/* * Automated Testing Framework (atf) * * Copyright (c) 2008 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND * CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "atf-c/build.h" #include "atf-c/check.h" #include "atf-c/config.h" #include "atf-c/defs.h" #include "atf-c/error.h" #include "atf-c/utils.h" #include "detail/dynstr.h" #include "detail/fs.h" #include "detail/list.h" #include "detail/process.h" #include "detail/sanity.h" /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Auxiliary functions. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static atf_error_t create_tmpdir(atf_fs_path_t *dir) { atf_error_t err; err = atf_fs_path_init_fmt(dir, "%s/check.XXXXXX", atf_config_get("atf_workdir")); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = atf_fs_mkdtemp(dir); if (atf_is_error(err)) { atf_fs_path_fini(dir); goto out; } INV(!atf_is_error(err)); out: return err; } static void cleanup_tmpdir(const atf_fs_path_t *dir, const atf_fs_path_t *outfile, const atf_fs_path_t *errfile) { { atf_error_t err = atf_fs_unlink(outfile); if (atf_is_error(err)) { INV(atf_error_is(err, "libc") && atf_libc_error_code(err) == ENOENT); atf_error_free(err); } else INV(!atf_is_error(err)); } { atf_error_t err = atf_fs_unlink(errfile); if (atf_is_error(err)) { INV(atf_error_is(err, "libc") && atf_libc_error_code(err) == ENOENT); atf_error_free(err); } else INV(!atf_is_error(err)); } { #if defined(__minix) && !defined(NDEBUG) atf_error_t err = #endif /* defined(__minix) && !defined(NDEBUG) */ atf_fs_rmdir(dir); INV(!atf_is_error(err)); } } static int const_execvp(const char *file, const char *const *argv) { #define UNCONST(a) ((void *)(unsigned long)(const void *)(a)) return execvp(file, UNCONST(argv)); #undef UNCONST } static atf_error_t init_sb(const atf_fs_path_t *path, atf_process_stream_t *sb) { atf_error_t err; if (path == NULL) err = atf_process_stream_init_inherit(sb); else err = atf_process_stream_init_redirect_path(sb, path); return err; } static atf_error_t init_sbs(const atf_fs_path_t *outfile, atf_process_stream_t *outsb, const atf_fs_path_t *errfile, atf_process_stream_t *errsb) { atf_error_t err; err = init_sb(outfile, outsb); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = init_sb(errfile, errsb); if (atf_is_error(err)) { atf_process_stream_fini(outsb); goto out; } out: return err; } struct exec_data { const char *const *m_argv; }; static void exec_child(void *) ATF_DEFS_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN; static void exec_child(void *v) { struct exec_data *ea = v; const_execvp(ea->m_argv[0], ea->m_argv); fprintf(stderr, "execvp(%s) failed: %s\n", ea->m_argv[0], strerror(errno)); exit(127); } static atf_error_t fork_and_wait(const char *const *argv, const atf_fs_path_t *outfile, const atf_fs_path_t *errfile, atf_process_status_t *status) { atf_error_t err; atf_process_child_t child; atf_process_stream_t outsb, errsb; struct exec_data ea = { argv }; err = init_sbs(outfile, &outsb, errfile, &errsb); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = atf_process_fork(&child, exec_child, &outsb, &errsb, &ea); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out_sbs; err = atf_process_child_wait(&child, status); out_sbs: atf_process_stream_fini(&errsb); atf_process_stream_fini(&outsb); out: return err; } static void update_success_from_status(const char *progname, const atf_process_status_t *status, bool *success) { bool s = atf_process_status_exited(status) && atf_process_status_exitstatus(status) == EXIT_SUCCESS; if (atf_process_status_exited(status)) { if (atf_process_status_exitstatus(status) == EXIT_SUCCESS) INV(s); else { INV(!s); fprintf(stderr, "%s failed with exit code %d\n", progname, atf_process_status_exitstatus(status)); } } else if (atf_process_status_signaled(status)) { INV(!s); fprintf(stderr, "%s failed due to signal %d%s\n", progname, atf_process_status_termsig(status), atf_process_status_coredump(status) ? " (core dumped)" : ""); } else { INV(!s); fprintf(stderr, "%s failed due to unknown reason\n", progname); } *success = s; } static atf_error_t array_to_list(const char *const *a, atf_list_t *l) { atf_error_t err; err = atf_list_init(l); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; while (*a != NULL) { char *item = strdup(*a); if (item == NULL) { err = atf_no_memory_error(); goto out; } err = atf_list_append(l, item, true); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; a++; } out: return err; } static void print_array(const char *const *array, const char *pfx) { const char *const *ptr; printf("%s", pfx); for (ptr = array; *ptr != NULL; ptr++) printf(" %s", *ptr); printf("\n"); } static atf_error_t check_build_run(const char *const *argv, bool *success) { atf_error_t err; atf_process_status_t status; print_array(argv, ">"); err = fork_and_wait(argv, NULL, NULL, &status); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; update_success_from_status(argv[0], &status, success); atf_process_status_fini(&status); INV(!atf_is_error(err)); out: return err; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * The "atf_check_result" type. