/* ps - print status Author: Peter Valkenburg */ /* Modified for ProcFS by Alen Stojanov and David van Moolenbroek */ /* Ps.c, Peter Valkenburg (valke@psy.vu.nl), january 1990. * * This is a V7 ps(1) look-alike for MINIX >= 1.5.0. * It does not support the 'k' option (i.e. cannot read memory from core file). * If you want to compile this for non-IBM PC architectures, the header files * require that you have your CHIP, MACHINE etc. defined. * Full syntax: * ps [-][aeflx] * Option `a' gives all processes, `l' for detailed info, `x' includes even * processes without a terminal. * The `f' and `e' options were added by Kees Bot for the convenience of * Solaris users accustomed to these options. The `e' option is equivalent to * `a' and `f' is equivalent to -l. These do not appear in the usage message. */ /* Some technical comments on this implementation: * * Most fields are similar to V7 ps(1), except for CPU, NICE, PRI which are * absent, RECV which replaces WCHAN, and PGRP that is an extra. * The info is obtained from the following fields of proc, mproc and fproc: * ST - kernel status field, p_rts_flags; pm status field, mp_flags (R if * p_rts_flags is 0; Z if mp_flags == ZOMBIE; T if mp_flags == STOPPED; * else W). * UID - pm eff uid field, mp_effuid * PID - pm pid field, mp_pid * PPID - pm parent process index field, mp_parent (used as index in proc). * PGRP - pm process group field, mp_procgrp * SZ - memory size, including common and shared memory * RECV - kernel process index field for message receiving, p_getfrom * If sleeping, pm's mp_flags, or fs's fp_task are used for more info. * TTY - fs controlling tty device field, fp_tty. * TIME - kernel user + system times fields, user_time + sys_time * CMD - system process index (converted to mnemonic name by using the p_name * field), or user process argument list (obtained by reading the stack * frame; the resulting address is used to get the argument vector from * user space and converted into a concatenated argument list). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*----- ps's local stuff below this line ------*/ /* Structure for tty name info. */ typedef struct { char tty_name[NAME_MAX + 1]; /* file name in /dev */ dev_t tty_dev; /* major/minor pair */ } ttyinfo_t; ttyinfo_t *ttyinfo; /* ttyinfo holds actual tty info */ size_t n_ttyinfo; /* Number of tty info slots */ u32_t system_hz; /* system clock frequency */ unsigned int nr_procs; /* maximum number of processes */ unsigned int nr_tasks; /* maximum number of tasks */ struct pstat *ptable; /* table with process information */ /* Macro to convert endpoints to slots into ptable */ #define SLOT_NR(e) (_ENDPOINT_P(e) + nr_tasks) /* Macro to convert memory offsets to rounded kilo-units */ #define off_to_k(off) ((unsigned) (((off) + 512) / 1024)) /* Short and long listing formats: * * PID TTY TIME CMD * ppppp tttmmm:ss cccccccccc... * * ST UID PID PPID PGRP SZ RECV TTY TIME CMD * s uuu ppppp ppppp ppppp ssss rrrrrrrrrr tttmmm:ss cccccccc... */ #define S_HEADER " PID TTY TIME CMD\n" #define S_FORMAT "%5s %3s %s %s\n" #define L_HEADER "ST UID PID PPID PGRP SZ RECV TTY TIME CMD\n" #define L_FORMAT " %c %3d %5s %5d %5d %6d %12s %3s %s %s\n" struct pstat { /* structure filled by pstat() */ struct pstat *ps_next; /* next in process list */ int ps_task; /* is this process a task or not? */ int ps_endpt; /* process endpoint (NONE means unused slot) */ dev_t ps_dev; /* major/minor of controlling tty */ uid_t ps_ruid; /* real uid */ uid_t ps_euid; /* effective uid */ pid_t ps_pid; /* process id */ pid_t ps_ppid; /* parent process id */ int ps_pgrp; /* process group id */ char ps_state; /* process state */ char ps_pstate; /* sleep state */ char ps_fstate; /* VFS block state */ int ps_ftask; /* VFS suspend task (endpoint) */ vir_bytes ps_memory; /* memory usage */ int ps_recv; /* process number to receive from (endpoint) */ time_t ps_utime; /* accumulated user time */ time_t ps_stime; /* accumulated system time */ char ps_name[PROC_NAME_LEN+1];/* process name */ char *ps_args; /* concatenated argument string */ }; int main(int argc, char *argv []); void plist(void); int addrread(int fd, phys_clicks base, vir_bytes addr, char *buf, int nbytes ); void usage(const char *pname ); void err(const char *s ); int gettynames(void); /* * Tname returns mnemonic string for dev_nr. This is "?" for maj/min pairs that * are not found. It