# ; $Header$ ; (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ; ; This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit. ; ; Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be ; obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to ; ; Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum ; Wiskundig Seminarium ; Vrije Universiteit ; Postbox 7161 ; 1007 MC Amsterdam ; The Netherlands ; mes 2,_EM_WSIZE,_EM_PSIZE ; procedure encaps(procedure p; procedure(q(n:integer)); ; {call q if a trap occurs during the execution of p} ; {if q returns, continue execution of p} inp $handler #define PIISZ 2*_EM_PSIZE #define PARG 0 #define QARG PIISZ #define E_ELB 0-_EM_PSIZE #define E_EHA -2*_EM_PSIZE ; encaps is called with two parameters: ; - procedure instance identifier of q (QARG) ; - procedure instance identifier of p (PARG) ; and two local variables: ; - the lb of the previous encaps (E_ELB) ; - the procedure identifier of the previous handler (E_EHA) ; ; One static variable: ; - the lb of the currently active encaps (enc_lb) enc_lb bss _EM_PSIZE,0,0 exp $encaps pro $encaps,PIISZ ; save lb of previous encaps lae enc_lb loi _EM_PSIZE lal E_ELB sti _EM_PSIZE ; set new lb lxl 0 lae enc_lb sti _EM_PSIZE ; save old handler id while setting up the new handler lpi $handler sig lal E_EHA sti _EM_PSIZE ; handler is ready, p can be called ; p doesn't expect parameters except possibly the static link ; always passing the link won't hurt lal PARG loi PIISZ cai asp _EM_PSIZE ; reinstate old handler lal E_ELB loi _EM_PSIZE lae enc_lb sti _EM_PSIZE lal E_EHA loi _EM_PSIZE sig asp _EM_PSIZE ret 0 end ? #define TRAP 0 #define H_ELB 0-_EM_PSIZE ; handler is called with one parameter: ; - trap number (TRAP) ; one local variable ; - the current LB of the enclosing encaps (H_ELB) pro $handler,_EM_PSIZE ; save LB of nearest encaps lae enc_lb loi _EM_PSIZE lal H_ELB sti _EM_PSIZE ; fetch setting for previous encaps via LB of nearest lal H_ELB loi _EM_PSIZE adp E_ELB loi _EM_PSIZE ; LB of previous encaps lae enc_lb sti _EM_PSIZE lal H_ELB loi _EM_PSIZE adp E_EHA loi _EM_PSIZE ; previous handler sig asp _EM_PSIZE ; previous handler is re-instated, time to call Q lol TRAP ; the one and only real parameter lal H_ELB loi _EM_PSIZE lpb ; argument base of enclosing encaps adp QARG loi PIISZ exg _EM_PSIZE dup _EM_PSIZE ; The static link is now on top zer _EM_PSIZE cmp zeq *1 ; non-zero LB exg _EM_PSIZE cai asp _EM_WSIZE+_EM_PSIZE bra *2 1 ; zero LB asp _EM_PSIZE cai asp _EM_WSIZE 2 ; now reinstate handler for continued execution of p lal H_ELB loi _EM_PSIZE lae enc_lb sti _EM_PSIZE lpi $handler sig asp _EM_PSIZE rtt end ?