/* cp 1.12 - copy files Author: Kees J. Bot * mv - move files 20 Jul 1993 * rm - remove files * ln - make a link * cpdir - copy a directory tree (cp -psmr) * clone - make a link farm (ln -fmr) */ #define nil 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG 0 #define NDEBUG 1 #endif #include /* Copy files in this size chunks: */ #if __minix && !__minix_vmd #define CHUNK (8192 * sizeof(char *)) #else #define CHUNK (1024 << (sizeof(int) + sizeof(char *))) #endif #ifndef CONFORMING #define CONFORMING 1 /* Precisely POSIX conforming. */ #endif #define arraysize(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define arraylimit(a) ((a) + arraysize(a)) char *prog_name; /* Call name of this program. */ int ex_code= 0; /* Final exit code. */ typedef enum identity { CP, MV, RM, LN, CPDIR, CLONE } identity_t; typedef enum action { COPY, MOVE, REMOVE, LINK } action_t; identity_t identity; /* How did the user call me? */ action_t action; /* Copying, moving, or linking. */ int pflag= 0; /* -p/-s: Make orginal and copy the same. */ int iflag= 0; /* -i: Interactive overwriting/deleting. */ int fflag= 0; /* -f: Force. */ int sflag= 0; /* -s: Make a symbolic link (ln/clone). */ int Sflag= 0; /* -S: Make a symlink if across devices. */ int mflag= 0; /* -m: Merge trees, no target dir trickery. */ int rflag= 0; /* -r/-R: Recursively copy a tree. */ int vflag= 0; /* -v: Verbose. */ int xflag= 0; /* -x: Don't traverse past mount points. */ int xdev= 0; /* Set when moving or linking cross-device. */ int expand= 0; /* Expand symlinks, ignore links. */ int conforming= CONFORMING; /* Sometimes standards are a pain. */ int fc_mask; /* File creation mask. */ int uid, gid; /* Effective uid & gid. */ int istty; /* Can have terminal input. */ #ifndef S_ISLNK /* There were no symlinks in medieval times. */ #define S_ISLNK(mode) (0) #define lstat stat #define symlink(path1, path2) (errno= ENOSYS, -1) #define readlink(path, buf, len) (errno= ENOSYS, -1) #endif void report(const char *label) { if (action == REMOVE && fflag) return; fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", prog_name, label, strerror(errno)); ex_code= 1; } void fatal(const char *label) { report(label); exit(1); } void report2(const char *src, const char *dst) { fprintf(stderr, "%s %s %s: %s\n", prog_name, src, dst, strerror(errno)); ex_code= 1; } #if DEBUG size_t nchunks= 0; /* Number of allocated cells. */ #endif void *allocate(void *mem, size_t size) /* Like realloc, but with checking of the return value. */ { #if DEBUG if (mem == nil) nchunks++; #endif if ((mem= mem == nil ? malloc(size) : realloc(mem, size)) == nil) fatal("malloc()"); return mem; } void deallocate(void *mem) /* Release a chunk of memory. */ { if (mem != nil) { #if DEBUG nchunks--; #endif free(mem); } } typedef struct pathname { char *path; /* The actual pathname. */ size_t idx; /* Index for the terminating null byte. */ size_t lim; /* Actual length of the path array. */ } pathname_t; void path_init(pathname_t *pp) /* Initialize a pathname to the null string. */ { pp->path= allocate(nil, pp->lim= NAME_MAX + 2); pp->path[pp->idx= 0]= 0; } void path_add(pathname_t *pp, const char *name) /* Add a component to a pathname. */ { size_t lim; char *p; lim= pp->idx + strlen(name) + 2; if (lim > pp->lim) { pp->lim= lim += lim/2; /* add an extra 50% growing space. */ pp->path= allocate(pp->path, lim); } p= pp->path + pp->idx; if (p > pp->path && p[-1] != '/') *p++ = '/'; while (*name != 0) { if (*name != '/' || p == pp->path || p[-1] != '/') *p++ = *name; name++; } *p = 0; pp->idx= p - pp->path; } void path_trunc(pathname_t *pp, size_t