This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.8 from flex.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Programming START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * flex: (flex). Fast lexical analyzer generator (lex replacement). END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY The flex manual is placed under the same licensing conditions as the rest of flex: Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 The Flex Project. Copyright (C) 1990, 1997 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by Vern Paxson. The United States Government has rights in this work pursuant to contract no. DE-AC03-76SF00098 between the United States Department of Energy and the University of California. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  Indirect: 1620 287921  Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top1620 Node: Copyright7690 Node: Reporting Bugs9203 Node: Introduction9508 Node: Simple Examples10336 Node: Format13646 Node: Definitions Section14060 Ref: Definitions Section-Footnote-116323 Node: Rules Section16391 Node: User Code Section17549 Node: Comments in the Input17987 Node: Patterns19355 Ref: case and character ranges26186 Node: Matching30201 Node: Actions33487 Node: Generated Scanner42466 Node: Start Conditions47484 Node: Multiple Input Buffers58043 Ref: Scanning Strings64581 Node: EOF66211 Node: Misc Macros67799 Node: User Values70653 Node: Yacc72984 Node: Scanner Options73880 Node: Options for Specifying Filenames76638 Ref: option-header76864 Ref: option-outfile77576 Ref: option-stdout77901 Node: Options Affecting Scanner Behavior78883 Ref: option-case-insensitive79124 Ref: option-lex-compat79557 Ref: option-batch80089 Ref: option-interactive80613 Ref: option-7bit81967 Ref: option-8bit83271 Ref: option-default83683 Ref: option-always-interactive83747 Ref: option-posix84351 Ref: option-stack85498 Ref: option-stdinit85606 Ref: option-yylineno86084 Ref: option-yywrap86527 Node: Code-Level And API Options86795 Ref: option-ansi-definitions87022 Ref: option-ansi-prototypes87274 Ref: option-bison-bridge87521 Ref: option-bison-locations87860 Ref: option-noline88120 Ref: option-reentrant88634 Ref: option-c++89245 Ref: option-array89371 Ref: option-pointer89469 Ref: option-prefix89597 Ref: option-main91126 Ref: option-nounistd91310 Ref: option-yyclass91818 Node: Options for Scanner Speed and Size92304 Ref: option-align92853 Ref: option-ecs93354 Ref: option-meta-ecs94390 Ref: option-read94877 Ref: option-full96760 Ref: option-fast96955 Node: Debugging Options97881 Ref: option-backup98068 Ref: option-debug98613 Ref: option-perf-report99336 Ref: option-nodefault99962 Ref: option-trace100280 Ref: option-nowarn100571 Ref: option-verbose100639 Ref: option-warn101068 Node: Miscellaneous Options101287 Node: Performance101744 Node: Cxx112008 Node: Reentrant119531 Node: Reentrant Uses120208 Node: Reentrant Overview121771 Node: Reentrant Example122570 Node: Reentrant Detail123345 Node: Specify Reentrant123778 Node: Extra Reentrant Argument124425 Node: Global Replacement125677 Node: Init and Destroy Functions126906 Node: Accessor Methods129418 Node: Extra Data130762 Node: About yyscan_t133029 Node: Reentrant Functions133425 Ref: bison-functions134909 Node: Lex and Posix135650 Node: Memory Management143034 Ref: memory-management143180 Node: The Default Memory Management143408 Ref: The Default Memory Management-Footnote-1147217 Node: Overriding The Default Memory Management147370 Ref: Overriding The Default Memory Management-Footnote-1149769 Node: A Note About yytext And Memory149933 Node: Serialized Tables151166 Ref: serialization151310 Node: Creating Serialized Tables152075 Node: Loading and Unloading Serialized Tables153685 Node: Tables File Format155453 Node: Diagnostics162468 Node: Limitations165879 Node: Bibliography167828 Node: FAQ168501 Node: When was flex born?172741 Node: How do I expand backslash-escape sequences in C-style quoted strings?173118 Node: Why do flex scanners call fileno if it is not ANSI compatible?174422 Node: Does flex support recursive pattern definitions?175217 Node: How do I skip huge chunks of input (tens of megabytes) while using flex?176064 Node: Flex is not matching my patterns in the same order that I defined them.176531 Node: My actions are executing out of order or sometimes not at all.178277 Node: How can I have multiple input sources feed into the same scanner at the same time?179052 Node: Can I build nested parsers that work with the same input file?181040 Node: How can I match text only at the end of a file?182046 Node: How can I make REJECT cascade across start condition boundaries?182851 Node: Why