#include #include #include "curspriv.h" /****************************************************************/ /* Makenew() allocates all data for a new window except the */ /* Actual lines themselves. */ /****************************************************************/ _PROTOTYPE(static WINDOW *makenew, (int nlines, int ncols, int begy,int begx)); static WINDOW *makenew(num_lines, num_columns, begy, begx) int num_lines, num_columns, begy, begx; { int i; WINDOW *win; /* Allocate the window structure itself */ if ((win = (WINDOW *) malloc(sizeof(WINDOW))) == NULL) return((WINDOW *) ERR); /* Allocate the line pointer array */ if ((win->_line = (int **) calloc(num_lines, sizeof(int *))) == NULL) { free(win); return((WINDOW *) ERR); } /* Allocate the minchng and maxchng arrays */ if ((win->_minchng = (int *) calloc(num_lines, sizeof(int))) == NULL) { free(win->_line); free(win); return((WINDOW *) ERR); } if ((win->_maxchng = (int *) calloc(num_lines, sizeof(int))) == NULL) { free(win->_line); free(win->_minchng); free(win); return((WINDOW *) ERR); } /* Initialize window variables */ win->_curx = 0; win->_cury = 0; win->_maxy = num_lines - 1; win->_maxx = num_columns - 1; win->_begy = begy; win->_begx = begx; win->_flags = 0; win->_attrs = ATR_NRM; win->_tabsize = 8; win->_clear = FALSE; win->_leave = FALSE; win->_scroll = FALSE; win->_nodelay = FALSE; win->_keypad = FALSE; win->_regtop = 0; win->_regbottom = num_lines - 1; /* Init to say window unchanged */ for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) { win->_minchng[i] = 0; win->_maxchng[i] = num_columns - 1; } /* Set flags for window properties */ if ((begy + num_lines) == LINES) { win->_flags |= _ENDLINE; if ((begx == 0) && (num_columns == COLS) && (begy == 0)) win->_flags |= _FULLWIN; } /* if */ if (((begy + num_lines) == LINES) && ((begx + num_columns) == COLS)) win->_flags |= _SCROLLWIN; return(win); } /****************************************************************/ /* Newwin() creates a new window with size num_lines * num_co- */ /* Lumns, and origin begx,begy relative to the SCREEN. Special */ /* Case: if num_lines and/or num_columns is 0, the remainder of */ /* The screen is used. */ /****************************************************************/ WINDOW *newwin(num_lines, num_columns, begy, begx) int num_lines, num_columns, begy, begx; { WINDOW *win; int *ptr; int i, j; if (num_lines == 0) num_lines = LINES - begy; if (num_columns == 0) num_columns = COLS - begx; if ((win = makenew(num_lines, num_columns, begy, begx)) == (WINDOW *) ERR) return((WINDOW *) ERR); for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) { /* make and clear the lines */ if ((win->_line[i] = (int *)calloc(num_columns, sizeof(int))) == NULL){ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) /* if error, free all the data */ free(win->_line[j]); free(win->_minchng); free(win->_maxchng); free(win->_line); free(win); return((WINDOW *) ERR); } else { for (ptr = win->_line[i]; ptr < win->_line[i] + num_columns;) *ptr++ = ' ' | ATR_NRM; } } return(win); } /****************************************************************/ /* Subwin() creates a sub-window in the 'orig' window, with */ /* Size num_lines * num_columns, and with origin begx, begy */ /* Relative to the SCREEN. Special case: if num_lines and/or */ /* Num_columns is 0, the remainder of the original window is */ /* Used. The subwindow uses the original window's line buffers */ /* To store it's own lines. */ /****************************************************************/ WINDOW *subwin(orig, num_lines, num_columns, begy, begx) WINDOW *orig; int num_lines, num_columns, begy, begx; { WINDOW *win; int i, j, k; /* Make sure window fits inside the original one */ if (begy < orig->_begy || begx < orig->_begx || (begy + num_lines) > (orig->_begy + orig->_maxy) || (begx + num_columns) > (orig->_begx + orig->_maxx) ) return((WINDOW *) ERR); if (num_lines == 0) num_lines = orig->_maxy - (begy - orig->_begy); if (num_columns == 0) num_columns = orig->_maxx - (begx - orig->_begx); if ((win = makenew(num_lines, num_columns, begy, begx)) == (WINDOW *) ERR) return((WINDOW *) ERR); /* Set line pointers the same as in the original window */ j = begy - orig->_begy; k = begx - orig->_begx; for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) win->_line[i] = (orig->_line[j++]) + k; win->_flags |= _SUBWIN; return(win); }