didx) /* Delete part of a pathname to a remembered length. */ { pp->path[pp->idx= didx]= 0; } #if DEBUG const char *path_name(const pathname_t *pp) /* Return the actual name as a C string. */ { return pp->path; } size_t path_length(const pathname_t *pp) /* The length of the pathname. */ { return pp->idx; } void path_drop(pathname_t *pp) /* Release the storage occupied by the pathname. */ { deallocate(pp->path); } #else /* !DEBUG */ #define path_name(pp) ((const char *) (pp)->path) #define path_length(pp) ((pp)->idx) #define path_drop(pp) deallocate((void *) (pp)->path) #endif /* !DEBUG */ char *basename(const char *path) /* Return the last component of a pathname. (Note: declassifies a const * char * just like strchr. */ { const char *p= path; for (;;) { while (*p == '/') p++; /* Trailing slashes? */ if (*p == 0) break; path= p; while (*p != 0 && *p != '/') p++; /* Skip component. */ } return (char *) path; } int affirmative(void) /* Get a yes/no answer from the suspecting user. */ { int c; int ok; fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); while ((c= getchar()) == ' ') {} ok= (c == 'y' || c == 'Y'); while (c != EOF && c != '\n') c= getchar(); return ok; } int writable(const struct stat *stp) /* True iff the file with the given attributes allows writing. (And we have * a terminal to ask if ok to overwrite.) */ { if (!istty || uid == 0) return 1; if (stp->st_uid == uid) return stp->st_mode & S_IWUSR; if (stp->st_gid == gid) return stp->st_mode & S_IWGRP; return stp->st_mode & S_IWOTH; } #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 1024 #endif static char *link_islink(const struct stat *stp, const char *file) { /* Tell if a file, which stat(2) information in '*stp', has been seen * earlier by this function under a different name. If not return a * null pointer with errno set to ENOENT, otherwise return the name of * the link. Return a null pointer with an error code in errno for any * error, using E2BIG for a too long file name. * * Use link_islink(nil, nil) to reset all bookkeeping. * * Call for a file twice to delete it from the store. */ typedef struct link { /* In-memory link store. */ struct link *next; /* Hash chain on inode number. */ ino_t ino; /* File's inode number. */ off_t off; /* Offset to more info in temp file. */ } link_t; typedef struct dlink { /* On-disk link store. */ dev_t dev; /* Device number. */ char file[PATH_MAX]; /* Name of earlier seen link. */ } dlink_t; static link_t *links[256]; /* Hash list of known links. */ static int tfd= -1; /* Temp file for file name storage. */ static dlink_t dlink; link_t *lp, **plp; size_t len; off_t off; if (file == nil) { /* Reset everything. */ for (plp= links; plp < arraylimit(links); plp++) { while ((lp= *plp) != nil) { *plp= lp->next; free(lp); } } if (tfd != -1) close(tfd); tfd= -1; return nil; } /* The file must be a non-directory with more than one link. */ if (S_ISDIR(stp->st_mode) || stp->st_nlink <= 1) { errno= ENOENT; return nil; } plp= &links[stp->st_ino % arraysize(links)]; while ((lp= *plp) != nil) { if (lp->ino == stp->st_ino) { /* May have seen this link before. Get it and check. */ if (lseek(tfd, lp->off, SEEK_SET) == -1) return nil; if (read(tfd, &dlink, sizeof(dlink)) < 0) return nil; /* Only need to check the device number. */ if (dlink.dev == stp->st_dev) { if (strcmp(file, dlink.file) == 0) { /* Called twice. Forget about this link. */ *plp= lp->next; free(lp); errno= ENOENT; return nil; } /* Return the name of the earlier link. */ return dlink.file; } } plp= &lp->next; } /* First time I see this link. Add it to the store. */ if (tfd == -1) { for (;;) { char *tmp; tmp= tmpnam(nil); tfd= open(tmp, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600); if (tfd < 0) { if (errno != EEXIST) return nil; } else { (void) unlink(tmp); break; } } } if ((len= strlen(file)) >= PATH_MAX) { errno= E2BIG; return nil; } dlink.dev= stp->st_dev; strcpy(dlink.file, file); len += offsetof(dlink_t, file) + 1; if ((off= lseek(tfd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1) return nil; if (write(tfd, &dlink, len) != len) return nil; if ((lp= malloc(sizeof(*lp))) == nil) return nil; lp->next= nil; lp->ino= stp->st_ino; lp->off= off; *plp= lp; errno= ENOENT; return nil; } int trylink(const char *src, const char *dst, const struct stat *srcst, const struct stat *dstst) /* Keep the link structure intact if src has been seen before. */ { char *olddst; int linked; if (action == COPY && expand) return 0; if ((olddst= link_islink(srcst, dst)) == nil) { /* if (errno != ENOENT) ... */ return 0; } /* Try to link the file copied earlier to the new file. */ if (dstst->st_ino != 0) (void) unlink(dst); if ((linked= (link(olddst, dst) == 0)) && vflag) printf("ln %s ..\n", olddst); return linked; } int copy(const char *src, const char *dst, struct stat *srcst, struct stat *dstst) /* Copy one file to another and copy (some of) the attributes. */ { char buf[CHUNK]; int srcfd, dstfd; ssize_t n; assert(srcst->st_ino != 0); if (dstst->st_ino == 0) { /* The file doesn't exist yet. */ if (!S_ISREG(srcst->st_mode)) { /* Making a new mode 666 regular file. */ srcst->st_mode= (S_IFREG | 0666) & fc_mask; } else if (!pflag && conforming) { /* Making a new file copying mode with umask applied. */ srcst->st_mode &= fc_mask; } } else { /* File exists, ask if ok to overwrite if '-i'. */ if (iflag || (action == MOVE && !fflag && !writable(dstst))) { fprintf(stderr, "Overwrite %s? (mode = %03o) ", dst, dstst->st_mode & 07777); if (!affirmative()) return 0; } if (action == MOVE) { /* Don't overwrite, remove first. */ if (unlink(dst) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) { report(dst); return 0; } } else { /* Overwrite. */ if (!pflag) { /* Keep the existing mode and ownership. */ srcst->st_mode= dstst->st_mode; srcst->st_uid= dstst->st_uid; srcst->st_gid= dstst->st_gid; } } } /* Keep the link structure if possible. */ if (trylink(src, dst, srcst, dstst)) return 1; if ((srcfd= open(src, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { report(src); return 0; } dstfd= open(dst, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, srcst->st_mode & 0777); if (dstfd < 0 && fflag && errno == EACCES) { /* Retry adding a "w" bit. */ (void) chmod(dst, dstst->st_mode | S_IWUSR); dstfd= open(dst, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0); } if (dstfd < 0 && fflag && errno == EACCES) { /* Retry after trying to delete. */ (void) unlink(dst); dstfd= open(dst, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0); } if (dstfd < 0) { report(dst); close(srcfd); return 0; } /* Get current parameters. */ if (fstat(dstfd, dstst) < 0) { report(dst); close(srcfd); close(dstfd); return 0; } /* Copy the little bytes themselves. */ while ((n= read(srcfd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { char *bp = buf; ssize_t r; while (n > 0 && (r= write(dstfd, bp, n)) > 0) { bp += r; n -= r; } if (r <= 0) { if (r == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: EOF writing to %s\n", prog_name, dst); break; } fatal(dst); } } if (n < 0) { report(src); close(srcfd); close(dstfd); return 0; } close(srcfd); close(dstfd); /* Copy the ownership. */ if ((pflag || !conforming) && S_ISREG(dstst->st_mode) && (dstst->st_uid != srcst->st_uid || dstst->st_gid != srcst->st_gid) ) { if (chmod(dst, 0) == 0) dstst->st_mode&= ~07777; if (chown(dst, srcst->st_uid, srcst->st_gid) < 0) { if (errno != EPERM) { report(dst); return 0; } } else { dstst->st_uid= srcst->st_uid; dstst->st_gid= srcst->st_gid; } } if (conforming && S_ISREG(dstst->st_mode) && (dstst->st_uid != srcst->st_uid || dstst->st_gid != srcst->st_gid) ) { /* Suid bits must be cleared in the holy name of * security (and the assumed user stupidity). */ srcst->st_mode&= ~06000; } /* Copy the mode. */ if (S_ISREG(dstst->st_mode) && dstst->st_mode != srcst->st_mode) { if (chmod(dst, srcst->st_mode) < 0) { if (errno != EPERM) { report(dst); return 0; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't change the mode of %s\n", prog_name, dst); } } /* Copy the file modification time. */ if ((pflag || !conforming) && S_ISREG(dstst->st_mode)) { struct utimbuf ut; ut.actime= action == MOVE ? srcst->st_atime : time(nil); ut.modtime= srcst->st_mtime; if (utime(dst, &ut) < 0) { if (errno != EPERM) { report(dst); return 0; } if (pflag) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't set the time of %s\n", prog_name, dst); } } } if (vflag) { printf(action == COPY ? "cp %s ..\n" : "mv %s ..\n", src); } return 1; } void copy1(const char *src, const char *dst, struct stat *srcst, struct stat *dstst) /* Inspect the source file and then copy it. Treatment of symlinks and * special files is a bit complicated. The filetype and link-structure are * ignored if (expand && !rflag), symlinks and link-structure are ignored * if (expand && rflag), everything is copied precisely if !expand. */ { int r, linked; assert(srcst->st_ino != 0); if (srcst->st_ino == dstst->st_ino && srcst->st_dev == dstst->st_dev) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't copy %s onto itself\n", prog_name, src); ex_code= 1; return; } /* You can forget it if the destination is a directory. */ if (dstst->st_ino != 0 && S_ISDIR(dstst->st_mode)) { errno= EISDIR; report(dst); return; } if (S_ISREG(srcst->st_mode) || (expand && !rflag)) { if (!copy(src, dst, srcst, dstst)) return; if (action == MOVE && unlink(src) < 0) { report(src); return; } return; } if (dstst->st_ino != 0) { if (iflag || (action == MOVE && !fflag && !writable(dstst))) { fprintf(stderr, "Replace %s? (mode = %03o) ", dst, dstst->st_mode & 07777); if (!affirmative()) return; } if (unlink(dst) < 0) { report(dst); return; } dstst->st_ino= 0; } /* Apply the file creation mask if so required. */ if (!pflag && conforming) srcst->st_mode &= fc_mask; linked= 0; if (S_ISLNK(srcst->st_mode)) { char buf[1024+1]; if ((r= readlink(src, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) < 0) { report(src); return; } buf[r]= 0; r= symlink(buf, dst); if (vflag && r == 0) printf("ln -s %s %s\n", buf, dst); } else if (trylink(src, dst, srcst, dstst)) { linked= 1; r= 0; } else if (S_ISFIFO(srcst->st_mode)) { r= mkfifo(dst, srcst->st_mode); if (vflag && r == 0) printf("mkfifo %s\n", dst); } else if (S_ISBLK(srcst->st_mode) || S_ISCHR(srcst->st_mode)) { r= mknod(dst, srcst->st_mode, srcst->st_rdev); if (vflag && r == 0) { printf("mknod %s %c %d %d\n", dst, S_ISBLK(srcst->st_mode) ? 