cant I use fast or full tables with interactive mode?183866 Node: How much faster is -F or -f than -C?185124 Node: If I have a simple grammar cant I just parse it with flex?185436 Node: Why doesn't yyrestart() set the start state back to INITIAL?185917 Node: How can I match C-style comments?186544 Node: The period isn't working the way I expected.187358 Node: Can I get the flex manual in another format?188605 Node: Does there exist a "faster" NDFA->DFA algorithm?189094 Node: How does flex compile the DFA so quickly?189604 Node: How can I use more than 8192 rules?190571 Node: How do I abandon a file in the middle of a scan and switch to a new file?191983 Node: How do I execute code only during initialization (only before the first scan)?192536 Node: How do I execute code at termination?193314 Node: Where else can I find help?193640 Node: Can I include comments in the "rules" section of the file?194013 Node: I get an error about undefined yywrap().194392 Node: How can I change the matching pattern at run time?194869 Node: How can I expand macros in the input?195231 Node: How can I build a two-pass scanner?196264 Node: How do I match any string not matched in the preceding rules?197180 Node: I am trying to port code from AT&T lex that uses yysptr and yysbuf.198090 Node: Is there a way to make flex treat NULL like a regular character?198885 Node: Whenever flex can not match the input it says "flex scanner jammed".199406 Node: Why doesn't flex have non-greedy operators like perl does?200050 Node: Memory leak - 16386 bytes allocated by malloc.201403 Ref: faq-memory-leak201701 Node: How do I track the byte offset for lseek()?202669 Node: How do I use my own I/O classes in a C++ scanner?204180 Node: How do I skip as many chars as possible?205023 Node: deleteme00206100 Node: Are certain equivalent patterns faster than others?206541 Node: Is backing up a big deal?209960 Node: Can I fake multi-byte character support?211867 Node: deleteme01213309 Node: Can you discuss some flex internals?214419 Node: unput() messes up yy_at_bol216664 Node: The | operator is not doing what I want217767 Node: Why can't flex understand this variable trailing context pattern?219314 Node: The ^ operator isn't working220564 Node: Trailing context is getting confused with trailing optional patterns221800 Node: Is flex GNU or not?223044 Node: ERASEME53224718 Node: I need to scan if-then-else blocks and while loops225489 Node: ERASEME55226689 Node: ERASEME56227788 Node: ERASEME57229147 Node: Is there a repository for flex scanners?230146 Node: How can I conditionally compile or preprocess my flex input file?230461 Node: Where can I find grammars for lex and yacc?230934 Node: I get an end-of-buffer message for each character scanned.231281 Node: unnamed-faq-62231876 Node: unnamed-faq-63232895 Node: unnamed-faq-64234193 Node: unnamed-faq-65235160 Node: unnamed-faq-66235947 Node: unnamed-faq-67237063 Node: unnamed-faq-68238051 Node: unnamed-faq-69239194 Node: unnamed-faq-70239908 Node: unnamed-faq-71240670 Node: unnamed-faq-72241880 Node: unnamed-faq-73242924 Node: unnamed-faq-74243849 Node: unnamed-faq-75244795 Node: unnamed-faq-76245928 Node: unnamed-faq-77246635 Node: unnamed-faq-78247529 Node: unnamed-faq-79248528 Node: unnamed-faq-80250229 Node: unnamed-faq-81251548 Node: unnamed-faq-82254349 Node: unnamed-faq-83255307 Node: unnamed-faq-84257088 Node: unnamed-faq-85258192 Node: unnamed-faq-86259200 Node: unnamed-faq-87260139 Node: unnamed-faq-88260786 Node: unnamed-faq-90261618 Node: unnamed-faq-91262882 Node: unnamed-faq-92265311 Node: unnamed-faq-93265811 Node: unnamed-faq-94266739 Node: unnamed-faq-95268152 Node: unnamed-faq-96269671 Node: unnamed-faq-97270431 Node: unnamed-faq-98271099 Node: unnamed-faq-99271765 Node: unnamed-faq-100272695 Node: unnamed-faq-101273406 Node: What is the difference between YYLEX_PARAM and YY_DECL?274220 Node: Why do I get "conflicting types for yylex" error?274742 Node: How do I access the values set in a Flex action from within a Bison action?275272 Node: Appendices275703 Node: Makefiles and Flex275912 Ref: Makefiles and Flex-Footnote-1279112 Ref: Makefiles and Flex-Footnote-2279229 Ref: Makefiles and Flex-Footnote-3279415 Node: Bison Bridge279466 Ref: Bison Bridge-Footnote-1282135 Node: M4 Dependency282327 Ref: M4 Dependency-Footnote-1283732 Node: Common Patterns283867 Node: Numbers284158 Node: Identifiers285135 Node: Quoted Constructs285964 Node: Addresses287017 Node: Indices287683 Node: Concept Index287921 Node: Index of Functions and Macros313204 Node: Index of Variables318100 Node: Index of Data Types319766 Node: Index of Hooks320654 Node: Index of Scanner Options321222  End Tag Table