.TH TCPD 8 .SH NAME tcpd, tcpdp \- waits for a TCP connection request and starts a server .SH SYNOPSIS .B tcpd .RB [ \-d ] .RB [ \-m .RI maxclients ] .RI service .RI program .RB [ arg ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .de SP .if t .sp 0.4 .if n .sp .. .B Tcpd is a daemon, that is, a user-space program that is normally started when the operating system is started and that normally does not terminate until the system is shut down. Conceptually, you can think of .B tcpd as doing nothing but listening to a port for a connection attempt. Several copies of .B tcpd will typically be started, one for each service that is to be provided. When a connection is detected the tcpd for that port .IR fork s and then the child process .IR exec s an instance of the server for that port. .P The above description is simplified. Normally two versions of the tcpd.c source code are compiled. .B Tcpd is the one that waits for a connection. When a connection occurs .B tcpd .IR fork s. If .B tcpd was started with options or if the child detects that the access control file .IR /etc/serv.access exists, the child will .IR exec its paranoid twin, .B tcpdp, which checks that the connection attempt is from an allowed node or network, or that it is not from a disallowed node or network. .B Tcpdp also tries to look up the name corresponding to an IP address, and denies the connection if a name cannot be found. Finally, .B tcpdp determines whether the connection is supposed to be logged. If all is well, the child .B tcpd or .B tcpdp then .IR exec s the server for the service with any arguments specified on the command line for that server. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-d turn on debugging. .TP .B \-m allow no more than the specified .IR maxclients to start. .SH EXAMPLES .de EX .TP 20 \\fB\\$1\\fR # \\$2 .. .TP 15n .EX "tcpd telnet in.telnetd &" "wait for a telnet connection on the normal port" .EX "tcpd 8000 in.httpd /etc/httpd8000.conf &" "wait for web page request on port 8000 and use a custom config file for the in.httpd program." .P Note that command lines must be terminated with "&" to return control to the calling process, leaving the daemon executing as a background process. .P The above examples show how tcpd might be invoked from /etc/rc or another script that runs during system initialization. You will also see this in the supplied startup scripts: .EX "daemonize tcpd shell in.rshd" "daemonize is a shell function that tests whether a daemon is present and starts it if so, using the & to start it in the background." .P Another case that should be mentioned is that when a system administrator wants to start (or restart) a daemon from a command line, .BR intr (8) should be used, like this: .EX "intr -d tcpd telnet in.telnetd &" "remove the daemon from a process group and connect its input to /dev/null and its output to /dev/log." .SH FILES .TP 25n .B /etc/serv.access The access control file. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR execve (2), .BR fork (2), .BR intr (8), .BR serv.access (5). .SH NOTES That daemons cannot daemonize themselves is a way in which Minix differs from most other Unix-like systems. .P Allowing access to your system from the net is dangerous. Be sure you know what you are doing. Be sure the owner of your net knows what you are doing. Don't enable services you don't need. Enable logging and look at your logs. .SH BUGS None known, let us know... .SH AUTHOR Kees J. Bot .P Man page by Al Woodhull .\" rev 2006-06-02