/* asm86.h - 80X86 assembly intermediate Author: Kees J. Bot * 27 Jun 1993 */ typedef enum opcode { /* 80486 opcodes, from the i486 reference manual. * Synonyms left out, some new words invented. */ DOT_ALIGN, DOT_ASCII, DOT_ASCIZ, DOT_ASSERT, /* Pseudo's invented */ DOT_BASE, DOT_COMM, DOT_LCOMM, DOT_DATA1, DOT_DATA2, DOT_DATA4, DOT_DEFINE, DOT_EXTERN, DOT_EQU, DOT_FILE, DOT_LINE, DOT_LABEL, DOT_LIST, DOT_NOLIST, DOT_SPACE, DOT_SYMB, DOT_TEXT, DOT_ROM, DOT_DATA, DOT_BSS, DOT_END, DOT_USE16, DOT_USE32, AAA, AAD, AAM, AAS, ADC, ADD, AND, ARPL, BOUND, BSF, BSR, BSWAP, BT, BTC, BTR, BTS, CALL, CALLF, /* CALLF added */ CBW, CLC, CLD, CLI, CLTS, CMC, CMP, CMPS, CMPXCHG, CPUID, CWD, DAA, DAS, DEC, DIV, ENTER, F2XM1, FABS, FADD, FADDD, FADDS, FADDP, FIADDL, FIADDS, FBLD, FBSTP, FCHS, FCLEX, FCOMD, FCOMS, FCOMPD, FCOMPS, FCOMPP, FCOS, FDECSTP, FDIVD, FDIVS, FDIVP, FIDIVL, FIDIVS, FDIVRD, FDIVRS, FDIVRP, FIDIVRL, FIDIVRS, FFREE, FICOM, FICOMP, FILDQ, FILDL, FILDS, FINCSTP, FINIT, FISTL, FISTS, FISTP, FLDX, FLDD, FLDS, FLD1, FLDL2T, FLDL2E, FLDPI, FLDLG2, FLDLN2, FLDZ, FLDCW, FLDENV, FMULD, FMULS, FMULP, FIMULL, FIMULS, FNINIT, FNOP, FNSAVE, FNSTCW, FNSTSW, FPATAN, FPREM, FPREM1, FPTAN, FRNDINT, FRSTOR, FSAVE, FWAIT, FXRSTOR, FXSAVE, FSCALE, FSIN, FSINCOS, FSQRT, FSTD, FSTS, FSTPX, FSTPD, FSTPS, FSTCW, FSTENV, FSTSW, FSUBD, FSUBS, FSUBP, FISUBL, FISUBS, FSUBRD, FSUBRS, FSUBPR, FISUBRL, FISUBRS, FTST, FUCOM, FUCOMP, FUCOMPP, FXAM, FXCH, FXTRACT, FYL2X, FYL2XP1, HLT, IDIV, IMUL, IN, INC, INS, INT, INTO, INVD, INVLPG, IRET, IRETD, JA, JAE, JB, JBE, JCXZ, JE, JG, JGE, JL, JLE, JNE, JNO, JNP, JNS, JO, JP, JS, JMP, JMPF, /* JMPF added */ LAHF, LAR, LEA, LEAVE, LGDT, LIDT, LGS, LSS, LDS, LES, LFS, LLDT, LMSW, LOCK, LODS, LOOP, LOOPE, LOOPNE, LSL, LTR, MFENCE, MOV, MOVS, MOVSX, MOVSXB, MOVZX, MOVZXB, MUL, NEG, NOP, NOT, OR, OUT, OUTS, PAUSE, POP, POPA, POPAD, POPF, PUSH, PUSHA, PUSHAD, PUSHF, RCL, RCR, ROL, ROR, RDMSR, RDPMC, RDTSC, RET, RETF, /* RETF added */ SAHF, SAL, SAR, SHL, SHR, SBB, SCAS, SETA, SETAE, SETB, SETBE, SETE, SETG, SETGE, SETL, SETLE, SETNE, SETNO, SETNP, SETNS, SETO, SETP, SETS, SGDT, SIDT, SHLD, SHRD, SLDT, SMSW, STC, STD, STI, STOS, STR, SUB, TEST, VERR, VERW, WAIT, WBINVD, WRMSR, XADD, XCHG, XLAT, XOR, COMMENT, C_PREPROCESSOR, UNKNOWN } opcode_t; #define is_pseudo(o) ((o) <= DOT_USE32) #define N_OPCODES ((int) XOR + 1) #define OPZ 0x01 /* Operand size prefix. */ #define ADZ 0x02 /* Address size prefix. */ typedef enum optype { NONE, PSEUDO, JUMP, JUMP16, BYTE, WORD, OWORD /* Ordered list! */ } optype_t; typedef enum repeat { ONCE, REP, REPE, REPNE } repeat_t; typedef enum segment { DEFSEG, CSEG, DSEG, ESEG, FSEG, GSEG, SSEG } segment_t; typedef struct expression { int operator; struct expression *left, *middle, *right; char *name; size_t len; unsigned magic; } expression_t; typedef struct asm86 { opcode_t opcode; /* DOT_TEXT, MOV, ... */ char *file; /* Name of the file it is found in. */ long line; /* Line number. */ optype_t optype; /* Type of operands: byte, word... */ int oaz; /* Operand/address size prefix? */ repeat_t rep; /* Repeat prefix used on this instr. */ segment_t seg; /* Segment override. */ expression_t *args; /* Arguments in ACK order. */ unsigned magic; char * raw_string; /* each instruction can have a comment. Instruction can be empty if the comment is the only thing on the line. Or the instruction can be a preprocessor macro. It may span multiple lines and does not contain any instruction */ } asm86_t; expression_t *new_expr(void); void del_expr(expression_t *a); asm86_t *new_asm86(void); void del_asm86(asm86_t *a); int isregister(const char *name); #define IS_REG8(n) ((n) >= 1 && (n) <=8) #define IS_REG16(n) ((n) >= 9 && (n) <=16) #define IS_REG32(n) ((n) >= 17 && (n) <=24) #define IS_REGSEG(n) ((n) >= 25 && (n) <=30) #define IS_REGCR(n) ((n) >= 31 && (n) <=35) #define segreg2seg(reg) ((segment_t)(reg - 25 + 1)) /* * Format of the arguments of the asm86_t structure: * * * ACK assembly operands expression_t cell: * or part of operand: {operator, left, middle, right, name, len} * * [expr] {'[', nil, expr, nil} * word {'W', nil, nil, nil, word} * "string" {'S', nil, nil, nil, "string", strlen("string")} * label = expr {'=', nil, expr, nil, label} * expr * expr {'*', expr, nil, expr} * - expr {'-', nil, expr, nil} * (memory) {'(', nil, memory, nil} * offset(base)(index*n) {'O', offset, base, index*n} * base {'B', nil, nil, nil, base} * index*4 {'4', nil, nil, nil, index} * operand, oplist {',', operand, nil, oplist} * label : {':', nil, nil, nil, label} * * The precedence of operators is ignored. The expression is simply copied * as is, including parentheses. Problems like missing operators in the * target language will have to be handled by rewriting the source language. * 16-bit or 32-bit registers must be used where they are required by the * target assembler even though ACK makes no difference between 'ax' and * 'eax'. Asmconv is smart enough to transform compiler output. Human made * assembly can be fixed up to be transformable. */