/* * a small awk clone * * (C) 1989 Saeko Hirabauashi & Kouichi Hirabayashi * * Absolutely no warranty. Use this software with your own risk. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software for any * purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright and disclaimer notice. * * This program was written to fit into 64K+64K memory of the Minix 1.2. */ #include #include #include "awk.h" extern char *srcprg; /* inline program */ extern FILE *pfp; /* program file */ int sym; /* lexical token */ int sym1; /* auxiliary lexical token */ int regexflg; /* set by parser (y.c) to indicate parsing REGEXPR */ int funflg; /* set by parser (y.c) to indicate parsing FUNCTION */ int printflg; /* set by parser (y.c) to indicate parsing PRINT */ int getlineflg; /* set by parser (y.c) to indicate parsing GETLINE */ char text[BUFSIZ]; /* lexical word */ char line[BUFSIZ]; /* program line for error message (ring buffer) */ char *linep = line; /* line pointer */ char funnam[128]; /* function name for error message */ int lineno = 1; lex() { int c, d; char *s; if (regexflg) return sym = scanreg(); next: while ((c = Getc()) == ' ' || c == '\t') ; while (c == '#') for (c = Getc(); c != '\n'; c = Getc()) ; switch (c) { case '\\': if ((c = Getc()) == '\n') { lineno++; goto next; } break; case '\n': lineno++; break; } switch (c) { case EOF: return sym = 0; case '+': return sym = follow2('=', '+', ADDEQ, INC, ADD); case '-': return sym = follow2('=', '-', SUBEQ, DEC, SUB); case '*': return sym = follow('=', MULTEQ, MULT); case '/': return sym = follow('=', DIVEQ, DIV); case '%': return sym = follow('=', MODEQ, MOD); case '^': return sym = follow('=', POWEQ, POWER); case '=': return sym = follow('=', EQ, ASSIGN); case '!': return sym = follow2('=', '~', NE, NOMATCH, NOT); case '&': return sym = follow('&', AND, BINAND); case '|': sym = follow('|', OR, BINOR); if (printflg && sym == BINOR) sym = R_POUT; return sym; case '<': sym = follow2('=', '<', LE, SHIFTL, LT); if (getlineflg && sym == LT) sym = R_IN; return sym; case '>': sym = follow2('=', '>', GE, SHIFTR, GT); if (printflg) { switch (sym) { case GT: sym = R_OUT; break; case SHIFTR: sym = R_APD; break; } } return sym; case '~': return sym = MATCH; break; case ';': case '\n': return sym = EOL; } if (isalpha(c) || c == '_') { for (s = text; isalnum(c) || c == '_'; ) { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); } Ungetc(c); *s = '\0'; if ((d = iskeywd(text)) == 0 && (d = isbuiltin(text, &sym1)) == 0) { if (c == '(') return sym = CALL; else if (funflg) { if ((sym1 = isarg(text)) != -1) return sym = ARG; } } return sym = d ? d : IDENT; } else if (c == '.' || (isdigit(c))) { Ungetc(c); return sym = scannum(text); /* NUMBER */ } else if (c == '"') return sym = scanstr(text); /* STRING */ return sym = c; } static follow(c1, r1, r2) { register int c; if ((c = Getc()) == c1) return r1; else { Ungetc(c); return r2; } } static follow2(c1, c2, r1, r2, r3) { register int c; if ((c = Getc()) == c1) return r1; else if (c == c2) return r2; else { Ungetc(c); return r3; } } static iskeywd(s) char *s; { static struct { char *kw; int token; } tab[] = { "BEGIN", BEGIN, "END", END, "break", BREAK, "continue", CONTIN, "delete", DELETE, "do", DO, "else", ELSE, "exit", EXIT, "for", FOR, "func", FUNC, "function", FUNC, "getline", GETLINE, "if", IF, "in", IN, "next", NEXT, "print", PRINT, "printf", PRINTF, "return", RETURN, "sprint", SPRINT, "sprintf", SPRINTF, "while", WHILE, "", 0, 0 }; register int i; for (i = 0; tab[i].token; i++) if (strcmp(tab[i].kw, s) == 0) break; return tab[i].token; } static isbuiltin(s, p) char *s; int *p; { static struct { char *kw; int type; int token; } tab[] = { "atan2", MATHFUN, ATAN2, "close", STRFUN, CLOSE, "cos", MATHFUN, COS, "exp", MATHFUN, EXP, "gsub", SUBST, RGSUB, "index", STRFUN, INDEX, "int", MATHFUN, INT, "length", STRFUN, LENGTH, "log", MATHFUN, LOG, "match", STRFUN, RMATCH, "sin", MATHFUN, SIN, "sqrt", MATHFUN, SQRT, "rand", MATHFUN, RAND, "srand", MATHFUN, SRAND, "split", STRFUN, SPLIT, "sub", SUBST, RSUB, "substr", STRFUN, SUBSTR, "system", STRFUN, SYSTEM, "", 0, 0 }; register int i; for (i = 0; tab[i].token; i++) if (strcmp(tab[i].kw, s) == 0) break; *p = tab[i].token; return tab[i].type; } static scannum(s) char *s; { register int c; char *strchr(); if ((c = Getc()) && strchr("+-", c) != NULL) { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); } while (isdigit(c)) { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); } if (c == '.') { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); while (isdigit(c)) { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); } } if (c && strchr("eE", c) != NULL) { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); if (c && strchr("+-", c) != NULL) { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); } while (isdigit(c)) { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); } } *s = '\0'; Ungetc(c); return NUMBER; } static scanstr(s) char *s; { register int c, i, j; for (c = Getc(); c != EOF & c != '"'; ) { if (c == '\\') { switch (c = Getc()) { case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; default: if (isdigit(c)) { for (i = j = 0; i < 3 && isdigit(c); c = Getc(), i++) j = j * 8 + c - '0'; Ungetc(c); c = j; } break; } } *s++ = c; if (isKanji(c)) *s++ = Getc(); c = Getc(); } *s = '\0'; return STRING; } static scanreg() { register int c; register char *s; for (s = text; (c = Getc()) != '/'; ) if (c == '\n') error("newline in regular expression"); else { if (isKanji(c) || c == '\\') { *s++ = c; c = Getc(); } *s++ = c; } *s = '\0'; return REGEXP; } isarrayindex() { int c, c2; next: while ((c = Getc()) == ' ' || c == '\t') ; if (c == '\\') { if ((c2 = Getc()) == '\n') { lineno++; goto next; } Ungetc(c2); } if (c != '[') Ungetc(c); return (c == '['); } #define UNGET_DEPTH 2 static int unget[UNGET_DEPTH], unget_depth; Ungetc(c) { if (unget_depth == UNGET_DEPTH) error("unget buffer overflow"); unget[unget_depth++] = c; if (linep > line) { if (--linep < line) linep == line + BUFSIZ - 1; } } Getc() { register int c; char *s, *t; if (unget_depth > 0) c = unget[--unget_depth]; else if (srcprg) c = *srcprg ? *srcprg++ : EOF; else c = fgetc(pfp); #if 0 if (linep - line == BUFSIZ) { printf("!!!\n"); for (s = line; *s != '\n' && ((s - line)