/* getgrent(), getgrgid(), getgrnam() - group file routines * * Author: Kees J. Bot * 31 Jan 1994 */ #define nil 0 #define open _open #define fcntl _fcntl #define read _read #define close _close #include #include #include #include #include #include #define arraysize(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define arraylimit(a) ((a) + arraysize(a)) static char GROUP[]= "/etc/group"; /* The group file. */ static const char *grfile; /* Current group file. */ static char buf[1024]; /* Read buffer. */ static char grline[512]; /* One line from the group file. */ static struct group entry; /* Entry to fill and return. */ static char *members[64]; /* Group members with the entry. */ static int grfd= -1; /* Filedescriptor to the file. */ static char *bufptr; /* Place in buf. */ static ssize_t buflen= 0; /* Remaining characters in buf. */ static char *lineptr; /* Place in the line. */ void endgrent(void) /* Close the group file. */ { if (grfd >= 0) { (void) close(grfd); grfd= -1; buflen= 0; } } int setgrent(void) /* Open the group file. */ { if (grfd >= 0) endgrent(); if (grfile == nil) grfile= GROUP; if ((grfd= open(grfile, O_RDONLY)) < 0) return -1; (void) fcntl(grfd, F_SETFD, fcntl(grfd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); return 0; } void setgrfile(const char *file) /* Prepare for reading an alternate group file. */ { endgrent(); grfile= file; } static int getline(void) /* Get one line from the group file, return 0 if bad or EOF. */ { lineptr= grline; do { if (buflen == 0) { if ((buflen= read(grfd, buf, sizeof(buf))) <= 0) return 0; bufptr= buf; } if (lineptr == arraylimit(grline)) return 0; buflen--; } while ((*lineptr++ = *bufptr++) != '\n'); lineptr= grline; return 1; } static char *scan_punct(int punct) /* Scan for a field separator in a line, return the start of the field. */ { char *field= lineptr; char *last; for (;;) { last= lineptr; if (*lineptr == 0) return nil; if (*lineptr == '\n') break; if (*lineptr++ == punct) break; if (lineptr[-1] == ':') return nil; /* :::,,,:,,,? */ } *last= 0; return field; } struct group *getgrent(void) /* Read one entry from the group file. */ { char *p; char **mem; /* Open the file if not yet open. */ if (grfd < 0 && setgrent() < 0) return nil; /* Until a good line is read. */ for (;;) { if (!getline()) return nil; /* EOF or corrupt. */ if ((entry.gr_name= scan_punct(':')) == nil) continue; if ((entry.gr_passwd= scan_punct(':')) == nil) continue; if ((p= scan_punct(':')) == nil) continue; entry.gr_gid= strtol(p, nil, 0); entry.gr_mem= mem= members; if (*lineptr != '\n') { do { if ((*mem= scan_punct(',')) == nil) goto again; if (mem < arraylimit(members) - 1) mem++; } while (*lineptr != 0); } *mem= nil; return &entry; again:; } } struct group *getgrgid(gid_t gid) /* Return the group file entry belonging to the user-id. */ { struct group *gr; endgrent(); while ((gr= getgrent()) != nil && gr->gr_gid != gid) {} endgrent(); return gr; } struct group *getgrnam(const char *name) /* Return the group file entry belonging to the user name. */ { struct group *gr; endgrent(); while ((gr= getgrent()) != nil && strcmp(gr->gr_name, name) != 0) {} endgrent(); return gr; }