} @if [ ! -d ${_SRCDIR} ]; then \ echo "${_SRCDIR} is not directory, aborting"; \ false; \ fi ${MKDIR} ${WORKDIR}/${_TARGET} (cd ${_SRCDIR} ; \ ${TOOL_PAX} -rw -pe -v \ ${IMGDIR_EXCLUDE} \ . ${.OBJDIR}/${WORKDIR}/${_TARGET} ) .endfor .endif .if defined(IMGFILE_EXTRA) @echo Copying extra files... .for _SRC _TARGET in ${IMGFILE_EXTRA} @if [ ! -f ${_SRC} ]; then \ echo "${_SRC} in IMGFILE_EXTRA not found, aborting"; \ false; \ fi @if [ -f ${_SRC} ]; then \ echo ${CP} ${_SRC} ${WORKDIR}/${_TARGET}; \ ${CP} ${_SRC} ${WORKDIR}/${_TARGET}; \ fi .endfor .endif @echo Preparing spec files for makefs... ${RM} -f ${WORKSPEC} cat ${WORKDIR}/etc/mtree/* | \ ${TOOL_SED} -e 's/ size=[0-9]*//' > ${WORKSPEC} ${HOST_SH} ${WORKDIR}/dev/MAKEDEV -s all | \ ${TOOL_SED} -e '/^\. type=dir/d' -e 's,^\.,./dev,' >> ${WORKSPEC} cat ${SPEC_IN} >> ${WORKSPEC} .if defined(SECONDARY_BOOT) echo "./${SECONDARY_BOOT} type=file uname=root gname=operator mode=0444" \ >> ${WORKSPEC} .endif .if defined(SPEC_EXTRA) cat ${SPEC_EXTRA} >> ${WORKSPEC} .endif @echo Creating rootfs... # XXX /var/spool/ftp/hidden is unreadable ${CHMOD} +r ${WORKDIR}/var/spool/ftp/hidden ${TOOL_MAKEFS} -M ${FSSIZE} -m ${FSSIZE} \ -B ${TARGET_ENDIANNESS} \ -F ${WORKSPEC} -N ${WORKDIR}/etc \ ${IMGMAKEFSOPTIONS} \ ${WORKFS} ${WORKDIR} .if !empty(PRIMARY_BOOT) && ${INSTALLBOOT_AFTER_DISKLABEL} == "no" ${TOOL_INSTALLBOOT} -v -m ${MACHINE} ${INSTALLBOOTOPTIONS} ${WORKFS} \ ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/${PRIMARY_BOOT} ${SECONDARY_BOOT_ARG} .endif @echo done. mv ${WORKFS} ${.TARGET} # # definitions to create image # .if ${USE_MBR} != "no" DISKPROTO_IN?= ${DISTRIBDIR}/common/bootimage/diskproto.mbr.in .else DISKPROTO_IN?= ${DISTRIBDIR}/common/bootimage/diskproto.in .endif MBR_DEFAULT_BOOTCODE?= mbr OMIT_SWAPIMG?= no WORKMBR?= work.mbr WORKSWAP?= work.swap WORKLABEL?= work.diskproto WORKIMG?= work.img CLEANFILES+= ${WORKMBR} ${WORKSWAP} CLEANFILES+= ${WORKLABEL}.tmp ${WORKLABEL} CLEANFILES+= ${WORKIMG} ${IMGBASE}.img ${WORKLABEL}: ${TOOL_SED} \ -e "s/@@SECTORS@@/${SECTORS}/" \ -e "s/@@HEADS@@/${HEADS}/" \ -e "s/@@SECPERCYLINDERS@@/${SECPERCYLINDERS}/" \ -e "s/@@CYLINDERS@@/${CYLINDERS}/" \ -e "s/@@IMAGESECTORS@@/${IMAGESECTORS}/" \ -e "s/@@FSSECTORS@@/${FSSECTORS}/" \ -e "s/@@FSOFFSET@@/${FSOFFSET}/" \ -e "s/@@SWAPSECTORS@@/${SWAPSECTORS}/" \ -e "s/@@SWAPOFFSET@@/${SWAPOFFSET}/" \ -e "s/@@BSDPARTSECTORS@@/${BSDPARTSECTORS}/" \ < ${DISKPROTO_IN} > ${WORKLABEL}.tmp mv ${WORKLABEL}.tmp ${WORKLABEL} ${IMGBASE}.img: ${TARGETFS} ${WORKLABEL} .if ${USE_MBR} != "no" @echo creating MBR labels... ${DD} if=/dev/zero of=${WORKMBR} seek=$$((${IMAGESECTORS} - 1)) count=1 ${TOOL_FDISK} -f -i -u \ -b ${MBRCYLINDERS}/${MBRHEADS}/${MBRSECTORS} \ -0 -a -s ${MBRNETBSD}/${FSOFFSET}/${BSDPARTSECTORS} \ -F ${WORKMBR} .if empty(MBR_BOOTCODE) @if [ -f ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/${MBR_DEFAULT_BOOTCODE} ]; then \ echo ${TOOL_FDISK} -f \ -i -c ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/${MBR_DEFAULT_BOOTCODE} \ -F ${WORKMBR}; \ ${TOOL_FDISK} -f \ -i -c ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/${MBR_DEFAULT_BOOTCODE} \ -F ${WORKMBR}; \ fi .else @if [ ! -f ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/${MBR_BOOTCODE} ]; then \ echo "${MBR_BOOTCODE} is not found in DESTDIR/usr/mdec, aborting"; \ false; \ fi ${TOOL_FDISK} -f -i -c ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/${MBR_BOOTCODE} \ -F ${WORKMBR} .endif ${DD} if=${WORKMBR} count=${LABELSECTORS} | \ ${CAT} - ${TARGETFS} > ${WORKIMG} .else ${CP} ${TARGETFS} ${WORKIMG} .endif .if ${OMIT_SWAPIMG} == "no" ${DD} if=/dev/zero of=${WORKSWAP} seek=$$((${SWAPSECTORS} - 1)) count=1 ${CAT} ${WORKSWAP} >> ${WORKIMG} .endif .if ${USE_SUNLABEL} != "no" @echo Creating sun disklabel... printf 'V ncyl %d\nV nhead %d\nV nsect %d\na %d %d/0/0\nb %d %d/0/0\nW\n' \ ${CYLINDERS} ${HEADS} ${SECTORS} \ ${FSOFFSET} ${FSCYLINDERS} ${FSCYLINDERS} ${SWAPCYLINDERS} | \ ${TOOL_SUNLABEL} -nq ${WORKIMG} .endif ${TOOL_DISKLABEL} -R -F ${WORKIMG} ${WORKLABEL} .if !empty(PRIMARY_BOOT) && ${INSTALLBOOT_AFTER_DISKLABEL} != "no" ${TOOL_INSTALLBOOT} -v -m ${MACHINE} ${INSTALLBOOTOPTOINS} ${WORKIMG} \ ${WORKDIR}/usr/mdec/${PRIMARY_BOOT} .endif mv ${WORKIMG} ${.TARGET} CLEANFILES+= ${IMGBASE}.img.gz ${IMGBASE}.img.gz.tmp ${IMGBASE}.img.gz: ${IMGBASE}.img ${TOOL_GZIP} -9c ${IMGBASE}.img > ${.TARGET}.tmp mv ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET} clean: @if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/var/spool/ftp/hidden ]; then \ ${CHMOD} +r ${WORKDIR}/var/spool/ftp/hidden; \ fi # XXX ${RM} -fr ${WORKDIR} prepare_md_post: .PHONY image_md_post: .PHONY image_md_pre: .PHONY .include