#!/bin/sh # # setup 4.1 - install a MINIX distribution # # Changes: # Aug 2005 robustness checks and beautifications (Jorrit N. Herder) # Jul 2005 extended with autopart and networking (Ben Gras) # Dec 20, 1994 created (Kees J. Bot) # LOCALRC=/usr/etc/rc.local MYLOCALRC=/mnt/etc/rc.local ROOTMB=64 ROOTSECTS="`expr $ROOTMB '*' 1024 '*' 2`" BOOTXXSECTS=32 USRKBFILE=/.usrkb if [ ! -f "$USRKBFILE" ] then echo "Are you really running from CD?" echo "No $USRKBFILE file." exit 1 fi USRKB="`cat /.usrkb`" TOTALMB="`expr 3 + $USRKB / 1024 + $ROOTMB`" ROOTFILES="`cat /.rootfiles`" USRFILES="`cat /.usrfiles`" if [ -z "$FSTYPE" ] then FSTYPE=mfs fi if [ "$TOTALMB" -lt 1 ] then echo "Are you really running from CD?" echo "Something wrong with size estimate on CD." exit 1 fi if [ "$ROOTFILES" -lt 1 ] then echo "Are you really running from CD?" echo "Something wrong with root files count on CD." exit 1 fi if [ "$USRFILES" -lt 1 ] then echo "Are you really running from CD?" echo "Something wrong with usr files count on CD." exit 1 fi PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin export PATH usage() { cat >&2 <<'EOF' Usage: setup # Install a skeleton system on the hard disk. setup /usr # Install the rest of the system (binaries or sources). # To install from other things then floppies: fetch -q -o - http://... | setup /usr # Read from a web site. fetch -q -o - ftp://... | setup /usr # Read from an FTP site. mtools copy c0d0p0:... - | setup /usr # Read from the C: drive. dosread c0d0p0 ... | setup /usr # Likewise if no mtools. EOF exit 1 } warn() { echo -e "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b ! $1" } # No options. while getopts '' opt; do usage; done shift `expr $OPTIND - 1` if [ "$USER" != root ] then echo "Please run setup as root." exit 1 fi # Find out what we are running from. exec 9<&0 /dev/null then step1=ok else warn "invalid keyboard" fi done # end Step 1 # begin Step 2 #step2="" #while [ "$step2" != ok ] #do # echo "" # echo " --- Step 2: Select minimal or full distribution -----------------------" # echo "" # echo "You can install MINIX as (M)inimal or (F)ull. (M)inimal" # echo "includes only the binary system and basic system sources." # echo "(F)ull also includes commands sources." # echo "" # echo "Please select:" # echo " (M)inimal install (only basic sources) ($NOSRCMB MB required)" # echo " (F)ull install (full install) ($TOTALMB MB required)" # echo " " # echo -n "Basic (M)inimal or (F)ull install? [F] " # read conf # case "$conf" in # "") step2="ok"; nobigsource="" ;; # [Ff]*) step2="ok"; nobigsource="" ;; # [Mm]*) step2="ok"; nobigsource="1"; TOTALMB=$NOSRCMB; USRFILES=$NOSRCUSRFILES ;; # esac #done # end Step 2 echo "" echo " --- Step 2: Selecting full distribution -------------------------------" echo "" nobigsource="" # begin Step 3 step3="" while [ "$step3" != ok ] do echo "" echo " --- Step 3: Create or select a partition for MINIX 3 -------------------" echo "" echo "Now you need to create a MINIX 3 partition on your hard disk." echo "You can also select one that's already there." echo " " echo "If you have an existing installation, reinstalling will let you" echo "keep your current partitioning and subpartitioning, and overwrite" echo "everything except your s1 subpartition (/home). If you want to" echo "reinstall, select your existing minix partition." echo " " echo "Unless you are an expert, you are advised to use the automated" echo "step-by-step help in setting up." echo "" ok="" while [ "$ok" = "" ] do echo -n "Press ENTER for automatic mode, or type 'expert': " read mode if [ -z "$mode" ]; then auto="1"; ok="yes"; fi if [ "$mode" = expert ]; then auto=""; ok="yes"; fi if [ "$ok" != yes ]; then warn "try again"; fi done