static char *sccsid = "@(#) dismain.c, Ver. 2.1 created 00:00:00 87/09/01"; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright (C) 1987 G. M. Harding, all rights reserved * * * * Permission to copy and redistribute is hereby granted, * * provided full source code, with all copyright notices, * * accompanies any redistribution. * * * * This file contains the source code for the machine- * * independent portions of a disassembler program to run * * in a Unix (System III) environment. It expects, as its * * input, a file in standard a.out format, optionally con- * * taining symbol table information. If a symbol table is * * present, it will be used in the disassembly; otherwise, * * all address references will be literal (absolute). * * * * The disassembler program was originally written for an * * Intel 8088 CPU. However, all details of the actual CPU * * architecture are hidden in three machine-specific files * * named distabs.c, dishand.c, and disfp.c (the latter * * file is specific to the 8087 numeric co-processor). The * * code in this file is generic, and should require mini- * * mal revision if a different CPU is to be targeted. If a * * different version of Unix is to be targeted, changes to * * this file may be necessary, and if a completely differ- * * ent OS is to be targeted, all bets are off. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include "dis.h" /* Disassembler declarations */ extern char *release; /* Contains release string */ static char *IFILE = NULL; /* Points to input file name */ static char *OFILE = NULL; /* Points to output file name */ static char *PRG; /* Name of invoking program */ static unsigned long zcount; /* Consecutive "0" byte count */ int objflg = 0; /* Flag: output object bytes */ #define unix 1 #define i8086 1 #define ibmpc 1 #if unix && i8086 && ibmpc /* Set the CPU identifier */ static int cpuid = 1; #else static int cpuid = 0; #endif _PROTOTYPE(static void usage, (char *s )); _PROTOTYPE(static void fatal, (char *s, char *t )); _PROTOTYPE(static void zdump, (unsigned long beg )); _PROTOTYPE(static void prolog, (void)); _PROTOTYPE(static void distext, (void)); _PROTOTYPE(static void disdata, (void)); _PROTOTYPE(static void disbss, (void)); _PROTOTYPE(static char *invoker, (char *s)); _PROTOTYPE(static int objdump, (char *c)); _PROTOTYPE(static char *getlab, (int type)); _PROTOTYPE(static void prolog, (void)); /* * * * * * * MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY FUNCTIONS * * * * * * */ static void usage(s) register char *s; { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-o] ifile [ofile]\n",s); exit(-1); } static void fatal(s,t) register char *s, *t; { fprintf(stderr,"\07%s: %s\n",s,t); exit(-1); } static void zdump(beg) unsigned long beg; { beg = PC - beg; if (beg > 1L) printf("\t.zerow\t%ld\n",(beg >> 1)); if (beg & 1L) printf("\t.byte\t0\n"); } static char * invoker(s) register char *s; { register int k; k = strlen(s); while (k--) if (s[k] == '/') { s += k; ++s; break; } return (s); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This rather tricky routine supports the disdata() func- * * tion. Its job is to output the code for a sequence of * * data bytes whenever the object buffer is full, or when * * a symbolic label is to be output. However, it must also * * keep track of consecutive zero words so that lengthy * * stretches of null data can be compressed by the use of * * an appropriate assembler pseudo-op. It does this by * * setting and testing a file-wide flag which counts suc- * * cessive full buffers of null data. The function returns * * a logical TRUE value if it outputs anything, logical * * FALSE otherwise. (This enables disdata() to determine * * whether to output a new synthetic label when there is * * no symbol table.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ static int objdump(c) register char *c; {/* * * * * * * * * * START OF objdump() * * * * * * * * * */ register int k; int retval = 0; if (objptr == OBJMAX) { for (k = 0; k < OBJMAX; ++k) if (objbuf[k]) break; if (k == OBJMAX) { zcount += k; objptr = 0; if (c == NULL) return (retval); } } if (zcount) { printf("\t.zerow\t%ld\n",(zcount >> 1)); ++retval; zcount = 0L; } if (objptr) { printf("\t.byte\t"); ++retval; } else return (retval); for (k = 0; k < objptr; ++k) { printf("0x%02.2x",objbuf[k]); if (k < (objptr - 1)) putchar(','); else putchar('\n'); } objptr = 0; return (retval); }/* * * * * * * * * * END OF objdump() * * * * * * * * * */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This routine, called at the beginning of the input * * cycle for each object byte, and before any interpreta- * * tion is attempted, searches the symbol table for any * * symbolic name with a value corresponding to the cur- * * rent PC and a type corresponding to the segment type * * (i.e., text, data, or bss) specified by the function's * * argument. If any such name is found, a pointer to it is * * returned; otherwise, a NULL pointer is returned. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ static char * getlab(type) register int type; {/* * * * * * * * * * START OF getlab() * * * * * * * * * */ register int k; static char b[32], c[10]; if (symptr < 0) if ((type == N_TEXT) || ((type == N_DATA) && ( ! objptr ) && ( ! zcount ))) { if (type == N_TEXT) sprintf(b,"T%05.5lx:",PC); else sprintf(b,"D%05.5lx:",PC); return (b); } else return (NULL); for (k = 0; k <= symptr; ++k) if ((symtab[k].n_value == PC) && ((symtab[k].n_sclass & N_SECT) == type)) { sprintf(b,"%s:\n",getnam(k)); if (objflg && (type != N_TEXT)) sprintf(c,"| %05.5lx\n",PC); strcat(b,c); return (b); } return (NULL); }/* * * * * * * * * * * END OF getlab() * * * * * * * * * * */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This routine performs a preliminary scan of the symbol * * table, before disassembly begins, and outputs declara- * * tions of globals and constants. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ static void prolog() {/* * * * * * * * * * START OF prolog() * * * * * * * * * */ register int j, flag; if (symptr < 0) return; for (j = flag = 0; j <= symptr; ++j) if ((symtab[j].n_sclass & N_CLASS) == C_EXT) if (((symtab[j].n_sclass & N_SECT) > N_UNDF) && ((symtab[j].n_sclass & N_SECT) < N_COMM)) { char *c = getnam(j); printf("\t.globl\t%s",c); if (++flag == 1) { putchar('\t'); if (strlen(c) < 8) putchar('\t'); printf("| Internal global\n"); } else putchar('\n'); } else if (symtab[j].n_value) { char *c = getnam(j); printf("\t.comm\t%s,0x%08.8lx",c, symtab[j].n_value); if (++flag == 1) printf("\t| Internal global\n"); else putchar('\n'); } if (flag) putchar('\n'); for (j = flag = 0; j <= relptr; ++j) if (relo[j].r_symndx < S_BSS) { char *c = getnam(relo[j].r_symndx); ++flag; printf("\t.globl\t%s",c); putchar('\t'); if (strlen(c) < 8) putchar('\t'); printf("| Undef: %05.5lx\n",relo[j].r_vaddr); } if (flag) putchar('\n'); for (j = flag = 0; j <= symptr; ++j) if ((symtab[j].n_sclass & N_SECT) == N_ABS) { char *c = getnam(j); printf("%s=0x%08.8lx",c,symtab[j].n_value); if (++flag == 1) { printf("\t\t"); if (strlen(c) < 5) putchar('\t'); printf("| Literal\n"); } else putchar('\n'); } if (flag) putchar('\n'); }/* * * * * * * * * * * END OF prolog() * * * * * * * * * * */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This function is responsible for disassembly of the * * object file's text segment. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ static void distext() {/* * * * * * * * * * START OF distext() * * * * * * * * * */ char *c; register int j; register void (*f)(); for (j = 0; j < (int)(HDR.a_hdrlen); ++j) getchar(); printf("| %s, %s\n\n",PRG,release); printf("| @("); printf("#)\tDisassembly of %s",IFILE); if (symptr < 0) printf(" (no symbols)\n\n"); else printf("\n\n"); if (HDR.a_flags & A_EXEC) printf("| File is executable\n\n"); if (HDR.a_flags & A_SEP) { printf("| File has split I/D space, and may have\n"); printf("| extraneous instructions in text segment\n\n"); } prolog(); printf("\t.text\t\t\t| loc = %05.5lx, size = %05.5lx\n\n", PC,HDR.a_text); segflg = 0; for (PC = 0L; PC < HDR.a_text; ++PC) { j = getchar() & 0xff; if ((j == 0) && ((PC + 1L) == HDR.a_text)) { ++PC; break; } if ((c = getlab(N_TEXT)) != NULL) printf("%s",c); f = optab[j].func; (*f)(j); } }/* * * * * * * * * * END OF distext() * * * * * * * * * */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This function handles the object file's data segment. * * There is no good way to disassemble a data segment, be- * * cause it is impossible to tell, from the object code * * alone, what each data byte refers to. If it refers to * * an external symbol, the reference can be resolved from * * the relocation table, if there is one. However, if it * * refers to a static symbol, it cannot be distinguished * * from numeric, character, or other pointer data. In some * * cases, one might make a semi-educated guess as to the * * nature of the data, but such guesses are inherently * * haphazard, and they are bound to be wrong a good por- * * tion of the time. Consequently, the data segment is * * disassembled as a byte stream, which will satisfy no * * one but which, at least, will never mislead anyone. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ static void disdata() {/* * * * * * * * * * START OF disdata() * * * * * * * * * */ register char *c; register int j; unsigned long end; putchar('\n'); if (HDR.a_flags & A_SEP) { PC = 0L; end = HDR.a_data; } else end = HDR.a_text + HDR.a_data; printf("\\t\t\t| loc = %05.5lx, size = %05.5lx\n\n", PC,HDR.a_data); segflg = 0; for (objptr = 0, zcount = 0L; PC < end; ++PC) { if ((c = getlab(N_DATA)) != NULL) { objdump(c); printf("%s",c); } if (objptr >= OBJMAX) if (objdump(NULL) && (symptr < 0)) printf("D%05.5lx:",PC); j = getchar() & 0xff; objbuf[objptr++] = j; } objdump(""); }/* * * * * * * * * * END OF disdata() * * * * * * * * * */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This function handles the object file's bss segment. * * Disassembly of the bss segment is easy, because every- * * thing in it is zero by definition. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ static void disbss() {/* * * * * * * * * * START OF disbss() * * * * * * * * * */ register int j; register char *c; unsigned long beg, end; putchar('\n'); if (HDR.a_flags & A_SEP) end = HDR.a_data + HDR.a_bss; else end = HDR.a_text + HDR.a_data + HDR.a_bss; printf("\t.bss\t\t\t| loc = %05.5lx, size = %05.5lx\n\n", PC,HDR.a_bss); segflg = 0; for (beg = PC; PC < end; ++PC) if ((c = getlab(N_BSS)) != NULL) { if (PC > beg) { zdump(beg); beg = PC; } printf("%s",c); } if (PC > beg) zdump(beg); }/* * * * * * * * * * * END OF disbss() * * * * * * * * * * */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This is the program entry point. The command line is * * searched for an input file name, which must be present. * * An optional output file name is also permitted; if none * * is found, standard output is the default. One command- * * line option is available: "-o", which causes the pro- * * gram to include object code in comments along with its * * mnemonic output. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ int main(argc,argv) int argc; /* Command-line args from OS */ char **argv; {/* * * * * * * * * * * START OF main() * * * * * * * * * * */ char a[1024]; register int fd; long taboff, tabnum; long reloff, relnum; PRG = invoker(*argv); while (*++argv != NULL) /* Process command-line args */ if (**argv == '-') switch (*++*argv) { case 'o' : if (*++*argv) usage(PRG); else ++objflg; break; default : usage(PRG); } else if (IFILE == NULL) IFILE = *argv; else if (OFILE == NULL) OFILE = *argv; else usage(PRG); if (IFILE == NULL) usage(PRG); else if ((fd = open(IFILE,0)) < 0) { sprintf(a,"can't access input file %s",IFILE); fatal(PRG,a); } if (OFILE != NULL) if (freopen(OFILE,"w",stdout) == NULL) { sprintf(a,"can't open output file %s",OFILE); fatal(PRG,a); } if ( ! cpuid ) fprintf(stderr,"\07%s: warning: host/cpu clash\n",PRG); read(fd, (char *) &HDR,sizeof(struct exec)); if (BADMAG(HDR)) { sprintf(a,"input file %s not in object format",IFILE); fatal(PRG,a); } if (HDR.a_cpu != A_I8086) { sprintf(a,"%s is not an 8086/8088 object file",IFILE); fatal(PRG,a); } if (HDR.a_hdrlen <= A_MINHDR) HDR.a_trsize = HDR.a_drsize = 0L; HDR.a_tbase = HDR.a_dbase = 0L; /* AST emergency patch HDR.a_lnums = HDR.a_toffs = 0L; */ reloff = HDR.a_text /* Compute reloc data offset */ + HDR.a_data + (long)(HDR.a_hdrlen); relnum = (HDR.a_trsize + HDR.a_drsize) / sizeof(struct reloc); taboff = reloff /* Compute name table offset */ + HDR.a_trsize + HDR.a_drsize; tabnum = HDR.a_syms / sizeof(struct nlist); if (relnum > MAXSYM) fatal(PRG,"reloc table overflow"); if (tabnum > MAXSYM) fatal(PRG,"symbol table overflow"); if (relnum) /* Get reloc data */ if (lseek(fd,reloff,0) != reloff) fatal(PRG,"lseek error"); else { for (relptr = 0; relptr < relnum; ++relptr) read(fd, (char *) &relo[relptr],sizeof(struct reloc)); relptr--; } if (tabnum) /* Read in symtab */ if (lseek(fd,taboff,0) != taboff) fatal(PRG,"lseek error"); else { for (symptr = 0; symptr < tabnum; ++symptr) read(fd, (char *) &symtab[symptr],sizeof(struct nlist)); symptr--; } else fprintf(stderr,"\07%s: warning: no symbols\n",PRG); close(fd); if (freopen(IFILE,"r",stdin) == NULL) { sprintf(a,"can't reopen input file %s",IFILE); fatal(PRG,a); } distext(); disdata(); disbss(); exit(0); }/* * * * * * * * * * * END OF main() * * * * * * * * * * */