.TH PING 1 .SH NAME ping \- send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts .SH SYNOPSIS .B /usr/bin/ping hostname [length] .de EX .TP 20 \\fB\$1\\fR # \\$2 .. .SH EXAMPLES .EX "ping" "Ping host" .EX "ping www.minix3.org 500" "Ping www.minix3.org with 500 byte IP packets" .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to the specified host and waits for a ECHO_REPLY. Optionally, the length (size) of the IP packet can be specified. The default is 30 bytes. (Note, the 14 byte Ethernet header will make this a 44 byte packet.) .SH OPTIONS .IP length Size (in bytes) of the transmitted ICMP packet. The default length of the IP packet is 30 bytes. (Adding the ethernet header will result in a 44 byte packet being transmitted.) .SH "SEE ALSO" ifconfig(8) .SH AUTHOR Leith Brandeland