/* ftpd.c Copyright 1992-2000 by Michael Temari All Rights Reserved * * ftpd An FTP server program for use with Minix. * * Usage: Minix usage: tcpd ftp ftpd * * 06/14/92 Tnet Release Michael Temari * 01/15/96 0.30 Michael Temari * 01/25/96 0.90 Michael Temari * 03/17/96 0.91 Michael Temari * 06/27/96 0.92 Michael Temari * 07/02/96 0.93 Michael Temari * 07/15/96 0.94 Michael Temari * 08/27/96 0.95 Michael Temari * 02/09/97 0.96 Michael Temari * 02/10/97 0.97 Michael Temari * 09/25/97 0.98 Michael Temari * 03/10/00 0.99 Michael Temari, * 12/12/03 1.00 Michael Temari, * 02/06/05 1.01 Michael Temari, * 02/12/05 2.00 Michael Temari, */ char *FtpdVersion = "2.00"; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ftpd.h" #include "access.h" #include "file.h" #include "net.h" #ifdef __NBSD_LIBC /* Already declared in stdio.h */ #define getline ftpd_getline #endif _PROTOTYPE(static void init, (void)); _PROTOTYPE(static int doHELP, (char *buff)); _PROTOTYPE(static int doNOOP, (char *buff)); _PROTOTYPE(static int doUNIMP, (char *buff)); _PROTOTYPE(static int getline, (char *line, int len)); FILE *msgfile = (FILE *)NULL; /* The following defines the inactivity timeout in seconds */ #define INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT 60*5 char *days[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; char *months[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; char line[512]; int type, format, mode, structure; int ftpdata_fd = -1; int loggedin, gotuser, anonymous; char username[80]; char anonpass[128]; char newroot[128]; ipaddr_t myipaddr, rmtipaddr, dataaddr; tcpport_t myport, rmtport, dataport; char myhostname[256], rmthostname[256]; #define FTPD_LOG "/usr/adm/ftpd.log" #define FTPD_MSG "/etc/ftpd_msg" FILE *logfile; int timeout = 0; _PROTOTYPE(static int doHELP, (char *buff)); _PROTOTYPE(int readline, (char **args)); _PROTOTYPE(void Timeout, (int sig)); _PROTOTYPE(int main, (int argc, char *argv[])); struct commands { char *name; _PROTOTYPE(int (*func), (char *buff)); }; struct commands commands[] = { "ABOR", doUNIMP, "ACCT", doUNIMP, "ALLO", doALLO, "APPE", doAPPE, "CDUP", doCDUP, "CWD", doCWD, "DELE", doDELE, "HELP", doHELP, "LIST", doLIST, "MDTM", doMDTM, "MKD", doMKD, "MODE", doMODE, "NLST", doNLST, "NOOP", doNOOP, "PASS", doPASS, "PASV", doPASV, "PORT", doPORT, "PWD", doPWD, "QUIT", doQUIT, "REIN", doUNIMP, "REST", doREST, "RETR", doRETR, "RMD", doRMD, "RNFR", doRNFR, "RNTO", doRNTO, "SITE", doSITE, "SIZE", doSIZE, "SMNT", doUNIMP, "STAT", doSTAT, "STOR", doSTOR, "STOU", doSTOU, "STRU", doSTRU, "SYST", doSYST, "TYPE", doTYPE, "USER", doUSER, "XCUP", doCDUP, "XCWD", doCWD, "XMKD", doMKD, "XPWD", doPWD, "XRMD", doRMD, "", (int (*)())0 }; static void init() { loggedin = 0; gotuser = 0; anonymous = 0; newroot[0] = '\0'; type = TYPE_A; format = 0; mode = MODE_S; structure = 0; ftpdata_fd = -1; username[0] = '\0'; anonpass[0] = '\0'; } /* nothing, nada, zilch... */ static int doNOOP(buff) char *buff; { printf("200 NOOP to you too!\r\n"); return(GOOD); } /* giv'em help, what a USER! */ static int doHELP(buff) char *buff; { struct commands *cmd; char star; int i; char *space = " "; printf("214-Here is a list of available ftp commands\r\n"); printf(" Those with '*' are not yet implemented.\r\n"); i = 0; for(cmd = commands; *cmd->name != '\0'; cmd++) { if(cmd->func == doUNIMP) star = '*'; else star = ' '; printf(" %s%c%s", cmd->name, star, space + strlen(cmd->name)); if(++i == 6) { printf("\r\n"); i = 0; } } if(i) printf("\r\n"); printf("214 That's all the help you get.