/* mail - send/receive mail Author: Peter S. Housel */ /* Version 0.2 of September 1990: added -e, -t, * options - cwr */ /* 2003-07-18: added -s option - ASW */ #include #include #include #undef EOF /* temporary hack */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEBUG #define D(Q) (Q) #else #define D(Q) #endif #define SHELL "/bin/sh" #define DROPNAME "/usr/spool/mail/%s" #define LOCKNAME "/usr/spool/mail/%s.lock" #define LOCKWAIT 5 /* seconds to wait after collision */ #define LOCKTRIES 4 /* maximum number of collisions */ #define MBOX "mbox" #define HELPFILE "/usr/lib/mail.help" #define PROMPT "? " #define PATHLEN 80 #define MAXRCPT 100 /* maximum number of recipients */ #define LINELEN 512 /* #define MAILER "/usr/bin/smail" */ /* smart mailer */ #define MAILERARGS /* (unused) */ #define UNREAD 1 /* 'not read yet' status */ #define DELETED 2 /* 'deleted' status */ #define READ 3 /* 'has been read' status */ struct letter { struct letter *prev, *next; /* linked letter list */ int status; /* letter status */ off_t location; /* location within mailbox file */ }; struct letter *firstlet, *lastlet; int usemailer = 1; /* use MAILER to deliver (if any) */ int printmode = 0; /* print-and-exit mode */ int quitmode = 0; /* take interrupts */ int reversemode = 0; /* print mailbox in reverse order */ int usedrop = 1; /* read the maildrop (no -f given) */ int verbose = 0; /* pass "-v" flag on to mailer */ int needupdate = 0; /* need to update mailbox */ int msgstatus = 0; /* return the mail status */ int distlist = 0; /* include distribution list */ char mailbox[PATHLEN]; /* user's mailbox/maildrop */ char tempname[PATHLEN] = "/tmp/mailXXXXXX"; /* temporary file */ char *subject = NULL; FILE *boxfp = NULL; /* mailbox file */ jmp_buf printjump; /* for quitting out of letters */ unsigned oldmask; /* saved umask() */ extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int main(int argc, char **argv); int deliver(int count, char *vec []); FILE *makerewindable(void); int copy(FILE *fromfp, FILE *tofp); void readbox(void); void printall(void); void interact(void); void onint(int dummy); void savelet(struct letter *let, char *savefile); void updatebox(void); void printlet(struct letter *let, FILE *tofp); void doshell(char *command); void usage(void); char *basename(char *name); char *whoami(void); void dohelp(void); int filesize(char *name); int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int c; if ('l' == (basename(argv[0]))[0]) /* 'lmail' link? */ usemailer = 0; /* yes, let's deliver it */ (void) mktemp(tempname); /* name the temp file */ oldmask = umask(022); /* change umask for security */ while (EOF != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "epqrf:tdvs:"))) switch (c) { case 'e': ++msgstatus; break; case 't': ++distlist; break; case 'p': ++printmode; break; case 'q': ++quitmode; break; case 'r': ++reversemode; break; case 'f': setuid(getuid()); /* won't need to lock */ usedrop = 0; strncpy(mailbox, optarg, (size_t)(PATHLEN - 1)); break; case 'd': usemailer = 0; break; case 'v': ++verbose; break; case 's': subject = optarg; break; default: usage(); exit(1); } if (optind < argc) { if (deliver(argc - optind, argv + optind) < 0) exit(1); else exit(0); } if (usedrop) sprintf(mailbox, DROPNAME, whoami()); D(printf("mailbox=%s\n", mailbox)); if (msgstatus) { if (filesize(mailbox)) exit(0); else exit(1); } readbox(); if (printmode) printall(); else interact(); if (needupdate) updatebox(); return(0); } int deliver(count, vec) int count; char *vec[]; { int i, j; int errs = 0; /* count of errors */ int dropfd; /* file descriptor for user's drop */ int created = 0; /* true if we created the maildrop */ FILE *mailfp; /* fp for mail */ struct stat stb; /* for checking drop modes, owners */ #ifdef __STDC__ void (*sigint)(int), (*sighup)(int), (*sigquit)(int);/* saving signal state */ #else void (*sigint) (), (*sighup) (), (*sigquit) (); /* saving signal state */ #endif time_t now; /* for datestamping the postmark */ char sender[32]; /* sender's login name */ char lockname[PATHLEN]; /* maildrop lock */ int locktries; /* tries when box is locked */ struct passwd *pw; /* sender and