'b' : 'c', (srcst->st_rdev >> 8) & 0xFF, (srcst->st_rdev >> 0) & 0xFF); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: odd filetype %5o (not copied)\n", prog_name, src, srcst->st_mode); ex_code= 1; return; } if (r < 0 || lstat(dst, dstst) < 0) { report(dst); return; } if (action == MOVE && unlink(src) < 0) { report(src); (void) unlink(dst); /* Don't want it twice. */ return; } if (linked) return; if (S_ISLNK(srcst->st_mode)) return; /* Copy the ownership. */ if ((pflag || !conforming) && (dstst->st_uid != srcst->st_uid || dstst->st_gid != srcst->st_gid) ) { if (chown(dst, srcst->st_uid, srcst->st_gid) < 0) { if (errno != EPERM) { report(dst); return; } } } /* Copy the file modification time. */ if (pflag || !conforming) { struct utimbuf ut; ut.actime= action == MOVE ? srcst->st_atime : time(nil); ut.modtime= srcst->st_mtime; if (utime(dst, &ut) < 0) { if (errno != EPERM) { report(dst); return; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't set the time of %s\n", prog_name, dst); } } } void remove1(const char *src, const struct stat *srcst) { if (iflag || (!fflag && !writable(srcst))) { fprintf(stderr, "Remove %s? (mode = %03o) ", src, srcst->st_mode & 07777); if (!affirmative()) return; } if (unlink(src) < 0) { report(src); } else { if (vflag) printf("rm %s\n", src); } } void link1(const char *src, const char *dst, const struct stat *srcst, const struct stat *dstst) { pathname_t sym; const char *p; if (dstst->st_ino != 0 && (iflag || fflag)) { if (srcst->st_ino == dstst->st_ino) { if (fflag) return; fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't link %s onto itself\n", prog_name, src); ex_code= 1; return; } if (iflag) { fprintf(stderr, "Remove %s? ", dst); if (!affirmative()) return; } errno= EISDIR; if (S_ISDIR(dstst->st_mode) || unlink(dst) < 0) { report(dst); return; } } if (!sflag && !(rflag && S_ISLNK(srcst->st_mode)) && !(Sflag && xdev)) { /* A normal link. */ if (link(src, dst) < 0) { if (!Sflag || errno != EXDEV) { report2(src, dst); return; } /* Can't do a cross-device link, we have to symlink. */ xdev= 1; } else { if (vflag) printf("ln %s..\n", src); return; } } /* Do a symlink. */ if (!rflag && !Sflag) { /* We can get away with a "don't care if it works" symlink. */ if (symlink(src, dst) < 0) { report(dst); return; } if (vflag) printf("ln -s %s %s\n", src, dst); return; } /* If the source is a symlink then it is simply copied. */ if (S_ISLNK(srcst->st_mode)) { int r; char buf[1024+1]; if ((r= readlink(src, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) < 0) { report(src); return; } buf[r]= 0; if (symlink(buf, dst) < 0) { report(dst); return; } if (vflag) printf("ln -s %s %s\n", buf, dst); return; } /* Make a symlink that has to work, i.e. we must be able to access the * source now, and the link must work. */ if (dst[0] == '/' && src[0] != '/') { /* ln -[rsS] relative/path /full/path. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Symlinking %s to %s is too difficult for me to figure out\n", prog_name, src, dst); exit(1); } /* Count the number of subdirectories in the destination file and * add one '..' for each. */ path_init(&sym); if (src[0] != '/') { p= dst; while (*p != 0) { if (p[0] == '.') { if (p[1] == '/' || p[1] == 0) { /* A "." component; skip. */ do p++; while (*p == '/'); continue; } else if (p[1] == '.' && (p[2] == '/' || p[2] == 0)) { /* A ".." component; oops. */ switch (path_length(&sym)) { case 0: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Symlinking %s to %s is too difficult for me to figure out\n", prog_name, src, dst); exit(1); case 2: path_trunc(&sym, 0); break; default: path_trunc(&sym, path_length(&sym) - 3); } p++; do p++; while (*p == '/'); continue; } } while (*p != 0 && *p != '/') p++; while (*p == '/') p++; if (*p == 0) break; path_add(&sym, ".."); } } path_add(&sym, src); if (symlink(path_name(&sym), dst) < 0) { report(dst); } else { if (vflag) printf("ln -s %s %s\n", path_name(&sym), dst); } path_drop(&sym); } typedef struct entrylist { struct entrylist *next; char *name; } entrylist_t; int eat_dir(const char *dir, entrylist_t **dlist) /* Make a linked list of all the names in a directory. */ { DIR *dp; struct dirent *entry; if ((dp= opendir(dir)) == nil) return 0; while ((entry= readdir(dp)) != nil) { if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; *dlist= allocate(nil, sizeof(**dlist)); (*dlist)->name= allocate(nil, strlen(entry->d_name)+1); strcpy((*dlist)->name, entry->d_name); dlist= &(*dlist)->next; } closedir(dp); *dlist= nil; return 1; } void chop_dlist(entrylist_t **dlist) /* Chop an entry of a name list. */ { entrylist_t *junk= *dlist; *dlist= junk->next; deallocate(junk->name); deallocate(junk); } void drop_dlist(entrylist_t *dlist) /* Get rid of a whole list. */ { while (dlist != nil) chop_dlist(&dlist); } void do1(pathname_t *src, pathname_t *dst, int depth) /* Perform the appropriate action on a source and destination file. */ { size_t slashsrc, slashdst; struct stat srcst, dstst; entrylist_t *dlist; static ino_t topdst_ino; static dev_t topdst_dev; static dev_t topsrc_dev; #if DEBUG if (vflag && depth == 0) { char flags[100], *pf= flags; if (pflag) *pf++= 'p'; if (iflag) *pf++= 'i'; if (fflag) *pf++= 'f'; if (sflag) *pf++= 's'; if (Sflag) *pf++= 'S'; if (mflag) *pf++= 'm'; if (rflag) *pf++= 'r'; if (vflag) *pf++= 'v'; if (xflag) *pf++= 'x'; if (expand) *pf++= 'L'; if (conforming) *pf++= 'C'; *pf= 0; printf(": %s -%s %s %s\n", prog_name, flags, path_name(src), path_name(dst)); } #endif /* st_ino == 0 if not stat()'ed yet, or nonexistent. */ srcst.st_ino= 0; dstst.st_ino= 0; if (action != LINK || !sflag || rflag) { /* Source must exist unless symlinking. */ if ((expand ? stat : lstat)(path_name(src), &srcst) < 0) { report(path_name(src)); return; } } if (depth == 0) { /* First call: Not cross-device yet, first dst not seen yet, * remember top device number. */ xdev= 0; topdst_ino= 0; topsrc_dev= srcst.st_dev; } /* Inspect the intended destination unless removing. */ if (action != REMOVE) { if ((expand ? stat : lstat)(path_name(dst), &dstst) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) { report(path_name(dst)); return; } } } if (action == MOVE && !xdev) { if (dstst.st_ino != 0 && srcst.st_dev != dstst.st_dev) { /* It's a cross-device rename, i.e. copy and remove. */ xdev= 1; } else if (!mflag || dstst.st_ino == 0 || !S_ISDIR(dstst.st_mode)) { /* Try to simply rename the file (not merging trees). */ if (srcst.st_ino == dstst.st_ino) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't move %s onto itself\n", prog_name, path_name(src)); ex_code= 1; return; } if (dstst.st_ino != 0) { if (iflag || (!fflag && !writable(&dstst))) { fprintf(stderr, "Replace %s? (mode = %03o) ", path_name(dst), dstst.st_mode & 07777); if (!affirmative()) return; } if (!S_ISDIR(dstst.st_mode)) (void) unlink(path_name(dst)); } if (rename(path_name(src), path_name(dst)) == 0) { /* Success. */ if (vflag) { printf("mv %s %s\n", path_name(src), path_name(dst)); } return; } if (errno == EXDEV) { xdev= 1; } else { report2(path_name(src), path_name(dst)); return; } } } if (srcst.st_ino == 0 || !S_ISDIR(srcst.st_mode)) { /* Copy/move/remove/link a single file. */ switch (action) { case COPY: case MOVE: copy1(path_name(src), path_name(dst), &srcst, &dstst); break; case REMOVE: remove1(path_name(src), &srcst); break; case LINK: link1(path_name(src), path_name(dst), &srcst, &dstst); break; } return; } /* Recursively copy/move/remove/link a directory if -r or -R. */ if (!rflag) { errno= EISDIR; report(path_name(src)); return; } /* Ok to remove contents of dir? */ if (action == REMOVE) { if (xflag && topsrc_dev != srcst.st_dev) { /* Don't recurse past a mount point. */ return; } if (iflag) { fprintf(stderr, "Remove contents of %s? ", path_name(src)); if (!affirmative()) return; } } /* Gather the names in the source directory. */ if (!eat_dir(path_name(src), &dlist)) { report(path_name(src)); return; } /* Check/create the target directory. */ if (action != REMOVE && dstst.st_ino != 0 && !S_ISDIR(dstst.st_mode)) { if (action != MOVE && !fflag) { errno= ENOTDIR; report(path_name(dst)); return; } if (iflag) { fprintf(stderr, "Replace %s? ", path_name(dst)); if (!affirmative()) { drop_dlist(dlist); return; } } if (unlink(path_name(dst)) < 0) { report(path_name(dst)); drop_dlist(dlist); return; } dstst.st_ino= 0; } if (action != REMOVE) { if (dstst.st_ino == 0) { /* Create a new target directory. */ if (!pflag && conforming) srcst.st_mode&= fc_mask; if (mkdir(path_name(dst), srcst.st_mode | S_IRWXU) < 0 || stat(path_name(dst), &dstst) < 0) { report(path_name(dst)); drop_dlist(dlist); return; } if (vflag) printf("mkdir %s\n", path_name(dst)); } else { /* Target directory already exists. */ if (action == MOVE && !mflag) { errno= EEXIST; report(path_name(dst)); drop_dlist(dlist); return; } if (!pflag) { /* Keep the existing attributes. */ srcst.st_mode= dstst.st_mode; srcst.st_uid= dstst.st_uid; srcst.st_gid= dstst.st_gid; srcst.st_mtime= dstst.st_mtime; } } if (topdst_ino == 0) { /* Remember the top destination. */ topdst_dev= dstst.st_dev; topdst_ino= dstst.st_ino; } if (srcst.st_ino == topdst_ino && srcst.st_dev == topdst_dev) { /* E.g. cp -r /shallow /shallow/deep. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s%s %s/ %s/: infinite recursion avoided\n", prog_name, action != MOVE ? " -r" : "", path_name(src), path_name(dst)); drop_dlist(dlist); return; } if (xflag && topsrc_dev != srcst.st_dev) { /* Don't recurse past a mount point. */ drop_dlist(dlist); return; } } /* Go down. */ slashsrc= path_length(src); slashdst= path_length(dst); while (dlist != nil) { path_add(src, dlist->name); if (action != REMOVE) path_add(dst, dlist->name); do1(src, dst, depth+1); path_trunc(src, slashsrc); path_trunc(dst, slashdst); chop_dlist(&dlist); } if (action == MOVE || action == REMOVE) { /* The contents of the source directory should have * been (re)moved above. Get rid of the empty dir. */ if (action == REMOVE && iflag) { fprintf(stderr, "Remove directory %s? ", path_name(src)); if (!affirmative()) return; } if (rmdir(path_name(src)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOTEMPTY) report(path_name(src)); return; } if (vflag) printf("rmdir %s\n", path_name(src)); } if (action != REMOVE) { /* Set the attributes of a new directory. */ struct utimbuf ut; /* Copy the ownership. */ if ((pflag || !conforming) && (dstst.st_uid != srcst.st_uid || dstst.st_gid != srcst.st_gid) ) { if (chown(path_name(dst), srcst.st_uid, srcst.st_gid) < 0) { if (errno != EPERM) { report(path_name(dst)); return; } } } /* Copy the mode. */ if (dstst.st_mode != srcst.st_mode) { if (chmod(path_name(dst), srcst.st_mode) < 0) { report(path_name(dst)); return; } } /* Copy the file modification time. */ if (dstst.st_mtime != srcst.st_mtime) { ut.actime= action == MOVE ? srcst.st_atime : time(nil); ut.modtime= srcst.st_mtime; if (utime(path_name(dst), &ut) < 0) { if (errno != EPERM) { report(path_name(dst)); return; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't set the time of %s\n", prog_name, path_name(dst)); } } } } void usage(void) { char *flags1, *flags2; switch (identity) { case CP: flags1= "pifsmrRvx"; flags2= "pifsrRvx"; break; case MV: flags1= "ifsmvx"; flags2= "ifsvx"; break; case RM: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: rm [-ifrRvx] file ...