uses the ttyinfo array (prepared by gettynames). * Tname assumes that the first three letters of the tty's name can be omitted * and returns the rest (except for the console, which yields "co"). */ static char *tname(dev_t dev_nr) { unsigned int i; if (major(dev_nr) == TTY_MAJOR && minor(dev_nr) == 0) return "co"; for (i = 0; i < n_ttyinfo && ttyinfo[i].tty_name[0] != '\0'; i++) if (ttyinfo[i].tty_dev == dev_nr) return ttyinfo[i].tty_name + 3; return "?"; } /* Find a task by its endpoint. */ static struct pstat *findtask(endpoint_t endpt) { struct pstat *ps; unsigned int slot; slot = SLOT_NR(endpt); if (slot >= nr_tasks + nr_procs) return NULL; ps = &ptable[slot]; if (ps != NULL && ps->ps_endpt == (int) endpt) return ps; return NULL; } /* Return canonical task name of the given endpoint. */ static char *taskname(endpoint_t endpt) { struct pstat *ps; ps = findtask(endpt); return ps ? ps->ps_name : "???"; } /* Prrecv prints the RECV field for process with pstat buffer pointer ps. * This is either "ANY", "taskname", or "(blockreason) taskname". */ static char *prrecv(struct pstat *ps) { char *blkstr, *task; /* reason for blocking and task */ static char recvstr[20]; if (ps->ps_recv == ANY) return "ANY"; task = taskname(ps->ps_recv); if (ps->ps_state != STATE_SLEEP) return task; blkstr = "?"; if (ps->ps_recv == PM_PROC_NR) { switch (ps->ps_pstate) { case PSTATE_PAUSED: blkstr = "pause"; break; case PSTATE_WAITING: blkstr = "wait"; break; case PSTATE_SIGSUSP: blkstr = "sigsusp"; break; } } else if (ps->ps_recv == VFS_PROC_NR) { switch (ps->ps_fstate) { case FSTATE_PIPE: blkstr = "pipe"; break; case FSTATE_LOCK: blkstr = "flock"; break; case FSTATE_POPEN: blkstr = "popen"; break; case FSTATE_SELECT: blkstr = "select"; break; case FSTATE_TASK: blkstr = taskname(ps->ps_ftask); break; default: blkstr = "??"; break; } } (void) sprintf(recvstr, "(%s) %s", blkstr, task); return recvstr; } static void getkinfo(void) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen("kinfo", "r")) == NULL) err("Unable to open " _PATH_PROC "kinfo"); if (fscanf(fp, "%u %u", &nr_procs, &nr_tasks) != 2) err("Unable to read from " _PATH_PROC "kinfo"); fclose(fp); } /* Main interprets arguments, gathers information, and prints a process list. */ int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; unsigned int n; struct pstat *ps; int uid = getuid(); /* real uid of caller */ char *opt; int opt_all = FALSE; /* -a */ int opt_long = FALSE; /* -l */ int opt_notty = FALSE; /* -x */ int opt_endpoint = FALSE; /* -E */ char pid[2 + sizeof(pid_t) * 3]; unsigned long ustime; char cpu[sizeof(clock_t) * 3 + 1 + 2]; /* Parse arguments; a '-' need not be present (V7/BSD compatability) */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { opt = argv[i]; if (opt[0] == '-') opt++; while (*opt != 0) switch (*opt++) { case 'a': opt_all = TRUE; break; case 'E': opt_endpoint = TRUE; break; case 'e': opt_all = opt_notty = TRUE; break; case 'f': case 'l': opt_long = TRUE; break; case 'x': opt_notty = TRUE; break; default: usage(argv[0]); } } if (gettynames() == -1) err("Can't get tty names"); if (chdir(_PATH_PROC) != 0) err("Can't chdir to /proc"); /* Get information from the proc file system */ system_hz = (u32_t) sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); getkinfo(); plist(); /* Now loop through process table and handle each entry */ printf("%s", opt_long ? L_HEADER : S_HEADER); for (n = 0; n < nr_procs + nr_tasks; n++) { ps = &ptable[n]; if (ps->ps_endpt == NONE) continue; if ((opt_all || ps->ps_euid == uid || ps->ps_ruid == uid) && (opt_notty || major(ps->ps_dev) == TTY_MAJOR)) { if (ps->ps_task) { sprintf(pid, "(%d)", ps->ps_pid); } else { sprintf(pid, "%d", opt_endpoint ? ps->ps_endpt : ps->ps_pid); } ustime = (ps->ps_utime + ps->ps_stime) / system_hz; if (ustime < 60 * 60) { sprintf(cpu, "%2lu:%02lu", ustime / 60, ustime % 60); } else if (ustime < 100L * 60 * 60) { ustime /= 60; sprintf(cpu, "%2luh%02lu", ustime / 60, ustime % 60); } else { sprintf(cpu, "%4luh", ustime / 3600); } if (opt_long) printf(L_FORMAT, ps->ps_state, ps->ps_euid, pid, ps->ps_ppid, ps->ps_pgrp, off_to_k(ps->ps_memory), (ps->ps_recv != NONE ? prrecv(ps) : ""), tname((dev_t) ps->ps_dev), cpu, ps->ps_args != NULL ? ps->ps_args : ps->ps_name ); else printf(S_FORMAT, pid, tname((dev_t) ps->ps_dev), cpu, ps->ps_args != NULL ? ps->ps_args : ps->ps_name ); } } return(0); } /* Get_args