recipent */ int to_console; /* deliver to console if everything fails */ if (count > MAXRCPT) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: too many recipients\n"); return -1; } #ifdef MAILER if (usemailer) { char *argvec[MAXRCPT + 3]; char **argp; setuid(getuid()); argp = argvec; *argp++ = "send-mail"; if (verbose) *argp++ = "-v"; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) *argp++ = vec[i]; *argp = NULL; execv(MAILER, argvec); fprintf(stderr, "mail: couldn't exec %s\n", MAILER); return -1; } #endif /* MAILER */ if (NULL == (pw = getpwuid(getuid()))) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: unknown sender\n"); return -1; } strcpy(sender, pw->pw_name); /* If we need to rewind stdin and it isn't rewindable, make a copy */ if (isatty(0) || (count > 1 && lseek(0, 0L, 0) == (off_t) -1)) { mailfp = makerewindable(); } else mailfp = stdin; /* Shut off signals during the delivery */ sigint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); sighup = signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); sigquit = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (count > 1) rewind(mailfp); D(printf("deliver to %s\n", vec[i])); if (NULL == (pw = getpwnam(vec[i]))) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: user %s not known\n", vec[i]); ++errs; continue; } sprintf(mailbox, DROPNAME, pw->pw_name); sprintf(lockname, LOCKNAME, pw->pw_name); D(printf("maildrop='%s', lock='%s'\n", mailbox, lockname)); /* Lock the maildrop while we're messing with it. Races are * possible (though not very likely) when we have to create * the maildrop, but not otherwise. If the box is already * locked, wait awhile and try again. */ locktries = created = to_console = 0; trylock: if (link(mailbox, lockname) != 0) { if (ENOENT == errno) { /* user doesn't have a drop yet */ dropfd = creat(mailbox, 0600); if (dropfd < 0 && errno == ENOENT) { /* Probably missing spool dir; to console. */ boxfp = fopen("/dev/console", "w"); if (boxfp != NULL) { to_console = 1; goto nobox; } } if (dropfd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: couln't create a maildrop for user %s\n", vec[i]); ++errs; continue; } ++created; goto trylock; } else { /* somebody else has it locked, it seems - * wait */ if (++locktries >= LOCKTRIES) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: couldn't lock maildrop for user %s\n", vec[i]); ++errs; continue; } sleep(LOCKWAIT); goto trylock; } } if (created) { (void) chown(mailbox, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_gid); boxfp = fdopen(dropfd, "a"); } else boxfp = fopen(mailbox, "a"); if (NULL == boxfp || stat(mailbox, &stb) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: serious maildrop problems for %s\n", vec[i]); unlink(lockname); ++errs; continue; } if (stb.st_uid != pw->pw_uid || (stb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: mailbox for user %s is illegal\n", vec[i]); unlink(lockname); ++errs; continue; } nobox: if (to_console) { fprintf(boxfp, "-------------\n| Mail from %s to %s\n-------------\n", sender, vec[i]); } else { (void) time(&now); fprintf(boxfp, "From %s %24.24s\n", sender, ctime(&now)); } /* Add the To: header line */ fprintf(boxfp, "To: %s\n", vec[i]); if (distlist) { fprintf(boxfp, "Dist: "); for (j = 0; j < count; ++j) if (getpwnam(vec[j]) != NULL && j != i) fprintf(boxfp, "%s ", vec[j]) ; fprintf(boxfp, "\n"); } /* Add the Subject: header line */ if (subject != NULL) fprintf(boxfp, "Subject: %s\n", subject); fprintf(boxfp, "\n"); if ((copy(mailfp, boxfp) < 0) || (fclose(boxfp) != 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: error delivering to user %s", vec[i]); perror(" "); ++errs; } unlink(lockname); } fclose(mailfp); /* Put signals back the way they were */ signal(SIGINT, sigint); signal(SIGHUP, sighup); signal(SIGQUIT, sigquit); return(0 == errs) ? 0 : -1; } /* 'stdin' isn't rewindable. Make a temp file that is. * Note that if one wanted to catch SIGINT and write a '~/dead.letter' * for interactive mails, this might be the place to do it (though the * case where a MAILER is being used would also need to be handled). */ FILE *makerewindable() { FILE *tempfp; /* temp file used for copy */ int c; /* character being copied */ int state; /* ".