\n"); exit(1); case LN: flags1= "ifsSmrRvx"; flags2= "ifsSrRvx"; break; case CPDIR: flags1= "ifvx"; flags2= nil; break; case CLONE: flags1= "ifsSvx"; flags2= nil; break; } fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-%s] file1 file2\n", prog_name, flags1); if (flags2 != nil) fprintf(stderr, " %s [-%s] file ... dir\n", prog_name, flags2); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char *flags; struct stat st; pathname_t src, dst; size_t slash; #if DEBUG >= 3 /* The first argument is the call name while debugging. */ if (argc < 2) exit(-1); argv++; argc--; #endif #if DEBUG vflag= isatty(1); #endif /* Call name of this program. */ prog_name= basename(argv[0]); /* Required action. */ if (strcmp(prog_name, "cp") == 0) { identity= CP; action= COPY; flags= "pifsmrRvx"; expand= 1; } else if (strcmp(prog_name, "mv") == 0) { identity= MV; action= MOVE; flags= "ifsmvx"; rflag= pflag= 1; } else if (strcmp(prog_name, "rm") == 0) { identity= RM; action= REMOVE; flags= "ifrRvx"; } else if (strcmp(prog_name, "ln") == 0) { identity= LN; action= LINK; flags= "ifsSmrRvx"; } else if (strcmp(prog_name, "cpdir") == 0) { identity= CPDIR; action= COPY; flags= "pifsmrRvx"; rflag= mflag= pflag= 1; conforming= 0; } else if (strcmp(prog_name, "clone") == 0) { identity= CLONE; action= LINK; flags= "ifsSmrRvx"; rflag= mflag= fflag= 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Identity crisis, not called cp, mv, rm, ln, cpdir, or clone\n", prog_name); exit(1); } /* Who am I?, where am I?, how protective am I? */ uid= geteuid(); gid= getegid(); istty= isatty(0); fc_mask= ~umask(0); /* Gather flags. */ i= 1; while (i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-') { char *opt= argv[i++] + 1; if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == 0) break; /* -- */ while (*opt != 0) { /* Flag supported? */ if (strchr(flags, *opt) == nil) usage(); switch (*opt++) { case 'p': pflag= 1; break; case 'i': iflag= 1; if (action == MOVE) fflag= 0; break; case 'f': fflag= 1; if (action == MOVE) iflag= 0; break; case 's': if (action == LINK) { sflag= 1; } else { /* Forget about POSIX, do it right. */ conforming= 0; } break; case 'S': Sflag= 1; break; case 'm': mflag= 1; break; case 'r': expand= 0; /*FALL THROUGH*/ case 'R': rflag= 1; break; case 'v': vflag= 1; break; case 'x': xflag= 1; break; default: assert(0); } } } switch (action) { case REMOVE: if (i == argc) { if (fflag) exit(0); usage(); } break; case LINK: /* 'ln dir/file' is to be read as 'ln dir/file .'. */ if ((argc - i) == 1 && action == LINK) argv[argc++]= "."; /*FALL THROUGH*/ default: if ((argc - i) < 2) usage(); } path_init(&src); path_init(&dst); if (action != REMOVE && !mflag && stat(argv[argc-1], &st) >= 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) ) { /* The last argument is a directory, this means we have to * throw the whole lot into this directory. This is the * Right Thing unless you use -r. */ path_add(&dst, argv[argc-1]); slash= path_length(&dst); do { path_add(&src, argv[i]); path_add(&dst, basename(argv[i])); do1(&src, &dst, 0); path_trunc(&src, 0); path_trunc(&dst, slash); } while (++i < argc-1); } else if (action == REMOVE || (argc - i) == 2) { /* Just two files (or many files for rm). */ do { path_add(&src, argv[i]); if (action != REMOVE) path_add(&dst, argv[i+1]); do1(&src, &dst, 0); path_trunc(&src, 0); } while (action == REMOVE && ++i < argc); } else { usage(); } path_drop(&src); path_drop(&dst); #if DEBUG if (nchunks != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "(%ld chunks of memory not freed)\n", (long) nchunks); } #endif exit(ex_code); return ex_code; }