#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_ERROR 5 #include "common.c" void copy_subtests(void); void test_pipe_cloexec(void); void test_pipe_flag_setting(void); void test_pipe_nonblock(void); void test_pipe_normal(void); void test_pipe_nosigpipe(void); void alarm_handler(int sig); void pipe_handler(int sig); static int seen_pipe_signal = 0; static int seen_alarm_signal = 0; void alarm_handler(int sig) { if (seen_pipe_signal == 0) seen_pipe_signal = -1; seen_alarm_signal = 1; } void pipe_handler(int sig) { seen_pipe_signal = 1; } void copy_subtests() { char *subtests[] = { "t68a", "t68b" }; char copy_cmd[8 + PATH_MAX + 1]; int i, no_tests; no_tests = sizeof(subtests) / sizeof(char *); for (i = 0; i < no_tests; i++) { snprintf(copy_cmd, 8 + PATH_MAX, "cp ../%s .", subtests[i]); system(copy_cmd); } } void test_pipe_normal() { /* Verify pipe2 creates pipes that behave like a normal pipe */ int pipes[2]; char buf_in[1], buf_out[1]; pid_t pid; subtest = 2; if (pipe2(pipes, 0) != 0) e(1); buf_out[0] = 'T'; if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, sizeof(buf_out)) != sizeof(buf_out)) e(2); if (read(pipes[0], buf_in, sizeof(buf_in)) != sizeof(buf_in)) e(3); if (buf_out[0] != buf_in[0]) e(4); /* When we close the write end, reading should fail */ if (close(pipes[1]) != 0) e(5); if (read(pipes[0], buf_in, sizeof(buf_in)) != 0) e(6); /* Let's retry that experiment the other way around. Install a signal * handler to catch SIGPIPE. Install an alarm handler to make sure * this test finishes in finite time. */ if (pipe2(pipes, 0) != 0) e(7); signal(SIGPIPE, pipe_handler); signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler); seen_pipe_signal = 0; seen_alarm_signal = 0; alarm(1); if (close(pipes[0]) != 0) e(8); if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, sizeof(buf_out)) != -1) e(9); while (seen_pipe_signal == 0) ; if (seen_pipe_signal != 1) e(10); if (close(pipes[1]) != 0) e(11); /* Collect alarm signal */ while (seen_alarm_signal == 0) ; if (pipe2(pipes, 0) != 0) e(12); /* Now fork and verify we can write to the pipe */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) e(13); if (pid == 0) { /* We're the child */ char fd_buf[2]; /* Verify we can still write a byte into the pipe */ if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, sizeof(buf_out)) != 1) e(14); snprintf(fd_buf, sizeof(fd_buf), "%d", pipes[1]); execl("./t68a", "t68a", fd_buf, NULL); exit(1); /* Should not be reached */ } else { /* We're the parent */ int result; if (waitpid(pid, &result, 0) == -1) e(15); if (WEXITSTATUS(result) != 0) e(16); } if (close(pipes[0]) != 0) e(17); if (close(pipes[1]) != 0) e(18); } void test_pipe_cloexec() { /* Open a pipe with O_CLOEXEC */ int flags; int pipes[2]; pid_t pid; char buf_in[1], buf_out[1]; subtest = 3; if (pipe2(pipes, O_CLOEXEC) != 0) e(1); /* Verify O_CLOEXEC flag is set */ flags = fcntl(pipes[0], F_GETFD); if (flags < 0) e(2); if (!(flags & FD_CLOEXEC)) e(3); pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) e(4); if (pid == 0) { /* We're the child */ char fd_buf[2]; /* Verify we can still write a byte into the pipe */ buf_in[0] = 0; buf_out[0] = 'T'; if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, sizeof(buf_out)) != 1) e(5); if (read(pipes[0], buf_in, sizeof(buf_in)) != 1) e(6); if (buf_out[0] != buf_in[0]) e(7); /* Verify FD_CLOEXEC flag is still set */ flags = fcntl(pipes[0], F_GETFD); if (flags < 0) e(8); if (!