\n" detection state */ if (NULL == (tempfp = fopen(tempname, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: can't create temporary file\n"); return NULL; } /* Here we copy until we reach the end of the letter (end of file or * a line containing only a '.'), painstakingly avoiding setting a * line length limit. */ state = '\n'; while (EOF != (c = getc(stdin))) switch (state) { case '\n': if ('.' == c) state = '.'; else { if ('\n' != c) state = '\0'; putc(c, tempfp); } break; case '.': if ('\n' == c) goto done; state = '\0'; putc('.', tempfp); putc(c, tempfp); break; default: state = ('\n' == c) ? '\n' : '\0'; putc(c, tempfp); } done: if (ferror(tempfp) || fclose(tempfp)) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: couldn't copy letter to temporary file\n"); return NULL; } tempfp = freopen(tempname, "r", stdin); unlink(tempname); /* unlink name; file lingers on in limbo */ return tempfp; } int copy(fromfp, tofp) FILE *fromfp, *tofp; { int c; /* character being copied */ int state; /* ".\n" and postmark detection state */ int blankline = 0; /* was most recent line completely blank? */ static char postmark[] = "From "; char *p, *q; /* Here we copy until we reach the end of the letter (end of file or * a line containing only a '.'). Postmarks (lines beginning with * "From ") are copied with a ">" prepended. Here we also complicate * things by not setting a line limit. */ state = '\n'; p = postmark; while (EOF != (c = getc(fromfp))) { switch (state) { case '\n': if ('.' == c) /* '.' at BOL */ state = '.'; else if (*p == c) { /* start of postmark */ ++p; state = 'P'; } else { /* anything else */ if ('\n' == c) blankline = 1; else { state = '\0'; blankline = 0; } putc(c, tofp); } break; case '.': if ('\n' == c) goto done; state = '\0'; putc('.', tofp); putc(c, tofp); break; case 'P': if (*p == c) { if (*++p == '\0') { /* successfully reached end */ p = postmark; putc('>', tofp); fputs(postmark, tofp); state = '\0'; break; } break; /* not there yet */ } state = ('\n' == c) ? '\n' : '\0'; for (q = postmark; q < p; ++q) putc(*q, tofp); putc(c, tofp); blankline = 0; p = postmark; break; default: state = ('\n' == c) ? '\n' : '\0'; putc(c, tofp); } } if ('\n' != state) putc('\n', tofp); done: if (!blankline) putc('\n', tofp); if (ferror(tofp)) return -1; return 0; } void readbox() { char linebuf[512]; struct letter *let; off_t current; firstlet = lastlet = NULL; if (access(mailbox, 4) < 0 || NULL == (boxfp = fopen(mailbox, "r"))) { if (usedrop && ENOENT == errno) return; fprintf(stderr, "can't access mailbox "); perror(mailbox); exit(1); } current = 0L; while (1) { if (NULL == fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, boxfp)) break; if (!strncmp(linebuf, "From ", (size_t)5)) { if (NULL == (let = (struct letter *) malloc(sizeof(struct letter)))) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); exit(1); } if (NULL == lastlet) { firstlet = let; let->prev = NULL; } else { let->prev = lastlet; lastlet->next = let; } lastlet = let; let->next = NULL; let->status = UNREAD; let->location = current; D(printf("letter at %ld\n", current)); } current += strlen(linebuf); } } void printall() { struct letter *let; let = reversemode ? firstlet : lastlet; if (NULL == let) { printf("No mail.\n"); return; } while (NULL != let) { printlet(let, stdout); let = reversemode ? let->next : let->prev; } } void interact() { char linebuf[512]; /* user input line */ struct letter *let, *next; /* current and next letter */ int interrupted = 0; /* SIGINT hit during letter print */ int needprint = 1; /* need to print this letter */ char *savefile; /* filename to save into */ if (NULL == firstlet) { printf("No mail.