.TH STRTOL 3 "December 9, 2009" .UC 4 .SH NAME strtol, strtoll, strtoul, strtoull \- convert string to number .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .ft B #include long strtol(const char *\fInptr\fP, char **\fIendptr\fP, int \fIbase\fP); unsigned long strtoul(const char *\fInptr\fP, char **\fIendptr\fP, int \fIbase\fP); #ifdef __LONG_LONG_SUPPORTED long long strtoll(const char *\fInptr\fP, char **\fIendptr\fP, int \fIbase\fP); unsigned long long strtoull(const char *\fInptr\fP, char **\fIendptr\fP, int \fIbase\fP); #endif .fi .SH DESCRIPTION These functions parse as much from the string \fInptr\fP as possible and return it as an integer. The string should consist of any number of whitespace characters followed by a sign (either plus or minus) and at least one digit in the specified \fIbase\fP. The digits of a hexadecimal string may be preceded by the prefix 0x or 0X, which is ignored. If \fIbase\fP is zero, hexadecimal is assumed if this prefix is present, octal is assumed if there is a leading zero and decimal is assumed otherwise. If not zero, \fIbase\fP must be at least 2 and at most 36. A pointer to the first character following the numeric string is stored in *\fIendptr\fP. .PP Note that the strtoll and strtoull functions, which return 64-bit values, are supported only on GCC as ACK does not support 64-bit arithmatic. .SH "RETURN VALUE The parsed number is returned. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR atoi (3).