.TH EASYPACK 1 .SH NAME easypack \- Fetch and install a package .SH SYNOPSIS \fBeasypack\fR [\fB\-\fIo\fR] .br .de FL .TP \\fB\\$1\\fR \\$2 .. .de EX .TP 20 \\fB\\$1\\fR # \\$2 .. .SH OPTIONS .FL "\-\fIo\fR" "If package is already installed, overwrite it .SH EXAMPLES .EX "easypack gzip-1.2.4" "Fetch gzip-1.2.4 package" .EX "easypack -o indent telnet" "Refetch these 2 packages" .SH DESCRIPTION .PP MINIX 3 user programs, such as emacs, kermit, and telnet are organized into packages. The list is available at \fIwww.minix3.org/software\fR. While most packages are included on the downloadable CD-ROM image, the larger ones are not. Any package can be easily downloaded and installed by just giving one simple easypack command listing the package names taken from the Website. Each package is a .tar.bz2 file that is fetched from \fIwww.minix3.org\fR, copied to \fI/usr/src/commands\fR, decompressed and untarred. Then the \fIbuild\fR script in the top-level directory is executed to install it. This command should be called when logged in as bin to provide write access to the relevant directories. A log file, \fILog\fR, is produced for debugging in case building fails.