/* talk.c Copyright Michael Temari 08/01/1996 All Rights Reserved */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "talk.h" #include "proto.h" #include "net.h" #include "screen.h" _PROTOTYPE(int main, (int argc, char *argv[])); _PROTOTYPE(void DoTalk, (void)); int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char *p; struct hostent *hp; struct stat st; struct utmp utmp; int slot; FILE *fp; if(argc < 2 || argc > 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: talk user[@host] [tty]\n"); return(-1); } /* get local host name */ if(gethostname(lhost, HOST_SIZE) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: Error getting local host name\n"); return(-1); } /* get local user name and tty */ if((slot = ttyslot()) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: You are not on a terminal\n"); return(-1); } if((fp = fopen(UTMP, "r")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: Could not open %s\n", UTMP); return(-1); } if(fseek(fp, (off_t) sizeof(utmp) * slot, SEEK_SET)) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: Could not seek %s\n", UTMP); fclose(fp); return(-1); } if(fread((char *)&utmp, sizeof(utmp), 1 , fp) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: Could not read %s\n", UTMP); fclose(fp); return(-1); } fclose(fp); #ifdef __NBSD_LIBC strncpy(luser, utmp.ut_name, USER_SIZE < sizeof(utmp.ut_name) ? USER_SIZE : sizeof(utmp.ut_name)); #else strncpy(luser, utmp.ut_user, USER_SIZE < sizeof(utmp.ut_user) ? USER_SIZE : sizeof(utmp.ut_user)); #endif luser[USER_SIZE] = '\0'; /* get local tty */ if((p = ttyname(0)) == (char *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: You are not on a terminal\n"); return(-1); } strncpy(ltty, p+5, TTY_SIZE); ltty[TTY_SIZE] = '\0'; /* check if local tty is going to be writable */ if(stat(p, &st) < 0) { perror("talk: Could not stat local tty"); return(-1); } if((st.st_mode & S_IWGRP) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: Your terminal is not writable. Use: mesg y\n"); return(-1); } /* get remote user and host name */ if((p = strchr(argv[1], '@')) != (char *)NULL) *p++ = '\0'; else p = lhost; strncpy(ruser, argv[1], USER_SIZE); ruser[USER_SIZE] = '\0'; strncpy(rhost, p, HOST_SIZE); rhost[HOST_SIZE] = '\0'; /* get remote tty */ if(argc > 2) strncpy(rtty, argv[2], TTY_SIZE); else rtty[0] = '\0'; rtty[TTY_SIZE] = '\0'; if((hp = gethostbyname(rhost)) == (struct hostent *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: Could not determine address of %s\n", rhost); return(-1); } memcpy((char *)&raddr, (char *)hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); if(NetInit()) { fprintf(stderr, "talk: Error in NetInit\n"); return(-1); } if(ScreenInit()) return(-1); if(!TalkInit()) DoTalk(); ScreenEnd(); return(0); } struct pdata { int win; int len; char buffer[64]; } pdata; void DoTalk() { int s; int s2; int kid; int pfd[2]; int win; int len; struct termios termios; char lcc[3]; char rcc[3]; ScreenMsg(""); ScreenWho(ruser, rhost); /* Get and send edit characters */ s = tcgetattr(0, &termios); if(s < 0) { perror("talk: tcgetattr"); return; } lcc[0] = termios.c_cc[VERASE]; lcc[1] = termios.c_cc[VKILL]; lcc[2] = 0x17; /* Control - W */ s = write(tcp_fd, lcc, sizeof(lcc)); if(s != sizeof(lcc)) { ScreenMsg("Connection Closing due to error"); return; } s = read(tcp_fd, rcc, sizeof(rcc)); if(s != sizeof(rcc)) { ScreenMsg("Connection Closing due to error"); return; } ScreenEdit(lcc, rcc); s = pipe(pfd); if(s < 0) { ScreenMsg("Could not create pipes"); return; } if((kid = fork()) < 0) { ScreenMsg("Could not fork"); close(pfd[0]); close(pfd[1]); return; } if(kid == 0) { close(tcp_fd); close(pfd[1]); while(1) { s = read(pfd[0], &pdata, sizeof(pdata)); if(s != sizeof(pdata)) { close(pfd[0]); exit(-1); } ScreenPut(pdata.buffer, pdata.len, pdata.win); } } close(pfd[0]); if((kid = fork()) < 0) { ScreenMsg("Could not fork"); close(pfd[1]); return; } if(kid == 0) { pdata.win = REMOTEWIN; while(!ScreenDone) { s = read(tcp_fd, pdata.buffer, sizeof(pdata.buffer)); if(s <= 0) break; pdata.len = s; write(pfd[1], &pdata, sizeof(pdata)); } close(pfd[1]); close(tcp_fd); kill(getppid(), SIGINT); exit(-1); } pdata.win = LOCALWIN; while(!ScreenDone) { s = read(0, pdata.buffer, sizeof(pdata.buffer)); if(s <= 0) break; pdata.len = s; write(pfd[1], &pdata, sizeof(pdata)); s2 = write(tcp_fd, pdata.buffer, s); if(s2 != s) break; } kill(kid, SIGINT); close(pfd[1]); close(tcp_fd); return; }