obtains the command line of a process. */ char *get_args(struct pstat *ps) { char path[PATH_MAX], buf[4096]; ssize_t i, n; int fd; /* Get a reasonable subset of the contents of the 'cmdline' file from procfs. * It contains all arguments, separated and terminated by null characters. */ sprintf(path, "%d/cmdline", ps->ps_pid); fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return NULL; n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (n <= 0) { close(fd); return NULL; } close(fd); /* Replace all argument separating null characters with spaces. */ for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) if (buf[i] == '\0') buf[i] = ' '; /* The last character should already be null, except if it got cut off. */ buf[n-1] = '\0'; return strdup(buf); } /* Pstat obtains the actual information for the given process, and stores it * in the pstat structure. The outside world may change while we are doing * this, so nothing is reported in case any of the calls fail. */ int pstat(struct pstat *ps, pid_t pid) { FILE *fp; int version, ruid, euid, dev; char type, path[PATH_MAX], name[256]; ps->ps_pid = pid; ps->ps_next = NULL; sprintf(path, "%d/psinfo", pid); if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) return -1; if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &version) != 1) { fclose(fp); return -1; } /* The psinfo file's version must match what we expect. */ if (version != PSINFO_VERSION) { fputs("procfs version mismatch!\n", stderr); exit(1); } if (fscanf(fp, " %c %d %255s %c %d %*d %u %u %*u %*u", &type, &ps->ps_endpt, name, &ps->ps_state, &ps->ps_recv, &ps->ps_utime, &ps->ps_stime) != 7) { fclose(fp); return -1; } strncpy(ps->ps_name, name, sizeof(ps->ps_name)-1); ps->ps_name[sizeof(ps->ps_name)-1] = 0; ps->ps_task = type == TYPE_TASK; if (!ps->ps_task) { if (fscanf(fp, " %lu %*u %*u %c %d %u %u %u %*d %c %d %u", &ps->ps_memory, &ps->ps_pstate, &ps->ps_ppid, &ruid, &euid, &ps->ps_pgrp, &ps->ps_fstate, &ps->ps_ftask, &dev) != 9) { fclose(fp); return -1; } ps->ps_ruid = ruid; ps->ps_euid = euid; ps->ps_dev = dev; } else { ps->ps_memory = 0L; ps->ps_pstate = PSTATE_NONE; ps->ps_ppid = 0; ps->ps_ruid = 0; ps->ps_euid = 0; ps->ps_pgrp = 0; ps->ps_fstate = FSTATE_NONE; ps->ps_ftask = NONE; ps->ps_dev = NO_DEV; } fclose(fp); if (ps->ps_state == STATE_ZOMBIE) ps->ps_args = ""; else if (!ps->ps_task) ps->ps_args = get_args(ps); else ps->ps_args = NULL; return 0; } /* Plist creates a list of processes with status information. */ void plist(void) { DIR *p_dir; struct dirent *p_ent; struct pstat pbuf; pid_t pid; char *end; unsigned int slot; /* Allocate a table for process information. Initialize all slots' endpoints * to NONE, indicating those slots are not used. */ if ((ptable = malloc((nr_tasks + nr_procs) * sizeof(struct pstat))) == NULL) err("Out of memory!"); for (slot = 0; slot < nr_tasks + nr_procs; slot++) ptable[slot].ps_endpt = NONE; /* Fill in the table slots for all existing processes, by retrieving all PID * entries from the /proc directory. */ p_dir = opendir("."); if (p_dir == NULL) err("Can't open " _PATH_PROC); p_ent = readdir(p_dir); while (p_ent != NULL) { pid = strtol(p_ent->d_name, &end, 10); if (!end[0] && pid != 0 && !pstat(&pbuf, pid)) { slot = SLOT_NR(pbuf.ps_endpt); if (slot < nr_tasks + nr_procs) memcpy(&ptable[slot], &pbuf, sizeof(pbuf)); } p_ent = readdir(p_dir); } closedir(p_dir); } void usage(const char *pname) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-][aeflx]\n", pname); exit(1); } void err(const char *s) { extern int errno; if (errno == 0) fprintf(stderr, "ps: %s\n", s); else fprintf(stderr, "ps: %s: %s\n", s, strerror(errno)); exit(2); } /* Fill ttyinfo by fstatting character specials in /dev. */ int gettynames(void) { static char dev_path[] = "/dev/"; struct stat statbuf; static char path[sizeof(dev_path) + NAME_MAX]; unsigned int index; struct ttyent *ttyp; index = 0; while ((ttyp = getttyent()) != NULL) { strcpy(path, dev_path); strcat(path, ttyp->ty_name); if (stat(path, &statbuf) == -1 || !S_ISCHR(statbuf.st_mode)) continue; if (index >= n_ttyinfo) { n_ttyinfo= (index+16) * 2; ttyinfo = realloc(ttyinfo, n_ttyinfo * sizeof(ttyinfo[0])); if (ttyinfo == NULL) err("Out of memory"); } ttyinfo[index].tty_dev = statbuf.st_rdev; strcpy(ttyinfo[index].tty_name, ttyp->ty_name); index++; } endttyent(); while (index < n_ttyinfo) ttyinfo[index++].tty_dev= 0; return 0; }