/* man 2.5 - display online manual pages Author: Kees J. Bot * 17 Mar 1993 */ #define nil NULL #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Defaults: */ char MANPATH[]= "/usr/local/man:/usr/man:/usr/gnu/man"; char PAGER[]= "more"; /* Comment at the start to let tbl(1) be run before n/troff. */ char TBL_MAGIC[] = ".\\\"t\n"; #define arraysize(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define arraylimit(a) ((a) + arraysize(a)) #define between(a, c, z) ((unsigned) ((c) - (a)) <= (unsigned) ((z) - (a))) /* Section 1x uses special macros under Minix. */ #if __minix #define SEC1xSPECIAL 1 #else #define SEC1xSPECIAL 0 #endif int searchwhatis(FILE *wf, char *title, char **ppage, char **psection) /* Search a whatis file for the next occurence of "title". Return the basename * of the page to read and the section it is in. Return 0 on failure, 1 on * success, -1 on EOF or error. */ { static char page[256], section[32]; char alias[256]; int found= 0; int c; /* Each whatis line should have the format: * page, title, title (section) - descriptive text */ /* Search the file for a line with the title. */ do { int first= 1; char *pc= section; c= fgetc(wf); /* Search the line for the title. */ do { char *pa= alias; while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ',') c= fgetc(wf); while (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != ',' && c != '(' && c != '\n' && c != EOF ) { if (pa < arraylimit(alias)-1) *pa++= c; c= getc(wf); } *pa= 0; if (first) { strcpy(page, alias); first= 0; } if (strcmp(alias, title) == 0) found= 1; } while (c != '(' && c != '\n' && c != EOF); if (c != '(') { found= 0; } else { while ((c= fgetc(wf)) != ')' && c != '\n' && c != EOF) { if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') c= c - 'A' + 'a'; if (pc < arraylimit(section)-1) *pc++= c; } *pc= 0; if (c != ')' || pc == section) found= 0; } while (c != EOF && c != '\n') c= getc(wf); } while (!found && c != EOF); if (found) { *ppage= page; *psection= section; } return c == EOF ? -1 : found; } int searchwindex(FILE *wf, char *title, char **ppage, char **psection) /* Search a windex file for the next occurence of "title". Return the basename * of the page to read and the section it is in. Return 0 on failure, 1 on * success, -1 on EOF or error. */ { static char page[256], section[32]; static long low, high; long mid0, mid1; int c; unsigned char *pt; char *pc; /* Each windex line should have the format: * title page (section) - descriptive text * The file is sorted. */ if (ftell(wf) == 0) { /* First read of this file, initialize. */ low= 0; fseek(wf, (off_t) 0, SEEK_END); high= ftell(wf); } /* Binary search for the title. */ while (low <= high) { pt= (unsigned char *) title; mid0= mid1= (low + high) >> 1; if (mid0 == 0) { if (fseek(wf, (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1; } else { if (fseek(wf, (off_t) mid0 - 1, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1; /* Find the start of a line. */ while ((c= getc(wf)) != EOF && c != '\n') mid1++; if (ferror(wf)) return -1; } /* See if the line has the title we seek. */ for (;;) { if ((c= getc(wf)) == ' ' || c == '\t') c= 0; if (c == 0 || c != *pt) break; pt++; } /* Halve the search range. */ if (c == EOF || *pt <= c) { high= mid0 - 1; } else { low= mid1 + 1; } } /* Look for the title from 'low' onwards. */ if (fseek(wf, (off_t) low, SEEK_SET) != 0) return -1; do { if (low != 0) { /* Find the start of a line. */ while ((c= getc(wf)) != EOF && c != '\n') low++; if (ferror(wf)) return -1; } /* See if the line has the title we seek. */ pt= (unsigned char *) title; for (;;) { if ((c= getc(wf)) == EOF) return 