.TH man 1 "14 November 2014" "1.0" "decomp16 man page" .PD 0 .SH NAME decomp16 \- decompress 16bit compressed files on a 16bit Intel processor .SH SYNOPSIS decomp16 [-#] [in] [out] .SH OPTIONS .IP -# If given a switch -#, where # is a digit from 0 to 4 (example: -2), the program will run as that copy, reading from stdin and writing to stdout. This allows decompressing with very limited RAM because only one of the five passes is in memory at a time. .IP in File to decompress .IP out File to output decompressed data to .SH DESCRIPTION decompresses files compressed with compress(1) This program works by forking four more copies of itself. The five programs form a pipeline. Copy 0 writes to stdout, and forks copy 1 to supply its input, which in turn forks and reads from copy 2, etc. The arguments -0 to -4 run only the corresponding pass. .P Thus: .P decomp16 -4 < compressed_file > 3; .P decomp16 -3 < 3 > 2; .P decomp16 -2 < 2 > 1; .P decomp16 -1 < 1 > 0; .P decomp16 -0 < 0 > decompressed_file .P will also work, as will connecting the passes by explicit pipes if there is enough memory to do so. .SH EXAMPLES .P decomp16 comp_file decomp_file # Decompresses comp_file to decomp_file. .P decomp16 < comp_file > decomp_file # Same as above but with output redirects. .SH SEE ALSO compress(1) .SH AUTHOR Manpage written by Jacob Adams