primary= if [ -z "$auto" ] then # Expert mode echo -n " MINIX needs one primary partition of $TOTALMB MB for a full install, plus what you want for /home. If there is no free space on your disk then you have to choose an option: (1) Delete one or more partitions (2) Allocate an existing partition to MINIX 3 (3) Exit setup and shrink a partition using a different OS To make this partition you will be put in the editor \"part\". Follow the advice under the '!' key to make a new partition of type MINIX. Do not touch an existing partition unless you know precisely what you are doing! Please note the name of the partition (e.g. c0d0p1, c0d1p3, c1d1p0) you make. (See the devices section in usage(8) on MINIX device names.) :" read ret while [ -z "$primary" ] do part || exit echo -n " Please finish the name of the primary partition you have created: (Just type ENTER if you want to rerun \"part\") /dev/" read primary done echo "" echo "This is the point of no return. You have selected to install MINIX" echo "on partition /dev/$primary. Please confirm that you want to use this" echo "selection to install MINIX." echo "" confirmation="" if [ ! -b "/dev/$primary" ] then echo "/dev/$primary is not a block device." fi while [ -z "$confirmation" -o "$confirmation" != yes -a "$confirmation" != no ] do echo -n "Are you sure you want to continue? Please enter 'yes' or 'no': " read confirmation if [ "$confirmation" = yes ]; then step3=ok; fi done biosdrivename="Actual BIOS device name unknown, due to expert mode." else if [ "$auto" = "1" ] then # Automatic mode PF="/tmp/pf" if autopart -m$TOTALMB -f$PF then if [ -s "$PF" ] then set `cat $PF` bd="$1" bdn="$2" biosdrivename="Probably, the right command is \"boot $bdn\"." if [ -b "/dev/$bd" ] then primary="$bd" else echo "Funny device $bd from autopart." fi else echo "Didn't find output from autopart." fi else echo "Autopart tool failed. Trying again." fi # Reset at retries and timeouts in case autopart left # them messy. atnormalize if [ -n "$primary" ]; then step3=ok; fi fi fi if [ ! -b "/dev/$primary" ] then echo Doing step 3 again. step3="" else devsize="`devsize /dev/$primary`" if [ "$devsize" -lt 1 ] then echo "/dev/$primary is a 0-sized device." step3="" fi fi done # while step3 != ok # end Step 3 root=${primary}s0 home=${primary}s1 usr=${primary}s2 umount /dev/$root 2>/dev/null && echo "Unmounted $root for you." umount /dev/$home 2>/dev/null && echo "Unmounted $home for you." umount /dev/$usr 2>/dev/null && echo "Unmounted $usr for you." devsizemb="`expr $devsize / 1024 / 2`" maxhome="`expr $devsizemb - $TOTALMB - 1`" if [ "$devsizemb" -lt "$TOTALMB" ] then echo "The selected partition ($devsizemb MB) is too small." echo "You'll need $TOTALMB MB at least." exit 1 fi if [ "$maxhome" -lt 1 ] then echo "Note: you can't have /home with that size partition." maxhome=0 fi TMPMP=/m mkdir $TMPMP >/dev/null 2>&1 confirm="" while [ "$confirm" = "" ] do auto="" echo "" echo " --- Step 4: Reinstall choice ------------------------------------------" if mount -r /dev/$home $TMPMP >/dev/null 2>&1 then umount /dev/$home >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "" echo "You have selected an existing MINIX 3 partition." echo "Type F for full installation (to overwrite entire partition)" echo "Type R for a reinstallation (existing /home will not be affected)" echo "" echo -n "(F)ull or (R)einstall? [R] " read conf case "$conf" in "") confirm="ok"; auto="r"; ;; [Rr]*) confirm="ok"; auto="r"; ;; [Ff]*) confirm="ok"; auto="" ;; esac else echo "" echo "No old /home found. Doing full install." echo "" confirm="ok"; fi done rmdir $TMPMP nohome="0" homesize="" if [ ! "$auto" = r ] then echo "" echo " --- Step 5: Select the size of /home ----------------------------------" while [ -z "$homesize" ] do # 20% of what is left over after / and /usr # are taken. defmb="`expr $maxhome / 5`" if [ "$defmb" -gt "$maxhome" ] then defmb=$maxhome fi echo "" echo "MINIX will take up $TOTALMB MB, without /home." echo -n "How big do you want your /home to be in MB (0-$maxhome) ? [$defmb] " read homesize if [ "$homesize" = "" ] ; then homesize=$defmb; fi if [ "$homesize" -lt 1 ] then nohome=1 echo "Ok, not making a /home." homesize=0 else if [ "$homesize" -gt "$maxhome" ] then echo "That won't fit!" homesize="" else echo "" echo -n "$homesize MB Ok? [Y] " read ok [ "$ok" = Y -o "$ok" = y -o "$ok" = "" ] || homesize="" fi fi echo "" done # Homesize in sectors homemb="$homesize MB" homesize="`expr $homesize '*' 1024 '*' 2`" else # Root size same as our default? If not, warn and keep old root size ROOTSECTSDEFAULT=$ROOTSECTS ROOTSECTS="`devsize /dev/$root`" ROOTMB="`expr $ROOTSECTS / 2048`" if [ $ROOTSECTS -ne $ROOTSECTSDEFAULT ] then # Check if we echo "Root partition size `expr $ROOTSECTS / 2`kb differs from default `expr $ROOTSECTSDEFAULT / 2`kb." echo "This is not a problem, but you may want to do a fresh install at some point to" echo "be able to benefit from the new default." fi # Check if enough space for new boot (even if old used) let bootspace=`devsize /dev/$primary`-`devsize /dev/$root`-`devsize /dev/$home`-`devsize /dev/$usr` >/dev/null if [ $bootspace -lt $BOOTXXSECTS ] then echo "Root partition size will be reduced by up to 16Kb to fit new bootloader." echo "This is not a problem." ROOTSECTS=`expr $ROOTSECTS - $BOOTXXSECTS + $bootspace` fi # Recompute totals based on root size TOTALMB="`expr 3 + $USRKB / 1024 + $ROOTMB`" maxhome="`expr $devsizemb - $TOTALMB - 1`" homepart="`devsize /dev/$home`" homesize="`expr $homepart / 2 / 1024`" if [ "$homesize" -gt "$maxhome" ] then echo "Sorry, but your /home is too big ($homesize MB) to leave enough" echo "space on the rest of the partition ($devsizemb MB) for your" echo "selected installation size ($TOTALMB MB)." exit 1 fi # Homesize unchanged (reinstall) homesize=exist homemb="current size" fi minblocksize=1 maxblocksize=64 blockdefault=4 if [ ! "$auto" = "r" ] then echo "" echo " --- Step 6: Select a block size ---------------------------------------" echo "" echo "The default file system block size is $blockdefault kB." echo "" while [ -z "$blocksize" ] do echo -n "Block size in kilobytes? [$blockdefault] "; read blocksize test -z "$blocksize" && blocksize=$blockdefault if [ "$blocksize" -lt $minblocksize -o "$blocksize" -gt $maxblocksize ] then warn "At least $minblocksize kB and at most $maxblocksize kB please." blocksize="" fi done else blocksize=$blockdefault fi blocksizebytes="`expr $blocksize '*' 1024`" usenewboot=1 bootsectors=$BOOTXXSECTS echo "" echo " --- Step 7: Select a boot scheme --------------------------------------" echo "" echo -n "Do you want to use new boot? [Y] " read ok if [ "$ok" != Y -a "$ok" != y -a "$ok" != "" ] then usenewboot=0 bootsectors=1 fi echo " You have selected to (re)install MINIX 3 in the partition /dev/$primary. The following subpartitions are now being created on /dev/$primary: Root subpartition: /dev/$root $ROOTMB MB /home subpartition: /dev/$home $homemb /usr subpartition: /dev/$usr rest of $primary " # Secondary master bootstrap. # New boot doesn't require mbr on pN (bootxx will be there) # When necessarily mbr is installed on dN by partition. if [ "$usenewboot" = 0 ] then installboot_minix -m /dev/$primary /usr/mdec/masterboot >/dev/null || exit fi # Partition the primary. partition /dev/$primary $bootsectors 81:${ROOTSECTS}* 81:$homesize 81:0+ > /dev/null || exit echo "Creating /dev/$root for / .." mkfs.mfs /dev/$root || exit if [ "$nohome" = 0 ] then if [ ! "$auto" = r ] then echo "Creating /dev/$home for /home .." mkfs.