.Dd December 15, 2011 .Dt MAN.CGI 7 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm man.cgi .Nd cgi for manpage query and display .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm script queries and displays manual pages. It interfaces with .Xr mandocdb 8 databases cached with .Xr catman 8 . .Pp To use .Nm , create a manual cache in .Xr catman 8 . Assign this directory to the environment variable .Ev CACHE_DIR , defaulting to .Pa /cache/man.cgi . Copy the .Pa man.cgi script into your CGI directory (see .Sx FILES for other relevant files). .Pp Multiple .Xr catman 8 trees may be managed by .Nm : directories under .Ev CACHE_DIR containing .Pa etc/catman.conf are identified as .Qq manroots . The path of a manroot under .Ev CACHE_DIR is converted to a name by replacing path separators with spaces. .Pp Thus, if .Ev CACHE_DIR is the default .Pa /cache/man.cgi , the web-server is jailed to .Pa /var/www , and cache subdirectories .Pa ./foo/1 and .Pa ./bar/2 contain .Pa etc/catman.conf , .Nm will assign these to manroots .Qq foo 1 and .Qq bar 2 , respectively. These names will appear as choices when searching for manuals. .Pp If .Nm finds only one manroot, or none, then the selection box is omitted. If no manroot is specified during search, the first manroot is used by default. .Sh ENVIRONMENT .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Ev CACHE_DIR The absolute path of the .Xr catman 8 cache directory. This must not have a trailing slash. .It Ev CSS_DIR Prepended to CSS file links in outputted HTML files. This must not have a trailing slash. .El .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Pa etc/catman.conf Built by .Xr catman 8 and must exist at least once under the configuration directory root. .It Pa man.css Should be visible in the server document root or within .Ev CSS_DIR . Included in each page after .Pa man-cgi.css , ostensibly for .Xr mandoc 1 HTML output styling. .It Pa man.cgi.css Should be visible in the server document root or within .Ev CSS_DIR . Included in each page, ostensibly for general .Nm styling. .El .Sh COMPATIBILITY The .Nm script is call-compatible with queries from the traditional .Pa man.cgi script by Wolfram Schneider. However, the results may not be quite the same. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr catman 8 , .Xr mandocdb 8 .Sh AUTHORS The .Nm utility was written by .An Kristaps Dzonsons , .Mt kristaps@bsd.lv . .Sh CAVEATS If you're running in a jailed web-server, make sure the .Pa /tmp directory exists and is writable. The databases may need this for scratch space.