.\" @(#)getloadavg.3 .\" .TH GETLOADAVG 3 "Nov 14, 2005" .AT 3 .SH NAME getloadavg \- system load average values .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .ft B #include int getloadavg(double *\fIaverages\fP, int \fInelem\fP) .ft R .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .B Getloadavg returns the system load average values as elements of .IR averages up to a maximum of .IR nelem . The system load average is the average number of runnable processes over a certain period. Currently the averages are delivered over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes of system usage. So currently the system maximum is 3. .SH RETURNS The returned value of .B getloadavg is zero or more if the call was successful, or a negative value if the call was unsuccessful. If the call was successful, the number of elements entered into .IR averages is returned. .SH SEE ALSO .BR uptime (1).