(flags & FD_CLOEXEC)) e(9); snprintf(fd_buf, sizeof(fd_buf), "%d", pipes[0]); execl("./t68b", "t68b", fd_buf, NULL); exit(1); /* Should not be reached */ } else { /* We're the parent */ int result; if (waitpid(pid, &result, 0) == -1) e(10); if (WEXITSTATUS(result) != 0) e(11); } /* Eventhough our child's pipe should've been closed upon exec, our * pipe should still be functioning. */ buf_in[0] = 0; buf_out[0] = 't'; if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, sizeof(buf_out)) != sizeof(buf_out)) e(12); if (read(pipes[0], buf_in, sizeof(buf_in)) != sizeof(buf_in)) e(13); if (buf_out[0] != buf_in[0]) e(14); if (close(pipes[0]) != 0) e(15); if (close(pipes[1]) != 0) e(16); } void test_pipe_nonblock() { /* Open a pipe with O_NONBLOCK */ char *buf_in, *buf_out; int pipes[2]; size_t pipe_size; subtest = 4; if (pipe2(pipes, O_NONBLOCK) != 0) e(1); if ((pipe_size = fpathconf(pipes[0], _PC_PIPE_BUF)) == -1) e(2); buf_in = calloc(2, pipe_size); /* Allocate twice the buffer size */ if (buf_in == NULL) e(3); buf_out = calloc(2, pipe_size); /* Idem dito for output buffer */ if (buf_out == NULL) e(4); /* According to POSIX, a pipe with O_NONBLOCK set shall never block. * When we attempt to write PIPE_BUF or less bytes, and there is * sufficient space available, write returns nbytes. Else write will * return -1 and not transfer any data. */ if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, 1) != 1) e(5); /* Write 1 byte */ if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, pipe_size) != -1) e(6); /* Can't fit */ if (errno != EAGAIN) e(7); /* When writing more than PIPE_BUF bytes and when at least 1 byte can * be tranferred, return the number of bytes written. We've written 1 * byte, so there are PIPE_BUF - 1 bytes left. */ if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, pipe_size + 1) != pipe_size - 1) e(8); /* Read out all data and try again. This time we should be able to * write PIPE_BUF bytes. */ if (read(pipes[0], buf_in, pipe_size) != pipe_size) e(9); if (read(pipes[0], buf_in, 1) != -1) e(10); /* Empty, can't read */ if (errno != EAGAIN) e(11); if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, pipe_size + 1) != pipe_size) e(12); if (close(pipes[0]) != 0) e(13); if (close(pipes[1]) != 0) e(14); free(buf_in); free(buf_out); } void test_pipe_nosigpipe(void) { /* Let's retry the writing to pipe without readers experiment. This time we set * the O_NOSIGPIPE flag to prevent getting a signal. */ int pipes[2]; char buf_out[1]; subtest = 5; if (pipe2(pipes, O_NOSIGPIPE) != 0) e(7); signal(SIGPIPE, pipe_handler); signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler); seen_pipe_signal = 0; seen_alarm_signal = 0; alarm(1); if (close(pipes[0]) != 0) e(8); if (write(pipes[1], buf_out, sizeof(buf_out)) != -1) e(9); /* Collect alarm signal */ while (seen_alarm_signal == 0) ; if (errno != EPIPE) e(10); if (seen_pipe_signal != -1) e(11); /* Alarm sig handler set it to -1 */ if (close(pipes[1]) != 0) e(12); } void test_pipe_flag_setting() { int pipes[2]; subtest = 1; /* Create standard pipe with no flags and verify they're off */ if (pipe2(pipes, 0) != 0) e(1); if (fcntl(pipes[0], F_GETFD) != 0) e(2); if (fcntl(pipes[1], F_GETFD) != 0) e(3); if (fcntl(pipes[0], F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK) e(4); if (fcntl(pipes[1], F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK) e(5); if (fcntl(pipes[0], F_GETNOSIGPIPE) != -1) e(6); if (fcntl(pipes[1], F_GETNOSIGPIPE) != -1) e(7); if (close(pipes[0]) != 0) e(8); if (close(pipes[1]) != 0) e(9); /* Create pipe with all flags and verify they're on */ if (pipe2(pipes, O_CLOEXEC|O_NONBLOCK|O_NOSIGPIPE) != 0) e(10); if (fcntl(pipes[0], F_GETFD) != FD_CLOEXEC) e(11); if (fcntl(pipes[1], F_GETFD) != FD_CLOEXEC) e(12); if (!(fcntl(pipes[0], F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK)) e(13); if (!(fcntl(pipes[1], F_GETFL) & O_NONBLOCK)) e(14); if (fcntl(pipes[0], F_GETNOSIGPIPE) == -1) e(15); if (fcntl(pipes[1], F_GETNOSIGPIPE) == -1) e(16); if (close(pipes[0]) != 0) e(17); if (close(pipes[1]) != 0) e(18); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { start(68); copy_subtests(); test_pipe_flag_setting(); test_pipe_normal(); test_pipe_cloexec(); test_pipe_nonblock(); test_pipe_nosigpipe(); quit(); return(-1); /* Unreachable */ }