/* wall - write to all logged in users Author: V. Archer */ /* Edvard Tuinder v892231@si.hhs.NL Modified some things to include this with my shutdown/halt package */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef UTMP static char UTMP[] = "/etc/utmp"; /* Currently logged in users. */ void wall( char *when, char *extra ); void crnlcat( char *message, char *more ); void wall(when, extra) char *when; /* When is shutdown */ char *extra; /* If non-nil, why is the shutdown */ { struct utmp utmp; char utmptty[5 + sizeof(utmp.ut_line) + 1]; char message[1024]; struct passwd *pw; int utmpfd, ttyfd; char *ourtty, *ourname; time_t now; struct utsname utsname; struct stat con_st, tty_st; if ((ourtty = ttyname(1))) { if ((ourname = strrchr(ourtty, '/'))) ourtty = ourname+1; } else ourtty = "system task"; if ((pw = getpwuid(getuid()))) ourname = pw->pw_name; else ourname = "unknown"; time(&now); if (uname(&utsname) != 0) strcpy(utsname.nodename, "?"); sprintf(message, "\r\nBroadcast message from %s@%s (%s)\r\n%.24s...\r\n", ourname, utsname.nodename, ourtty, ctime(&now)); crnlcat(message, when); crnlcat(message, extra); /* Search the UTMP database for all logged-in users. */ if ((utmpfd = open(UTMP, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open utmp file\r\n"); return; } /* first the console */ strcpy(utmptty, "/dev/console"); if ((ttyfd = open(utmptty, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { perror(utmptty); } else { fstat(ttyfd, &con_st); write(ttyfd, message, strlen(message)); close(ttyfd); } while (read(utmpfd, (char *) &utmp, sizeof(utmp)) == sizeof(utmp)) { /* is this the user we are looking for? */ if (utmp.ut_type != USER_PROCESS) continue; strncpy(utmptty+5, utmp.ut_line, sizeof(utmp.ut_line)); utmptty[5 + sizeof(utmp.ut_line) + 1] = 0; if ((ttyfd = open(utmptty, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) { perror(utmptty); continue; } fstat(ttyfd, &tty_st); if (tty_st.st_rdev != con_st.st_rdev) write(ttyfd, message, strlen(message)); close(ttyfd); } close(utmpfd); return; } void crnlcat(message, more) char *message, *more; { char *p = message; char *m = more; char *end = message + 1024 - 1; while (p < end && *p != 0) p++; while (p < end && *m != 0) { if (*m == '\n' && (p == message || p[-1] != '\n')) { *p++ = '\r'; if (p == end) p--; } *p++ = *m++; } *p = 0; }