0; low++; if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') c= 0; if (c == 0 || c != *pt) break; pt++; } } while (c < *pt); if (*pt != c) return 0; /* Not found. */ /* Get page and section. */ while ((c= fgetc(wf)) == ' ' || c == '\t') {} pc= page; while (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '(' && c != '\n' && c != EOF) { if (pc < arraylimit(page)-1) *pc++= c; c= getc(wf); } if (pc == page) return 0; *pc= 0; while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') c= fgetc(wf); if (c != '(') return 0; pc= section; while ((c= fgetc(wf)) != ')' && c != '\n' && c != EOF) { if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') c= c - 'A' + 'a'; if (pc < arraylimit(section)-1) *pc++= c; } *pc= 0; if (c != ')' || pc == section) return 0; while (c != EOF && c != '\n') c= getc(wf); if (c != '\n') return 0; *ppage= page; *psection= section; return 1; } char ALL[]= ""; /* Magic sequence of all sections. */ int all= 0; /* Show all pages with a given title. */ int whatis= 0; /* man -f word == whatis word. */ int apropos= 0; /* man -k word == apropos word. */ int quiet= 0; /* man -q == quietly check. */ enum ROFF { NROFF, TROFF } rofftype= NROFF; char *roff[] = { "nroff", "troff" }; int shown; /* True if something has been shown. */ int tty; /* True if displaying on a terminal. */ char *manpath; /* The manual directory path. */ char *pager; /* The pager to use. */ char *pipeline[8][8]; /* An 8 command pipeline of 7 arguments each. */ char *(*plast)[8] = pipeline; void putinline(char *arg1, ...) /* Add a command to the pipeline. */ { va_list ap; char **argv; argv= *plast++; *argv++= arg1; va_start(ap, arg1); while ((*argv++= va_arg(ap, char *)) != nil) {} va_end(ap); } void execute(int set_mp, char *file) /* Execute the pipeline build with putinline(). (This is a lot of work to * avoid a call to system(), but it so much fun to do it right!) */ { char *(*plp)[8], **argv; char *mp; int fd0, pfd[2], err[2]; pid_t pid; int r, status; int last; void (*isav)(int sig), (*qsav)(int sig), (*tsav)(int sig); if (tty) { /* Must run this through a pager. */ putinline(pager, (char *) nil); } if (plast == pipeline) { /* No commands at all? */ putinline("cat", (char *) nil); } /* Add the file as argument to the first command. */ argv= pipeline[0]; while (*argv != nil) argv++; *argv++= file; *argv= nil; /* Start the commands. */ fd0= 0; for (plp= pipeline; plp < plast; plp++) { argv= *plp; last= (plp+1 == plast); /* Create an error pipe and pipe between this command and the next. */ if (pipe(err) < 0 || (!last && pipe(pfd) < 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "man: can't create a pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } (void) fcntl(err[1], F_SETFD, fcntl(err[1], F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "man: cannot fork: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (pid == 0) { /* Child. */ if (set_mp) { mp= malloc((8 + strlen(manpath) + 1) * sizeof(*mp)); if (mp != nil) { strcpy(mp, "MANPATH="); strcat(mp, manpath); (void) putenv(mp); } } if (fd0 != 0) { dup2(fd0, 0); close(fd0); } if (!last) { close(pfd[0]); if (pfd[1] != 1) { dup2(pfd[1], 1); close(pfd[1]); } } close(err[0]); execvp(argv[0], argv); (void) write(err[1], &errno, sizeof(errno)); _exit(1); } close(err[1]); if (read(err[0], &errno, sizeof(errno)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "man: %s: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno)); exit(1); } close(err[0]); if (!last) { close(pfd[1]); fd0= pfd[0]; } set_mp= 0; } /* Wait for the last command to finish. */ isav= signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); qsav= signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); tsav= signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); while ((r= wait(&status)) != pid) { if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "man: wait(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } (void) signal(SIGINT, isav); (void) signal(SIGQUIT, qsav); (void) signal(SIGTERM, tsav); if (status != 0) exit(1); plast= pipeline; } void keyword(char *keyword) /* Make an apropos(1) or whatis(1) call. */ { putinline(apropos ? "apropos" : "whatis", all ? "-a" : (char *) nil, (char *) nil); if (tty) { printf("Looking for keyword '%s'\n", keyword); fflush(stdout); } execute(1, keyword); } enum pagetype { CAT, CATZ, MAN, MANZ, SMAN, SMANZ }; int showpage(char *page, enum pagetype ptype, char *macros) /* Show a manual page if it exists using the proper decompression and * formatting tools. */ { struct stat st; /* We want a normal file without X bits if not a full path. */ if (stat(page, &st) < 0) return 0; if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) return 0; if ((st.st_mode & 0111) && page[0] != '/') return 0; /* Do we only care if it exists? */ if (quiet) { shown= 1; return 1; } if (ptype == CATZ || ptype == MANZ || ptype == SMANZ) { putinline("zcat", (char *) nil); } if (ptype == SMAN || ptype == SMANZ) { /* Change SGML into regular *roff. */ putinline("/usr/lib/sgml/sgml2roff", (char *) nil); putinline("tbl", (char *) nil); putinline("eqn", (char *) nil); } if (ptype == MAN) { /* Do we need tbl? */ FILE *fp; int c; char *tp = TBL_MAGIC; if ((fp = fopen(page, "r")) == nil) { fprintf(stderr, "man: %s: %s\n", page, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } c= fgetc(fp); for (;;) { if (c == *tp || (c == '\'' && *tp == '.')) { if (*++tp == 0) { /* A match, add tbl. */ putinline("tbl", (char *) nil); break; } } else { /* No match. */ break; } while ((c = fgetc(fp)) == ' ' || c == '\t') {} } fclose(fp); } if (ptype == MAN || ptype == MANZ || ptype == SMAN || ptype == SMANZ) { putinline(roff[rofftype], macros, (char *) nil); } if (tty) { printf("%s %s\n", ptype == CAT || ptype == CATZ ? "Showing" : "Formatting", page); fflush(stdout); } execute(0, page); shown= 1; return 1; } int member(char *word, char *list) /* True if word is a member of a comma separated list. */ { size_t len= strlen(word); if (list == ALL) return 1; while (*list != 0) { if (strncmp(word, list, len) == 0 && (list[len] == 0 || list[len] == ',')) return 1; while (*list != 0 && *list != ',') list++; if (*list == ',') list++; } return 0; } int trymandir(char *mandir, char *title, char *section) /* Search the whatis file of the manual directory for a page of the given * section and display it. */ { FILE *wf; char whatis[1024], pagename[1024], *wpage, *wsection; int rsw, rsp; int ntries; int (*searchidx)(FILE *, char *, char **, char **); struct searchnames { enum pagetype ptype; char *pathfmt; } *sp; static struct searchnames searchN[] = { { CAT, "%s/cat%s/%s.%s" }, /* SysV */ { CATZ, "%s/cat%s/%s.%s.Z" }, { MAN, "%s/man%s/%s.%s" }, { MANZ, "%s/man%s/%s.%s.Z" }, { SMAN, "%s/sman%s/%s.%s" }, /* Solaris */ { SMANZ,"%s/sman%s/%s.%s.Z" }, { CAT, "%s/cat%.1s/%s.%s" }, /* BSD */ { CATZ, "%s/cat%.1s/%s.%s.Z" }, { MAN, "%s/man%.1s/%s.%s" }, { MANZ, "%s/man%.1s/%s.