/* ** File: dp.c Version 1.01, Oct. 17, 2007 ** Original: eth.c Version 1.00, Jan. 14, 1997 ** ** Author: Giovanni Falzoni ** ** This file contains the ethernet device driver main task. ** It has to be integrated with the board specific drivers. ** It is a rewriting of Minix 2.0.0 ethernet driver (dp8390.c) ** to remove bord specific code. It should operate (I hope) ** with any board driver. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dp.h" /* ** Local data */ static dpeth_t de_state; static int de_instance; typedef struct dp_conf { /* Configuration description structure */ port_t dpc_port; int dpc_irq; phys_bytes dpc_mem; } dp_conf_t; /* Device default configuration */ #define DP_CONF_NR 3 static dp_conf_t dp_conf[DP_CONF_NR] = { /* I/O port, IRQ, Buff addr, Env. var */ { 0x300, 5, 0xC8000, }, { 0x280, 10, 0xCC000, }, { 0x000, 0, 0x00000, }, }; static char CopyErrMsg[] = "unable to read/write user data"; static char RecvErrMsg[] = "netdriver_receive failed"; static char SendErrMsg[] = "send failed"; static char SizeErrMsg[] = "illegal packet size"; static char TypeErrMsg[] = "illegal message type"; static char DevName[] = "eth#?"; /* ** Name: void reply(dpeth_t *dep, int err, int m_type) ** Function: Fills a reply message and sends it. */ static void reply(dpeth_t * dep) { message reply; int r, flags; flags = DL_NOFLAGS; if (dep->de_flags & DEF_ACK_SEND) flags |= DL_PACK_SEND; if (dep->de_flags & DEF_ACK_RECV) flags |= DL_PACK_RECV; reply.m_type = DL_TASK_REPLY; reply.DL_FLAGS = flags; reply.DL_COUNT = dep->de_read_s; DEBUG(printf("\t reply %d (%lx)\n", reply.m_type, reply.DL_FLAGS)); if ((r = send(dep->de_client, &reply)) != OK) panic(SendErrMsg, r); dep->de_read_s = 0; dep->de_flags &= NOT(DEF_ACK_SEND | DEF_ACK_RECV); return; } /* ** Name: void dp_confaddr(dpeth_t *dep) ** Function: Checks environment for a User defined ethernet address. */ static void dp_confaddr(dpeth_t * dep) { static char ea_fmt[] = "x:x:x:x:x:x"; char ea_key[16]; int ix; long val; strcpy(ea_key, "DPETH0_EA"); ea_key[5] += de_instance; for (ix = 0; ix < SA_ADDR_LEN; ix++) { val = dep->de_address.ea_addr[ix]; if (env_parse(ea_key, ea_fmt, ix, &val, 0x00L, 0xFFL) != EP_SET) break; dep->de_address.ea_addr[ix] = val; } if (ix != 0 && ix != SA_ADDR_LEN) /* It's all or nothing, force a panic */ env_parse(ea_key, "?", 0, &val, 0L, 0L); return; } /* ** Name: void update_conf(dpeth_t *dep, dp_conf_t *dcp) ** Function: Gets the default settings from 'dp_conf' table and ** modifies them from the environment. */ static void update_conf(dpeth_t * dep, const dp_conf_t * dcp) { static char dpc_fmt[] = "x:d:x"; char ec_key[16]; long val; strcpy(ec_key, "DPETH0"); ec_key[5] += de_instance; dep->de_mode = DEM_SINK; val = dcp->dpc_port; /* Get I/O port address */ switch (env_parse(ec_key, dpc_fmt, 0, &val, 0x000L, 0x3FFL)) { case EP_OFF: dep->de_mode = DEM_DISABLED; break; case EP_ON: case EP_SET: dep->de_mode = DEM_ENABLED; break; } dep->de_base_port = val; val = dcp->dpc_irq | DEI_DEFAULT; /* Get Interrupt line (IRQ) */ env_parse(ec_key, dpc_fmt, 1, &val, 0L, (long) NR_IRQ_VECTORS - 1); dep->de_irq = val; val = dcp->dpc_mem; /* Get shared memory address */ env_parse(ec_key, dpc_fmt, 2, &val, 0L, LONG_MAX); dep->de_linmem = val; return; } /* ** Name: void do_dump(message *mp) ** Function: Displays statistics on screen (SFx key from console) */ static void do_dump(const message *mp) { dpeth_t *dep; dep = &de_state; printf("\n\n"); if (dep->de_mode == DEM_DISABLED) return; printf("%s statistics:\t\t", dep->de_name); /* Network interface status */ printf("Status: 0x%04x (%d)\n\n", dep->de_flags, dep->de_int_pending); (*dep->de_dumpstatsf) (dep); /* Transmitted/received