.TH OD 1 .SH NAME od \- octal dump .SH SYNOPSIS \fBod\fR [\fB\-bcdhox\fR]\fR [\fIfile\fR] [ [\fB+\fR] \fIoffset\fR [\fB.\fR][\fBb\fR]\fR ]\fR .br .de FL .TP \\fB\\$1\\fR \\$2 .. .de EX .TP 20 \\fB\\$1\\fR # \\$2 .. .SH OPTIONS .TP 5 .B \-b # Dump bytes in octal .TP 5 .B \-c # Dump bytes as ASCII characters .TP 5 .B \-d # Dump words in decimal .TP 5 .B \-h # Print addresses in hex (default is octal) .TP 5 .B \-o # Dump words in octal (default) .TP 5 .B \-v # Verbose (list duplicate lines) .TP 5 .B \-x # Dump words in hex .SH EXAMPLES .TP 20 .B od \-ox file # Dump \fIfile\fP in octal and hex .TP 20 .B od \-d file +1000 # Dump \fIfile\fP starting at byte 01000 .TP 20 .B od \-c file +10.b # Dump \fIfile\fP starting at block 10 .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .I Od dumps a file in one or more formats. If \fIfile\fP is missing, \fIstdin\fR is dumped. The \fIoffset\fP argument tells .I od to skip a certain number of bytes or blocks before starting. The offset is in octal bytes, unless it is followed by a \&'.\&' for decimal or \fBb\fP for blocks or both.