%s.Z" }, }; if (strlen(mandir) + 1 + 6 + 1 > arraysize(whatis)) return 0; /* Prefer a fast windex database if available. */ sprintf(whatis, "%s/windex", mandir); if ((wf= fopen(whatis, "r")) != nil) { searchidx= searchwindex; } else { /* Use a classic whatis database. */ sprintf(whatis, "%s/whatis", mandir); if ((wf= fopen(whatis, "r")) == nil) return 0; searchidx= searchwhatis; } rsp= 0; while (!rsp && (rsw= (*searchidx)(wf, title, &wpage, &wsection)) == 1) { if (!member(wsection, section)) continue; /* When looking for getc(1S) we try: * cat1s/getc.1s * cat1s/getc.1s.Z * man1s/getc.1s * man1s/getc.1s.Z * sman1s/getc.1s * sman1s/getc.1s.Z * cat1/getc.1s * cat1/getc.1s.Z * man1/getc.1s * man1/getc.1s.Z */ if (strlen(mandir) + 2 * strlen(wsection) + strlen(wpage) + 10 > arraysize(pagename)) continue; sp= searchN; ntries= arraysize(searchN); do { if (sp->ptype <= CATZ && rofftype != NROFF) continue; sprintf(pagename, sp->pathfmt, mandir, wsection, wpage, wsection); rsp= showpage(pagename, sp->ptype, (SEC1xSPECIAL && strcmp(wsection, "1x") == 0) ? "-mnx" : "-man"); } while (sp++, !rsp && --ntries != 0); if (all) rsp= 0; } if (rsw < 0 && ferror(wf)) { fprintf(stderr, "man: %s: %s\n", whatis, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } fclose(wf); return rsp; } int trysubmandir(char *mandir, char *title, char *section) /* Search the subdirectories of this manual directory for whatis files, they * may have manual pages that override the ones in the major directory. */ { char submandir[1024]; DIR *md; struct dirent *entry; if ((md= opendir(mandir)) == nil) return 0; while ((entry= readdir(md)) != nil) { if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; if ((strncmp(entry->d_name, "man", 3) == 0 || strncmp(entry->d_name, "cat", 3) == 0) && between('0', entry->d_name[3], '9')) continue; if (strlen(mandir) + 1 + strlen(entry->d_name) + 1 > arraysize(submandir)) continue; sprintf(submandir, "%s/%s", mandir, entry->d_name); if (trymandir(submandir, title, section) && !all) { closedir(md); return 1; } } closedir(md); return 0; } void searchmanpath(char *title, char *section) /* Search the manual path for a manual page describing "title." */ { char mandir[1024]; char *pp= manpath, *pd; for (;;) { while (*pp != 0 && *pp == ':') pp++; if (*pp == 0) break; pd= mandir; while (*pp != 0 && *pp != ':') { if (pd < arraylimit(mandir)) *pd++= *pp; pp++; } if (pd == arraylimit(mandir)) continue; /* forget it */ *pd= 0; if (trysubmandir(mandir, title, section) && !all) break; if (trymandir(mandir, title, section) && !all) break; } } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: man -[antfkq] [-M path] [-s section] title ...\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *title, *section= ALL; int i; int nomoreopt= 0; char *opt; if ((pager= getenv("PAGER")) == nil) pager= PAGER; if ((manpath= getenv("MANPATH")) == nil) manpath= MANPATH; tty= isatty(1); i= 1; do { while (i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-' && !nomoreopt) { opt= argv[i++]+1; if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == 0) { nomoreopt= 1; break; } while (*opt != 0) { switch (*opt++) { case 'a': all= 1; break; case 'f': whatis= 1; break; case 'k': apropos= 1; break; case 'q': quiet= 1; break; case 'n': rofftype= NROFF; apropos= whatis= 0; break; case 't': rofftype= TROFF; apropos= whatis= 0; break; case 's': if (*opt == 0) { if (i == argc) usage(); section= argv[i++]; } else { section= opt; opt= ""; } break; case 'M': if (*opt == 0) { if (i == argc) usage(); manpath= argv[i++]; } else { manpath= opt; opt= ""; } break; default: usage(); } } } if (i >= argc) usage(); if (between('0', argv[i][0], '9') && i+1 < argc) { /* Old BSD style section designation? */ section= argv[i++]; } if (i == argc) usage(); title= argv[i++]; if (whatis || apropos) { keyword(title); } else { shown= 0; searchmanpath(title, section); if (!shown) (void) showpage(title, MAN, "-man"); if (!shown) { if (!quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "man: no manual on %s\n", title); } exit(1); } } } while (i < argc); return 0; }