/* The system call implemented in this file: * m_type: SYS_DEBUG * * The parameters for this system call are: */ #include "../kernel.h" #include "../system.h" #include "../proc.h" #include "../glo.h" #include #if ENABLE_LOCK_TIMING static unsigned long starttimes[TIMING_CATEGORIES][2]; #define HIGHCOUNT 0 #define LOWCOUNT 1 void timer_start(int cat, char *name) { static int init = 0; unsigned long h, l; int i; if(cat < 0 || cat >= TIMING_CATEGORIES) return; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(timingdata[0].names) && *name; i++) timingdata[cat].names[i] = *name++; timingdata[0].names[sizeof(timingdata[0].names)-1] = '\0'; if(starttimes[cat][HIGHCOUNT]) { return; } if(!init) { int t, f; init = 1; for(t = 0; t < TIMING_CATEGORIES; t++) { timingdata[t].lock_timings_range[0] = 0; timingdata[t].resets = timingdata[t].misses = timingdata[t].measurements = 0; } } read_tsc(&starttimes[cat][HIGHCOUNT], &starttimes[cat][LOWCOUNT]); return; } void timer_end(int cat) { unsigned long h, l, d = 0, binsize; int bin; read_tsc(&h, &l); if(cat < 0 || cat >= TIMING_CATEGORIES) return; if(!starttimes[cat][HIGHCOUNT]) { timingdata[cat].misses++; return; } if(starttimes[cat][HIGHCOUNT] == h) { d = (l - starttimes[cat][1]); } else if(starttimes[cat][HIGHCOUNT] == h-1 && starttimes[cat][LOWCOUNT] > l) { d = ((ULONG_MAX - starttimes[cat][LOWCOUNT]) + l); } else { timingdata[cat].misses++; return; } starttimes[cat][HIGHCOUNT] = 0; if(!timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[0] || d < timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[0] || d > timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[1]) { int t; if(!timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[0] || d < timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[0]) timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[0] = d; if(!timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[1] || d > timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[1]) timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[1] = d; for(t = 0; t < TIMING_POINTS; t++) timingdata[cat].lock_timings[t] = 0; timingdata[cat].binsize = (timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[1] - timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[0])/(TIMING_POINTS+1); if(timingdata[cat].binsize < 1) timingdata[cat].binsize = 1; timingdata[cat].resets++; } bin = (d-timingdata[cat].lock_timings_range[0]) / timingdata[cat].binsize; if(bin < 0 || bin >= TIMING_POINTS) { int t; /* this indicates a bug, but isn't really serious */ for(t = 0; t < TIMING_POINTS; t++) timingdata[cat].lock_timings[t] = 0; timingdata[cat].misses++; } else { timingdata[cat].lock_timings[bin]++; timingdata[cat].measurements++; } return; } #endif #if ENABLE_K_DEBUGGING /* only include code if enabled */ #define PROCLIMIT 10000 PUBLIC void check_runqueues(char *when) { int q, l = 0; register struct proc *xp; for (xp = BEG_PROC_ADDR; xp < END_PROC_ADDR; ++xp) { xp->p_found = 0; if(l++ > PROCLIMIT) { panic("check error", NO_NUM); } } for (q=0; q < NR_SCHED_QUEUES; q++) { if(rdy_head[q] && !rdy_tail[q]) { kprintf("head but no tail: %s", (karg_t) when); panic("scheduling error", NO_NUM); } if(!rdy_head[q] && rdy_tail[q]) { kprintf("tail but no head: %s", (karg_t) when); panic("scheduling error", NO_NUM); } if(rdy_tail[q] && rdy_tail[q]->p_nextready != NIL_PROC) { kprintf("tail and tail->next not null; %s", (karg_t) when); panic("scheduling error", NO_NUM); } for(xp = rdy_head[q]; xp != NIL_PROC; xp = xp->p_nextready) { if (!xp->p_ready) { kprintf("scheduling error: unready on runq: %s\n", (karg_t) when); panic("found unready process on run queue", NO_NUM); } if(xp->p_priority != q) { kprintf("scheduling error: wrong priority: %s\n", (karg_t) when); panic("wrong priority", NO_NUM); } if(xp->p_found) { kprintf("scheduling error: double scheduling: %s\n", (karg_t) when); panic("proc more than once on scheduling queue", NO_NUM); } xp->p_found = 1; if(xp->p_nextready == NIL_PROC && rdy_tail[q] != xp) { kprintf("scheduling error: last element not tail: %s\n", (karg_t) when); panic("scheduling error", NO_NUM); } if(l++ > PROCLIMIT) panic("loop in schedule queue?", NO_NUM); } } for (xp = BEG_PROC_ADDR; xp < END_PROC_ADDR; ++xp) { if(! isempty(xp) && xp->p_ready && ! xp->p_found) { kprintf("scheduling error: ready not on queue: %s\n", (karg_t) when); panic("ready proc not on scheduling queue", NO_NUM); if(l++ > PROCLIMIT) { panic("loop in proc.t?", NO_NUM); } } } } /*==========================================================================* * do_debug * *==========================================================================*/ #endif /* ENABLE_K_DEBUGGING */