.TH URLGET 1 .SH NAME urlget, ftpget, httpget \- retrieve a file from the internet to stdout .SH SYNOPSIS .B urlget .RB [ \-h ] .RB [ \-d ] .RB [ \-p ] .RI url .P .B ftpget .RI host .RI path .RI [user[pass]] .P .B httpget .RB [ \-h ] .RB [ \-d ] .RB [ \-p ] .RI host .RI path .SH DESCRIPTION .de SP .if t .sp 0.4 .if n .sp .. .B Urlget gets a file specified by a URL and copies it to standard output. .P .B Ftpget similarly gets a file from a conventional ftp server, a login name and password can be specified. .P .B Httpget is similar to .B urlget, but the host and path are specified separately without a scheme, as with ftpget. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h show the status line and MIME header from the server. .P .B \-d discard the file body. .P .B \-p use POST method, otherwise use GET. .SH EXAMPLES .de EX .TP 20 \\fB\\$1\\fR # \\$2 .. .TP 15n .EX "urlget http://minix1.woodhull.com/pub/contrib/file.tar.Z > file.tar.Z" "Download file.tar.Z" .EX "ftpget minix1.woodhull.com /pub/contrib/README.txt > README.txt" "Get a file from an anonymous ftp server" .EX "httpget -dh minix1.woodhull.com/index.html" "Inspect the header of a web page" .SH NOTES These commands execute the same binary under different names. These commands provide a lightweight non-interactive command-line method of downloading a file or inspecting the status of a web page. Data retrieved are written to standard output. .SH AUTHOR Michael Temari .P Man page compiled by Al Woodhull .\" rev 2006-06-16