\n"); return; } let = reversemode ? firstlet : lastlet; while (1) { next = reversemode ? let->next : let->prev; if (NULL == next) next = let; if (!quitmode) { interrupted = setjmp(printjump); signal(SIGINT, onint); } if (!interrupted && needprint) { if (DELETED != let->status) let->status = READ; printlet(let, stdout); } if (interrupted) putchar('\n'); needprint = 0; fputs(PROMPT, stdout); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof linebuf, stdin) == NULL) break; if (!quitmode) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); switch (linebuf[0]) { case '\n': let = next; needprint = 1; continue; case 'd': let->status = DELETED; if (next != let)/* look into this */ needprint = 1; needupdate = 1; let = next; continue; case 'p': needprint = 1; continue; case '-': next = reversemode ? let->prev : let->next; if (NULL == next) next = let; let = next; needprint = 1; continue; case 's': for (savefile = strtok(linebuf + 1, " \t\n"); savefile != NULL; savefile = strtok((char *) NULL, " \t\n")) { savelet(let, savefile); } continue; case '!': doshell(linebuf + 1); continue; case '*': dohelp(); continue; case 'q': return; case 'x': exit(0); default: fprintf(stderr, "Illegal command\n"); continue; } } } void onint(dummy) int dummy; /* to satisfy ANSI compilers */ { longjmp(printjump, 1); } void savelet(let, savefile) struct letter *let; char *savefile; { int waitstat, pid; FILE *savefp; if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { perror("mail: couldn't fork"); return; } else if (pid != 0) { /* parent */ wait(&waitstat); return; } /* Child */ setgid(getgid()); setuid(getuid()); if ((savefp = fopen(savefile, "a")) == NULL) { perror(savefile); exit(0); } printlet(let, savefp); if ((ferror(savefp) != 0) | (fclose(savefp) != 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "savefile write error:"); perror(savefile); } exit(0); } void updatebox() { FILE *tempfp; /* fp for tempfile */ char lockname[PATHLEN]; /* maildrop lock */ int locktries = 0; /* tries when box is locked */ struct letter *let; /* current letter */ int c; sprintf(lockname, LOCKNAME, whoami()); if (NULL == (tempfp = fopen(tempname, "w"))) { perror("mail: can't create temporary file"); return; } for (let = firstlet; let != NULL; let = let->next) { if (let->status != DELETED) { printlet(let, tempfp); D(printf("printed letter at %ld\n", let->location)); } } if (ferror(tempfp) || NULL == (tempfp = freopen(tempname, "r", tempfp))) { perror("mail: temporary file write error"); unlink(tempname); return; } /* Shut off signals during the update */ signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); if (usedrop) while (link(mailbox, lockname) != 0) { if (++locktries >= LOCKTRIES) { fprintf(stderr, "mail: couldn't lock maildrop for update\n"); return; } sleep(LOCKWAIT); } if (NULL == (boxfp = freopen(mailbox, "w", boxfp))) { perror("mail: couldn't reopen maildrop"); fprintf(stderr, "mail may have been lost; look in %s\n", tempname); if (usedrop) unlink(lockname); return; } unlink(tempname); while ((c = getc(tempfp)) != EOF) putc(c, boxfp); fclose(boxfp); if (usedrop) unlink(lockname); } void printlet(let, tofp) struct letter *let; FILE *tofp; { off_t current, limit; int c; fseek(boxfp, (current = let->location), 0); limit = (NULL != let->next) ? let->next->location : -1; while (current != limit && (c = getc(boxfp)) != EOF) { putc(c, tofp); ++current; } } void doshell(command) char *command; { int waitstat, pid; char *shell; if (NULL == (shell = getenv("SHELL"))) shell = SHELL; if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { perror("mail: couldn't fork"); return; } else if (pid != 0) { /* parent */ wait(&waitstat); return; } /* Child */ setgid(getgid()); setuid(getuid()); umask(oldmask); execl(shell, shell, "-c", command, (char *) NULL); fprintf(stderr, "can't exec shell\n"); exit(127); } void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "usage: mail [-epqr] [-f file]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " mail [-dtv] [-s subject] user [...]\n"); } char *basename(name) char *name; { char *p; if (NULL == (p = rindex(name, '/'))) return name; else return p + 1; } char *whoami() { struct passwd *pw; if (NULL != (pw = getpwuid(getuid()))) return pw->pw_name; else return "nobody"; } void dohelp() { FILE *fp; char buffer[80]; if ( (fp = fopen(HELPFILE, "r")) == NULL) fprintf(stdout, "can't open helpfile %s\n", HELPFILE); else while (fgets(buffer, 80, fp)) fputs(buffer, stdout); } int filesize(name) char *name ; { struct stat buf; if (stat(name, &buf) == -1) buf.st_size = 0L; return (buf.st_size ? 1 : 0); }