/* This file implements the methods of shared memory. */ #include #include "proto.h" #include "vm.h" #include "region.h" #include "glo.h" /* These functions are static so as to not pollute the * global namespace, and are accessed through their function * pointers. */ static int shared_reference(struct phys_region *pr); static int shared_unreference(struct phys_region *pr); static int shared_pagefault(struct vmproc *vmp, struct vir_region *region, struct phys_region *ph, int write); static int shared_sanitycheck(struct phys_region *pr, char *file, int line); static int shared_writable(struct phys_region *pr); static void shared_delete(struct vir_region *region); static u32_t shared_regionid(struct vir_region *region); static int shared_copy(struct vir_region *vr, struct vir_region *newvr); static int shared_refcount(struct vir_region *vr); struct mem_type mem_type_shared = { .name = "shared memory", .ev_reference = shared_reference, .ev_copy = shared_copy, .ev_unreference = shared_unreference, .ev_pagefault = shared_pagefault, .ev_sanitycheck = shared_sanitycheck, .ev_delete = shared_delete, .regionid = shared_regionid, .refcount = shared_refcount, .writable = shared_writable }; static int shared_reference(struct phys_region *pr) { return OK; } static int shared_unreference(struct phys_region *pr) { return mem_type_anon.ev_unreference(pr); } static int getsrc(struct vir_region *region, struct vmproc **vmp, struct vir_region **r) { int srcproc; if(region->memtype != &mem_type_shared) { printf("shared region hasn't shared type but %s.\n", region->memtype->name); return EINVAL; } if(!region->param.shared.ep || !region->param.shared.vaddr) { printf("shared region has not defined source region.\n"); util_stacktrace(); return EINVAL; } if(vm_isokendpt((endpoint_t) region->param.shared.ep, &srcproc) != OK) { printf("VM: shared memory with missing source process.\n"); util_stacktrace(); return EINVAL; } *vmp = &vmproc[srcproc]; if(!(*r=map_lookup(*vmp, region->param.shared.vaddr, NULL))) { printf("VM: shared memory with missing vaddr 0x%lx.\n", region->param.shared.vaddr); return EINVAL; } if((*r)->memtype != &mem_type_anon) { printf("source region hasn't anon type but %s.\n", (*r)->memtype->name); return EINVAL; } if(region->param.shared.id != (*r)->id) { printf("source region has no matching id\n"); return EINVAL; } return OK; } static u32_t shared_regionid(struct vir_region *vr) { struct vir_region *src_region; struct vmproc *src_vmp; if(getsrc(vr, &src_vmp, &src_region) != OK) return 0; return src_region->id; } static void shared_delete(struct vir_region *region) { struct vir_region *src_region; struct vmproc *src_vmp; if(getsrc(region, &src_vmp, &src_region) != OK) return; assert(src_region->remaps > 0); src_region->remaps--; } static int shared_pagefault(struct vmproc *vmp, struct vir_region *region, struct phys_region *ph, int write) { struct vir_region *src_region; struct vmproc *src_vmp; struct phys_region *pr; if(getsrc(region, &src_vmp, &src_region) != OK) { return EINVAL; } assert(ph->ph->phys == MAP_NONE); pb_free(ph->ph); if(!(pr = physr_search(src_region->phys, ph->offset, AVL_EQUAL))) { int r; if((r=map_pf(src_vmp, src_region, ph->offset, write)) != OK) return r; if(!(pr = physr_search(src_region->phys, ph->offset, AVL_EQUAL))) { panic("missing region after pagefault handling"); } } pb_link(ph, pr->ph, ph->offset, region); return OK; } static int shared_sanitycheck(struct phys_region *pr, char *file, int line) { return OK; } static int shared_writable(struct phys_region *pr) { assert(pr->ph->refcount > 0); return pr->ph->phys != MAP_NONE; } void shared_setsource(struct vir_region *vr, endpoint_t ep, struct vir_region *src_vr) { struct vmproc *vmp; struct vir_region *srcvr; int id = src_vr->id; vir_bytes vaddr = src_vr->vaddr; assert(vr->memtype == &mem_type_shared); if(!ep || !vaddr || !id) { printf("VM: shared_setsource: zero ep/vaddr/id - ignoring\n"); return; } vr->param.shared.ep = ep; vr->param.shared.vaddr = vaddr; vr->param.shared.id = id; if(getsrc(vr, &vmp, &srcvr) != OK) panic("initial getsrc failed"); assert(srcvr == src_vr); srcvr->remaps++; } static int shared_copy(struct vir_region *vr, struct vir_region *newvr) { struct vmproc *vmp; struct vir_region *srcvr; if(getsrc(vr, &vmp, &srcvr) != OK) panic("copy: original getsrc failed"); shared_setsource(newvr, vr->param.shared.ep, srcvr); return OK; } static int shared_refcount(struct vir_region *vr) { return 1 + vr->remaps; }