bytes */ printf("Tx bytes:%10ld\t", dep->bytes_Tx); printf("Rx bytes:%10ld\n", dep->bytes_Rx); /* Transmitted/received packets */ printf("Tx OK: %8ld\t", dep->de_stat.ets_packetT); printf("Rx OK: %8ld\n", dep->de_stat.ets_packetR); /* Transmit/receive errors */ printf("Tx Err: %8ld\t", dep->de_stat.ets_sendErr); printf("Rx Err: %8ld\n", dep->de_stat.ets_recvErr); /* Transmit unnerruns/receive overrruns */ printf("Tx Und: %8ld\t", dep->de_stat.ets_fifoUnder); printf("Rx Ovr: %8ld\n", dep->de_stat.ets_fifoOver); /* Transmit collisions/receive CRC errors */ printf("Tx Coll: %8ld\t", dep->de_stat.ets_collision); printf("Rx CRC: %8ld\n", dep->de_stat.ets_CRCerr); return; } /* ** Name: void get_userdata_s(int user_proc, vir_bytes user_addr, int count, void *loc_addr) ** Function: Copies data from user area. */ static void get_userdata_s(int user_proc, cp_grant_id_t grant, vir_bytes offset, int count, void *loc_addr) { int rc; vir_bytes len; len = (count > IOVEC_NR ? IOVEC_NR : count) * sizeof(iovec_t); if ((rc = sys_safecopyfrom(user_proc, grant, 0, (vir_bytes)loc_addr, len, D)) != OK) panic(CopyErrMsg, rc); return; } /* ** Name: void do_first_init(dpeth_t *dep, dp_conf_t *dcp); ** Function: Init action to setup task */ static void do_first_init(dpeth_t *dep, const dp_conf_t *dcp) { if (dep->de_linmem != 0) { dep->de_memsegm = BIOS_SEG; /* phys2seg(&dep->de_memsegm, &dep->de_memoffs, dep->de_linmem); */ } else dep->de_linmem = 0xFFFF0000; /* Make sure statisics are cleared */ memset((void *) &(dep->de_stat), 0, sizeof(eth_stat_t)); /* Device specific initialization */ (*dep->de_initf) (dep); /* Set the interrupt handler policy. Request interrupts not to be reenabled * automatically. Return the IRQ line number when an interrupt occurs. */ dep->de_hook = dep->de_irq; sys_irqsetpolicy(dep->de_irq, 0 /*IRQ_REENABLE*/, &dep->de_hook); dep->de_int_pending = FALSE; sys_irqenable(&dep->de_hook); return; } /* ** Name: void do_init(message *mp) ** Function: Checks for hardware presence. ** Provides initialization of hardware and data structures */ static void do_init(const message * mp) { dpeth_t *dep; dp_conf_t *dcp; message reply_mess; int r, confnr; dep = &de_state; /* Pick a default configuration for this instance. */ confnr = MIN(de_instance, DP_CONF_NR-1); dcp = &dp_conf[confnr]; strcpy(dep->de_name, DevName); dep->de_name[4] = '0' + de_instance; if (dep->de_mode == DEM_DISABLED) { update_conf(dep, dcp); /* First time thru */ if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED && !el1_probe(dep) && /* Probe for 3c501 */ !wdeth_probe(dep) && /* Probe for WD80x3 */ !ne_probe(dep) && /* Probe for NEx000 */ !el2_probe(dep) && /* Probe for 3c503 */ !el3_probe(dep)) { /* Probe for 3c509 */ printf("%s: warning no ethernet card found at 0x%04X\n", dep->de_name, dep->de_base_port); dep->de_mode = DEM_DISABLED; } } r = OK; /* 'de_mode' may change if probe routines fail, test again */ switch (dep->de_mode) { case DEM_DISABLED: /* Device is configured OFF or hardware probe failed */ r = ENXIO; break; case DEM_ENABLED: /* Device is present and probed */ if (dep->de_flags == DEF_EMPTY) { /* These actions only the first time */ do_first_init(dep, dcp); dep->de_flags |= DEF_ENABLED; } dep->de_flags &= NOT(DEF_PROMISC | DEF_MULTI | DEF_BROAD); if (mp->DL_MODE & DL_PROMISC_REQ) dep->de_flags |= DEF_PROMISC | DEF_MULTI | DEF_BROAD; if (mp->DL_MODE & DL_MULTI_REQ) dep->de_flags |= DEF_MULTI; if (mp->DL_MODE & DL_BROAD_REQ) dep->de_flags |= DEF_BROAD; (*dep->de_flagsf) (dep); break; case DEM_SINK: /* Device not present (sink mode) */ memset(dep->de_address.ea_addr, 0, sizeof(ether_addr_t)); dp_confaddr(dep); /* Station address from env. */ break; default: break; } reply_mess.m_type = DL_CONF_REPLY; reply_mess.DL_STAT = r; if (r == OK) *(ether_addr_t *) reply_mess.DL_HWADDR = dep->de_address; DEBUG(printf("\t reply %d\n", reply_mess.m_type)); if (send(mp->m_source, &reply_mess) != OK) /* Can't send */ panic(SendErrMsg, mp->m_source); return; } /* ** Name: void dp_next_iovec(iovec_dat_t *iovp) ** Function: Retrieves data from next iovec element. */ void dp_next_iovec(iovec_dat_s_t * iovp) { iovp->iod_iovec_s -= IOVEC_NR; iovp->iod_iovec_offset += IOVEC_NR * sizeof(iovec_t); get_userdata_s(iovp->iod_proc_nr, iovp->iod_grant, iovp->iod_iovec_offset, iovp->iod_iovec_s, iovp->iod_iovec); return; } /* ** Name: int calc_iovec_size(iovec_dat_t *iovp) ** Function: Compute the size of a request. */ static int calc_iovec_size(iovec_dat_s_t * iovp) { int size, ix; size = ix = 0; do { size += iovp->iod_iovec[ix].iov_size; if (++ix >= IOVEC_NR) { dp_next_iovec(iovp); ix = 0; } /* Till all vectors added */ } while (ix < iovp->iod_iovec_s); return size; } /* ** Name: void do_vwrite_s(message *mp) ** Function: */ static void do_vwrite_s(const message * mp) { int size; dpeth_t *dep; dep = &de_state; dep->de_client = mp->m_source; if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) { if (dep->de_flags & DEF_SENDING) /* Is sending in progress? */ panic("send already in progress "); dep->de_write_iovec.iod_proc_nr = mp->m_source; get_userdata_s(mp->m_source, mp->DL_GRANT, 0, mp->DL_COUNT, dep->de_write_iovec.iod_iovec); dep->de_write_iovec.iod_iovec_s = mp->DL_COUNT; dep->de_write_iovec.iod_grant = (cp_grant_id_t) mp->DL_GRANT; dep->de_write_iovec.iod_iovec_offset = 0; size = calc_iovec_size(&dep->de_write_iovec); if (size < ETH_MIN_PACK_SIZE || size > ETH_MAX_PACK_SIZE) panic(SizeErrMsg, size); dep->de_flags |= DEF_SENDING; (*dep->de_sendf) (dep, FALSE, size); } else if (dep->de_mode == DEM_SINK) dep->de_flags |= DEF_ACK_SEND; reply(dep); return; } /* ** Name: void do_vread_s(message *mp, int vectored) ** Function: */ static void do_vread_s(const message * mp) { int size; dpeth_t *dep; dep = &de_state; dep->de_client = mp->m_source; if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) { if (dep->de_flags & DEF_READING) /* Reading in progress */ panic("read already in progress"); dep->de_read_iovec.iod_proc_nr = mp->m_source; get_userdata_s(mp->m_source, (cp_grant_id_t) mp->DL_GRANT, 0, mp->DL_COUNT, dep->de_read_iovec.iod_iovec); dep->de_read_iovec.iod_iovec_s = mp->DL_COUNT; dep->de_read_iovec.iod_grant = (cp_grant_id_t) mp->DL_GRANT; dep->de_read_iovec.iod_iovec_offset = 0; size = calc_iovec_size(&dep->de_read_iovec); if (size < ETH_MAX_PACK_SIZE) panic(SizeErrMsg, size); dep->de_flags |= DEF_READING; (*dep->de_recvf) (dep, FALSE, size); #if 0 if ((dep->de_flags & (DEF_READING | DEF_STOPPED)) == (DEF_READING | DEF_STOPPED)) /* The chip is stopped, and all arrived packets delivered */ (*dep->de_resetf) (dep); dep->de_flags &= NOT(DEF_STOPPED); #endif } reply(dep); return; } /* ** Name: void do_getstat_s(message *mp) ** Function: Reports device statistics. */ static void do_getstat_s(const message * mp) { int rc; dpeth_t *dep; message reply_mess; dep = &de_state; if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) (*dep->de_getstatsf) (dep); if ((rc = sys_safecopyto(mp->m_source, mp->DL_GRANT, 0, (vir_bytes)&dep->de_stat, (vir_bytes) sizeof(dep->de_stat), 0)) != OK) panic(CopyErrMsg, rc); reply_mess.m_type = DL_STAT_REPLY; rc= send(mp->m_source, &reply_mess); if (rc != OK) panic("do_getname: send failed: %d", rc); return; } /* ** Name: void dp_stop(dpeth_t *dep) ** Function: Stops network interface. */ static void dp_stop(dpeth_t * dep) { if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED && (dep->de_flags & DEF_ENABLED)) { /* Stop device */ (dep->de_stopf) (dep); dep->de_flags = DEF_EMPTY; dep->de_mode = DEM_DISABLED; } return; } static void do_watchdog(const void *UNUSED(message)) { DEBUG(printf("\t no reply")); return; } static void handle_hw_intr(void) { dpeth_t *dep; dep = &de_state; /* If device is enabled and interrupt pending */ if (dep->de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) { dep->de_int_pending = TRUE; (*dep->de_interruptf) (dep); if (dep->de_flags & (DEF_ACK_SEND | DEF_ACK_RECV)) reply(dep); dep->de_int_pending = FALSE; sys_irqenable(&dep->de_hook); } } /* SEF functions and variables. */ static void sef_local_startup(void); static int sef_cb_init_fresh(int type, sef_init_info_t *info); static void sef_cb_signal_handler(int signo); /* ** Name: int dpeth_task(void) ** Function: Main entry for dp task */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { message m; int ipc_status; int rc; /* SEF local startup. */ env_setargs(argc, argv); sef_local_startup(); while (TRUE) { if ((rc = netdriver_receive(ANY, &m, &ipc_status)) != OK){ panic(RecvErrMsg, rc); } DEBUG(printf("eth: got message %d, ", m.m_type)); if (is_ipc_notify(ipc_status)) { switch(_ENDPOINT_P(m.m_source)) { case CLOCK: /* to be defined */ do_watchdog(&m); break; case HARDWARE: /* Interrupt from device */ handle_hw_intr(); break; case TTY_PROC_NR: /* Function key pressed */ do_dump(&m); break; default: /* Invalid message type */ panic(TypeErrMsg, m.m_type); break; } /* message processed, get another one */ continue; } switch (m.m_type) { case DL_WRITEV_S: /* Write message to device */ do_vwrite_s(&m); break; case DL_READV_S: /* Read message from device */ do_vread_s(&m); break; case DL_CONF: /* Initialize device */ do_init(&m); break; case DL_GETSTAT_S: /* Get device statistics */ do_getstat_s(&m); break; default: /* Invalid message type */ panic(TypeErrMsg, m.m_type); break; } } return OK; /* Never reached, but keeps compiler happy */ } /*===========================================================================* * sef_local_startup * *===========================================================================*/ static void sef_local_startup() { /* Register init callbacks. */ sef_setcb_init_fresh(sef_cb_init_fresh); sef_setcb_init_lu(sef_cb_init_fresh); sef_setcb_init_restart(sef_cb_init_fresh); /* Register live update callbacks. */ sef_setcb_lu_prepare(sef_cb_lu_prepare_always_ready); sef_setcb_lu_state_isvalid(sef_cb_lu_state_isvalid_workfree); /* Register signal callbacks. */ sef_setcb_signal_handler(sef_cb_signal_handler); /* Let SEF perform startup. */ sef_startup(); } /*===========================================================================* * sef_cb_init_fresh * *===========================================================================*/ static int sef_cb_init_fresh(int type, sef_init_info_t *UNUSED(info)) { /* Initialize the dpeth driver. */ int fkeys, sfkeys; long v; /* Request function key for debug dumps */ fkeys = sfkeys = 0; bit_set(sfkeys, 8); if ((fkey_map(&fkeys, &sfkeys)) != OK) printf("%s: couldn't program Shift+F8 key (%d)\n", DevName, errno); v = 0; (void) env_parse("instance", "d", 0, &v, 0, 255); de_instance = (int) v; /* Announce we are up! */ netdriver_announce(); return(OK); } /*===========================================================================* * sef_cb_signal_handler * *===========================================================================*/ static void sef_cb_signal_handler(int signo) { /* Only check for termination signal, ignore anything else. */ if (signo != SIGTERM) return; if (de_state.de_mode == DEM_ENABLED) dp_stop(&de_state); exit(0); } /** dp.c **/