\r\n"); return(GOOD); } /* not implemented */ static int doUNIMP(buff) char *buff; { printf("502 Command \"%s\" not implemented!\r\n", line); return(GOOD); } /* convert line for use */ void cvtline(args) char **args; { char *p; p = line + strlen(line); while(--p >= line) if(*p == '\r' || *p == '\n' || isspace(*p)) *p = '\0'; else break; p = line; #ifdef DEBUG logit("COMMAND", line); #endif while(*p && !isspace(*p)) { *p = toupper(*p); p++; } if(*p) { *p = '\0'; p++; while(*p && isspace(*p)) p++; } *args = p; return; } static int getline(line, len) char *line; int len; { int s; int gotcr; /* leave room for at end for null */ len--; /* got to be able to put in at least 1 character */ if(len < 1) return(-1); gotcr = 0; while(len-- > 0) { s = read(0, line, 1); if(s != 1) return(-1); if(*line == '\n') break; gotcr = (*line == '\r'); line++; } if(gotcr) --line; *line = '\0'; return(0); } int readline(args) char **args; { if(getline(line, sizeof(line))) return(BAD); cvtline(args); return(GOOD); } /* signal handler for inactivity timeout */ void Timeout(sig) int sig; { timeout = 1; printf("421 Inactivity timer expired.\r\n"); } /* logit */ void logit(type, parm) char *type; char *parm; { time_t now; struct tm *tm; if(logfile == (FILE *)NULL) return; time(&now); tm = localtime(&now); fprintf(logfile, "%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d ", 1900+tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); fprintf(logfile, "%s %s %s %s %s\n", rmthostname, username, anonymous ? anonpass : username, type, parm); fflush(logfile); } void showmsg(reply, filename) char *reply; char *filename; { FILE *mfp; char *pe; static char mline[256]; if(filename == (char *)NULL) mfp = msgfile; else mfp = fopen(filename, "r"); if(mfp == (FILE *)NULL) return; while(fgets(mline, sizeof(mline), mfp) != (char *)NULL) { pe = mline + strlen(mline); while(--pe >= mline) if(*pe == '\r' || *pe == '\n') *pe = '\0'; else break; printf("%s- %s\r\n", reply, mline); } if(filename != (char *)NULL) fclose(mfp); } int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { struct commands *cmd; char *args; int status; time_t now; struct tm *tm; int s; GetNetInfo(); /* open transfer log file if it exists */ if((logfile = fopen(FTPD_LOG, "r")) != (FILE *)NULL) { fclose(logfile); logfile = fopen(FTPD_LOG, "a"); } /* open login msg file */ msgfile = fopen(FTPD_MSG, "r"); /* Let's initialize some stuff */ init(); /* Log the connection */ logit("CONNECT", ""); /* Tell 'em we are ready */ time(&now); tm = localtime(&now); printf("220 FTP service (Ftpd %s) ready on %s at ", FtpdVersion, myhostname); printf("%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %s\r\n", days[tm->tm_wday], tm->tm_mday, months[tm->tm_mon], 1900+tm->tm_year, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, tzname[tm->tm_isdst]); fflush(stdout); /* Loop here getting commands */ while(1) { signal(SIGALRM, Timeout); alarm(INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); if(readline(&args) != GOOD) { if(!timeout) printf("221 Control connection closing (EOF).\r\n"); break; } alarm(0); for(cmd = commands; *cmd->name != '\0'; cmd++) if(!strcmp(line, cmd->name)) break; if(*cmd->name != '\0') status = (*cmd->func)(args); else { printf("500 Command \"%s\" not recognized.\r\n", line); status = GOOD; } fflush(stdout); if(status != GOOD) break; } CleanUpPasv(); return(-1); }