$FSTYPE -B $blocksizebytes /dev/$home || exit fi else echo "Skipping /home" fi echo "Creating /dev/$usr for /usr .." mkfs.$FSTYPE -B $blocksizebytes /dev/$usr || exit if [ "$nohome" = 0 ] then fshome="/dev/$home /home $FSTYPE rw 0 2" else fshome="" fi echo "" echo " --- Step 7: Wait for files to be copied -------------------------------" echo "" echo "All files will now be copied to your hard disk. This may take a while." echo "" mount /dev/$usr /mnt >/dev/null || exit # Mount the intended /usr. (cd /usr || exit 1 list="`ls | fgrep -v install`" for d in $list do cpdir -v $d /mnt/$d done ) | progressbar "$USRFILES" || exit # Copy the usr floppy. umount /dev/$usr >/dev/null || exit # Unmount the intended /usr. mount /dev/$root /mnt >/dev/null || exit # Running from the installation CD. cpdir -vx / /mnt | progressbar "$ROOTFILES" || exit chmod o-w /mnt/usr cp /mnt/etc/motd.install /mnt/etc/motd # Fix /var/log rm /mnt/var/log ln -s /usr/log /mnt/var/log # CD remnants that aren't for the installed system rm /mnt/etc/issue /mnt/CD /mnt/.* 2>/dev/null echo >/mnt/etc/fstab "/dev/$root / mfs rw 0 1 /dev/$usr /usr $FSTYPE rw 0 2 $fshome" # National keyboard map. test -n "$keymap" && cp -p "/usr/lib/keymaps/$keymap.map" /mnt/etc/keymap # Make bootable. if [ "$usenewboot" = 1 ] then # XXX we have to use "-f" here, because installboot worries about BPB, which # we don't have... installboot_nbsd -f /dev/$primary /usr/mdec/bootxx_minixfs3 >/dev/null || exit cat >/mnt/boot.cfg </dev/null || exit # Unmount the new root. else umount /dev/$root >/dev/null || exit # Unmount the new root. installboot_minix -d /dev/$root /usr/mdec/bootblock /boot/boot >/dev/null || exit edparams /dev/$root "rootdev=$root; ramimagedev=$root; minix(1,Start MINIX 3) { image=/boot/image_big; boot; }; newminix(2,Start Custom MINIX 3) { unset image; boot }; main() { echo By default, MINIX 3 will automatically load in 3 seconds.; echo Press ESC to enter the monitor for special configuration.; trap 3000 boot; menu; }; save" || exit fi mount /dev/$usr /mnt >/dev/null || exit pfile="/mnt/src/tools/fdbootparams" echo "rootdev=$root; ramimagedev=$root; save" >$pfile # Save name of CD drive cddrive="`mount | grep usr | awk '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/p.*//'`" echo "cddrive=$cddrive" >>/mnt/etc/rc.package bios="`echo $primary | sed -e 's/d./dX/g' -e 's/c.//g'`" if [ ! "$auto" = "r" ] then if mount /dev/$home /home 2>/dev/null then for u in bin ast do h=`eval echo "~$u"` if mkdir $h then echo " * Creating home directory for $u in $h" cpdir /usr/ast $h chown -R $u:operator $h else echo " * Couldn't create $h" fi done umount /dev/$home fi fi echo "Saving random data.." dd if=/dev/random of=/mnt/adm/random.dat bs=1024 count=1 umount /dev/$usr >/dev/null || exit # Networking. echo "" echo " --- Step 8: Select your Ethernet chip ---------------------------------" echo "" mount /dev/$root /mnt >/dev/null || exit mount /dev/$usr /mnt/usr >/dev/null || exit /bin/netconf -p /mnt || echo FAILED TO CONFIGURE NETWORK umount /dev/$usr && echo Unmounted $usr umount /dev/$root && echo Unmounted $root echo " Please type 'shutdown' to exit MINIX 3 and enter the boot monitor. At the boot monitor prompt, type 'boot $bios', where X is the bios drive number of the drive you installed on, to try your new MINIX system. $biosdrivename This ends the MINIX 3 setup script. After booting your newly set up system, you can run the test suites as indicated in the setup manual. You also may want to take care of local configuration, such as securing your system with a password. Please consult the usage manual for more information. "