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct atf_check_result_impl { atf_list_t m_argv; atf_fs_path_t m_dir; atf_fs_path_t m_stdout; atf_fs_path_t m_stderr; atf_process_status_t m_status; }; static atf_error_t atf_check_result_init(atf_check_result_t *r, const char *const *argv, const atf_fs_path_t *dir) { atf_error_t err; r->pimpl = malloc(sizeof(struct atf_check_result_impl)); if (r->pimpl == NULL) return atf_no_memory_error(); err = array_to_list(argv, &r->pimpl->m_argv); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = atf_fs_path_copy(&r->pimpl->m_dir, dir); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto err_argv; err = atf_fs_path_init_fmt(&r->pimpl->m_stdout, "%s/stdout", atf_fs_path_cstring(dir)); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto err_dir; err = atf_fs_path_init_fmt(&r->pimpl->m_stderr, "%s/stderr", atf_fs_path_cstring(dir)); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto err_stdout; INV(!atf_is_error(err)); goto out; err_stdout: atf_fs_path_fini(&r->pimpl->m_stdout); err_dir: atf_fs_path_fini(&r->pimpl->m_dir); err_argv: atf_list_fini(&r->pimpl->m_argv); out: return err; } void atf_check_result_fini(atf_check_result_t *r) { atf_process_status_fini(&r->pimpl->m_status); cleanup_tmpdir(&r->pimpl->m_dir, &r->pimpl->m_stdout, &r->pimpl->m_stderr); atf_fs_path_fini(&r->pimpl->m_stdout); atf_fs_path_fini(&r->pimpl->m_stderr); atf_fs_path_fini(&r->pimpl->m_dir); atf_list_fini(&r->pimpl->m_argv); free(r->pimpl); } const char * atf_check_result_stdout(const atf_check_result_t *r) { return atf_fs_path_cstring(&r->pimpl->m_stdout); } const char * atf_check_result_stderr(const atf_check_result_t *r) { return atf_fs_path_cstring(&r->pimpl->m_stderr); } bool atf_check_result_exited(const atf_check_result_t *r) { return atf_process_status_exited(&r->pimpl->m_status); } int atf_check_result_exitcode(const atf_check_result_t *r) { return atf_process_status_exitstatus(&r->pimpl->m_status); } bool atf_check_result_signaled(const atf_check_result_t *r) { return atf_process_status_signaled(&r->pimpl->m_status); } int atf_check_result_termsig(const atf_check_result_t *r) { return atf_process_status_termsig(&r->pimpl->m_status); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Free functions. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* XXX: This function shouldn't be in this module. It messes with stdout * and stderr, and it provides a very high-end interface. This belongs, * probably, somewhere related to test cases (such as in the tc module). */ atf_error_t atf_check_build_c_o(const char *sfile, const char *ofile, const char *const optargs[], bool *success) { atf_error_t err; char **argv; err = atf_build_c_o(sfile, ofile, optargs, &argv); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = check_build_run((const char *const *)argv, success); atf_utils_free_charpp(argv); out: return err; } atf_error_t atf_check_build_cpp(const char *sfile, const char *ofile, const char *const optargs[], bool *success) { atf_error_t err; char **argv; err = atf_build_cpp(sfile, ofile, optargs, &argv); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = check_build_run((const char *const *)argv, success); atf_utils_free_charpp(argv); out: return err; } atf_error_t atf_check_build_cxx_o(const char *sfile, const char *ofile, const char *const optargs[], bool *success) { atf_error_t err; char **argv; err = atf_build_cxx_o(sfile, ofile, optargs, &argv); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = check_build_run((const char *const *)argv, success); atf_utils_free_charpp(argv); out: return err; } atf_error_t atf_check_exec_array(const char *const *argv, atf_check_result_t *r) { atf_error_t err; atf_fs_path_t dir; err = create_tmpdir(&dir); if (atf_is_error(err)) goto out; err = atf_check_result_init(r, argv, &dir); if (atf_is_error(err)) { #if defined(__minix) && !defined(NDEBUG) atf_error_t err2 = #endif /* defined(__minix) && !defined(NDEBUG) */ atf_fs_rmdir(&dir); INV(!atf_is_error(err2)); goto out; } err = fork_and_wait(argv, &r->pimpl->m_stdout, &r->pimpl->m_stderr, &r->pimpl->m_status); if (atf_is_error(err)) { atf_check_result_fini(r); goto out; } INV(!atf_is_error(err)); atf_fs_path_fini(&dir); out: return err; }